This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 46: Mite mother stone!

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Lu Qingshan and Zang Xiaojian galloped as fast as the wind and flew forward on Tianya Island.

The strange thing is that the two of them clearly escaped at an astonishingly fast speed, but there was no sound at all.

Lu Qingshan is because of Fuyao's miraculousness, as for Zang Xiaojian...

"The feathers, made by the swordsmith Feng Piaoxu, have the sharpness of swords and the lightness of feathers. I have melted them into flesh and blood," Zang Xiaojian explained.

Unlike Fuyao, the feather lightness of the feather is only for the sword itself, it is not completely invisible, and it is impossible to cover up the movement of the sword master itself.

However, with the blessing of the magical powers of the Tibetan tool, the small sword is also as light as a feather in itself.

It was with the help of this sword that she was able to follow Lu Qingshan silently, and even at a critical moment to block the escape of the Taoist two-step cultivator - although that was because Zang Xiaojian had just arrived at the time.

The two headed straight for the second mine of the Dao clan.

Tianya Island is vast, and at the speed of two people, it still took about half an hour to reach the destination.

Looking from a distance, you can already see a large splendid building sitting in front.

It was a Taoist dojo in the mining area.

This is the first mine that Lu Qingshan destroyed before, which is far from comparable.

Because this mining area is the largest and most precious of all the mining areas of the Dao Clan.

For thousands of years, this vein has supported the resource consumption of the Taoist monks and helped the Taoists cultivate one strong person after another.

The importance of this mining area is self-evident, and it can even be said to be the lifeblood of the Dao clan.

Therefore, the Dao clan specially set up a dojo here, so that the masters of the Dao clan can sit in the mining area while preaching and cultivating.


Lu Qingshan stopped here.

After sensing it carefully, he said softly: "There are so many people, it is definitely impossible to solve the battle as quickly as just now, and we can only speed up the speed as much as possible."

Because of the establishment of a dojo, the number of monks in this mining area far exceeds the number of people that a mining area should have.

This is different from what Lu Qingshan expected, but it is not enough to change the strategy.

He took a deep breath, and in the eyes of Zang Xiaojian that flickered because of surprise, he formed a mysterious seal with both hands, and finally, the palm of his right hand outlined a magical pattern.

Lu Qingshan patted his palm down, and extremely strange fluctuations spread out from his palm and spread to the whole earth.

boom! boom!

Later, Zang Xiaojian saw that this vast land became barren at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And under the barrenness, the earth in the mining area gave out subtle and rapid vibrations, and a wave of terrifying energy gathered majestic and mighty towards the center of the barren, Lu Qingshan's body.

"So it is." Zang Xiaojian murmured.

When she arrived at the mine before, Lu Qingshan had already used the power of mountains and seas.

So she only saw the barren and cracked earth at the time. Although she knew that Lu Qingshan should have done it, she didn't know what was going on.

Now I have seen it with my own eyes.

Seeing the changes in the surrounding earth with her own eyes, and being able to feel the majestic energy rushing like a torrent on Lu Qingshan's body, the surprise in her heart was indescribable.

The power of mountains and seas is destined to be a Taoist method that is enough to surprise anyone.

After transforming the vitality of the earth into his own power for a short period of time, Lu Qingshan's body was full of energy, and it was extremely powerful.

With such a huge movement that swept the entire ore vein, the monks in the dojo were all alarmed and rushed out.

"What's the situation?!" They were angry and horrified, mixed with panic.

The huge mine was deserted and dilapidated under their eyes, and they couldn't imagine how they would face the questioning of the elders of the clan next.

I just hope that the depths of the mines will be fine!

"Is there just so many people?" Lu Qingshan's eyes shone brightly, looking at the Taoist monk who rushed out.

Of the six nine-level cultivators, one of them combined with three steps, two combined with two steps, and the remaining four were all one-step monks. This is the number and strength of the high-level monks of the Taoist family here.

In addition, there are dozens of eight-level monks, following behind the Taoist nine-level monks.

An eight-level monk said this to six nine-level monks. No matter how you look at it, it was a frivolous language, but none of the nine-level monks of the Tao tribe laughed, but looked at Lu Qingshan with a cold face. Both wary and horrified.

"It's you, Lu Qingshan!" One of the cultivators, who was one step at a time, stared blankly and recognized Lu Qingshan's identity.

He was a Taoist monk who had been stationed in Tianhe City before. After Dao Wuya took them out of Tianhe City, he was transferred to the dojo here.

"Who is he?" The three-step cultivator in front of him frowned and couldn't help asking.

"The Lord of the Sword Sect of the Human Race is extremely powerful. Although his cultivation is only in the eighth realm, he fought with Dao Yuanzi in the Primordial Spirit War in Tianhe City. Dao Yuanzi is not even his enemy of unity!" He quickly reminded , for fear of his companions underestimating the enemy.

However, Lu Qingshan would not give them time to exchange information and communicate tactics.

Ye Changmeng had a lot of dreams, and he didn't want to delay it for too long, which led to the arrival of Taoist support, which caused an accident.


