This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 27 Money can make the world go round

Hang Yu didn't act immediately.

After all, the midnight pig-killing man had just been caught and had not been sent to Hexi Village yet. He did not know the specific location of the village at the moment and needed to further follow up and observe through the lord's vision.

As for the player who has gone through eight hours of continuous fighting, both his body in the game and in reality need to rest, and it is not suitable to rush all the way to perform tasks immediately.

"The Lord has said so."

"Act in two hours."

"We can make some preparations now."

During this monster spawning, dozens of goats and bulls were hunted, and hundreds of goat horns, scorpion tail cowhide, and beef and mutton ingredients were obtained. In addition, there were as many as forty pieces of high-quality leather and ten gems used to strengthen weapons. Very rewarding.

Of course, not all the materials were brought back.

For example, high-quality leather and gem materials dropped by BOSS.

Although the Crazy Knife King picked it up in time, 30% of it exploded due to death.

The players divided the loot and went to the alchemy workshop, only to be blocked by two NPC soldiers.

Zhang San said expressionlessly: "Please stop. Your Excellency Yan Ling fainted from overwork just now. Now he has to rest for a while. If you want to buy equipment, you can choose it at the door. If you need weapon refining services, you can only come back tomorrow!"


"What's going on!"

"Our weapon refiner girl fainted?"

"Is this NPC working so hard?"

"Third brother, fourth brother, help me, I'll treat you to dinner later!" Brother Heitong Rui looked at the two NPC soldiers with a flattering look on his face, "We just got a lot of materials, and now we need to refine them. At least help us. Let’s report it.”

Zhang San said expressionlessly: "No! This is the Lord's order!"

Li Si's face was expressionless: "Your Excellency Yan Ling needs to rest!"

This is a bit difficult to handle.

As the personal soldiers around the lord, Zhang San and Li Si are all emotionless machines. They will only carry out the lord's orders to the end without reservation or compromise. There is no room for mediation and no bribery.

"I've already rested!"

A slightly weak and clear female voice came.

All the players saw the fox-eared girl with a petite figure but hot curves and a cute but charming appearance walking out. Although her face was pale, her eyes were shining, like a person who had been hungry for three days and suddenly saw a group of fat people. sheep.

Zhang San and Li Si didn't know what to do for a while.

The lords do not allow players to disturb the weapon refiner, but if the weapon refiner insists on forcing the work, they have no way to stop it and have no choice but to acquiesce to this behavior.

Yan Ling asked enthusiastically: "What do you want? Refining, repairing, or strengthening?"

So dedicated!

It's obviously an NPC.

But one can't help but feel a little sorry.

"Is your body okay?" Xiao Lingdang couldn't help but be concerned.

Other players are also worried that if there is only one weapon refiner in the territory, it will be bad if something goes wrong.

Yan Ling didn't care: "I'm not that fragile. Even if I can't bear it anymore, I still have a few bottles of recovery potion prepared at home. For me, work is the most important thing now!"


What a model for beating workers!

The NPC serves the players wholeheartedly, which greatly increases the players' favor towards the NPC.

Players have no nonsense.

Relevant materials were taken out for questioning on the spot.

"These are all equipment materials. The horns of the dead sheep can be refined into medium-grade gray long and short staffs. The leather of ordinary scorpion-tailed ox can be refined into medium-grade gray leather armor. As for the high-quality scorpion-tailed ox leather, Refining white low-grade leather armor."

Yan Ling rolled his eyes when he said this: "But these two new materials are a bit unfamiliar to me. It will take me some time to master their characteristics. I suggest you take them to the lobby in exchange for contribution points."

Brother Black Eyed Rui: "Can't it be directly refined into equipment?"

Yan Ling patiently explained: "First-order ordinary and high-quality materials are relatively common, so the cost of customizing equipment is not much different from purchasing equipment directly. Although using materials to come to me to customize equipment can avoid others being the first to get the equipment, it still needs to be done. Bear the risk of losing your money with a certain probability of refining failure.”

"I see that the current population in the territory is not large, but the material supply is very sufficient. There will not be a shortage of equipment in the short term. Rather than risking customization, it is better to submit it to the hall in exchange for contribution points."

"This has two advantages."

"First, you can get a contribution point income, which can be used for other expenditure services first."

"Second, these materials will still flow into the workshop, and you can buy them directly from me in a day or two at the latest."

That’s what happened!

Sister Yan Ling really doesn’t treat the players as outsiders, she really cares about the players!

Yan Ling saw that all the players had been persuaded, and he was secretly proud of himself. Mom, I am indeed one of the smart ones!

She wants to earn contribution points from players. The prerequisite for earning contribution points is that the players have contribution points. If the players are all poor workshops, how can they produce more results? Therefore, players are encouraged to exchange materials for contribution points, so that players will have enough contribution points to spend.

As for these materials, they will eventually flow into the alchemy workshop, and finally become equipment under the refining of Yan Ling. Spot equipment is still more expensive than customized equipment and can improve performance. After all, players buying spot equipment do not need to bear the small probability of refining failure. The risk.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

She only wants to do three things now.

Earn contribution points, earn contribution points, earn more contribution points!

The players collectively felt that what Yan Ling said made sense. Since there was no way to refine the equipment immediately, it would be better to use a lot of contribution points to purchase other equipment or strengthen repair services!

Every ten pieces of first-level ordinary materials can be exchanged for 10 contribution points.

Each first-level high-quality material can be exchanged for 10 contribution points.

Some players have even started businesses, and each contribution point is currently being sold for more than 100 yuan. Although contribution points cannot be traded directly, materials or magic stones can be collected from players and exchanged for contribution points.

For civilian players.

Definitely considered good news.

Although contribution points are scarce, they are not too difficult to earn.

Just killing a few chickens can get your child's tuition for a year. If you hunt and kill monsters without sleep every day, this will be a high-paying job with a daily salary of tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands. Who wouldn't be tempted by this!


Must resign!

Play games full time!

I can't last a day in that bad bird class!

The Three Kingdoms is both fun and profitable. Where can I find such good things?

Not only will my wife not complain about being addicted to games? You won't be offering me up directly!

This is the voice of many players!

Although there are not many game players at present, there are several wealthy players including Ye Limeng and the super-rich second-generation Xiao Lingdang, who are fully capable of taking advantage of the circulation resources.

Based on the scarcity of contribution points.

It is entirely possible that prices will continue to rise in the future!

The game "Three Kingdoms" really has endless potential.

This has already highlighted its economic value even before large-scale public testing.

Hang Yu sees the behavior of his people in his eyes, and he feels that it is not a bad thing at the moment. After all, profit-driven is the primary productive force, whether it is for NPC Yan Ling or players.


He will also continue to pay attention.

If players overspeculate or hoard in the future, affecting the circulation of materials, Hang Yu will also take necessary measures, such as setting an upper limit for daily material tasks.

"I'll go offline and get some takeout first."

"I'll also log off and take a rest."

"Hey, I haven't slept a wink for almost a day and a night... It would be nice if I lost leg hair after staying up late!"

"Do you have any friends who are always online? If the mission starts early, you must notify me as soon as possible. I don't want to miss such an important plot!"

"Do not worry!"

"That's right!"


Players greet each other, eat immediately, use the restroom, and put their game bodies in the barracks and dormitories, so that they can quickly recover their physical strength.

About an hour passed.

Xiaoba reminded: "Master, the player's pig-killing man arrived at Hexi Village at midnight."

Hang Yu found the location of the midnight pig-killing man through the lord's vision, and couldn't help but smile. He finally found a good occupation area, and the territory was about to take the first step of expansion.

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