This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 398 The secret of Emperor Master Sima Yi! The four major evils of the old capital!

Luoshui City.

Enlightenment Tower.

Raise your glass and look at the moon while practicing.

Today's practice is very important to him.

Because he will try to combine two completely different self-created skills into one.

Synthesis method.

Extremely difficult.

First of all, there must be at least two sets of exercises that have been practiced to perfection!

At this stage, there are already many natural disaster soldiers who have mastered the skills, but there are still not many who have reached the full level, let alone two sets of full-level skills?

Generally there are people with this background.

Even if it is placed among the top ten corps.

That can also become the core elite in the corps.

On the basis of this foundation, if one or two key parts of the fourth-level blue quality equipment can be obtained, then the overall combat power will properly enter the fourth-level command threshold.

According to the evaluation of the Scourge Army Ranking.

Currently, a total of twelve Scourge Army experts have received the "Third Grade A" rating, which is the highest rating a Scourge Army character can obtain. Only the Scourge Army with the strongest overall ability can be rated.

Raising a glass to the moon is one of them.

What he relies on is a blue-quality fourth-level suit that cost a lot of money to build, plus two sets of full-level skills, eight secret techniques, and twenty-seven conventional skills.

At this stage, we raise our glasses and look at the moon.

Even if it is placed among the fourth-level commanders.

It can at least be close to a medium level.

However, the competition between the large armies of the Scourge Army and the top experts is very fierce. It is said that Xiao Lingdang has already mastered the fourth set of exercises.

Several veteran powerhouses, including Brother Heitongrui, Ye Limeng, Gu Zhou, and King Arthur, completed the first fusion of their skills to create a superior and top-notch skill.

Even the popular "second-level" powerhouses such as Crazy Sword Lao Wang, Crazy Slasher Street, Demon Demon Demon, Huang Tianlong, etc. have successively mastered the third set of exercises.

And rising stars, such as Lord Black, Braised Pork Ribs with Scallions, Feng Linhuoshan, etc., are growing rapidly and have now reached the top 100.

If it weren't for this fourth-level blue suit that cost a lot of money to build, he might not even be able to maintain the "Third-A" rating with his current background!

You chase me!

The competition is fierce!

As a face figure cultivated by the Special Investigation Division.

Zhou Zhengming and the whole department are very anxious, so this practice can only succeed and not fail!

The two techniques that I have mastered so far are "Four Ultimate Arrow Techniques" and "Shadow Wind Wings"!

It can be seen from the names of these two sets of exercises.

Why is the cultivation speed of raising a glass to the moon skill slower than that of Ye Limeng, Xiao Lingdang and others.

The skills he practiced.

They are all highly original techniques.

Among them, the "Four Ultimate Arrows" involves raising a glass to the moon to collect thirty-six different archery skills, and finally integrate them into a systematic skill tree.

This technique is not only very original, but its foundation is also very powerful among blue techniques, because it includes four blue-level archery skills.

They are: Ice Killing Arrow, Thunder Fury Killing Arrow, Pyroblast Killing Arrow, Storm Killing Arrow.

Four archery moves.

Four different properties.

Each has its own characteristics and strengths.

Thunder Jue Arrow has the strongest single target attack effect, Flame Jue Arrow has the strongest range attack, Ice Jue Arrow has powerful control and sealing effects, and Wind Jue Arrow is the fastest and has almost no cooldown time.

This is the Scourge.

The currently famous Four Ultimate Arrows!

It is also the iconic way to raise a glass to the moon!

With these four arrows, he could easily defeat 95% of the other natural disasters. However, the four arrows alone were not enough to earn him a triple-A rating.

This is about another set of full-level exercises.

This method is "Shadow Wind Wings".

It is continuously upgraded and evolved based on the secret technique "Dance of Wind Wings", incorporating as many as nineteen different movements, secret techniques, and even spells, and finally created the movement technique.

Once this technique is performed.