His body was blasted away, and a long rainbow swept out in the low sky, the already barren land suddenly collapsed, and the gravel was rolled up like a tornado.

He was clearly just an eight-level monk, but he was too strong. One person faced the six major nine-level monks, and he was still overlooking and taking the initiative to attack.

"Capture him and press him into the clan to plead guilty!" The three-step cultivator at the head couldn't care less and shouted loudly.

"It's such a big courage to destroy our clan's mineral veins, and dare to take the initiative to attack us!" He gritted his teeth, and the anger in his heart broke out like a vicious beast.

The monks in this dojo took action one after another.

Lu Qingshan was fearless, the sword domain unfolded, the sword world moved in response, and the sword energy spread across the sky, like a forest of swords protecting his body.

The gleam of the dust-free dorm room had already covered his whole body.

Since he dared to make a move, he was naturally certain.

The sword in Lu Qingshan's hand was flowing with a deep purple luster.


A huge silver snake streaks across the sky, lightning is blazing, and it falls from the sky.

This is not the ordinary lightning displayed by the monk, but a five-nine calamity caused by the [Return to Difficulty] supernatural power.


! "

A monk of the Eighth Realm called the target of this thunder tribulation. After a scream, his whole body was charred and turned into flying ashes under this blow, and the dead can no longer die.

Such a thunder calamity is far beyond what ordinary monks in the Eighth Realm can bear.

It is conceivable that if one day Lu Qingshan has passed through the Nine Tribulations and advanced to the Nine Tribulations Realm, just the power of the Thunder Tribulation brought about by Lie Que will be enough for the Nine Realm cultivators to avoid it.

Zang Xiaojian and Lu Qingshan shot together.

She knew that she was no better than Lu Qingshan, so she had a clear goal and chose to take action against the monks of the eight realms in the dojo.

She has the strength of one enemy ten or more, helping Lu Qingshan to share some of the pressure and speed up the clearing speed.


Lu Qingshan knew the importance of time, so he did not keep his hands.

Not to mention the power of the mountains and seas to bless the body, the Three Flowers Gathering on the Top and the Fa, Heaven, and Earth are displayed at the same time.

The power of the Primordial God of Tribulation and the power of Jianyu merged into his body together.

Under the blessing of the three, Lu Qingshan's spirit and energy were boiling, just like the recovery of a battle immortal, and his Yuan Li surged to overflow his body.


Lie Que slashed forward, making the space rumbling.

A war begins.

The splendid dojo collapsed, and the buildings collapsed due to the aftermath.

The blood continued to splash, shocking.

But none of those blood came from Lu Qingshan, but all from the enemy.

Today, under the blessing of the power of mountains and seas, the background of Yuanli has reached the level of a three-step cultivator.

In addition, his combat strength is superior, far exceeding the same level, and the four-step cultivator is no longer his opponent, and it is not a problem to deal with the weak nine realms of several Taoists.


A one-step cultivator's expression froze.

Lie Que passed through his chest.

Then the sword energy scattered, shattering his body.

Lie Que's ancient tribulation power completely wiped out his primordial spirit.

A strong man was killed, and the other monks couldn't help but turn pale.

Is this still a monk of the Eight Realms? For the six of them alone, he killed a companion so easily.

"Too much bullying, your human race is too bullying, destroying my Taoist mines, and killing my Taoist masters, the patriarch will definitely let you die!"

The leading cultivator said unwillingly and angrily, trembling with anger, his teeth were about to be shattered.

But before the words were finished, there was a roar from the heavens and the earth, and two lightning bolts fell down with lightning speed, and went straight to him.

As a three-step cultivator, no matter how weak he is, he won't be killed by two five-nine tribulations, but he can't turn a deaf ear, and his whole body can't help but shake.

Lu Qingshan sneered, "If someone commits a crime against me, I will commit the crime. You are allowed to take the initiative to provoke me, but don't you allow me to come and ask for justice?"

Immediately, he attacked again, a strange picture flashed in his eyes, and his mind was empty.

The actions of the enemy in front of him immediately became traceable in Lu Qingshan's eyes and could be grasped.


The combat intuition has been improved, and at the same time, it will be possible to lock the enemy's flaws, and predict the enemy's future attacks and invisible lines of cause and effect.

Whether it's a duel or a group attack, it's an extremely terrifying assistant.

As soon as this miracle came out, the battle situation was set.

Lu Qingshan was like a terrifying ghost, shuttled between the enemy's attacks, constantly attacking while lingering, hitting the key points.

The nine-level monks of the Tao tribe fell one after another, but never retreated.

While Lu Qingshan frowned in surprise, the offensive became more and more rapid.

"How could this be!

"After dozens of breaths, the six monks of the Nine Realms fell one after another, their souls dissipated and completely perished, and the three-step cultivator could only let out an extremely unwilling roar and died horribly.

After killing all the monks in the Nine Realms, the remaining Taoist monks were completely fish and meat in front of Lu Qingshan, and they were all swordsmen.

