Luoshui execution ground.

This is a large execution ground.

Thousands of Yellow Turban rebels were executed here.

Now it is the most polluted place in the entire region.

The sky was drizzling with bloody rain, the air was filled with thick scarlet fog, the ground was covered with a layer of strange blood and flesh carpet, and most of the trees had also mutated, producing many creeping and deformed flesh and blood substances like tumors.

A person dressed in eunuch clothes and with a feminine temperament walked in.

This person's eyes were dark and empty, and his pale skin was covered with black cracks, like a plaster statue that could break at any time, and the breath of the abyss was seeping out of every crack.

If players such as Heitong Ruige and Chimei Wangliang appeared here, they would definitely recognize this person's identity, because this person was none other than the humanoid BOSS Xu Feng they met in Heting Township.

At this moment, Xu Feng walked in the core pollution area with an expressionless face. He was wrapped in black air all over his body. His steps seemed slow, but in fact they were weird and erratic. He kept turning into black mist and teleporting, so his movement speed was very fast.

A moment later.

Xu Feng walked into a camp.

This camp looked dilapidated, but there were a large number of Yellow Turban demon soldiers and various twisted and deformed abyss creatures wandering inside and outside.

Xu Feng did not stop and continued to move forward.

He passed in front of these powerful and crazy monsters.

Finally, he stopped in front of a lake at the deepest point that seemed to be formed by thick blood.

The abyss creatures distributed near this blood lake had an extremely strong aura, and there were even several abyss evils like Xu Feng who retained their sanity, memory, and thinking ability.

"Why are you here?"

A gloomy voice sounded.

An evil came in front of him.

Although this person was wearing eunuch clothes like Xu Feng, his robes had long been torn, his flesh and blood were dry and looked like a skeleton, and there seemed to be a strange green flame burning between his chest and abdomen.

Feng Chen.

He was once one of the regular attendants of Emperor Ling of Han, just like Xu Feng.

Xu Feng said calmly: "Report important matters."

Feng Chen did not speak, but just stepped aside silently.

At this time, the blood-red lake in front of him underwent a strange change. Endless blood-red fog was madly evaporating and spreading, and then a human figure slowly rose from the surging blood.

Although only a vague figure could be seen, the oppressive feeling it caused was more terrifying than all the abyss creatures and evil beings present, and even made this world dim.

From his appearance.

He can no longer be called a human.

At first glance, he looks like a giant nearly three stories high.

This giant is extremely weird and bloated and twisted, emitting a kind of filthy and deep breath all the time. From his body, it seems that the howling of thousands of crazy and decadent people can be heard.

The one in the blood-colored shadow is none other than Ma Yuanyi, the former leader of the Yellow Turban Army.

As the first evil being to fall into the abyss, he is also the source and core of all the pollution nightmares in this place. In the past 20 years, he has been distorted to the point of being completely unrecognizable.

This is a real monster!

The most terrifying thing is that this crazy monster still retains his past memories and thinking ability, but his behavior logic and thinking methods have been completely polluted and distorted by the will of the abyss.


Xu Feng said hoarsely: "There are hawks and dogs of the stars in Heting Township. I am afraid that the Lord of the Stars has descended here."

Hearing this news.

The blood-red lake boiled and shook.

Ma Yuanyi laughed loudly, resounding through the world.

His voice seemed to be mixed with thousands of whispers that were like weeping and destroying the mind.

Feng Zhen immediately said: "If you can obtain the core of the Lord of the Stars, the general will be equivalent to obtaining a pass to the abyss. We will be able to break the restrictions and go to other parts of this world."

Xu Feng said: "I am willing to do it for you, general!"

Ma Yuanyi's dull voice sounded: "This Lord of the Stars has just descended, and he will definitely be protected by the will of the stars. You can't get close to his territory for the time being."


He continued, "I feel that the barrier of Hexi Village's luck is disappearing. This place may have been occupied by the hawks of the stars. Let these fools feel the greatness of the will of the abyss."


Xu Feng took the order and retreated.

Ma Yuanyi's huge body still stood in the thick fog. A series of long-forgotten memories that had been buried for many years came to his mind. He knew that the village chief of Hexi Village was his former good brother Wei Ji.

This guy is so stupid and stubborn!

I have never forgotten my promise back then!

If I can drag everyone in the world into the abyss and make them look like me, I can live even without eating!

Ma Yuanyi can vaguely feel the existence of the Great Sage through the will of the abyss. He must have fallen deeper into the abyss and is waiting for his return somewhere!

As long as he defeats the Lord of the Stars.

As long as he gets the Heart of the Stars.

Ma Yuanyi will have the opportunity to return to Zhang Jue's command.

Although he has become what he is now, Ma Yuanyi still believes that the Great Sage of General Tiangong will surely create a great prosperity in the abyss era.

What a pity.

The Dark Day has not yet arrived.

As the core of the Abyss Nightmare in this area, Ma Yuanyi cannot leave the core contaminated area except during the Dark Day, so he cannot do it himself for the time being. He can only send Xu Feng to test the truth.

The next day.

The base camp.

Hang Yu asked: "What are the players doing?"

Xiaoba: "Let me tell you, Master, most of the players under your command are working hard to clear monsters and complete tasks. Only a few are communicating with the villagers in Hexi Village to try to trigger tasks."

Hang Yu: "What's going on with Yan Ling? She didn't come to the bonfire dinner yesterday, which makes many players feel regretful!"

Xiaoba replied: "Your employee Yan Ling is developing new equipment and has achieved good results so far. Players will soon have new weapons and new armor to use."

"That's it!"

The Scourge Legion hunted a large number of skeletal goats and scorpion-tailed bulls.

A large amount of materials such as sheep's horns and scorpion-tailed cow leather flowed into the territory.

These are all very good equipment materials, but the properties of each material are different, and it takes a while for the refiner to refine them into equipment.

Yan Ling’s work attitude is really good!

Although the level and ability are a bit low, the training value is quite high!

Just as Yan Ling needs to understand the characteristics of the horns of dead sheep and the leather of scorpion tail cattle before refining equipment, the materials and specialties of each lord's territory are different, so it is best not to easily replace a master refiner who has been working for a long time.

Observe for a while.

If Yan Ling still performs well.

Then let’s officially train her to be the master weapon refiner of the territory.

"The employees are working hard, and so are the players. Since everyone is working so hard, I, as a lord, can't slack off too much. After all, abyssal creatures may pose a threat at any time, and the planning and construction of the territory must be carried out as soon as possible!"

This trip to Hexi Village.

Hang Yu also gained a lot.

It is also time to start further construction of the territory.

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