Raise your glass and look at the moon, you will gain the ability to move at super high speeds, instant bursts of sudden displacement, and even become invisible, fly, and levitate.

simply speaking.

Shadow Wind Wings is a set of movement skills.

The powerful four unique arrows of Raise the Glass to the Moon, combined with the super comprehensive body technique of Shadow Wind Wings, can bring out the combat effectiveness, which naturally shows the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

And this is why.

He can join the ranks of the top three powerhouses!

Now Toast to the Moon is merging the "Four Ultimate Arrows" and "Shadow Wind Wings" to create a more seamless and more powerful technique!

no doubt.

One is an archery-type skill.

One is body type exercises.

Although the two are golden partners, the styles of the skills themselves are very different, so the fusion is very difficult, far more than the fusion of skills such as sword skills and sword skills.

Raising a glass to the moon has failed twice.

This is already the third time I have entered the Tower of Enlightenment.

If he fails again this time, he will probably fall from the top three to the second when the Scourge Army character list is updated next time.

This will have a big impact on the morale, reputation and appeal of the Immortal Dragon Soul Corps!


Only success!

No failure allowed!

This time, I have prepared more than 8 million essences!

To an individual.

Not a small sum.

Forty percent comes from the recharge savings of the Enlightenment Tower, another 40% comes from the budget divided by the corps' energy pool, and the other 20% comes from personal raising.

[Essence-450,000! 】

【Enlightenment failed! 】

[Essence-450,000! 】

【Enlightenment failed! 】


【Enlightenment failed! 】

Raising a glass to the moon failed twelve times in a row.

According to the loss of 450,000 yuan for each failure, more than half of the 8 million budget has been consumed!


Although difficult.

But I feel it when I raise my glass and look at the moon.

More and more inspirations are coming to my mind.

He knows that he is not far from success!

[Essence-450,000! 】

【Enlightenment failed! 】

[Essence-450,000! 】

[Ding, enlightenment is successful, you have comprehended the "Four Secret Arrows of Dark Wings"! 】


The fourteenth enlightenment!

Raising a glass to look at the moon will give you a feeling of enlightenment!

These two sets of exercises, which were originally completely different styles, were successfully integrated at this moment, and finally formed a set of more advanced and profound powerful exercises.


[Dark Wing Four Arrows]:

Blue quality skill, current skill level 5.

Permanent agility attribute +1450, permanent strength attribute +400, permanent mental attribute +200

After turning on the skill, it will generate a basic consumption of 1000 mana points per minute, weapon attack +400, movement speed +400, attack speed +400, wind, fire, ice and thunder attribute attack +500, permanent agility +650, and the cooldown time of all lower-level skills - 70%, all skill consumption -50%, all lower-level skill effects +40%!


"too strong!"

You can clearly feel it when you raise your glass and look at the moon.

How powerful is this new set of exercises!

The top of the skill tree of this set of skills is composed of six secret blue quality skills. This alone is enough to reflect the power of this set of blue skills!

If the exercises also have levels.

So the initial version of the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Spear is only a blue technique with a bronze to silver level, while the Four Ultimate Arrows is a blue technique close to gold quality, and has now broken through to the diamond level.

If you can continue to practice and evolve for a while.

Then create and integrate a set of exercises of the same level.

Based on this, it is not impossible to create a purple technique...but this process must be very difficult and long, and the investment will be scary.

After toasting to the moon and creating the unique secret technique "Dark Wings Four Arrows", he went to the skill tower and spent millions of energy to practice this technique to level 9.

There is still 1 level left.

I really can’t go up.

The energy resources are too limited.

Recently, the energy pools of major corps have been unable to make ends meet.

Because the energy pools of all the major corps were almost drying up, Toast to the Moon and others could not wait to participate in new large-scale missions.


Sima Fu and others are not doing their best.

So many days have passed.

The counterattack against Taiyou City has not yet been launched.

Just as they raised their glasses and looked at the moon, they were thinking about what method they should use to get more energy as soon as possible.