The lethality of the extreme supermodel in the attacking end makes Lu Qingshan really a sword in the face of these eight-level monks, faster than cutting leeks.

In the end, the dojo was completely reduced to ruins, blood all over the place, shocking.

"Lu Qingshan, there is something unusual here!" Zang Xiaojian, who had just experienced a fierce battle but was neither blushing nor panting, said eagerly to Lu Qingshan before he could catch his breath.

"You can see it too." Lu Qingshan nodded in agreement.

When the victory was obvious, the Taoist monk was still fighting to the death.

Besides the existence of important treasures here, what else could be the reason?

This is a very simple conclusion.

"It should be in the depths of the mine, what kind of treasure might it be?" Zang Xiaojian said again.

This is a ore vein. If there is any treasure, this possibility is the greatest.

Lu Qingshan felt that it was reasonable, and immediately released his divine sense, and carefully searched the mine.


Suddenly, he was taken aback and discovered an unusual existence.

Immediately, Lu Qingshan put away his consciousness, flashed his figure, and swept toward the depths of the mineral vein. After a few breaths, he reappeared, but he had an unusual thing in his hand.

It was a strange stone, with a clear golden color, and there was actually a wisp of mist flowing and spilling on the surface, like a fairy energy, clearly weak, but it made people feel strange.

This treasure is unusual!

Lu Qingshan made a judgment with absolute certainty.

Because under the power of his mountains and seas, this ore vein was barren, and the essence of the corresponding ore was also extracted and turned into waste rock.

Only this stone was not affected in the slightest, and it was extremely mysterious.

In fact, it was its mysteriousness that made Lu Qingshan discover it.

This stone is hidden in the very depths of the ore vein, surrounded by many ores, and its size is not large. If the rest of the ores lost their spirituality due to the power of the mountains and seas, making it stand out from the crowd, Lu Qingshan would not be able to find it.

"This is..." Zang Xiaojian looked at the stone carefully, and then seemed to have thought of something, his eyes widened, "Mother!"

She grabbed Lu Qingshan's arm excitedly, "Lu Qingshan, it's the mother stone!"

"Mother stone?" There is a specialization in the art industry, and a sword cultivator specializes in kendo, but does not practice a hundred arts. As a sword cultivator, Lu Qingshan has never heard of a mother stone.

"This is immortal gold, a peerless treasure born in ancient times, which is rare in the world."

"If you want to become a Taoist tool, the magical tool must be made of immortal gold."

Immortal gold is a general term for treasure materials that have reached a sufficiently powerful level.

Hedao jade is a kind of immortal gold.

"The mother stone is the most bizarre type of immortal gold. It is like a cornucopia. If people in the world get it, they will definitely be reluctant to use it to refine magic tools..."

Zang Xiaojian took a deep breath, and then continued: "Because it will continue to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and transform it into mother energy."

"And these mother qi can wash the surrounding earth, convert the most common stones into treasure ore, and generate ore veins."

"This is the moiré vein, so it is the moiré immortal gold, and the moire mother stone. With it, it is equivalent to having a moiré vein that will never be exhausted."

Hearing this, even Lu Qingshan, who has never valued foreign objects, has become eager at this moment.

Sword cultivators are not good at refining weapons, but the moire mother stone represents a steady stream of wealth, and it is a sect-like existence.

More importantly.......

If.... If Lingye Island is really packed and taken away, Lu Qingshan has a lot of ideas about the swordsmiths on Lingye Island.

Swordsmiths are good at making swords.

Famous generals have Mingjun, so why not famous swords?

If the sword master of Lingye Island can be absorbed as the sword master of the sword sect, how powerful will the sword sect be?

Since this idea has been moved, then the meeting ceremony will always be indispensable.

For swordsmiths, what other greetings could be better than immortal gold?

In this era, the immortal gold has long been exhausted, and it is almost impossible to find any piece.

It was also at this moment that small words of Yinghuo flashed in front of Lu Qingshan's eyes.

"Six Tribulations Realm advanced mission [Shoot a punch, avoid a hundred punches] has been completed!"

When he leveled the first mine of the Dao Clan before, the UU reading advanced task remained unchanged.

This shows that in the evaluation criteria of Deep Blue, such a blow is nothing to the Dao clan, and it cannot reach the point of punishment.

At that time, Lu Qingshan was worried that if the five mines were completed, what would happen if the task was still unfinished?

Can't really let him kill the Taoist ancestral city alone?

Now, his worries have finally dissipated.

The loss of Cloud Pattern Immortal Gold is too painful for the Dao Clan!

"Not good!" Joy didn't make Lu Qingshan lose his mind. Between the light and flint, Lu Qingshan suddenly reacted, "Let's go!"

Such a fetish must be highly valued by the Taoists.

It can be seen from the fact that they set up a dojo here, and it can also be seen from the cultivators of the dojo who would rather die than retreat.

It is conceivable that the destruction of the moiré ore is destined to make the Taoists completely angry, and they must recapture the moire mother stone at all costs.

Lu Qingshan knew that it might be dangerous if he didn't leave, and he might be intercepted!

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