Before the brutal BOSS battle took place.

Hang Yu received death reminders from several players in the Lord's Hall.

[The player "Zajiang Noodles" is dead, magic stone fragments +14, abyss essence +100! 】

[The player "Ning Caichen II" has died, magic stone fragments +20, spiked hare's sting +2, spiked hare meat +2, abyss essence +100! 】

[The player "One Sword to the West" has been killed, the magic stone fragments +31, the green giant frog's slime +4, and the abyss essence +150! 】


Hang Yu: "Hey, a player jumped on the street? This is faster than I thought!"

Xiao Ba said: "Master, although the demonized creatures near the territory are only level 1-2, they are enough to make inexperienced and initially weak players lose their lives!"

Fortunately, it was the player who died.

Otherwise, the loss will be too great!

Hang Yu couldn't help but sigh: "Our human race's troops are relatively cheap, but the price of each one is as high as 20 magic crystals. The magic crystals I brought cannot bear the loss in the drawing process."

it's good now.

Don't be careful.

Not to mention walking on thin ice.

The player's life doesn't cost money, just use the life to pile it up!

It can not only ensure extremely high development efficiency, but also generate huge returns!

The experience value exploded when the player dies is related to the level, and generally does not exceed 20%. If the current remaining energy is not enough, the exploding amount will be as much as possible. In addition, all magic stone properties carried with him will be lost, and 10% of the backpack items will also be lost. The probability of breaking out is twenty.

What surprised Hang Yu the most was.

Under the enhanced bonus of his own hidden talents.

For every 1 point of energy exploding from the player, the territory will gain 5 points of energy!

This is more than just making money?

It’s simply a crazy way to earn money!

"For the growth of the territory, players should die more times." Xiaoba said coldly and ruthlessly.

Hang Yu smiled and said: "I didn't expect you, Xiaoba, to have the potential to become a black-hearted capitalist!"

"The master's interests are absolute."

Hang Yu: "In the early stage, you still need to exercise proper restraint and not over-exploit. You have to fatten the pigs before killing them. Now these players are too poor and there is not much money to be made."

Player resurrection has a set resurrection time.

At first glance, this may affect efficiency and profitability, but this is not the case.

First of all, if you die and resurrect too frequently in a very short period of time, it may cause damage to the player's spiritual soul. Therefore, setting the maximum daily death limit or increasing the death interval in the early stage is a protection mechanism for players, and it is also for the sake of sustainability. Fishing when the lake is exhausted.

Secondly, players can be resurrected immediately by paying a small amount of contribution points, which are not too expensive. However, obtaining contribution points requires moving bricks, collecting materials for the territory or performing tasks. The only way is to continuously recycle contribution points, leaving players with a tight budget. Players will work harder to move bricks.

In the long term.

Repeated and frequent deaths.

It will inevitably consume a lot of contribution points.

They will find ways to complete tasks to earn more contribution points.

Not only will the territorial efficiency not be reduced, but it can be greatly improved.

As long as Hang Yu masters the rhythm and scale of issuance and recovery of contribution points, he can not only control players to work and move bricks, but also easily obtain materials and use tasks to command players to carry out various actions.

Xiao Ba concluded: "The resources that the master has recovered so far include a total of 450 points of essence, 65 magic stone fragments, 4 parts of the green giant frog's mucus, 2 parts of the spiked hare's stinger, and 2 parts of the spiked hare meat. "

Energy reserves can strengthen yourself.

It can also be used to train soldiers or other consumption.

Of course, it can also be given to players in the form of mission rewards.

When players accept missions for rewards and repeatedly die in difficult missions, Hang Yu gains a lot of profits from their deaths. Some of them are used for his own use or to build territories, and the remaining part continues to be sent out in the form of missions... This It is indeed a closed loop, it is simply a perpetual motion machine!

As for the 110 magic stone fragments, there is nothing to say. Only 100 magic stone fragments can be synthesized to synthesize one abyss magic stone, and 10 abyss magic stones can be used to refine one abyss magic crystal.

The player must have 10 times the explosion rate to produce this magic stone!

It can be seen that the magic crystal is very valuable.

Military recruitment is very expensive!

If you don't get investment or loans in the early stage, it will be extremely difficult to start, unless the lord himself is a very strong race and can manually farm monsters to complete the original accumulation.

But as a human race, Hang Yu's starting level is too low, and it is not suitable to go out and take risks before his strength has grown. This is why he has been staying in his territory now.

Although this amount of magic stone income is not very impressive, as players become stronger in the future, the monsters they hunt become more and more powerful, or the player base becomes larger and larger, the income generated will also be unimaginable.

As for the remaining three items, they all belong to the material category.