【Ding! 】

【Trigger mission! 】

[Task name: Investigate the old capital! 】

[Mission content: According to the latest intelligence, Dark Sima Zhao and Cao Wei forces have entered the old capital of Luoyang, and are brewing an ulterior conspiracy. As a member of the Scourge Army, you should be on guard and nip all potential threats to the territory in the bud. 】

[Mission goal: The territory has opened a teleportation node to the old capital Luoyang. Please assist Jia Xu and Dian Wei to investigate and destroy the enemy's conspiracy! 】

[Requirements for mission participation: level 21 or above. 】



"Here comes the mission!"

"It's about the old capital Luoyang!"

"Oh my god, how come we can join the operation in the old capital so quickly?"

"I've heard that this is a high-level monster area in the entire Shouyang Mountain area that is second only to the core pollution area in terms of pollution level and is no less dangerous!"

"Nonsense, according to reliable information, the former supreme emperor Sima Yi is in this place."

"What? Sima Yi!"

"It's not a projection this time!"

"Absolutely the strongest BOSS in the whole map!"

"Damn it, we can't defeat such an opponent just by relying on our Scourge Army, right?"

"Then you still need to tell me?"

"Jia Da Jijiu and General Dian have already arrived first. With the help of these two big guys, I think the problem shouldn't be big!"


During the discussion of the Scourge Army.

The major corps also quickly held a meeting.

The senior leaders of the Scourge Army attach great importance to this operation. More than a dozen large corps have announced their participation and will send their most elite and powerful personnel to participate.

As for Taiyou City’s defense line, what should we do?

Each major corps has left a group of people to garrison locally.

With two famous generals, Zhang He and Wenpin, in charge, and tens of thousands of Xuanhu Guards stationed there, even if the enemy takes the opportunity to attack, it is impossible to pose a threat in a short period of time.

Even if you encounter a very unfavorable situation.

The major corps also have the ability to commit collective suicide and resurrect.

Compared to Taiyou City’s defense line.

Action in the old capital is even more urgent!

Because once Sima Yi is successfully awakened, and the dark remnants join forces with Cao Wei, they will pose a great threat to the territory!

Toast to the Moon not only brings along the elites of the corps such as Wind Shadow, Blind Swordsman, Pissing Three Thousand Feet Against the Wind, Warriors Like the Wind, Knights of Dawn, and Nine Leaky Fishes.

The two major ministers of the Immortal Dragon Soul Corps also participated.

During this period, the competition for talents among the major corps was in full swing. Although the War Temple Corps took the lead in capturing the warrior Wang Shuang, the Immortal Dragon Soul Corps' gains were definitely not low.


Immortal Dragon Soul Corps.

A total of seventeen are dedicated to the general.

The weakest of these enshrines are first-rate fourth-level commanders, such as Cao Xi, the former Yong'an governor, and Xu Gai, the former Yong'an captain.

The two most powerful of them are first-rate Overlord units.

In addition to Cao Shuang, the former cavalry general of the Wei Dynasty, the Immortal Dragon Soul has reached an agreement with Xia Houxian. These two are now responsible for the combat power of the Immortal Dragon Soul Corps!

"General Cao Shuang, are you sure you want to participate in this operation?"

Feng Ying was a little hesitant about Cao Shuang's joining: "According to the latest information we got, Wei Da Sima Cao Zhen is leading his troops into the old capital with Taiyou's remnant Sima Zhao."


Immortal Dragon Soul Corps.

I don’t really recommend that Cao Shuang join.

First of all, this operation is very dangerous. The Scourge Army is not afraid of death and will die casually, but this kind of super foreign aid and top-level sacrifices signed with huge sums of money cannot be missed!

In the future, these people will play an indispensable role in whether it is killing monsters and completing tasks or competing between corps.


Cao Shuang is the son of Cao Zhen.

Both sides belong to different camps.

It would be too embarrassing to meet him on the battlefield.

