This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 112: Misunderstanding for life upon first meeting Suicune

Xiaozhi finally set off towards Yuhong City.

In the evening on Honglian Island, Xiaoxia was sitting by the window sill on the first floor of Crimson Restaurant with her chin in hand, looking obsessively at the ebb and flow of the distant coast like a stone.

It's just that the young girl's heart is not secretly longing for a boy with two lightning marks on his face... at least not yet.

The girl's heart was captured by a wolf-shaped Pokémon that was completely blue with prismatic white spots.

"How can there be such a powerful and beautiful water elf in the world?"

Ho-Oh Guards, or the most gentle and gorgeous of the legendary dog ​​Pokémon, Suicune, the incarnation of the North Wind!

With just one meeting, Xiaoxia found that she was deeply fascinated by this elf.

In this regard, Shuijing, who has been licking Suicune all his life in the Chengdu area next door, must have something in common.

Once you see Suicune, you will always be mistaken.

It's a pity that the person riding Suicune on the sea and setting off towards the Dead Leaf City is not Xiaoxia, but Xiaozhi, who has asked Mashado to provide assistance...

As the messenger of the Ho-Oh, Marshado has more or less the ability to call the Ho-King's guards, so after receiving Xiaozhi's request, it reluctantly summoned Suicune as his mount across the sea.

This is of course not for the fun of watching the Phoenix King, but to better complete the mission and allow the Rainbow Hero candidates who are not good at water to cross the sea and move towards the Yunying Mountains as soon as possible...

As her best friend, it would have been nice if Xiaozhi had understood her wildly suggestive gaze and allowed herself to ride Suicune with him.

It's a pity that Xiaozhi is just a piece of wood.

Xiaogang: It sounds like you understand your own heart.


"Ahem, don't feel too sorry. We are destined not to go to Yuhong City together this time."

After taking a sip of the weak tea, Xiaogang sighed: "There has been no news about Uncle Xia, who had previously agreed with Qiaoqiao to return tonight. When Xiaozhi and the others go to assist the international police, there must be someone to help protect this place." Crimson Restaurant and Red Lotus Gym.”

"The Rockets are right behind us this morning. No matter what those three people want to do, we can't let them succeed."

Xiaoxia naturally understands, but every time Team Rocket appears, it is to catch Pikachu. Now that Xiaozhi has left, the other party will not stay here longer.

I don’t know how those three human brain circuits are developed, and why it has to be Ash Ketchum’s Pikachu…

"I hope Xiaozhi, who is not following us, will not cause trouble to the police. By the way, where is his hair?"

Before, Xiaoxia had been obsessed with Suicune's back, but she didn't pay much attention to Zhou Yu's movements.

"He felt that this operation would be safer if the Frozen Bird could help, so in order to make the Frozen Bird willing to obey his command, he has taken it to the crater for negotiations."

Xiaogang frowned and said: "According to legend, these legendary Pokémon are very proud. I don't know if he can be recognized by Frozen Bird in a hurry."

When Xiaoxia heard this, she was so shocked that she was speechless.

She remembered that during the daytime visit, there were a large number of Xia Bo's fire elves near the crater. Where did they bring the Frozen Bird?

In order to gain recognition, take the ice elf Frozen Bird to the crater to negotiate?

You are not negotiating, but threatening to throw it away if it doesn't agree!

But then again, it seems that the only place nearby that is relatively secluded and where others will not notice the figure of Freeze Bird is the Red Lotus Gym in the crater...

As a last resort, Xiaoxia, who felt sorry for Frozen Bird, had no choice but to do an Earth Exploding Star gesture: "I hope Frozen Bird is okay."

"Frozen Bird, can we talk?"

Arriving at the battle arena located in the crater, Zhou Yu released Frozen Bird from the super ball.

The Frozen Bird, who thought he had regained his freedom, was about to flutter his wings and fly away, when he suddenly realized that his position seemed not quite right.

volcano! ?


So you've found a new way to torture birds?

There is no such thing. I heard that most other humans have conquered the elves and they all drink them well!

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was so patronizing to avoid tourists that I forgot that you don't like the hot environment."

Zhou You hurriedly put the opponent back into the high-level ball with embarrassment: "In the elf ball, you can isolate yourself from the heat. Let's communicate like this. If you have anything to say, just say it directly. I have a way to hear what's inside the elf ball." the sound of."

Eden will use his own perception ability to detect, analyze and translate the cry of the frozen bird in the elf ball, and transmit it to him in the form of phantom sounds created in his ears.

"Okay, now we can talk. My name is Zhou You, can you tell me your name?"

Frozen Bird was stunned, why was it such a difficult question from the beginning?

The culture of elves is not like that of humans. The name of a single individual is not that important. The name "Freezer" itself already represents the name of a group of Freezer birds.

For the frozen birds, their racial name itself is a sacred inheritance inherited from distant ancient times, which they are most proud of.

Only the Frozen Birds, the most powerful of the group and the individuals who inherit the power of their ancestors, have a special name - God of Ice.

"So you do have a tribe."

Zhou You still remembers that there are eggs of the Three Holy Birds in the Pokémon Pattern.

This shows that the "undiscovered group" does not mean the "eggless group", and the sex ratio of "genderless" does not mean that there is really "no gender".

Looking at it now, it seems that the record was made due to gameplay (not allowing players to hatch flash gods) or the scarcity of samples for the illustrated record recorder.

Lava snail: body temperature is 10,000 degrees.

King Roaring Whale: Denser is lighter than air.

Groudon: He can actually learn Yan Hui.

As we all know, a large part (↑) of the Pokédex is made up by elementary school students.

"Then let me ask you a question, what is your gender?"

Frozen Bird: Why are you asking? It has nothing to do with you. I won’t lay eggs with you.

"The ever-changing..."

Zhou You forced himself to stop the question that almost blurted out, "Is it okay for the Variety Monster?"

Once you ask this question, the friendship boat may capsize before it is even built.

After careful consideration, Zhou You tactfully told Frozen Bird the reason why he conquered the other party - Minato illustrated book.

In fact, it is not enough to capture the elves and send them to Dr. Oak. At least they must actively cooperate and not cause trouble during the expert inspection.

In other words, it must comply with the two principles of "informed" and "voluntary".

As long as Frozen Bird can cooperate with Dr. Omu in doing some physical examinations and experiments, and does not cause trouble or hurt anyone in the process, he will release Frozen Bird back to Twin Islands after everything is over, and give him exquisite gifts full of heartfelt wishes. (Expressed by Dr. Ohki).

But before that, Zhou You also hopes that Frozen Bird will provide assistance in the operation against Team Rocket.

Faced with Zhou You's behavior of getting on the bus first and then paying for the ticket, Frozen Bird didn't hesitate much and finally chose to agree:

"It's not that I can't agree, but you must meet my three conditions!"

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