This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 34 The meaning of the game

About the origin of Wei Ji.

Chen Xi and other players have already assisted the lord in investigating.

He is a disciple of Zhang Jiao of Taiping Taoism and a subordinate of Ma Yuanyi, the leader of Yellow Turban Dafang.

The most critical step in the Yellow Turban Uprising was to unite the internal forces of the imperial court, so as to take Luoyang directly to control the emperor as soon as possible, and achieve the goal as quickly as possible and at the lowest possible cost.

Ma Yuanyi is the executor of this key plan.

If you can act according to the plan smoothly.

There is great hope that the Yellow Turban will come true!

Unfortunately, the traitor Tang Zhou's informant made all preparations come to nothing!

Tang Zhou was Zhang Jiao's most trusted disciple. His betrayal and leaks led to the arrest of thousands of Yellow Turban members. Ma Yuanyi was killed by being torn apart by a chariot, and the rest of the Yellow Turbans were beheaded. This forced Zhang Jiao to act hastily, directly leading to the uprising. fail,

Wei Ji was one of the Yellow Turbans arrested at that time.

It just happened to be a drastic change in the world and he took advantage of the chaos to save his life.

Ma Yuanyi may have attracted the attention of the will of the abyss because of his strong obsession, so he was resurrected, demonized, and deformed into the first evil fall of the abyss. He also became a powerful source of pollution, affecting a large number of living beings.

Wei Ji couldn't help but admire his eldest brother, who turned into a terrifying monster that was neither human nor ghost.

He once united with a group of surviving Yellow Turbans to try to kill them.

But the creature that fell into the abyss cannot rest in peace!

Even if an abyssal creature is temporarily killed, it will still be resurrected in the next round of abyssal nightmares, and as time goes by and the number of reincarnations increases, it will only become more deformed and twisted, and its strength will become more and more terrifying!

Wei Ji and others not only failed to help Ma Yuanyi escape, but caused many brothers to be dragged into the abyss by pollution. In desperation, they had no choice but to give up and live a life of hiding in Tibet until they settled in Hexi Village ten years ago.

Facing Wei Ji's question, the Lord Lord said slowly:

“It doesn’t matter who I am or where I come from, what’s important is that I can do two things.”

"First, Hexi Village has now lost the protection of the Luck Divine Stone, and the villagers will face threats from abyssal creatures at any time. Only I can provide Hexi Village with new shelter."

"Second, I have a natural enemy relationship with the abyss. Only I can purify the source of pollution, free Ma Yuanyi from the control of the will of the abyss, free himself from the endless cycle of nightmares, and die in the right way!"

Wei Ji looked excited: "Seriously!"

These two conditions were irresistible to him.

"But Brother Ma has been incarnated as a villain for twenty years. I can't imagine what he will become now. Even if you want to deal with him with your strength, it will be extremely dangerous."

Hang Yu hasn't said anything yet.

The players became excited first,


"Nothing to worry about."

"Brother Yu is invincible!"

"Besides, the Lord is not fighting alone!"

"Isn't it just to deal with Ma Yuanyi? Brother Yu doesn't need to take action for this trivial matter!"

"Lord, please leave it to us, the Scourge Legion, we are willing to die for the lord!"

Hang Yu's lips curled up slightly. He knew exactly what the player was thinking. Ma Yuanyi was obviously the BOSS of Novice Village. How could the player be willing to miss the challenge to the BOSS?

Challenging the BOSS first is one of the greatest joys of the game.

Secondly, the NPC explosion rate is only one-tenth of the players. Once the BOSS is defeated by the NPC first, not only will the first kill reward not be obtained, but there will also be very little loot left. This is really uncomfortable for the players!

The player wants to die.

Hang Yu was delighted to hear it.

The player's courage is affirmed.

It makes players want to challenge Ma Yuanyi right away.

As for Wei Ji, the head of Hexi Village? Unsurprisingly, he chose to swear allegiance. After all, he could not refuse the two conditions offered by Hang Yu, and he had no choice at all.

So far.

Go up to the village chief.

Down to ordinary villagers.

Hexi Village has been completely naturalized.

The players only found this plot mission to be very interesting, especially being taken along by the lord and participating in the entire NPC conversation. During this process, they gained too much plot information and story clues, which are of extremely high research value.

And Hang Yu was also very satisfied with the results of this operation.

In order to celebrate this victory and promote friendly relations between players and villagers, he specially held a bonfire barbecue celebration party in Hexi Village. The ingredients consumed were directly paid for by the territory, allowing players to relax, eat and drink to their heart's content.


That night.

Let’s call it that.

There is no sun in the abyss plane.

There is no proper sun, birth or sunset.

