This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 173 Waiting for the repair shop, young man

A battle that could barely be considered an after-dinner exercise ended easily. While receiving pocket money from Shan Nan's reluctant eyes, the group also received a surprising piece of news.

Some time ago, someone witnessed Emperor Yan appearing in Miacha Mountain.

For this reason, most of the nearby trainers flocked to Miacha Mountain like a tide, and even the much-anticipated Four Heavenly Kings Shiba came here!

It also explains why wild trainers have been spawning like NPCs every day for the past week.

Most likely he came here to try to challenge and conquer Emperor Yan.

Zhou You couldn't help but murmur in his heart, it turns out it wasn't Xiaozhi who triggered the passive...

"Emperor Yan, even if I like the water elf, I still think it is very majestic." It was still after lunch, Xiaoxia couldn't help but think of Taozi after learning about the arrival of Emperor Yan, "If I practice for a while, I should be able to use the water elf." The elves defeated it."

"Have you forgotten the last time you met Emperor Yan near the Port of Lampurchi and you excitedly challenged him, but then everyone was defeated by a burst of flames?" Xiaozhi took advantage of this rare opportunity to complain about Xiaoxia.

"What do you mean? It was the last time. I became stronger after practicing!"

"Okay, okay, you two, have some dessert after dinner and calm down."

"Just give it a pop!"

In the end, it's up to Xiaogang to bring the ending to an end.

After getting guidance from Zhouyou in Lantern Mountain, Yandi and Marshado quickly went to Lampurchi to find Xiaozhi. Although the group stepped forward to challenge with great interest, they were defeated miserably without any ability to fight back.

It is indeed a little difficult to challenge Entei with Squirtle, Starfish, and Big Rock Snake...

But since they met again this time, Xiaozhi also gathered up his momentum to challenge Yan Emperor again.

"Speaking of which, Xiba from the Four Heavenly Kings is also in Mia Chashan." Xiaogang held his chin and looked at Xiaozhi with an unreadable look, "Xiaozhi, don't you humbly ask Master Xiba for advice on the secret of becoming stronger? ?"

It was obviously a rare opportunity, but Xiaozhi's expression was very strange: "Uh..."

Seeing that the other party clearly showed no interest, as a fan of Hiba and a (one-sided) friend who also loves the Big Rock Snake, Xiaogang talked endlessly about the strength and classic achievements of the Four Heavenly Kings Hiba on the spot. .

It's a pity that no matter how much Xiaogang praises Shiba, Xiaozhi always has a complicated expression.

This made Xiaogang even more confused. According to Xiaozhi's temperament, shouldn't he be eager to visit and challenge the Four Heavenly Kings?

"Xiaogang, you don't know, Xiaozhi had already challenged the Four Heavenly Kings before joining you and Xiaoxia."

Seeing this, Zhou You had no choice but to explain for Xiaozhi.

Although the Tokiwa Gym was razed to the ground for unknown reasons and was rebuilt in less than a week, the identity of the gym leader Sakaki, the leader of Team Rocket, was exposed. After disbanding Team Rocket, he hid under his name to avoid being wanted and disappeared.

The Quartz Conference is about to begin. As the most famous gym in Kanto, how can it remain closed until the end of the conference?

For this reason, the Quartz Alliance had no choice but to send an experienced trainer to serve as the temporary master of the Viridian Gym.

Who is this veteran trainer?

It’s the chrysanthemum of my Four Heavenly Kings!

※DP131 episode.

Xiaozhi, who had just arrived in Joban City and learned the news, went to the Joban Gym to challenge Kikuko without thinking.


"I am Juzi of the Four Heavenly Kings. I heard that Old Man Omu loves you very much?

“That old guy turned out to be a good man, but he left after leaving unnecessary traces on my youth.

"That old man can only make sense now with his eyesight."

Putting aside the fact that Ju Zi used a Gengar to push the team in the resentful eyes, Ju Zi's words left a deep impression on Xiaozhi.

What did Dr. Oki do when he was young? ? ?

As a result, when occasionally supplying supplies at the elf center these days, Xiaozhi looked at Dr. Oak strangely.

It also caused Xiaozhi not to want to come into contact with any of the Four Heavenly Kings in a short period of time. Don't go back and meet Juzi's mysterious old woman again. He didn't know how to face her and Dr. Oak.

After listening to Zhou You's explanation, Xiaogang showed an "I understand" look: "Yeah, it turns out that Dr. Omu was also very romantic when he was young. It's human nature."

"Don't bring your own situation to others!" Xiaoxia complained without hesitation, "A great talent like Dr. Oak will not fall in love with everyone like you. It is probably similar to Xiaozhi's situation. He’s messing around without even realizing it.”

"Indeed." Zhou You nodded.

"Pika." Pikachu agreed.

Xiaozhi: "???"

Why did I get involved with others?

I want to be a Pokémon Master, and women are in the way and will only affect the speed at which I throw the ball!

Probably guessing what the other person was thinking at this moment, Zhou You glanced at Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia playfully.

Is there a possibility that a girl from the Kalos region called the Oak Research Institute a week ago, specifically asking Qinglu and me if someone would attend this Quartz Conference and planned to fly over then? Surprise someone?

Haha, wait for the repair shop, young man.

"Speaking of which, Qiao Qiao, aren't you going to engage in a team battle with Emperor Yan this time?" Xiaoxia suddenly asked after she calmed down.

"I'm not interested, I mean I'm not interested in Entei from the Phoenix Guards, and don't you think leftovers are much better than Entei?"


Although the fire + furry Emperor Yan was indeed one of the elves that Zhou You wanted to conquer, he was unexpectedly less interested in this one: "This Emperor Yan belongs to the Phoenix King, and neither battle nor negotiation will work. If you want to subdue him, you have to go to Feng Wang to discuss it, and I don’t intend to take advantage of Feng Wang.”

The cameraman still needs to be given some face.

Why bother bothering an elf with a master (Phoenix)? Emperor Yan is not the only one. There are 3 different-colored versions in Zoroark theatrical version... By the way, those 3 can't be Celebi again. Subordinate?

"Of course, if I really want to poach someone, I will definitely go directly to King Feng to ask for Marshado!" Zhou You suddenly looked at Xiaozhi's shadow with ill intentions and joked, "How about Marshado, just come with me. Come on?"

"Masha!" A pair of eyes appeared in Xiaozhi's shadow.

I still have a mission!

"Even if you don't agree, I'll go to King Feng and tell him, do you think it's a heterochromatic bird with dyed feathers?"


"Ah, I'm just kidding. Although you look like a ball of fire, it's a pity that you are not a real fire elf."

Machado was relieved and returned to the shadows again.

Just after noon, the midsummer sun was finally no longer too harsh, and the group of four set off towards Miacha Mountain again.

And when they finally arrived at Miacha Mountain two days later, they found that most of the trainers who were originally rumored to have gathered had already returned in despair due to the long absence of Emperor Yan.

Except for the Four Heavenly Kings Hiba.

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