This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 36 Refining Medicine and Skills

Hang Yu: "How is the current resource reserve of the territory?"

Xiaoba said without thinking: "The master currently has 1091 magic crystals, 1225 first-level material essences, 462 first-level material stocks, 2595 first-level food stocks, 3400 essence reserves, and 16212 magic stone fragments."

Hang Yu touched his chin and said: "The territory is currently sparsely populated, and players have ten times the explosion rate, so there is a surplus of materials and food. The only more difficult problem now is the magic crystal."

Fortunately, I have 2,000 magic crystal start-up capital.

Otherwise, the early stage of territory construction will inevitably be difficult.

But 2000 magic crystals are a drop in the bucket for the development of a territory!

Hang Yu has recruited a total of 48 people. In addition, he also hired a weapon refiner and built a weapon refinement workshop. He spent a total of 1,410 magic crystals, and only 590 magic crystals were left.

Because the Hexi Village Luck God Stone was captured and 500 magic crystals were obtained from the Luck Treasure Box, the occupied area of ​​Hexi Village will automatically produce 50 magic crystals every month, which means that 1-2 magic crystals can be obtained every day, so the current magic crystals The balance is 1091.

Although this operation greatly eased the fiscal pressure on the territory, it did not fundamentally change the deficit situation.

After all, it is still too poor.

Gotta make money!

There are usually two main ways for lords to obtain magic crystals. The first is to let the people of the territory hunt the abyss creatures, and the second is to seize a territory like Hexi Village to control the destiny of the world.

Although Hang Yu's Scourge Legion has a tenfold explosion rate, with their current level and quantity, they cannot maintain the operation of the territory for the time being. Therefore, if you want to make money, it is best to continue to expand the territory and seize more useful territory.

Hang Yu will take action himself when necessary.

The villagers of Hexi Village are familiar with the surrounding situation.

They can be guides and provide many useful clues.

Hang Yu looked at the 1091 magic crystals in his hand. He couldn't be a miser and had to spend them. After all, there was no interest or value in the magic crystals stored in his hands. They could only be used if they were turned into people or buildings.

In the early stages of a territory, in addition to buildings such as the abyss barracks that increase population, there are three buildings whose functions are very important to the territory, and these three major buildings are: the weapon refining workshop, the medicine refining workshop, and the skill tower.

The weapon refining workshop can provide equipment.

The alchemy workshop can provide consumables.

The Skill Tower is a place where the people of the territory can improve and learn skills.

Human beings have a low initial level and weak initial combat power. They need equipment, medicine, and skills to strengthen their strength. Now that Hang Yu has built a weapon refining workshop, the medicine refining workshop and skill tower must also be built as soon as possible.

Open the territory construction section.

Find information about two buildings.

[Alchemy Workshop], construction cost: 400 abyss magic crystal + 500 first-level material essence!

[Tower of Skills], construction cost: 200 Abyss Magic Crystal + 400 Level 1 Material Essence!

This is not cheap!

If built at the same time.

There are only 491 magic crystals left.

Hang Yu hesitated for a moment and decided to build it first.

The alchemy workshop is the same as the weapon refining workshop. This kind of building does not become effective as soon as it is built. Two or three days must be set aside to recruit alchemists. As for the skill tower, it is relatively cheap, which is not bad. Spend more of this magic crystal.

【Should we build a "medicine refining workshop"? whether! 】


Hang Yu placed the medicine refining workshop opposite the weapon refining workshop. With a large amount of magic crystals and material essence invested, the medicine refining workshop was quickly summoned, and its related attributes were also displayed in front of him.

[Medicine Refining Workshop], a first-level building, can be used to refine first-level medicines. The number of refining pharmacists that can be recruited is +2. The current number of resident refining pharmacists is 0/2.

The recruitment work was handed over to assistant Xiaoba.

Let it choose a cheap and easy-to-use one among the alchemists seeking employment.

The territory's current financial situation cannot afford to support a senior alchemist. It would be best to recruit another employee like Yan Ling who has just graduated and has a relatively clean foundation and a down-to-earth and obedient personality that can be cultivated.

[Build a "Tower of Skills"? whether! 】


Hang Yu placed the skill tower near the Lord's Hall.

[Skill Tower], first-level building, skill learning room +5, skill training room +5, skill teaching room +1.

A few seconds later.

The skill tower has also been built.

Hang Yu walked into it personally.

There are twelve rooms in this simple stone tower.

One of the larger rooms is called the teaching room. The so-called teaching room is a place for teaching by example and words. Hang Yu can find NPCs to enter the teaching room and let them teach the players the combat skills they have mastered.


Not everyone can teach skills.

One of the main prerequisites is that the person who teaches the skill has practiced the skill to the full level.

This is a very good feature, so that players can learn the skills they want from NPCs or even each other without using any props.


There are five training rooms.

and five study rooms.

The former is a place where the people of the territory practice skills and slowly upgrade their existing skill levels. Hang Yu also delegates the ability to strengthen and upgrade skills to the players themselves.

The latter is a place to learn new skills. Each learning room has a skill stone slot. Only by inlaying skill stones can the learning room be effective.

Both the study room and the teaching room allow players to acquire new skills.

Both have their own pros and cons.

The advantage of the teaching room is that there is no need to use any props, as long as you can find both teaching and learning skills. The disadvantage is that it is not efficient and can only teach one skill at most a day.

The advantage of the inheritance room is that it is efficient and fast, but the disadvantage is that it must be equipped with corresponding skill stones.

Hang Yu embedded the skill stones of "Qi Gathering Slash" and "Peace Controlling Thunder Talisman" on the skill stone tablets in a study room respectively, so that there would be two more skills that could be learned in the territory.

[Qi Gathering Slash], a white quality skill, learning conditions: level strength 18, first learning requires 500 essence.

[Peace Taming Thunder Talisman], green quality skill, learning conditions: Spirit 30, first learning requires 1000 Spirit.

【Essence-500! 】

[You have understood "Qi Gathering Slash"! 】

【Essence-1000! 】

[You have understood the "Peace Controlling Talisman"! 】

Hang Yu directly spent 1,500 experience points to learn these two skills first. After all, these two skills are very practical and can effectively improve his strength.

Once the skill stone is embedded.

Can be used without restrictions.

Players can learn it as long as they meet the conditions.

Of course, Hang Yu made some modifications. In addition to consuming energy, learning the Qi Gathering Slash requires 400 contribution points, and learning the Taiping Thunder Control Talisman requires 800 contribution points.

In fact, compared to the value of the two skills.

This contribution is really small and insignificant.

Hang Yu carries forward the spirit of plucking the goose but not crushing it to death. As the saying goes, sharpening the knife does not waste time cutting wood. He also hopes that the player's strength will improve as soon as possible. Only with stronger strength and higher levels can more value be created. Well!

"Finally done!"

"The territory has developed further!"

"Weapon refining, medicine refining, and skills are all activated at once!"

Hang Yu was very satisfied with the two new buildings that appeared in the territory, "Xiaoba, how are the number of game reservations recently?"

Feedback on the Three Kingdoms in Blue Star.

This has always attracted Hang Yu's attention.

Because the better the feedback, the greater the buzz, the more people will pre-order the game, the lord’s talent pool and the selection of high-quality players will be larger.

Xiaoba replied: "Let me tell you, Master, the number of reservations for the Three Kingdoms has exceeded 700,000!"

"What? It increased so much all at once!"

Hang Yu knew as soon as he guessed that it was the first test player who had made another move. It was probably because the details of the Hexi Village operation had been exposed recently. He logged into the Xinghai Forum without saying a word, preparing to learn about the latest updates from players.

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