But that doesn't mean there's no difference between day and night here.

The sky in the Three Kingdoms is magnificent, colorful, mysterious and vast. It is not only full of stars and whirlpools, but also has a huge crack in the sky, which releases enough light to illuminate the earth.

Because light has certain periodic changes, day and night can be distinguished by the intensity of skylight. When the crack in the sky in the center dims and closes, the entire earth will fall into a state similar to dusk.

This time can be called night.

A large bonfire was set up in Hexi Village. All kinds of food were boiling on the fire, and the air was filled with the rich aroma of barbecue. Players and villagers gathered around the bonfire, eating meat, drinking, singing and dancing. The atmosphere was so lively, like a New Year celebration.

"Cheers to the lord!"

Ye Limeng, Brother Heitongrui, Xianyu Chuqi and others drank all the rice wine in their hands.

This game is more than just fighting and killing.

It can be lived as a real world.

Facing the celebrating players and enthusiastic villagers, the morning light, the little bells, and the demons and monsters didn't feel like they were playing a game at all. They just felt that they had traveled to a completely unfamiliar, exotic, yet somewhat familiar world.

The villagers became a little cautious.

But the players who can't stand it are all social cows.

When the villagers came into contact with the players, they discovered that although these outsiders spoke and behaved a bit strangely, they were undoubtedly kind, friendly and even enthusiastic, and naturally they quickly accepted their existence.

Chen Xi couldn't help but sigh: "Although I haven't played many games, this is the first time I have such a sense of immersion."

The monster smiled and said: "Hey, sister Chen Xi, you look like a current boss and the god of learning in Kochi. Of course you won't spend too much energy on playing games. Do you know why we like to be addicted to the world of novels or games?"

Chen Xi was somewhat interested: "I'd like to hear the details."

"I guess it's freedom!"

The one who spoke was slashing a street.

The scar-faced man said: "There are too many rules and regulations in the real world. From the moment you are born, you will be forcefully indoctrinated with various concepts. They will always define for you what is success and what is failure. They will define What’s good and what’s bad, what you need and what you don’t.”

"They will also tell you what you should do at what age, and they will tell you what makes a valuable, meaningful or successful life!"

"Even if you are rebellious."

"No matter how unique you are."

"Online advertising and various media will affect our values, shape our desires and pursuits all the time."

"As long as we are in the real world, it is impossible for us to live without wearing identity masks. These masks can be sons, husbands, fathers, students, lawyers, and police. You must do things that conform to your identity. You must work hard to carve yourself into To achieve success and value as defined by the world, no one cares whether you really like it or not."

“I think the reason why many people are addicted to the virtual world is just because it is only in this kind of place that they can put down their masks without any burden and feel a moment of freedom. Even if they encounter many setbacks in the secular world, they can still release their natural joy and hatred here. "

Everyone looked surprised.

How could he say such a thing after slashing a street?

This guy has always given people the impression of being a reckless man. Every time he fights monsters, he rushes to the front and is ready to use a knife if he disagrees. Now it seems that his identity and experience in reality are not as simple as they seem.

"well said!!"

"That's the beauty of the game!"

"If the game is not fun, you can give up and find another one. If the novel is not interesting, you can abandon the book and find another one. But can life be okay?"


Many players understand this deeply.

Xianyu Chuqi expressed his opinion: "I like playing games for no other reason. In a high-quality game, you will drop equipment when you kill the BOSS, and you will get rewards when you complete tasks. As long as you pay, you will be rewarded, and the feedback will always be timely and accurate. It is clear that if you can beat it, you can beat it, and if you cannot beat it, you can’t beat it..."

He sighed: "It's not like chasing a goddess in reality for ten or eight years without any progress. In the end, you can only get a good guy card when the other party gets married."

The others laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Brother Xianyu, you have a story!"

"Hey, who doesn't have a few unbearable memories?"

"Cheers, cheers, cheers to the Three Kingdoms, cheers to the fact that we can get to know each other here!"


Hang Yu has been paying attention to the players.

Among them are elders who are nearly sixty years old, junior high school students in their teens, second-generation super rich, successful private entrepreneurs, academic masters, doctors, lawyers and other successful people, and of course there are also some who are not subject to the rule of law. Losers defined by the world, such as the Internet-addicted teenager who is waiting to be seen, and the mediocre and frustrated middle-aged man.

Some people regard games as a pastime and hobby.

Some people hope to find a safe haven in the game.

They would have never met in the real world, but now they sit together because of this game, allowing people who didn't know each other and had completely different statuses to drink and talk happily.

Perhaps this is the meaning and charm of the game.

The corners of Hang Yu's mouth turned up slightly, but this was not a game!

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