After an in-depth exchange with Articuno, Zhou You roughly learned about its strengths and tricks from the other party.

Articuno is really not a Pokémon that is good at attacking. Although it has the best attack attribute of ice, its double attack is less than 100, and its speed is as slow as a turtle.

As the saying goes, you have 4, I have 8, he has 12, and finally the scarf is 252.

The speed of 85, in today's era of increasingly winding speed lines, is almost enough to roll to the space team.

In addition, snowy days do not increase the power of skills like sunny and rainy days, making its strength even less than that of non-legendary Pokémon.

The specialty of Articuno is actually the durability of the special end. With both defenses exceeding 100, it can master Bird Roost and Healing Bell, and can also learn Black Fog, Clearing Thick Fog, Freeze Drying, and also has interference skills such as Tailwind, Poison, and Rapid Return.

So instead of expecting Articuno to become an output hand, it is better to expect it to play a role in interference, consumption, durability, and support.

As long as it doesn't encounter an output player that restrains it, Articuno is still very tanky.

It's a pity that the ice attribute is its original sin, and there are countless elves that can kill it instantly.

However, in reality, as a legendary Pokémon, it has also obtained abilities that match it, so we can look forward to the performance of Articuno.

It may also be because the level of the leftovers is too low that those flash charges cannot exert their due strength?

It seems that this possibility is indeed higher?

In any case, strength is only temporary, only beauty is eternal, and ice elves are responsible for beauty...

After winning over Articuno, an ace tank, Zhou You entrusted Xia Bo's property to Gangxia and the others in the early morning of the next day, and took Eden to Golden City in several sections (with Eden's ability, he couldn't go directly).

By the way, when he landed, the lone swordsman, the battle-hardened king Farfetch'd left the team and continued his journey to become the world's number one swordsman.

The favorability has been brushed, but it seems that it is not enough?

The favorability of the newly captured Articuno has inexplicably reached a high level...

The impact of the explosion has been eliminated, and Jinhuang City has once again regained its busyness, vitality and hustle and bustle that matches the metropolis.

However, Zhou You, who had tasted enough big cities in his previous life, had no intention of lingering here. Instead, he summoned the leftovers that had evolved into the Wind Speed ​​Dog and used it as a riding spirit to set off towards the goal of this trip.

The Wind Speed ​​Dog uses the blazing flames in its body as a drive. It is said that it is a top runner who can run 10,000 kilometers in a day and night, which is 416 km/hour.

It is faster than the high-speed rail.

It is not clear whether Zhou You can really reach such a speed (because the wind speed dog can master instant movement), but when he was on the back of the leftovers, he only felt the wind cutting like a knife, difficulty breathing, and his brain trembling. If he let go/crashed, he might really become a pool of indescribable things...

"Leftovers, you should run slowly, slowly, and slowly when carrying people in the future."

The moment he got off the dog, it seemed that even the ground was soft!

"(Unclear) Woof?" The strong body was not affected by the speed at all.

We must consider limiting the speed of Leftovers!

In any case, thanks to the relay of Eden and Leftovers, Zhou You finally moved from Honglian Island to Yuhong City within half an hour.

Yuhong is the color of jade bugs (jewel bugs), which is a dreamy rainbow color.

As the second largest city in Kanto after Jinhuang City, Yuhong City is relatively not so prosperous.

Unlike Golden City, where the headquarters of Silver Corporation is located, and where traffic and steel forests are everywhere, Jade Rainbow City gives people the feeling of a green and harmonious place coexisting with nature.

This is inseparable from the promotion of the Jade Rainbow Gym, which mainly promotes Grass Pokémon, for many years - the color of the Jade Bug is the color of the rainbow with green as the main color.

However, compared with the Jade Rainbow Gym, the landmark building that really makes this city famous is actually the world-renowned Jade Rainbow University.

In 1925, Professor Nishino Mori Ishi laid the foundation of modern Pokémon studies in this university.

And the highest authority in the Pokémon academic world today, Dr. Yukinari Oki, who studies the relationship between humans and Pokémon, also taught at Jade Rainbow University.

Over the past few decades, countless Pokémon scholars have come from this university.

Because of this, Jade Rainbow City can almost be said to be a holy place that many Pokémon-related people in the world will visit at least once in their lives, making it one of the most famous tourist destinations.

The largest shopping mall in Kanto, Yuhong Department Store, was established here. The game studio that cannot be named also rented a studio in Yuhong Building. More than a decade ago, Rainbow Group invested in building the "Rocket Game City" here, which attracted many pilgrims and tourists. However, for the locals who are proud of the natural beauty of Yuhong City, such a game city with gambling as a selling point will inevitably damage the image of the city. However, the power of money is so strong that the people of Yuhong are powerless. Today, the Alliance and the International Police finally decided to take action based on the information revealed by relevant insiders (Xia Bo and Fuji)... It's a rare trip to Yuhong City, and Zhou You rarely reported to Yuhong Gym first. The gyms along the way are either rock, water, or fire.

This time, I finally encountered a gym that can be pushed mindlessly without making serious tactical mistakes when the fire element is restrained!

Therefore, he plans to focus on the Kanto PTCG regional competition first, and then find time to challenge a gym when he has free time.

"One by one, is playing cards that interesting? You don't even challenge the gym, you travel thousands of miles just to play this kind of paper game."

At this moment, in the open-air arena on the top floor of Yuhong Department Store where people were coming and going, Eden, who transformed into Ibrahimovic and lay on his travel backpack, yawned out of boredom.

For it, simulating the battle between elves by just playing cards on the table is boring and stupid. It is not even as good as the turn-based stand-alone game produced by the studio next door on the GBC platform, which can still be carried forward in the game. Some tactics.

Full of randomness, you rely on banknotes to buy secret and rare cards, and you rely on luck to draw key cards. What’s the point of a game like this?

"The prize cards for regional competitions are worth thousands, the prize cards for national competitions are tens of thousands, and the prize cards for international competitions can be auctioned for tens of thousands. It's rare that I can make some money to support my family with my own skills, so don't complain so much. ”

It takes three days to win a championship and you can make money, so what's there to be picky about?

"Do you need to go to such trouble? You can just rely on me to support you?" Eden retorted unconvinced, "I have translated more than this number of tapes from Dr. Ohmu."

In fact, when Zhou You took out his charged Fire Stone and sold it, it would be worth more than 100,000, but who can refuse to make money just by playing?

"It's very important to increase revenue and reduce expenditure. Registration form. I'm looking at the seed players in this regional competition..."

Oh, the mythical beast man Dakdo!

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