Eden's reminder of noticing Mashado's figure rang in his ears. Only then did Zhou You realize that the Phoenix King's subordinate happened to be beside him, and he decisively stopped and stopped grilling the frozen bird with flames.

Frozen Bird: Actually I can hold on, why don't you just torture me a little longer?

Even it was surprised that it actually felt a little lost?

Unknowingly, Frozen Bird seemed to be less resistant to the humans outside the Super Ball. Even the opponent's behavior of charging the dog Flare at him just now seemed not that excessive.

The Frozen Bird's favorability towards Zhouyou is +66.

Zhou You, who knew nothing about this, was covering up his unnaturalness in the way of Gu Zuoyuan: "By the way Xiaozhi, A'jue probably won't be back in a short time, and the Viridian Gym is rarely open. After this What are your plans?"

"Actually, we originally planned to go to Tianqing Mountain to meet the legendary Phoenix King."

Speaking of Ho-Oh, Xiaozhi subconsciously reached out to check the rainbow feather in his arms, and added: "But since the alliance and the international police are going to launch an operation against Team Rocket next, as a trainer, of course I can't ignore it."

It's one thing to be friends and enemies with Musashi, Kojiro, and Meowth, but it's another thing to be involved with Team Rocket, an evil organization that has done many evil things.

Xiaozhi, who has a sense of justice, undoubtedly supports the alliance's actions and plans to do his part.

Marshado: Well said, this is what makes me worthy of the feather in your arms.

Marshado's favorability towards Xiaozhi is +3.

Zhou You was a little surprised: "You want to go to Yuhong City with me? But it's too late. The operation starts tomorrow night. Unless you take a plane, you won't be able to get to Yuhong City even if you leave now."

"Isn't it possible to teleport? Can't you take people there several times?" Xiaoxia asked curiously.

Since there is no way to teleport 4 people from Honglian Island to Yuhong City at one time. Wouldn't it be nice to teleport 4 people in 4 times?

"This is too much of a burden for the elf." Xiaogang shook his head and rejected Xiaoxia's suggestion. "Even if it succeeds, it will be too late to restore the elf's physical strength."

After all, the Variety Monster is not a superpower elf, so he cannot accomplish such a complicated task.

Since teleportation is not possible, the only option is to consider flying.

The other three people subconsciously looked at the super ball that was put back on the waist by Zhou You.

Frozen Bird: Dream on, I wish I didn’t throw you down in mid-air!

But if you think about it carefully, the Frozen Bird is so weak and is just a flashy vase. There is definitely no way it can take three people across the ocean to Yuhong City.


"Actually, there should be a way to just allow Xiaozhi to rush to Yuhong City in time."

Seeing that everyone had no idea, Zhou You looked at Xiaozhi's shadow with evil intentions: "Are you right, Machado?"

Marshado: No reaction, it looks like a corpse.

"What happened to my shadow?"

Xiaozhi looked back and found nothing, and couldn't help but feel a little worried about Fa Xiao's mental state.

There’s no need to be so excited just to catch a frozen bird, right?

It's not that strong, at most it looks good.

"Well, in that case, I have to tell you three about Ho-oh and the legendary dog ​​Pokémon, as well as Rainbow Feather and the Rainbow Hero, as well as those who lurk in the shadows and are responsible for guiding the Rainbow Hero. The story of the phantom Pokémon—Shadow Machade."


Seeing that the other party was going to expose his side of the matter, Marshado had no choice but to run out of Xiaozhi's shadow in a panic.

"There is an elf hidden in my shadow?" Xiaozhi called out to the expert, "Qiaoqiao, how do you know this?"

Almost like muscle memory, Xiaozhi took out the illustrated book and started scanning:

"Didi~ Everything is a mystery, Xiaozhi, there are still many unknowns in this land."

"Masha Mashado." Mashado briefly introduced himself.

"Pika Pikachu!" Pikachu approached curiously and greeted.

For some reason, when Xiaozhi saw this elf, he didn't feel unfamiliar. It was as if the elf had always been by his side.

And that's exactly what happened.

This ghost-type elf, whose whole body was like flames and smoke, had indeed been lurking in his shadow for some time.

Its name is Mashado, and it is responsible for infiltrating the shadows of the rainbow hero reserve who hold the rainbow feather, guiding them to Tianqing Mountain, and on the way stimulating the dark side of the possessed person's psychology to test whether they are qualified to become rainbows. The spirit of the brave.

The iridescent feather will change according to the holder's mentality. When the holder's will is controlled by negative emotions, it will lose its charming iridescent luster and dim.

And once it is held by an evil person, it will become dark.

Marshado will correct everything at such moments - such as directly killing the person who turned the feathers black.

But in any case, Marshado's test of the hero candidates should be secret.


Damn it, why does this person know so much! ?

You understand everything!

He not only has the fire of life, but also knows about the Hero of the Rainbow, and also knows his own secrets.

Could this man really be the illegitimate son of King Feng! ?

Mashado really wanted to beat Zhou You up, but he didn't dare.

Forget it, be kind to others and do good to yourself, it’s not good to beat and kill.

"Marshado, Xiaozhi wants to arrive in Yuhong City before tomorrow evening, can you make it easier?" Zhou You tentatively discussed.


This is not a matter of convenience. My duty is only to test and guide him, and I don’t care about anything else.

"But if you think about it carefully, the Yunying Mountains are to the north of Yuejian Mountain, and Yuhong City is right between here and Tianqing Mountain. By sending Xiaozhi to Yuhong City, aren't you completing your duties at a faster speed? ?"

"Besides, if you do Xiaozhi a favor, I will do you a favor."

"After this incident is over, how about I go to Tianqing Mountain with Xiaozhi? My joining will definitely shorten the time required to reach Tianqing Mountain."


After hearing the exchange conditions proposed by Zhou You, Mashado was thoughtful.

In fact, it doesn't really care if it can quickly go to the Yunying Mountains to meet the Phoenix King. After all, the Phoenix King is losing fur all over the world. After it completes this guidance, it will soon have to guide the next Rainbow Hero.

But there is one thing that Ma Shado wants to see what will happen when Zhou You meets Phoenix King.

What kind of expression will King Phoenix show when he sees this human being with the fire of life?

Is he the illegitimate son of King Feng?

Marshado: Oops, it feels a little exciting just thinking about it?

Wahku wahku!

"(nods) Masha!"

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