Hang Yu glanced at the forum replies.

"It's too exaggerated!"

"It doesn't sound very reliable!"

"Well, actually I have a friend who wants to ask, is this game... realistic?"

"Haha, it's a lie at first glance!"

"How can there be a 100% real game in this world?"

"Brother Rui, you must have been charged up. We can understand that you want to eat, but you can't look so ugly. It would be too shameless to brag without thinking."

"No picture of the dick."

"I've made a reservation, please give me a spot!"

"I am a cute girl with a height of 1.7 meters and a height of 36D, and I am planning to give you a place in the closed beta test."


The vast majority of people are expressing doubts, thinking that Brother Black Eyed Rui is just bragging about bad money. Of course, there are also die-hard fans who believe in Brother Black Eyed Rui, and they all express their expectations for this new game.

Whether they believe it or not.

The Three Kingdoms has soared in popularity on game forums.

This is why there has been a surge in bookings in such a short period of time.

This is not a bad thing. Although the territory can currently recruit a limited population, the more people who make reservations, the more high-quality players can be selected, making the early development of the territory smoother.

As for whether the game will cause some trouble due to controversy and fame?

Don't worry about this at all.

What Xiaoba created is a completely reasonable and legal game, not to mention that the Tiandao Rubik's Cube is an unsolvable existence for Blue Star. Using the game as a medium to spread it is just a layer of packaging and cannot be destroyed or blocked.

"Master, the players have been resurrected and online." Xiaoba reminded.

"Oh, time flies so fast, I just checked a few posts."

Hang Yu withdrew his attention from the forum, "I now have eight recruits to train, and my own strength also needs to be improved urgently. Now is the time when I need a lot of energy. I hope players will continue to work hard and carry forward the fine tradition of seeking death. Great for efficiency, great for quality, great for style!”

A qualified lord cannot hide obscenely behind the scenes forever.

After all, the attributes of lords far exceed those of ordinary units, and they can learn all professional skills at will. They are also blessed with powerful lord-specific talents. Their overall strength is often the strongest in the territory, so they are a vital combat power.

Lords have great potential.

Growth also consumes more energy.

Therefore, players need to go through life and death, mainly to death, and die quickly.


“As expected, everyone went online with their watches in hand!”

Brother Heitongrui looked around and said: "I think this game should have a node offline mechanism. Even if our bodies are lowered, we will not disappear in this world. This barracks and dormitory are safe places to go online and offline. The resurrection point after death is also set at Got here.”

"What a tragedy! All the magic stones exploded."

"Me too and I lost fifty experience points."

"Hey, that's good for you. I have less than fifty experience points left, and now I've dropped directly back to level 1."

Everyone communicated with each other, and found that they really couldn't swallow this tone, and they would take revenge no matter what.

If you can't even beat a chicken, how can you have the nerve to compete with the heroes of the Three Kingdoms in the late Han Dynasty? What can you do to fight against the demons from all walks of life? Of course, this chicken is really powerful, so think long term and be prepared!

The players held a chicken slaughtering meeting!

Ye Limeng slapped the case and said: "We need more manpower, it's best to gather all the players!"

Brother Black Eyed Rui: "The number alone is not enough. If there are two level 3 rangers, we should be able to contain it."

Hacking a street wildly: "No matter how fierce this BOSS is, it's just a beast. We may be able to set up an ambush in the nearby woods. With our wisdom and cooperation, I don't believe we can't kill it!"

The Midnight Pig Killer Man also proposed a plan: "Why don't we ask the Lord for help? There is no way this core NPC can't even kill a turkey!"

The monster immediately objected: "I don't think this is good. There is a high probability that this game has a hidden favorability setting. Even an elite monster will alert our camp leader, which may cause the lord's favorability towards us to decrease. "

"That makes sense!"

"Then don't alert the lord."

"Let's grind monsters to upgrade and save materials first."

"Yes, save a hundred contribution points first, so that even if you die, you can be resurrected immediately."


Players leave the village in public.

I saw pheasants that had been hunted to death.

At this time, the number has returned to 7788.

"So it turns out that monsters can be spawned here?" Demon Demon Demon was slightly surprised.