Mucus and stingers are materials, mainly used to make equipment, props or consumables. In addition, there is another use, which is to invest in the core of the territory for transformation, thereby obtaining basic materials for building the territory.

These two materials are of little use.

Hang Yu threw them into the core of the territory.

[You transformed "Green Giant Frog's Mucus" x 4, "Spiked Hare's Poisonous Stinger" x 2, and obtained "First-Level Ordinary Material Essence" x 6! 】

This "material essence" is the basic materials that need to be consumed to build a territory. Generally, it can only be converted from materials. First-order materials can be converted into first-order essence, second-order materials can be converted into second-order essence, and so on.

This little material.

Of course not enough!

Hang Yu summoned the lord panel.

The [Territorial Construction] option has sub-options such as [Building Construction] and [Building Upgrade].

Hang Yu opened the building construction and saw early human buildings appearing in front of him in a list.


[Territorial Canteen], the construction cost is 100 magic crystals and 200 first-level material essences. The current number that can be constructed is 0/2.

[Item Refining Workshop], the construction cost is 400 magic crystals and 500 first-level material essences. The current number that can be built is 0/1.

[Alchemy Workshop], the construction cost is 300 magic crystals and 400 first-level material essences. The current number that can be built is 0/1.


[Trading Hall], the construction cost is 200 magic crystals, 500 first-level material essences, and the current buildable quantity is 0/1.

[Abyss Barracks], the construction cost is 500 magic crystals, 2000 first-level material essences, and the current number that can be built is 4/4.

[Star Teleport Station], the construction cost is 3,000 magic crystals and 10,000 first-level material essences. The current buildable quantity is 0/1.


There are sixteen types of basic buildings in the human territory, which can cover all the basic needs of the territory such as eating, drinking, eating, manufacturing, and learning skills. You only need to pay the corresponding fee to build them.

Each of Abyss Lord's buildings has special abilities.

In addition to these basic buildings, you can also obtain special building drawings and other race-specific building drawings during the process of developing maps or fighting other lords, thereby enriching the territory's military types and strength.

Whether it's building a building.

Or upgrade existing buildings.

No need for a lot of money and materials.

Hang Yu currently has enough funds for the time being, but the main thing he lacks is the essence of materials. This is why he issued collection tasks to let players go out to hunt monsters to obtain materials.

at this time.

Hang Yu noticed.

Players such as Black Eyed Brother Rui, Ye Limeng, and Demon Demon Demon performed quite well. Not only did they successfully hunt down a large number of wild monsters, but they also successively upgraded to level 2, and then formed a group to challenge the snake-tailed flame chicken.

Hang Yu laughed directly.

The snake-tailed flame chicken is a level 3 elite monster.

Players really lack awareness of the dangers of the abyss world!

There are two main criteria for evaluating the strength of abyssal creatures, one is level and the other is grade.

The stars divide the creatures of the abyss into ten levels. Even if they are of the same level, monsters will show huge differences in strength due to different levels.

There are many names for the ten levels.

In order for players to understand it better, Hang Yu asked Xiaoba to redefine the monster levels from low to high as: ordinary, elite, commander, overlord, monarch, emperor, master, epic, legend, myth, and unknowable level .

Although the Snake Tail Flame Chicken is only a level 3 elite, in terms of strength, it will never lose to ordinary monsters at level 8 or 9. With the players' current strength, there is almost no possibility of winning.

The result is as expected!

[The player "Brother Black Eyed Rui" has died, magic stone fragments +140, energy +250, snake-tailed pheasant feathers +6, snake-tailed pheasant +8! 】

[The player "Slashing a Street" has died, magic stone fragments +122, energy +250, snake-tailed pheasant feathers +9, snake-tailed pheasant +4! 】

[The player "Monster" has died, magic stone fragments +117, energy +250, snake-tailed pheasant feathers +8, snake-tailed pheasant +5! 】


[The player "Ye Li Meng" has died, magic stone fragments +125, energy +250, snake-tailed pheasant feathers +7, snake-tailed pheasant +6! 】

"All eight players were killed!" Xiao Bahui reported: "Congratulations to the master, you have obtained 2,000 reserve essence points, plus 1,123 magic stone fragments, 63 materials, and 41 ingredients."


It's a good harvest.

Now a total of 2450 points of energy and 1188 magic stone fragments have been earned.

Hang Yu first transformed all the materials, and the current reserve of material essence in the territory reached 69 copies.

He said with satisfaction: "It has only been about eight hours since the game started. If we continue at this rate, various supporting facilities will be built soon. This development speed is amazing. With these players who like to commit suicide, why Worry about the failure of the great cause!"

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