This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 33 The Day the Sky Fell

Wei Ji was seriously injured.

He was unconscious for most of the day.

He dreamed of many past events.

Wei Ji was born in the first year of Jianning. His parents were hard-working farmers. He had two brothers and one sister. Although the family was not rich and worked hard, he could occasionally have a full meal, which was better than most people's lives. .

When he was three years old, his father was drafted into the army by the imperial court and went with General Duan Jiong to conquer the Western Qiang. Since then, there has been no news. It is not known whether he died on the battlefield or on the road.

Fortunately, the eldest brother grew older and became stronger, so he was finally able to continue farming and pay land rent, barely making ends meet.

When he was seven years old, because the emperor wanted to build a summer palace, the eldest brother was forced to leave his widowed mother and his younger brother to serve in the corvee. As a result, he broke his legs during the service and was sent back with only skin and bones. He left in pain half a month later. died.

When he was nine years old, most of the people in the village were infected with the disease. Unfortunately, his sister died in the epidemic, and nearly half of the village's small labor force was lost. There was also a rare severe drought, and much of the land was harvestless.

Instead of distributing relief food, the imperial court spread the news that a merit monument was to be built. The owner used this as an excuse to increase the land rent by 30%. He was afraid that he would not be able to collect it by then, so he asked for payment in advance. This completely drove people to a dead end. ah!

The second brother went to his master's house to kowtow and beg for mercy, but he was beaten to death as a typical example. His body was hung at the entrance of the village and was not allowed to be collected, as a deterrent to other disobedient villagers.

This year.

Nine out of ten rooms in the village are empty!

My mother was starved to death!

In order to survive, Wei Ji had to flee and become a refugee.

In the process, he witnessed too many tragedies in the world. It turns out that people can really eat anything when they are extremely hungry, and he couldn't help but have a question when he was dying of hunger and cold.

The common people are diligent and never slack off. Is it really too much to want to have enough to eat?

My parents and brothers were down-to-earth and kind-hearted, so why did they end up with an unhappy ending?

Does heaven really exist in this world?

Wei Ji just felt that this world was too miserable.

Maybe I can be reunited with my parents and brothers after death!

Wei Ji did not die because when he was dying, he met the person who changed his life.

A man saved him from the brink of death with half a piece of cake and half a jug of water, and then asked him a question:

"Do you want to change your life?"


"Then follow me!"

"Can you have a full meal?"

"Of course, we need to have enough to eat and everyone has to have enough to eat."

"This is impossible."

"Haha, of course it's impossible for ordinary people like you and me to do it, but I know there is a person who can definitely do it. Let's go to him together now!"


Wei Ji was desperate.

He could only trust the man in front of him.

The two finally took refuge in a Taoist in yellow.

It was Zhang Jiao who later became famous as a great virtuous teacher.

As for the man, his name was Ma Yuanyi. He was not only his savior, but also his life-long friendship.

Soon after, Wei Ji was lucky enough to become one of Zhang Jiao's disciples, and Ma Yuanyi repeatedly made extraordinary achievements in the process of preaching and protecting the Tao, making great contributions to the development of Taiping Tao, and was deeply trusted by the great virtuous teacher.

Wei Ji has been with the Great Master and Brother Ma all these years.

Although the two of them did not reveal much to themselves, Wei Ji could vaguely feel that they were planning a vigorous and earth-shaking event. This event was very dangerous and could lead to a near-death escape, but it had the potential to completely change the world!

Wei Ji was not afraid.

On the contrary, I was extremely excited and looking forward to it.

He is willing to die for Brother Ma's ideals.

He is willing to sacrifice everything for the belief of the great sage!


The scene in the dream changed.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion was accidentally exposed.

After Ma Yuanyi was arrested, he suffered cruel torture, but did not disclose any information about the Yellow Turban Army. When he was about to be torn apart by a car at the execution ground, he used all his strength to cry out sadly: "The sky is dead, Huang Tian Stand up!”

this day.

Ma Yuanyi, the leader of the Yellow Turbans, was torn apart by a car.

Thousands of Yellow Turbans were executed at the same time as him.

The Luoshui execution ground was filled with heads!

The riverbanks were dyed red!

Wei Ji was among the last batch of Yellow Turban rebels who were escorted to be beheaded. Although he was very scared, he did not have any regrets. He only regretted that he could not see the dim emperor and the corrupt court overthrown by the rebels.

But just when he closed his eyes and waited for death.

The world changes dramatically.

The earth shook.

"what happens?"

Wei Ji raised his head and glanced at the sky.

He couldn't describe what he saw.

More languages.

More words.

Nor can it be accurately described.

A gap like an abyss seemed to be torn open in the sky, filled with billions of malicious eyes of different sizes.

There is a large amount of darkness thicker than the night seeping out from the abyss, like tens of thousands of wriggling tentacles, eroding, tearing and devouring everything in the world. The sun is distorted and twisted, growing rugged claws.

"The sky is dead, Huang Tian must stand!"

Brother Ma's voice appeared in Wei Ji's ears again.

This voice is still sad but full of resentment and malice!

But Brother Ma has obviously been martyred, and his torn body is still at the scene, so how can he make a sound?

"The sky is dead, Huang Tian must stand!"

Ma Yuanyi's voice echoed through Luoshui execution ground again!

The roar became increasingly crazier, terrifying and chaotic, and seemed to be mixed with the voices of thousands of yellow scarf resentful souls. They were like invisible but filthy tentacles trying to drag everyone's sanity into the bottomless abyss.

this day.

The sky falls.

The abyss falls.

Ma Yuanyi became the first being in Luoshui execution ground to be contaminated by the abyss and transformed into evil.



Wei Ji suddenly woke up.

Panting heavily.

It took me a while to realize that I was having another nightmare.

Although twenty years had passed, he still remembered it as if it were yesterday. Every time he saw the scene of Brother Ma being torn apart and bleeding on the execution ground, he was heartbroken and filled with grief.

Whenever I recall the unknowable taboo that exists beyond billions of voids, the feeling of peering into this land through the torn sky, the fear and despair are lingering, and the whole world has become different since then. .

"my leg……"

Wei Ji noticed the broken leg.

I finally remembered why I was here.

Today, a group of strangers of unknown origin attacked Hexi Village. He and Li Niu were no match for the leader of the other party, but the other party not only did not kill him, but also treated his wounds.


Who are these people?

Wei Ji closed his eyes and sensed, and then his face became even paler. Hexi Village's luck barrier had disappeared, and this meant that Hexi Village could no longer isolate or resist the pollution from the abyss.

in other words.

Hexi Village is in danger.

But at this moment the door was pushed open.

Hang Yu walked in under the leadership of the villagers, and he was followed by five or six players, including Demon Demon, Black Eyed Brother Rui, Chen Xi, Xiao Lingdang and others.

"Who are you?"

Wei Ji was full of fear when facing this mysterious existence of unknown origin. He knew that after the abyss fell, there would be too many strange things in the world, and sometimes knowing too much was not a good thing.

But now he has nothing to lose.

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