This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 114 PTCG, but the suture monster

Unlike Pokémon battles, peaceful table games like PTCG do not limit the age of participants.

Long before this competition, Zhou You had participated in three Kanto regional competitions and won the runner-up and championship.

It's a pity that he was too young to attend larger events before, but this time it's different. At the age of 10, he has been able to buy air tickets at his own expense to attend large-scale celebrations in other regions and countries!

The only problem is the mythical beast man Dakdo... This poker player who once led Darkrai to sweep many world-scale competitions. With him participating in regional competitions, it will be more difficult than imagined to win the championship this time. Much more difficult!

Soon, Zhou You started the first round of the Swiss round.

"Qiaoqiao, I'm so free."

While waiting for his opponent to get into position, Eden idly patted him on the head and asked, "How about I go out and play by myself while you play cards here?"

"Yes, but you should pay more attention to safety when moving by yourself. Don't attract Team Rocket's attention, and don't rely too much on your own illusions. If there is danger, teleport immediately.

"If you see Xiaozhi Qingluye and the others, you can play with them."

"Got it."

After telling Eden that he wanted to go out to play, Zhou You took out his elf ball and fired a ray at it, then put it back into the ball.

But this was just an illusion created by Eden. In fact, it used illusion to achieve the effect of invisibility. It took a leap of faith and left the top floor of Yuhong Department Store on its own.

After Eden left, Zhou You finally waited for his first opponent - a man wearing shorts, a red T-shirt, long bangs, goggles, and a billiard cue of unknown meaning behind his back. young man.

"Hey, I'm Akin from Ruoye Town," the young man introduced himself to the card table, "Ignore the outcome, let's have an interesting battle."

"Ah this..."

To be honest, Zhou You was a little at a loss when he saw the young man in front of him calling himself Ah Jin.

No, it would be better to say that he was scared.

Jin, the one who hatched, is one of the holders of the special illustrated book and possesses excellent unlimited fighting talent.

In the Gold and Silver chapter, he relied on field battles to defeat Liu Bo, who had used his golden finger to increase the race value of his elf. In the Heart and Soul chapter, Togepi defeated Arceus by hatching it on his own!

Wait, wasn't it confirmed before that the world line here is closer to TV and games rather than special editions? ! !

"Hey, I'm kindly saying hello to you, what's your attitude?" Seeing Zhou You's absent-minded look, Ah Jin couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

For the first time since time travel, Zhou You was completely panicked: "Sorry, I just got distracted. I would like to ask, is your name actually Hibiki or Kenta? Is there anyone named Marina?"

Don't panic, if the world line of this world is even a little bit close to the special chapter, he will go back to Zhenxin Town to level up immediately. He will never step out of Zhenxin Town until he trains himself as the No. 1 Master!

"Inexplicable people, let's start the fight quickly." Ajin simply stopped talking and silently cut up the traveling cards.

The latter also hurriedly relied on meditation to calm his mind and focus on the duel.

The world is vast and playing cards is the biggest.

——t1·Travel around

"My turn, draw a card."

Although the PTCG in this world has this name, it is different from the one on earth in terms of card pool and rules.

From Zhouyou's point of view, compared to PTCG, it is more like a product of Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and PTCG.

In summary, the battle methods here are:

1. Set up land cards to generate energy to pay for the consumption of cards such as elves, skills, carry items, trainers, and trainer skills.

2. Start with 5 cards and send up to 2 elves to fight. Whichever side is the first to have 6 elves unable to fight will lose the game.

3. If a certain side fails to send out elves, the opponent can directly attack. The side that is directly attacked 6 times will also lose the game.

4. You cannot attack during the first attack round, and the elves cannot attack during the summoned round unless they have special abilities.

Simple and easy to understand.jpg

"I reveal the basic "Volcano" in my hand and set up the land card "Send God Mountain". This card can generate energy of one of three types: fire, ghost, or super.

"Tap "Send the Mountain" to generate energy and send "Vulpix" to the opponent's battlefield.

"Cause 1 point of damage to me, tap "Vulpix" to activate its effect, and put the card named "Great Sunny Day" from the deck onto the field.

"You cannot attack during the first attack round, and the round ends like this."

Travel around: 6→5

"At the end of the round, activate the effect of "Bright Sunny Day", accumulating 1 point of fire attribute energy for all fire attribute elves on both sides of the field. "


"Are you also a player of Team Sunny?" Seeing his opponent taking the lead in playing Sunny, Akin couldn't help but smile, "Then let me borrow your weather."

"My turn, draw a card!"

"When the opponent has more land cards on the field than I do, set the land card "Green Plains" to enter the opponent's battlefield. This card can generate energy with insect, grass or flying attributes.

"Tap "Green Grassland" to generate grass attribute energy, and send "Sunseed" to the opponent's battlefield.

"When there is "sunny" weather on the field, it will cause 1 point of damage to "Sunseed" and generate 2 points of fire attribute energy. "

Sun seed hp: 3→2

"Pay 1 Fire Energy, send "Fire Rat" to the battlefield.

"Pay another 1 Fire Energy, use the priority move "Lightning Flash", Fire Rat attacks Vulpix!"

Vulpix HP: 3→2

"At the end of the turn, "Sunny Day" provides 1 Fire Energy to all Fire Pokémon."

Vulpix: 1→2

Fire Rat: 0→1

——T3·Zhou You

"As expected, it's Team Sunny Day too."

Akin, Sunflower, Fire Rat, Team Sunny Day, it's too bizarre to say it's just a coincidence...

In any case, let's win the battle in front of us first.

"It's my turn, draw a card."

After taking a look at the new card, Zhou You picked up "Vulpix" on the table and turned it over:

"Pay 2 Fire Energy to "Vulpix", send a card named "Fire Stone" from the deck to the Graveyard, and evolve "Vulpix" into "Nine-Tails". ”

Vulpix→Ninetail HP: 2→6

“When Ninetail enters the field, if there is no “Sunny Day” on the field, place “Sunny Day” from the deck. If there is “Sunny Day” weather, gain 1 Fire attribute and 1 Psychic attribute energy. ”

“Set the basic land “Volcano”.”

“Handle “Volcano” to generate 1 Fire attribute energy.

“Pay 1 Fire attribute energy, Ninetail uses the priority move “Lightning Flash” on “Sunflower Seed”.”

Sunflower Seed HP: 2→0

“Handle “God Sending Mountain” to generate 1 Psychic attribute energy, send “Little Ranran” to the opponent’s battlefield.”

“At the end of the turn, all Fire-type Pokémon on the field gain 1 Fire attribute energy. ”

Ninetails: 1→2

Fireball: 1→2

Ninetails' high durability, plus 2 fire and 1 psychic energy, can both cast Mystic Guardian to prevent status and cast Exchange Field to let Xiao Guoran get beaten.

This is a sure thing!

Yes, damage and hp are related to the racial value

But I guess I won't write about the game later?

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