This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 26 Trigger plot mission


[The player "Brother Black Eyed Rui" is dead, with energy +600...]

[The player "Guzhou" has died, and his energy is +600...]

[The player "Ye Li Meng" is dead, with energy +900...]

[The player "Crazy Knife King" has died, and his energy is +900...]

[Ding, you annexed the "Secondary Abyss", your talent points +1! 】

Good news comes frequently.

Another wave of destruction.

Fortunately, all those who died were players!

Otherwise, this casualty rate will apply.

Hang Yu was afraid that he would have to pack himself up and give it to a rich woman.

Even so, it cannot afford the expense of developing the territory.

Although they paid the price of nearly destroying the group, the player successfully hunted the BOSS. The skeleton scorpion-tailed cow was also a secondary source of pollution, so Hang Yu gained another precious talent point.

This time, a total of two level 5 players, three level 4 players, nine level 3 players, and six level 2 players were killed. Although the number was less than last time, the quality was improved. A total of 8,700 points of essence were generated, allowing The reserve energy reaches 9300 points.

Spend 600 as first kill reward.

The disposable energy reserve is still as high as 8700 points.

Hang Yu is already at level 6, with all four skills at full level. There is no urgent need to improve his strength for the time being, so after some weighing, he decided to use it to cultivate his own legion of regular soldiers.

Eight soldiers have been promoted to level 3 before.

It takes 400 essence to upgrade from level 3 to level 4, and 700 essence to upgrade from level 4 to level 5.

[Reserve energy-3200! 】

Hang Yu upgraded all eight soldiers to level 4 in one go. The remaining 5350 energy points were not enough to upgrade each soldier to another level, so he upgraded Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Wu, and Zhao Liu.

[Reserve energy-2800! 】

Essence reserve remaining: 2700.

[Essence Reserve -1000, you have upgraded the Iron Armor Skill of "Abyss Warrior: Zhang San" to level 9! 】

[Essence Reserve -1000, you have upgraded the Fire Arrow Curse of "Abyss Warlock: Wang Wu" to level 9! 】

That’s it!

Improved this round.

The strength of the eight family members has greatly increased!

Although the investment is not small, it is absolutely necessary.

Hang Yu must ensure that the territory has an armed force that is absolutely selfless and enforces orders and prohibitions.

This NPC force is not only the basic force when the territory is in danger, but can also be used to discipline players and maintain order. Since there is a need to discipline players, it is natural to have stronger power than the players.

When the strength of the regular army gradually increased.

Hang Yu will feedback the essence resources to the players by issuing more tasks, thereby improving the players' strength, and ultimately forming a virtuous cycle to ensure that the territory's strength becomes stronger and stronger.

"Master, one player was captured by the natives." Xiaoba reminded.

Hang Yu nodded slightly: "Well, I saw it. I was surprised to meet the indigenous people so soon, but it is a good thing for the development of the territory!"

What is an indigenous person?

Xu Feng in the ruins of the deserted village does not count.

Although Xu Feng was once a figure in the Three Kingdoms era, it is obvious that he has been contaminated and corrupted now, so he is no longer a native of the Three Kingdoms but a creature of the abyss.

The so-called indigenous people refer to the indigenous people who have not been contaminated by the abyss. They do not have the characteristics of immortality. Once they die, they cannot be resurrected. If they are contaminated during the death process, they may be transformed into new abyssal creatures.

Hang Yu did not intervene immediately.

It would be great if we could take this opportunity to find an indigenous settlement.

Because these indigenous towns are often very good targets for capture!

At the moment, the territory's finances were running into serious deficits every day, and the three melons and two dates that players dropped from killing monsters alone were simply not enough. After thinking about it, the fastest way to make money was through robbery.


The pig-killing man was stuffed into a small boat in the reeds at midnight, and two villagers were responsible for rowing the boat to the west bank of the river. The whole process was confusing, but he finally saw that this gang There was no intention of killing him.

what happened?

Triggered a hidden plot?

No way! Such a good thing!

Wait, why are these people arresting me? The game should have a 18-ban protection mechanism... If I encounter a special situation, should I choose to force myself offline, commit suicide by hitting a wall, or endure it for a while?

