This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 136: Jo’s family is just having fun, but if they really want to fight against each other, th

The wave water cannon released by the wave of water to accelerate the orbit not only gets the 1.5 times bonus of the rainy day, but also the 1.5 times bonus of the super launcher. According to rough calculation, the power even reaches 3.375 (hundred).

The power coefficient of the root wave is only 1.1 (hundred). Don’t call it a wave orbit accelerating water cannon. Just be more confident and call it a small root wave!

Eden: Good skill, I copied this move.

However, when Eden actually copied the Water Arrow Turtle's move, he discovered that it was actually just an ordinary water cannon and water wave.

If you want to reach the level that Qinglu is currently releasing, you must have a super launcher as the base.

The characteristics of the super launcher cannot be imitated casually by "acting"...

Such a unique water cannon shot with a pure power coefficient no less than three times that of the root wave, even a biting land shark as powerful as Sakaki would never be able to easily resist it!

"King Scorpio, take over from Sword Dance to Lie Bite Land Shark; Lie Bite Land Shark, destroy the light!"

The destructive light here seems to be a mixture of object special attack, or it is similar to Tai Jing Explosion, which is the type of move that depends on which side of the object has higher special attack.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to understand why some of the world-renowned flying kings here would even give an elf like Gyarados with a special attack of only 60 the ability to learn to destroy light and use it as a ultimate move...

The strength of Super Blastoise's water cannon move is indeed unbelievable, but this unique move that bursts out all its power at once will definitely not be able to be fired continuously in a short period of time. As long as it can be resisted, Sakaki will win in the end.

After receiving the master's order, the Scorpio King disdainfully ignored Pikachu's thunderous move with all his strength, and began to strengthen his sword dance in mid-air on the spot.

Liebite Land Shark, on the other hand, stood up quickly and stopped moving at all. He just gathered his strength on the spot, always ready to release the power of destruction.

Destroy the light against the wave orbital accelerating water cannon!

These days, if the Yusan family doesn't learn how to use light cannon, they will be embarrassed to hang out!

As for the confrontation between these two energy-emitting light cannons that enter the house, will it cause a big explosion that sweeps everything around?

Who cares, as long as the force is strong enough and the aftermath of the explosion is pushed to the opponent's side, there won't be any problem!


Pikachu, who had released strong electricity in a short period of time to scrape the Scorpion King, seemed a little tired. He couldn't help but trot back to Xiaozhi, casually took the fresh grass growing in the grass field into his mouth, and watched the show behind with wide eyes.

In the blink of an eye, both water cannons and light cannons have been accumulated.

"Social security, Blastoise!" "Bite the land shark and destroy the light!"

The wave water cannon exuding green and white brilliance and the pure destructive energy ray of the biting land shark violently collided in the battered cadre room on the fourth floor underground. The huge power that escaped shook the air, the earth, the buildings, and the surrounding area. The heartstrings of everything and everyone.

Even Mashado, who was hiding in Xiaozhi's shadow and eating melons, was a little dumbfounded!

Phoenix King...can he take this water cannon without any injuries?

No, that's not right. First of all, if it were Ho-Oh, Blastoise would not have the chance to mega evolve from the beginning, nor would it be possible to usurp the weather to his side.

Without the super launcher and the rain-seeking water cannon, it is just a water cannon. When the Phoenix King fires it on a sunny day, the power of the water cannon will be almost the same as that of the water cannon.

But when people in Zhenxin Town fight externally, it seems that they always fight in groups of 4 on 1...

Are the two equally powerful?


After a short stalemate, the fluctuating orbital accelerating water cannon relentlessly pushed the destructive light in the direction of biting the land shark and Sakaki!

This move exhausts all the Super Blastoise's sure-kills, and its power is undoubtedly superior to all ordinary elves and moves. Only "Legends" are qualified to compete with it!

Although Sakaki was powerful enough, he still had to dazzle everyone in front of the shocking super water cannon.

However, this one-sided situation was officially reversed the moment the Scorpio King finished his sword dance and flew towards the land shark to bite him.

Taking over does not refer to a certain tactic, but to the moves that some elves with special abilities can perform.

These elves can transfer the gains they gain through strengthening to other elves, thus completing the "passing over".

Generally speaking, the form of expression is that the elf returns to the ball after being strengthened, and at the same time transfers the buff it received to the new teammates.

But in fact, the step of "Poke Ball Rotation" is not necessary - wild elves can't use the baton yet?

The essence of this move is to transfer your own buff status to your teammates.

Now, the Scorpion King, who has completed the Sword Dance and greatly increased his physical attack, has given his own buff status to the Biting Land Shark, greatly increasing the latter's physical attack!

The Destructive Ray, which was still retreating steadily, suddenly pushed back the super water cannon with overwhelming force, pushing it towards the Water Arrow Turtle and Green!

"Qiao Qiao!" Qinglu was anxious!

Although he was very arrogant, this move, which was not inferior to the super water cannon with a power coefficient of the root wave, was indeed the full strength of him and the Water Arrow Turtle. How could he play when the opponent suddenly hit a sword dance to take over the baton! ?

But in fact, Zhou You was also in a hurry. With such a good opportunity, why didn’t Eden kill Sakaki himself with a headlock wave missile? ?

Because Eden is taking the opportunity to copy the Scorpio King's baton at this time.

Fortunately, Zhou You still had a hand in reserve. Seeing that our water cannon was being pushed back by the enemy's light cannon, he decisively threw the Poké Ball containing the leftover food.

"Ouch-woof!" The vigorous and vigorous Wind Speed ​​Dog jumped out again.

After several rounds of treatment, Zhanfan, who was only physically injured, had already recovered as before, and even filled himself with fire energy through his flames.

"Leftover, use the help trick on the Blastoise!"

"Help" is also one of the rare special moves. It is similar to baton transfer in that it transmits one's own power to teammates.

It's just that the baton transfers the buff status, while the help transfers pure energy. The former allows teammates to obtain continuous gains, and the latter allows teammates to obtain a one-time power increase in the current move.

It's not too much to invite people to fight in groups and give your own elves with moves such as life drops, cosmic power, look at me, and help, right?


The wind speed dog, who had just been filled with the energy of fire, immediately excitedly transferred his energy to the water arrow turtle in front of him.


With the help of his teammates, the Water Arrow Turtle suddenly became as excited as if he had been given a shot of blood. The green light of the wave water cannon became even brighter, and even the radius increased by 50%!

"Stuck - baa - stuck - baa - stuck!!!" When it comes to playing against waves, the leader of the Turtle Senryu is actually the professional.

The super water cannon, which was still slightly at a disadvantage, once again faced the ring-breaking light!


A violent explosion that could cause a mountain to collapse, crack the ground, or throw into the sea to set off a small tsunami exploded in the cadre room built as a shelter in the Rockets base...

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