While Zhou You was having a fierce battle with other poker players, Eden, who had no interest in playing cards at all, also started his own action.

Southeast of Yuhong City, Rocket Game City.

This is the largest gold-selling cave in the tourist city of Yuhong City. Countless human beings who know that they will lose in gambling have fallen here because of false hopes.

The Rocket Game City, where tourists with dreams of getting rich and citizens of Yuhong come and go, is today filled with sounds of excitement, rage, ecstasy, sorrow and sighs, all playing together against the exciting and cheerful background sound of various aspects of life. symphony.

To put it simply, it is a noisy and annoying game city.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a trench coat, who has weathered the wind and rain all year round, and whose face is full of vicissitudes of life, is sitting in front of the slot machine and staring attentively at the rapidly rotating patterns on the screen.

Sometimes I am happy, sometimes frustrated, but obviously I lose more and win less.

There is no doubt that this person is the International Policeman who left Red Lotus Island earlier to contact the International Police and the Pokémon League to launch an operation—handsome guy!

After three days of investigation, the international police have determined that there is a secret base underground in the Rocket Game City under his feet. Therefore, before the operation begins tonight, the handsome guy decides to come here under the pseudonym "Ota Shuailang" to closely observe the movements of Team Rocket. .

But now he seems to be a little addicted to the game...

Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded in the handsome boy's ears: "No. 836, you are really good at playing the game. Where is the investigation mission?"


The handsome guy who was about to pull down the joystick of the slot machine was suddenly shocked. The management officer discovered that he had accidentally fished! ?

But in the blink of an eye, the handsome guy forced himself to calm down, pulled down the joystick as usual, and said impatiently: "Go, go, what a mess, don't disturb me playing the game!"

After calming down, he quickly realized that he didn't recognize the voice just now.

Team Rocket discovered their infiltration?

Or a new colleague sent to follow up?

"Stop making things difficult for yourself, it's me, Eden."

Just as the handsome boy began to think about various ways to deal with it in his mind, Eden, who entered the game hall invisibly and transformed into Eevee in an uninhabited corner, deftly jumped on the handsome boy's head: "Just speak in a low voice, I can hear you." See you. Qiao Qiao is playing cards at Yuhong Department Store. I was a little bored so I came over to play with you."

Just in case, Eden also placed a teleportation anchor on the handsome guy.

By the way, the coordinates and anchor points of teleportation cannot be placed infinitely. With Eden's mental power and superpower level, the number of long settings so far is 9+3.

Less important coordinates (like the Twin Islands) will basically disappear as soon as they are used, so in most cases the teleportation coordinates are flexible and adaptable.

"Eden, isn't that the name of Jojo's twin brother? But no matter how you look at it, it's still an Eevee, right?" Feeling the weight on his head, the handsome guy asked doubtfully, "Speaking of which, can Ibrahimovic speak? Telepathy ?”

"Eevee of different colors, this is my original appearance. Before, I was creating illusions using magical powers and imitation."

This statement is half true and half false. In fact, Eden's magic does use supernatural powers - this trick was originally used to create illusions to confuse humans.

"Okay." The handsome guy said suddenly.

He has not yet reported the information about Zhou You, Eden, Xia Bo and Fuji to anyone, including his boss Modan, so he does not have to worry about enemies using this to confuse him.

"Then just lie down on top of my head and watch, and I'll try to sit as steady as possible.

"If you find it boring, you can help me look around to see if there is anyone who looks like a member of Team Rocket, and then tell me."

Eden refused to work for the handsome guy in vain without hesitation: "No, I'm here to make money to support my family."

"Making money to support...what?" the handsome guy said in astonishment.

An Eevee also needs to make money to support his family?

How many cubs have you given birth to? Don't you usually train house elves?

"I've made it very clear, I want to make money to support Qiao Qiao." Eden reiterated, "So I will use magical powers, teleportation and exchange of venues to cheat, and I will also use illusions and evil waves to get rid of those super systems that catch cheaters. Elf."

"In contrast, you have to use the tokens I earned for you to exchange for trainer items and elves, and the rest are yours."

After hearing the plan given by Eden, the handsome guy couldn't help but shed a cold sweat.

This Eevee has been carefully thought out and professionally trained!

"Cheating for a thousand dollars...isn't it good? Uncle, I'm here to investigate after all. If I get caught..."

Before the handsome guy could finish speaking, Eden patted the other person on the head: "If Qiaoqiao didn't give me money and didn't let me gamble, would I still need you? If you were caught cheating, I would take you away using illusions and teleportation. That’s the way to go.”

"Hurry up, hurry up, there won't be any rocket arcades after today. I'm going to use the last day to buy Qiao Qiao a polygon, a mini dragon, and a few rare skill machines."

Porygon and Minidragon are OK, but the also rare fox Pokémon Cathy and Eevee are not.

"Just tell me whether you want to help me or not. If you don't want to help me, I will defecate on the spot."

Eden ↓ is currently on the handsome guy’s head.

handsome guy:"???"

"Help, help, why don't you let me help you?" So he had to accept his fate and said, "My uncle's cervical vertebra is not very good. Can you come into my arms?"

Trivia: Zoroa weighs twice as much as Ibrahimovic, with an average weight of 12.5kg.

"I don't!"

To be honest, since Eden stepped on the handsome guy's head, I don't know if it's a psychological effect, his luck has indeed improved a lot.

From losing more than winning before, the situation gradually reversed, and it became that every time he lost a few games, he would win back what he lost before and have some left.

In order to avoid attracting attention, Eden did not let the handsome guy get tokens explosively like shaking out 3 7s at a time, but often let him lose money in a row.

They accumulated the number of tokens little by little, step by step, slowly and steadily.

Not only that, every once in a while, it would let the handsome guy change the game type and constantly look for better cheating games.

And the handsome guy also made good use of his extraordinary acting skills brought by years of undercover investigation, perfectly playing one gambler after another with different personalities.

They would even go out directly after getting a large number of tokens at one time, change their costumes, and then come in to play with a new identity!

The handsome guy gradually began to suspect that it was unlikely that a mere Eevee would have such a clear and rigorous plan, but Zhou You was instructing behind the scenes.

In fact, it was Zhou You who taught him.

However, he was under ten years old before, and Eden's illusion would reveal its tail flaws, which led to no time to take actual action. As a result, Eden and the handsome boy took the lead in implementing it today.

It took a whole day, and in the afternoon of that day, the handsome boy's tokens had reached an unprecedented astonishing number...

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