He hacked a street and didn't take it seriously: "Is this weird? If an online game doesn't spawn monsters, and the players who come in first kill all the monsters, how can subsequent players continue to play?"

Demon Monster: "That's what I say, but this game gives me the feeling that it not only has high gameplay, but also has a set of real and self-consistent logic. There may be some information hidden behind this monster spawning mechanism that can be mined."

As a setting party and plot party.

Demons and demons are more concerned about this aspect.

The others obviously didn't think much and immediately started busy.

Today's hunting target is not only the snake-tailed pheasant, but also several nearby wild monsters.

Hang Yu has been paying attention to the performance of the players behind the scenes. The hunting efficiency of the players is obviously getting higher and higher, and their cooperation is becoming more and more tacit. After several hours, no one has died, which makes him feel a little depressed.

In order for the territory to better collect death taxes, shouldn't it occasionally recruit some rookies?

Three players have reached level 3. They are Brother Heitongrui, Ye Limeng, and a ranger player with the ID name "Guzhou".

It feels almost done.

Players form a chicken-slaying group of sixteen people.

This is almost the first test for all online players.

Everyone returned to the Lord's Hall and dealt with the materials in their backpacks first, otherwise these materials would likely explode if they died.

Demon Demon: "Dear Lord! We are here to hand in the mission!"

Hang Yu glanced at the players: "You seem to have adapted to the life here. Now take out the collected materials. The territory will remember your merits and contributions."


Everyone submitted materials one after another.

[You have completed the material collection task, contribution points +10! 】

[You have completed the food collection task, contribution points +10! 】


Brother Guang Heitongrui handed over 70 materials alone, plus 60 ingredients, for a total of 130 contribution points.

The contribution points of other main characters are generally around 100 points. Even if they are slightly different, they will even out their resources to ensure that they have just enough for a quick resurrection.

"Very good!"

“Now you don’t have to worry about losing materials.”

"It's a pity that magic stones cannot be exchanged for contribution points."

"I have found a suitable place to set a trap. As long as I bring in the pheasant BOSS, I will definitely kill it this time!"

"What are you waiting for?"

"There should be a lot of wild BOSS nearby!"

"We can't waste any more time at the door."

"Hurry up, hurry up, it's almost lunch time, my mother is going to call me to eat."

"There seem to be town ruins in the river valley. Maybe we can find background information on this Three Kingdoms world. Let's go and have a look after we defeat this BOSS!"



Everyone left the hall.

Watching the players talking, laughing and leaving prepared.

Hang Yu couldn't help but worry about the snake-tailed flame chicken at his door.

These players are more cautious than imagined.

He actually didn't take revenge immediately, but instead practiced a wave of levels.

Theoretically speaking, with the current strength, it is more than enough to hunt down a level 3 elite.

I hope that Little Chicken Chicken can stand up and at least take away a few more players before dying, otherwise the energy recorded in the account today will be a bit low... Maybe we should take the initiative to issue missions and send these players to dangerous places, so that It can effectively increase the player's mortality rate.


The player explosion rate is really scary.

As many as 1,508 pieces of materials were recovered through the mission this time, including 783 pieces of first-level materials and 725 pieces of first-level food. This amount far exceeded expectations. .

[You transformed "first-order materials" x 665, and you obtained "first-order material essence" x 665! 】

Hang Yu did not convert all the materials into essence. The remaining 118 materials were more suitable for making equipment, and he planned to build an equipment refining workshop in his territory next.

[Item Refining Workshop], the construction cost is 300 magic crystals and 500 first-level material essences. The current number that can be built is 0/1.

Hang Yu entered the abyss world with a starting capital of 2,000 magic crystals. Currently, he has recruited a total of 20 players, plus 8 territorial soldiers, with a total consumption of 560 magic crystals.

If you build a refinery workshop, the cumulative expenditure will reach 880.

Having a workshop alone is not enough. You also have to hire a weapon refiner, and the cumulative expenditure is at least thousands.

According to the plan, 10 new players will be recruited every day, which will consume 200 magic crystals. Looking at the financial situation, it is really stretched and in a state of being unable to make ends meet!

This is the case in the early stages of territory construction.

The current goal, apart from improving oneself as soon as possible, the most important thing is to find a way to achieve a balance of payments in the territory as soon as possible.

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