This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 10 First Test Evaluation

Hang Yu opened [Territorial Recruitment] to prepare for recruiting troops. Xiaoba will currently select ten high-quality players from the reserved players every day to issue internal beta quotas until the territory's population limit is reached.

Although the player is very useful.

Not afraid of death and has a super high explosion rate.

However, the online and offline time cannot be 100% controllable.

The world of the abyss is full of dangers and ever-changing, and the competition for lords is equally dangerous and requires walking on thin ice, so you must prepare the necessary security forces to prevent your home from being stolen.

Hang Yu will build two armies at the same time.

The first one is the fourth Scourge Legion composed of players.

The second branch is a regular army regiment composed of conventional arms.

As for the ratio, let’s tentatively set it between “seven to three” and “eight to two”!

The Fourth Disaster Army is still the absolute main force, responsible for adventurous exploration, map development, resource acquisition, and territorial competition.

As long as the territory is still being developed.

As long as players are still fighting.

The territory continuously obtains resources based on energy sources.

At this time, it is not difficult to build a regular army that is small in number but strong enough and elite. And because on average there are several players raising one NPC unit, the average strength of NPC soldiers must be far greater than that of players.

"Let's recruit four warriors, two warlocks, and two monks first!"

Among the four basic arms, the Abyss Warrior has the highest defense and is more suitable for building territorial defense lines. The Warlock has long-range output capabilities and the Monk has healing capabilities, which can form a good support.

As for the Abyss Ranger? The main feature is high sensitivity and high speed, which is more suitable for reconnaissance.

But Hang Yu already has a group of players who are not afraid of death. There is no need to consume regular troops for map opening and exploration. Naturally, there is no need to recruit rangers at this stage.

A few seconds later, eight figures appeared in the territory. At first glance, they were no different from the players. Their initial equipment was exactly the same, but their temperaments were completely different. Their behavior was slightly dull, but they also had a military temperament.

"Greetings to the lord!"

Eight people came and knelt in front of him at the same time.

Hang Yu checked the relevant information presented.

[Abyss Warrior: Zhang San], level 1...

[Abyss Warrior: Li Si], level 1...

[Abyss Warlock: Wang Wu], level 1...

[Abyss Monk, Zhao Liu], level 1...

These names were given casually by Hang Yu. If the lord does not give names to his units, the NPCs will automatically generate names, mainly to facilitate daily management and ordering.

"Get up!"

The eight soldiers stood up immediately.

Hang Yu ordered: "From now on, your mission is to protect the territory and eliminate all threats approaching the territory."

Eight people said in unison: "Yes!"

This kind of NPC soldier has no self-awareness, almost no joy, anger, sorrow, desire and selfishness. He is only 100% loyal to the lord and is like a machine with orders and prohibitions.

Although he feels a bit dull and personalityless, his IQ is not much different from that of ordinary people. There will be no obstacles in communication, but it will just make people feel bored.

It takes 100 essence to upgrade from level 1 to level 2.

It takes 200 essence to upgrade from level 2 to level 3.

Hang Yu immediately spent 2,400 points to upgrade all eight soldiers to level 3. Even if he encounters some special circumstances, he does not have to worry about not having a defensive force. After all, there will not be too strong a threat in the early stage. "

Hang Yu asked: "How many players have made reservations for the game now?"

Xiaoba immediately replied: "As of now, the number of reservations is 11,521!"

Hang Yu was slightly shocked: "Why did it increase so much!"

Xiao Ba said: "After the first batch of closed beta players experienced the game, it has already caused discussion on the Internet. They are calling for reservations in game groups, Moments, and social media. Among them, the player 'Black Eyed Brother' posted on the Xinghai Forum, which caused a lot of discussion. There’s a lot of attention and it’s fermenting.”

"I'm kind of curious, can I see the details?"

"no problem!"

Xiao Ba projected an information panel, which was the forum of Blue Star's largest game platform "Xinghai". There was a post that had just been published and was soaring at a rocket-like speed.


"Brother cute!"

"Discover a super treasure game!"

"Even if I die and am nailed in a coffin, I will still shout with my decayed vocal cords - "The Three Kingdoms" is fortress!"

Brother Heitong Rui is a well-known boss in the gaming circle. He has millions of fans on the Xinghai platform alone. At this moment, he published an article on the forum titled ["The Three Kingdoms" - the first test of the most awesome virtual reality game in history. Big revelation! 】s post.

To know.

Brother Heitong Rui has always had a good reputation, is humble and low-key, and never makes gimmick headlines. This post is not the style of the past, and "Three Kingdoms" is also completely unfamiliar. Almost no one has heard of this game, so many fans have to I wonder if his account has been hacked.

