This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 137 The magnetic field rotates one hundred thousand volts!

Chapter 137 Rotating magnetic field·One hundred thousand volts!

I have to say that the construction quality of Pokémon World is really good.

An explosion with a yield comparable to that of modern thermal weapons swept over everything.

When the smoke and dust cleared and the heavy rain subsided, the trainers saw the ruins of the walls that were plowed by artillery fire but still showed their strength and barely survived. Even most of the third underground floor and a small part of the second underground floor came into view.

And the Blastoise, who was panting at the moment and exited the super-evolved state immediately after releasing the super water cannon, was facing off against Sakaki's biting land shark, who was also covered in bruises.

As for the trainers.

In front of Sakaki, a lost slate with some kind of mysterious snake-like creature was lying on the ground. It was a collection that Sakaki had bought with money before. It was also the space hand he chose. It came from a place very far away from Kanto. The spirit of the realm - the Death Tablet.

Just now, it was the one who protected Sakaki in the big explosion with its bizarre double defense and defense.

Green, Leaf, and Xiaozhi's side are green Yongjila and Coconut Egg Tree, both of which activate light walls, reflective walls, and guard to protect them perfectly.

Qinglu is still very reliable as long as he can keep his mouth shut.

And traveling around...

At this moment, there is an ancient bronze sword stuck in the ground in front of him. The single scabbard, which has gained a lot of vitality from the holder, can continuously perform defensive skills and release steel energy barriers to resist the explosion.

Or to put it another way, Zhou You has been using his own life force to charge the scabbard of the single sword to inspire defense. After all, this elf is really too lazy to move at all.

Sure enough, this guy is the product of the soul of that lazy girl from a thousand years ago! ?

Zhou You himself took advantage of the explosion to show off his true skills.

Time goes back one minute:

"Oh Qiaoqiao, don't forget it. I wasn't talking about you just now. I still recognize your strength and you are a strong opponent. It's a pity that you can't keep up with my version."


Zhou You turned his face and looked at Ye Zi: "Anyway, I have nothing to do now. Lend me the Z bracelet and Z pure crystal."

After taking the golden Z bracelet and a pink Z pure crystal from Ye Zi, he picked off the grass Z embedded on it on the spot and embedded the pink one inside.

By the way, this golden bracelet is a special version for the captain of Alola Island in the game. How did the leaf get it...

The island captain with grass and demon Z, Mao or Jasmine?

Time returns to the present.

After getting the Z bracelet, Zhou You didn't think much about it. Instead, he took advantage of the explosion that swept everything and the light flooded his field of vision. He mustered up his momentum and pointed at the dial and danced with all his strength!

Although I jumped wrong twice in the middle, fortunately no one saw it.

And just before the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, Zhou You finally managed to jump out of the correct full-strength posture relatively well!

To put it simply, the golden rooster independently makes a "K" shape after showing the heart with both hands...

The next moment, several cherry-pink streams emanated from Zhou You's body and rushed towards the leftover rice!

"Ouch-woof!" Feeling the overloaded fairy power gathering in his body, Gouzi was so excited!

Everyone present undoubtedly felt the power that had just emerged from Zhou You's body, and Ye Zi and Sakaki clearly realized that it was the same phenomenon as when Ye Zi performed the colorful flower bloom not long ago!

Ye Zi looked at Zhou You with wide eyes, "When I gave you the Z bracelet and Fairy Z just now, I taught you how to dance...did you do the full strength position?"

Could it be that once you get this thing, you can understand it on your own?

Or is it that Jasmine is joking with herself that it doesn't actually matter whether she has a full-strength posture or not?

Sakaki frowned. He didn't like the feeling that the situation was going beyond his expectations, and this feeling had happened too many times in just ten minutes.

What are the origins of these four children! ?

An elite special force specially trained by the International Police Organization from an early age?

After a while, Zhou You issued an inexplicable instruction: "Now, play with them with all your strength."


But this is the perfect command for a naughty and active dog!

"Don't give it a chance, bite the land shark, dragon star group, Scorpio King releases a sandstorm, and the death board pounces!"

Is there going to be another sandstorm?

Xiaozhi subconsciously wanted to stop his opponent: "Pikachu, use your full power of 100,000 volts on King Scorpio!!!"


Sakaki was almost stunned. This boy named Xiaozhi seemed to be the only bastard among the four children. He didn't even memorize the restraint table. Could it be that he didn't know that electric shock was almost ineffective against the ground type?

Why do you want to shock your own Scorpio King several times?

He began to regret inviting Ash to join Team Rocket in the first place.

However, there is a difference between one hundred thousand volts and one hundred thousand volts.

It is naturally difficult for an ordinary 100,000 volts to harm a ground elf like the Scorpion King, even if it has a flying secondary attribute.

But the one hundred thousand volts in Zhipi's serious state is to fully mobilize the huge current accumulated in the electrical beads in the body, to forcibly create and change magnetic fields with different ranges and strengths, to explode more powerful and pure destructive power and mechanical energy. .

No attribute immunity can control this, not even if the slate-covered alpaca comes!

True damage is the most realistic damage in this game.

It's a pity that this kind of magnetic field rotation performed by talent and instinct is sometimes inconsistent, and the requirements for the current volt coefficient are also very high. As a result, Pikachu is unable to successfully perform this trick 99.99% of the time - the number of currents is not enough. High and not stable enough.

As a result, it seems that it often plays the role of Xiaozhi... although it does often play the role of Xiaozhi.

Just before Sakaki could say his mocking words, a bolt of lightning flashing with green, green, red, and yellow light directly hit the Scorpio King's chest.

The Scorpio King, who had already suffered the aftermath of the big explosion, rolled his eyes and fell to the ground on his back under the explosion of one hundred thousand volts!

Sakaki rationally chose to shut up.

Withdrawing my preface, these four children seem to be a bit evil.

Followed closely was a man whose body was burning with cherry-pink flames, and his ghostly figure rushed towards the wind speed dog biting the land shark!

Knowing that if he was hit by a big explosion like before, he would probably be defeated like the Scorpion King by a damaging and scratching 100,000 volts. Whether it was biting the land shark or the death board, he must be very energetic and attack with all his strength. To this heavy dog ​​who had suffered heavy injuries before.

Dragon Star Swarm and Pounce follow one after another. The former is a powerful dragon-type ultimate skill, while the latter uses defense instead of attack to fully utilize the durability of the Death Board while also triggering its characteristics, making the Wind Speed ​​Dog's fire-drawing characteristics and Exchange your own ghost characteristics.

However, the next second, the Wind Speed ​​Dog, who was still charging with all his strength, suddenly exuded a vague and unpredictable aura, accelerated his pace again, and suddenly disappeared in front of everyone!


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