Cao Shuang said: "I have a sense of discretion. The environment of the old capital is too dangerous. You can't break in alone."

Since Cao Shuang insists on participating.

The Immortal Dragon Soul Corps also had no objection.

Raise the Glass and Watch the Moon arrived at the Ruhe Township Blessing Point with more than 300 elites, plus six worshipers including Cao Shuang and Xia Houxian.

Ruhe Township is an area southwest of the old capital.

The distance between this place and Luoyang is only tens of miles, but because the Shouyang Mountain area is too heavily polluted by the abyss, space and time are extremely distorted.

Now we enter the old capital from Ruhe Township.

There is a distance of four to five hundred miles!

Not only that, the environment and terrain along the way are treacherous, and monsters that are highly polluted, deformed, or born from the nightmares of the abyss emerge one after another and are extremely dangerous.

The reason why Jia Xu chose to open up this blessing point was because there were no informants from Cao Wei or Taiyou nearby, so it was more suitable for the territory to build a rear camp and serve as an entry point.

"Is this the area where the old capital is?"

“I haven’t seen a place with such serious pollution for a long time!”


More than a dozen Scourge regiments.

About three thousand elite troops arrived in Ruhe Township.

As soon as the players arrived, they discovered that the nearby environment was very different from other places on the Shouyang Mountain map.

The air in this place is filled with dark red mist. As far as the eye can see outside the camp, there are all kinds of distorted and polluted animals and plants. Even inorganic objects such as rocks and sand are affected in this environment. Small impact.

"People are almost here!"

Jia Xu was very satisfied with the efficiency of the Scourge Army.

These guys who are not afraid of death are excellent tool people and can make themselves lazy.

"Greetings to the great sacrificial wine!"

"Grand Festival Wine, what's going on here?"

"What do we do next?"

"Where are Taiyou's remnant party and Cao Wei's troops, and where is Sima Yi, the big boss, hiding?"


Jia Xu was not impatient in the face of all the talk.

"Don't be impatient, please let me explain slowly."

He waved for everyone to be quiet, and then patiently explained.

"General Dian and I arrived at the old capital a few days ago and launched a search and investigation on the orders of the great lord."

"During this process, I not only discovered many clues, but also fought against Sima Zhao, Cao Zhen and others several times."

"However, because we are almost alone in the depths, the strength of the two of us alone is not enough to pose a threat to Sima Zhao and others, and naturally we cannot destroy their plans."

"That's when I asked the lord for help."

"Calling all reinforcements to come."


That’s what happened!

Brother Heitongrui said: "I never expected that the mighty Wei State would actually collude with the remnants of Taiyou."

Ye Limeng sneered: "Taiyou and the Wei Dynasty have had a blood feud for hundreds of years. Once this news is made public, I am afraid it will have a huge blow to the morale of the people of Cao Wei!"

Little Bell: "If you want to destroy someone, you must first make them crazy. We haven't repaired Cao Wei yet. It seems that Cao Rui is going to destroy himself!"

King Arthur: "Why did Cao Wei and Taiyou appear in the old capital? Could it be that they are really the legendary supreme master Sima Yi!"


Jia Xu asked: "I think you must have many doubts in your hearts. The biggest one is, why did Sima Yi, the emperor of this place, proclaim himself in the old capital?"


This is so strange!

Sima Yi has achieved the Abyss Godhead.

Or one of the most powerful evil gods in this plane!

It stands to reason that all space nodes, all time nodes, and all Sima Yi should be unified.

The Sima Yi of this space.

Why are you hiding in this ghost place without asking about the world?

Shouldn't he directly govern the Taiyou Kingdom, and as the avatar of the Lord of Darkness, use the will of the evil god to suppress all living beings and dominate the world?


For hundreds of years.

Taiyou and Da Wei fought fiercely.

Sima Yi was like an outsider and rarely interfered.

What's even more outrageous is that the Taiyou Kingdom has been captured by the stars, and he still shows no sign of taking action.