Less than half an hour.

The post received 100,000 clicks.

Nearly a thousand people participated in the discussion.

"Hello everyone, I'm Brother Rui. I haven't posted on the Xinghai Forum for a long time!"

“Last night I was very honored to receive an invitation to the first beta test of “Three Kingdoms”. This is a large-scale virtual reality MMO game that claims to be 100% real. At first, I felt the same as most people at the moment, thinking that there was another unscrupulous manufacturer. Engage in false propaganda, after all, MMO has long been the tear of the times, and 100% authenticity is theoretically impossible to achieve. "

"But now I want to apologize to the game's production team from the bottom of my heart: I'm sorry! Please accept my knee!"

"First of all, 100% authenticity may not exist, because I think "Three Kingdoms" has 120% or even higher authenticity!"

"The interaction of the five senses that can be experienced in reality can be 100% restored in the game. Even the feelings that cannot be experienced in the real world can be created for you out of thin air by the game!"

"Excuse my incoherence."

"Because I can't use words to describe the shock in my heart at this moment!"

"Whether it is the light and shadow effects, or even the texture of the material, as well as the sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, there is no difference between it and reality!"

"The freedom of the game is unimaginable. You can interact with all the objects you come into contact with, ranging from trees or boulders to as small as gravel and dust. It is not just a simple collision, but also a completely subjective operation to change the shape and position."

“You can even cook all kinds of delicious food in the game, and you don’t have to worry about gaining weight at all!”

"Even if it is just a sightseeing tour, it is an unforgettable otherworldly experience."

"This alone is enough to instantly kill all the masterpieces on the market!"


"Let's talk about the content of the game."

"Because our exploration progress is currently very low, we don't have much information at our disposal."

"Judging from the official information, this is a dark soul-like, even somewhat Cthulhu-style Three Kingdoms era. It is completely different from the Three Kingdoms games on the market that focus on history. Perhaps you can understand "The Three Kingdoms" as a game based on the Three Kingdoms. The background of "Elden Ring" and "Bloodborne".

"The Three Kingdoms plane of this world has been eroded by the abyss, causing time and space to fall into chaos and distortion, and creatures have mutated and become demonized. In addition, there are demon lords from the stars who come from other worlds to try to occupy this world. world."

"no doubt."

“The setting is very bold.”

"It's different from any other Three Kingdoms game."

"But the mystery of the world view is suddenly filled with the fun of exploring the unknown!"

"I can't wait to know what is happening in this world and what state the people and heroes of this era are in!"

"Why does the theme of the Three Kingdoms endure so long?"

"The main reason is that in this era, there are so many stars, counselors and heroes!"

"Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Cao Cao, Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Guan Erye, as well as Diao Chan, Cai Wenji, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao are all familiar and charming characters to us. Who wouldn't want to interact with them?"

"Perhaps one of them will appear as a big boss!"

"And we will challenge these famous generals who have transformed into the Abyss Demon God as mortals!"

"Just thinking about it makes my blood boil... Of course, this is still very far away from us, because we were just killed by a turkey ball at the door, wry smile jpg!"

“I can only say that the game is not only extremely playable but also extremely hardcore!”

"We haven't even beaten a chicken. You can imagine how perverted the enemies will be in the future, so friends who want to play this game must be prepared to suffer."


"As a difficult game."

"Death itself is an integral part of the gaming experience."

"Only when you defeat a strong enemy after repeated failures, you will understand the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction at that moment."

"The pain sensation in "The Three Kingdoms" can be adjusted freely, so you don't have to worry about tolerance."

"There is currently only one NPC in the game, and that is our great lord Hang Yu. He is a human from the land of stars, and he is also the key figure who summons players to come to this world."

"If you guessed correctly, this lord is the highest camp leader in large-scale MMO games such as "World of Warcraft", but the difference is that the lord and territory will grow together with the players."

"When a great territory grows from scratch with the joint efforts of NPCs and players."

"This sense of participation and achievement is something that other games don't have."

"I am still further exploring and researching the game's career system, currency system, combat system, mission system and other settings. I will publish a more detailed review post in the near future."

“As for video updates and live broadcasts during this period, I can only do it!”

"Because I am going to devote all my energy to "Three Kingdoms". This is a masterpiece that is definitely worth experiencing!"

"According to official information, the first test quota is very precious. Only 100 players are recruited. From now on, ten quotas will be released every day until they are full. If you are lucky enough to get it, be sure to cherish it!"

"Let's get here first today!"

"I'm ready to go online!"

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