Li Niu noticed that the expression of the prisoner in front of him kept changing. First he was confused, then stunned, then excited and ecstatic, and finally full of disgust and worry, but there was no fear.

what happened?

This guy looks like he has no trace of contamination.

Why do you behave so weirdly?

"Brother! What on earth do you do?"

"Why are you arresting me? Are you planning to kidnap me? But I'm a poor guy with no money!"

"Well, you don't have special needs, do you? To be honest, I have been severely constipated since I was a child. I haven't pooped in the past thirty days, and I also suffer from severe colon ulcers and hemorrhoids."

"Brother, why don't you speak?"

"Brother, your sword looks good."

"Brother, what is the quality of your bow? Can you lend it to me to take a look?"

"Brother, why are you looking at me like this? Your look scares me!"


Li Niu's face became increasingly ugly.

The man who killed the pig at midnight suddenly felt his eyes go dark.

[Ding, you have been knocked unconscious and are expected to wake up in 38 minutes! 】

The Midnight Pig Killer disconnected from the character, which made him confused again... He could still be knocked unconscious, and the unconsciousness lasted for such a long time. Did Goubi Plan have to make the game so real?

Forced offline.

Back to the real world.

First, send text messages to Brother Heitongrui, Kuangzai Yijie and others to report.

Brother Rui and others with black eyes have already learned the general situation from the mouths of Mad Knife King and Chen Xi. Now that they have received information about the pig-killing man at midnight, they all pay attention to it. This is definitely triggering a hidden plot!

Thirty-two players immediately met to discuss the matter.

As for why it is thirty-two?

Because the Three Kingdoms released ten closed beta quotas every day, another batch of players who had obtained the quotas entered the game about half an hour ago. Before they had time to kill a few monsters, they heard that a hidden plot was opened, so of course they ran away immediately. Come join in the fun.

"The situation is clear now."

"It's probably because we made too much noise while hunting the skeleton scorpion-tailed cow, so we alerted the nearby indigenous villagers. Not only did they kill Lao Wang, Brother Zai, and Sister Chen Xi, but they also captured Lao Zhu."

"This game is full of surprises."

"There is actually such a random adventure plot."

"Haha, luckily it was an old pig who was caught and not a girl. Otherwise, with the freedom of this game, it's hard to say what will happen next."

"No, I think the game should have mandatory protection measures, such as the system determining forced death."

"That's not important right now."

"How should we save the old pig!"

"Is there a way to tell where he is?"

"It won't work for now. The old pig was knocked unconscious. He doesn't know his current location, but judging from the direction of the villagers' rowing boats, he should be somewhere on the west bank of the river!"

"If you don't even know the location, how can you take action next?"

"I think it's better not to act recklessly. Maybe these indigenous villagers are not enemies."

"Yes, this world is full of demonized monsters and characters. It's hard to meet people who can communicate with each other normally. If you kill them indiscriminately, you might lose a lot of the plot."


Everyone expressed their opinions.

No one is sure to pay attention.

The monster suddenly said: "Let's ask the lord directly for help."

Ye Limeng: "The lord has always been like a salted fish. Will he really take action?"

Brother Black Eyed Rui said: "Give it a try. After all, there are unknown forces near the territory. It is reasonable to report this to the lord."

Soon after.

On behalf of the players, Demon Demon came to the Lord's Hall to report.

Hang Yu nodded with satisfaction and said: "I understand, this lord will not interfere in this matter. Your current strength is not enough to deal with an aboriginal group."

What's the meaning?

Could it be that the lord wanted to take action himself? "

While everyone was speculating and suspicious, suddenly everyone received a reminder.

【Ding! 】

[Task triggered successfully! 】

[Task name: Conquer Hexi Village! 】

[Task content: Please follow the lord to capture Hexi Village! 】

[Task reward: 50-500 contribution points based on performance! 】

Is this salted fish lord really going to take action? There has always been a lot of controversy over the lord's strength. Some people think that the lord's strength is unfathomable, while others think that the lord is very weak. Perhaps this secret will be revealed next.

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