Kojiro, whose full name is Sasaki Kojiro, is the son of the Sasaki Consortium in Kanto. His family's business spans both Kanto and Tokyo, and even has family businesses in other regions such as Sinnoh.

The reason why he joined Team Rocket incognito is because... his parents forced him to get married.

For this reason, he resolutely gave up all his property and came to the Rockets to work hard, deciding to let himself go and live out his true nature.

But now Zhou You has revealed his true identity.

Once the son of the Sasaki Consortium joins the Rockets and the Sasaki family provides financial support to the Rockets, once it is exposed, even if the alliance does not personally take action, many aristocratic families in the Quartz Plateau will drag the Sasaki family away for their own future. Into the abyss!

The moment Zhou Yu said the three words "Sasaki", Kojiro turned pale and looked at him with disbelief, completely unable to understand why such top-secret information was known to a 10-year-old rookie trainer.

"It seems that you know very well what will happen to your family once your true identity is exposed."

Zhouyou likes to communicate with smart people, because they can make up their own minds and rationalize a lot of unreasonable information.

For example, the fact that the Sasaki family financially supports the Rockets is completely nonsense, but looking at Kojiro's appearance, it is obvious that there is no need for evidence to prove this.

"Don't look at me like that, Kojiro, I'm not threatening you." In fact, this is threatening you, Zhou You reminded kindly, "But now there is a big purge within the Quartz Alliance. Financial groups and aristocratic families are attacking each other. Even the Four Heavenly Kings Three of them were so disturbed that they left temporarily. You can imagine how much the disbandment of the Rockets will cause a reshuffle of forces within the league."

"The fact that you joined Team Rocket will one day be exposed, and it will become a stain on you and the Sasaki family, and will be jointly criticized by other people who want to be on top.

"Sober up, even Sakaki is cold. Joining the Rockets is definitely not a good idea. You should take this opportunity to get out."

"With your nurturing ability, Ojiro, Musashi's coordination talent, and Miao Miao's inspiration, the three of you may not be able to achieve a great career, allowing you to go home openly and face your parents to take charge of your own life. ”

That’s all. There is no need to go into details.

Zhou Yu is completely taking advantage of Musashi and Kojiro's weaknesses. If these words can't make them decide to leave Team Rocket, or make them doubt the necessity of continuing to stay in Team Rocket, it will be useless to continue talking. Meaningless.

As for Meow Meow...it was just a coincidence that it joined Team Rocket. If Musashi and Kojiro made the decision, he would probably continue to act with them no matter what.

And his most basic task has been completed.


While Zhou was talking about the trio, Pikachu had already chopped the restraint net to pieces with its sharp steel tail.

Seizing the opportunity, Ash immediately launched an attack: "Well done Pikachu, now it's our turn to attack - One Hundred Thousand Volts!"


The golden current was like a flying dragon and a snake, and in the blink of an eye it struck Team Rocket, who was in a state of shock due to Zhou You's words.

"Wait a minute, little devil!" Musashi became anxious upon seeing this, "I still have something to ask..."

Before he finished speaking, a violent explosion resounded through the sky, and the trio was once again blown into the sky.

"It feels so disgusting!!!"

Gone as gently as they came.

Looking at the Rockets who turned into stars and disappeared in the sky, Fan Ye, who had never been surprised by them from beginning to end, happily stroked his beard and said: "As expected, it is the same as the previous times. The Rainbow Hero is using the Rainbow Feather. "Putting it before the crystal will inevitably lead to a battle, which is also part of the sacred ritual and the final test for the feather holder."

"Oh, actually I had a hunch that they would come out. After all, we have dealt with Team Rocket dozens of times in the past few months. We are really fed up." Xiaoxia, who was holding Togepi, said helplessly. Sigh.

Sometimes she really had to admire Team Rocket's perseverance.

I really don’t know who gave them the confidence to think that they could deal with five people and a total of more than 20 elves with just five elves: Abo Monster, Double Egg Gas, Meow Meow, Big Tongue Licking, and Big Food Flower. 2 gym trainers and 2 tournament participants who collected all 8 badges.

Compared to the others who focused on Feng Wang, Xiaogang gave Zhou You a meaningful look. If what the other person said just now was true, it would probably be heavy top-secret information.

And in terms of traveling around.

Musashi's mother Miyamoto was a veteran who had a good relationship with the previous Rockets boss, and Kojiro's Sasaki family gave financial support to the Rockets.

Isn't the Rockets trio equivalent to the Rockets' second generation and crown prince?

Before, Xiaogang had never thought that those three people who had little success but more than failure could have such a big background...

After repelling Team Rocket with another click, Xiaozhi continued to solemnly come to the rainbow crystal.

He placed the iridescent feathers on top of the crystal.

In an instant, the rainbow-colored feathers resonated with the crystal formed by the earth vein nodes. The vitality from the Phoenix King was supported by the power of the earth veins, and suddenly turned into a dazzling rainbow bridge stretching into the distance.

The atmosphere was shaking due to this energy, and part of the power of the earth's veins was assimilated into life energy, turning into rainbow-like energy fluctuations that spread to the entire Yunying Mountains, the First Tree of the World, Yuejian Mountain, and even the entire Kanto and Chengdu regions. .

Just like Jirachi who absorbs the energy of meteorites every thousand years and turns the huge energy into vitality and injects it into the Farnes region to make it evergreen all year round.

Phoenix King also has the ability to turn part of the energy from the outside world and the universe that has settled into the earth's veins into life force and feeds it back to all life on the earth.

The nature that is balanced under the joint action of humans and elves is the ecology of this world.

As the rainbow bridge rose into the sky, a giant bird elf like a mega bird with a yellow crest, golden tail feathers, red wings and light green tips came flying from the end of the rainbow.

It was the legendary Pokémon that the audience jokingly called the Photographer. It was once worshiped by humans but was regarded as unknown because of its power to control life. According to legend, as long as you meet it, you will gain eternal happiness - Ho-Oh!

"Under the guidance of the Rainbow Feather, meet the Phoenix King and become the Hero of the Rainbow!" Fan Ye, who has been pursuing this for most of his life, shouted enthusiastically.

Wild breath appears!

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