This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 172 Synchronization rate 47

Chapter 172 Synchronization rate 47%

The game Pokémon has helped Zhou You, who was not good at socializing after transferring from Golarion to Earth in elementary school, to establish many beautiful friendships that have continued until he became an adult and started working.

Therefore, from elementary school to junior high school, high school to college, and adulthood to work, he has never given up this game.

And no matter how the environment changes or how the generations change, Zhou You always remembers the excitement when he first played the Fire Red version at the small dining table more than 20 years ago and chose Charmander according to the cover.

Therefore, regardless of strength, his team will always have a place for Charizard.

The reason why he became a believer in the Sunny Team is just because the Sunny Team can make Charizard.

Zhou You is essentially a believer in Charizard. He is a Charizard fan.

In a sense, he and Xiaozhi are actually the same type of players-

I can overcome all difficulties as long as I am with Charizard.jpg

Arthur simply cannot understand where the unknown feelings that Zhou You has projected on it for more than 20 years since it came to the Oak Research Institute and saw him for the first time came from.

But elves are often simple. They can feel Zhou You's unreserved and fiery faith, so they get endless motivation and strength from it, and are willing to give more back to each other.

This almost idealistic, close connection between people and elves brings more ties than Reshiram's self-righteous and hard training!

The mythical beast is just for fun, Zhou You's favorite is always Charizard.

That's why he often says, don't worry, stupid real dragon, wait until the finals of the league meeting to let you see what a real trainer is. Everything is inevitable, even cheating can be justified!

Be one with the light and let nature take its course. What really matters is the time spent with the elves...

Time goes back to more than ten seconds ago.

Charizard uses the power of wind to spiral into the air, easily avoiding the combined attack of rockfall and yawn.

It flapped its wings and hovered in the air, glancing down.

This yawn didn't hypnotize it. Why is Snorlax still squinting and drowsy?

Is it a two-way yawn?

Snorlax is a confusing creature that eats and then sleeps, and then continues to eat after waking up.

"Arthur, Sunny Day."

Putting a pause in his complaints, he immediately used Sunny Day, and then performed a mysterious dance in the air that inspired the power of the dragon.

It's not enough to open the tailwind, he also needs to use Sunny Day and Dragon Dance, greedy greedy!

But sorry, being able to fly and occupy air superiority is amazing, if you have the ability, Snorlax, fly up to the sky and hit me?

Arthur has longed to fly into the sky and spread his wings since he was a child (although he is not even one year old now)!

Yaman A frowned slightly. Snorlax can basically withstand Charizard's flames easily, but if the opponent is allowed to continuously strengthen the physical attack, it's hard to say - Snorlax's physical defense is unexpectedly low.

"Snorlax, block the movement with rocks!"


As Snorlax continued to gather energy, one huge rock after another was thrown at Charizard, which was strengthened by Dragon Dance in the air. Although not even half of the rocks could touch the opponent, this was also to limit the movement space of Charizard, which occupied the air superiority.

Just when Charizard was guided to the right position due to the blockade of heavy rocks.

"Snorlax, 100,000 volts!"

Flying-type Pokémon will inevitably be temporarily stiff after being hit by 100,000 volts, and the balance of flight will be destroyed due to stalling!

Needless to say, Snorlax, who had used this tactic to shoot down many flying Pokémon, had already stored lightning in his body. As long as the trainer gave an order, the dancing golden snake would quickly cross a distance of more than ten meters and attack Charizard!

"It's useless!"

It's true that 100,000 volts has a very fast pre-swing, but Arthur, who has all his talents in the flying type, how could he be hit so easily under the dual enhanced speed of Tailwind and Dragon Dance?

With a sharp turn to evade the incoming electric current, Charizard gained explosive turning force by instantly increasing the off-axis angle, and flew straight to Snorlax horizontally with ease!

The sunny day has arrived, and the Dragon Dance has been strengthened. The powerful Charizard will naturally defeat this unreasonably weak opponent!

"Flash Charge!"

Zhou You, who is in tune with Arthur to a certain extent (synchronization rate 47%), can't keep up with its actions.

In fact, long before Zhou You gave the order, Charizard had already burst out with blazing flames around its body, driven by the wind and flames, and rushed towards Snorlax with all its strength!

At this moment, the trainer's words are more like explaining the actions of the Pokémon.

But no matter how tacitly they are, Snorlax and its trainer are not necessarily that bad!

Although he was surprised by the extremely flexible flying skills of Charizard, he was not in a hurry when he saw the opponent rushing straight towards him with Flash Charge.

No one believes in the ability and strength of his Snorlax more than he does!

It doesn't matter even if the opponent is a Charizard with the Wind and Clear Sky Dragon Dance buff!

Zhou You: In fact, it also has a fierce fire.

"One strike decides the outcome, Snorlax, a million-ton punch!"

Looking at the Charizard that dived rapidly and violently hit him, Snorlax's eyes squinted and revealed a hint of fighting spirit, and immediately gathered all the strength of his body on his right palm.

Kirbymon is an elf with a gentle temperament and very low aggression, but if anyone dares to disturb its sleep (you will feel sleepy after yawning), you will face a blow from it that can shake the mountains!

Seeing that Charizard was about to hit Kirbymon's bear paw head on.

But Zhou You said calmly: "Get away quickly."

Shannan A secretly thought that he was joking.

How is it possible for a linear charge attack like Shining Charge to go straight forward, use all your strength, and sacrifice one's life...

Dodged! ?

I saw the fire-breathing dragon suddenly fluttering its wings a second before it was about to be hit by a million-ton punch, and its speed climbed upwards without slowing down at all!

While narrowly avoiding the attack, he also performed a 270-degree roll at the same time. After he landed diagonally above the Kirbymon who had still not recovered from the punch, he used inertia to dive in the space of a few inches. And go—Flash Charge!

Unless it is under the magic space, no Kirby beast in the world is likely to have time to react at all when facing an enemy with such mobility.

The fire-breathing dragon, burning with dazzling fire, was like a red comet, dragging its gorgeous tail flames with all its strength towards Kirbymon!

Defeat the enemy with one strike!

Kirbymon, who was dragged out of a ravine on the ground and knocked away more than ten meters, lost its ability to fight on the spot.

The figure that flexibly performs flying stunts under the blessing of this tailwind can be called the Y-jet of destiny!

It's a pity that there are no stones.

On the other side, Pikachu, who used a feint to create an earthquake and shook the Nonsense Tree's hand, also added an Iron Tail shot to completely knock out the Nonsense Tree and use the force to open a distance, ending the battle with a signature shot of 100,000 Volts.

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