This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 196 A brief meeting and an agreement to meet again

Wild breath appears!

"It looks a bit ugly from the portrait, but it actually looks quite beautiful... By the way, everyone, please come out. This kind of opportunity to observe the legendary elves up close is quite rare."

While struggling with the appearance of King Phoenix, Zhou You subconsciously released all his elves from the elf ball.

Is it rare?

Eden complained in his mind, not only can we see the Dragon God in the next door area from time to time, but we can even occasionally see strange things like conflicts and fights between the legendary elves and trainers.

"..." Zhou You always felt that Eden, who suddenly fell into silence, was thinking about something strange.

However, his actions seemed to remind Master Fan: "By the way, the rest of you should hurry up and call out all the elves. The Phoenix King will bring blessings to the lives present."

After everyone heard this, they released their elves one after another.

All the members of the classic theatrical version appear.

After a while, Xiaoxia turned into stars with eyes: "Look, it's the Phoenix King!"

The phoenix king, which reflects the brilliant rainbow colors under the sunlight, comes with the rainbow.

The huge life energy suddenly resonated with the power of the earth's veins, turning into a turbulent life force that swept through the entire Tianqing Mountain.

All the humans, elves, and wild elves present invariably felt that their bodies seemed to have lost half of their weight under the strong wind. Once the old injuries were healed, new vitality and strength once again poured out continuously from the body!

As Master Fan has investigated, the arrival of the Phoenix King will bestow blessings on all life and bring vitality to everyone present.

After bringing blessings to everyone present, the Phoenix King hovered and landed on the iridescent crystal.

Xiaozhi excitedly ran up to it with Pikachu.

"Phoenix King, please fight me!"



There was a hint of doubt in King Feng's eyes.

The person who dares to challenge when the chance of winning is 0 is worthy of being chosen by me!

So it nodded with satisfaction and said to Xiaozhi in the form of telepathy: "I will fulfill a wish for the human being who becomes my spokesperson. If this is your wish, I will happily accept it, but the time for fulfillment is not now. ”

"Spokesperson? Wishes?" Xiaozhi was a little confused, "Did you hear it? A kind voice suddenly sounded in my head."

"What kind of voice?" Xiaoxia glanced at the others and got the same answer from their eyes, "We didn't hear anything."

Master Fan quickly realized: "That must be the voice of King Feng, Xiaozhi, answer it quickly!"

Zhou You and Eden looked at each other - why should we still make encrypted calls?

Xiaozhi nodded and asked bravely: "Why can't we fight now? What does the spokesperson mean?"

"Because you are not fully prepared yet. There is no chance of winning against me now. There is no need to rush. When you think you are sure in the future, you can use my feathers to summon me again."

After answering Xiaozhi's first question, King Feng continued to explain in his mind: "Being my spokesperson means that you can seek help from my subordinates in times of crisis and let them help you solve problems. "

"So what's the price?" Ash asked, using a line he learned from someone.

"There is no price. I won't make any demands on you, and I don't need you to do anything for me. Even when you are no longer willing to be my spokesperson, you can entrust the feathers to the next human being."

What King Feng said is true.

The person who can come here despite the test of Marshado and still let the feathers shine beautifully means that he coincides with his own path.

Even if King Feng doesn't make any demands on him, the other party will definitely continue to practice on a path similar to his.

This rainbow feather entrusted to the opponent is not only a token that can turn to the Phoenix Guards for help, but also a resurrection coin that can provide a chance for resurrection.

"Oh, I see……"

Xiaozhi still seems to understand. At only 10 years old, he still doesn't quite understand what Phoenix King means, and he doesn't know what this feather specifically represents.

But Feng Wang was not interested in talking more to Xiao Zhi. Sooner or later, he would understand what he just said.

So it immediately turned to look at Zhou You who was pointing the camera at itself.


Soon King Feng's eyes were filled with doubts - who is this person?

Why does he have my feathers on him?

Why was the aura in his backpack so similar to the white dragon that attacked him without any martial ethics a few days ago at the World's Beginning Tree? ?

Why can I feel that his body contains a power similar to my own? ? ?

A possibility was connected in its mind - the human in front of it ordered the white dragon to attack him and steal a feather!


King Feng felt that he needed to talk to the other party: "Actually, you don't have to be so extreme. The rainbow feather can still bloom brilliantly in your hands, which means that you can get my recognition. Just ask me for one."

"Ah? Why do you want one?" Zhou You probably guessed the mystery of the feather's origin, but Zhou You decisively chose to play dumb.

Phoenix King: "..."

I understand, it was the white dragon who made the decision on his own.

"Ahem, it's nothing, that feather is a gift I asked Reshiram to give you. You can always ask my subordinates for help if you need it."

King Feng stared at Zhou You seriously for a long time, and then continued: "It's so similar, you have vitality and flames similar to mine, just like the human version of me, but there seem to be some differences between you and humans... Is it possible? Are you a hybrid of human and elf?

"For the sake of your predestined relationship with me, let me give you some guidance. When you have nothing to do, feel the power of that feather more. It should be able to give you some inspiration on how to use your abilities.

"Besides that, you should search for Xerneas in the distant Kalos region."

"Xerneas..." Zhou You is no stranger to this name, "Is it the legendary aura Pokémon that can give life?"

"Yes, it will definitely help you more."

After hesitating for a moment, Zhou You asked again: "Then do you mind if I ask you a few more questions?"

"The time has not yet come, and you are not ready yet. When you are fully prepared one day in the future, I will wait for you at the Bell Tower in the Chengdu area."

After saying that, the Phoenix King took a deep look at everyone present, fluttered his wings and flew towards the rainbow again.

From the beginning to the end, the time the Phoenix King stayed on the iridescent crystal was less than five minutes.

Except for chatting with Xiaozhi and Zhou You for a while, in the eyes of others, it was just that the Phoenix King arrived briefly, stayed for a while, and then left again.

Although people were extremely excited to see the legendary spirit that could bring happiness to people, they still left some regrets for everyone.

Waiting for the day we meet again...

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