Jia Xu said: "As we all know, Sima Yi has achieved the spiritual status of the Lord of Darkness in the abyss."

"God transcends time, ignores space, and can transcend higher dimensions. It should be a matter of course to integrate ourselves at all time and space nodes."

"However, the former Supreme Master Sima Yi, for some unknown reason, used some method to refuse to integrate into the consciousness of the evil god's main body."

"Even in my opinion, this is an almost impossible thing to do. Mortal will cannot resist the gods anyway."

Although there have been too many conjectures about Sima Yi.

But Jia Xu's statement at this moment undoubtedly gave a more accurate conclusion, and everyone was shocked after knowing the truth.

Sima Yi of Shouyang Mountain refused to become a god?

How on earth did he do it?

Why do this?

Jia Xu continued: "Although I don't know why the Supreme Imperial Master can withstand the assimilation of the Lord of Darkness, I have found out the reason why he named himself here."

Demonic Demon: "What do you ask?"

Jia Xu said: "Although the Supreme Imperial Master has resisted the assimilation of the Lord of Darkness, because he and the Lord of Darkness are one entity, he will be endlessly corroded by the evil god's will."

"In order to fight against this erosion, the Supreme Imperial Master transformed himself into an abyss walker and used the pollution of the abyss nightmare to fight against the will of the evil god of the abyss."

Can this still be done?

Everyone had questions on their faces when they heard this.

Brother Rui with black eyes, Demon Demon Demon Demon and others were thoughtful.

The Evil God of the Abyss can transform the creatures of the Abyss and temporarily separate them from the dream of the Abyss Will, thus becoming the followers and followers of the Evil God.

There are many similar examples.

For example, the Hundred-Headed Demon Lord of Taican Ridge.

He used the ability of an outside god to infect the abyss creatures in Taican Ridge, so he created an army of evil god's followers to develop the power of the outside god behind him.

Another example is Dian Wei.

He was not completely transformed into an Evil Fall, because he retained part of his humanity and the influence of three copies of the evil god's source material allowed him to temporarily escape the nightmare of the abyss.

Finally, he is resurrected through resurrection.

That's why we can return from the abyss and regain our freedom.

Since the evil god born in the abyss can affect other creatures in the nightmare of the abyss, can the creatures in the nightmare of the abyss do the opposite?


This is what the emperor's master Sima Yi did.

He knew that he could not resist the will of the Lord of Darkness.

Even if you use some special method to temporarily escape the fate of being assimilated, it will only be a matter of time before you are completely eroded and transformed into a part of the darkness.

To counteract or weaken the influence of the Lord of Darkness.

Sima Yi took the initiative to let the nightmare pollution of the abyss swallow him. He transformed himself into a powerful abyss walker, and then used the nightmares and reincarnation formed by the will of the abyss to weaken the erosion of the will of darkness to the greatest extent.

This can also be explained.

Why is the emperor's master Sima Yi always half asleep and half awake?

In the past few years, he has sometimes appeared in a form close to darkness and indirectly created Taiyou Kingdom, and sometimes he has appeared in a relatively normal state, repeatedly and slept most of the time.

For one or two hundred years.

Imperial Master Sima Yi was struggling against the will of darkness.

Although this has been a long, torturous, and almost doomed struggle, he seems to have persevered until now.

As for why the Supreme Imperial Master chose the old capital?

Because the old capital is very close to the core pollution area.

The abyssal pollution here is powerful enough.

Ye Limeng: "Dai Jijiu, just tell me directly, what are we going to do next?"

Jia Xu nodded: "According to my observations in the past two days, the Supreme Emperor has deployed many pollution nodes in order to seal and continue to pollute himself."

Raise your glass and look at the moon: "These nodes are..."

Jia Xu said: "It is the source of pollution that gave birth to the old capital, and it is also the powerful evil fallen from the abyss. At present, most of them have been eroded by Taiyou and transformed into Dark Familiars, and there are only four left!"

"The way Sima Zhao wants to awaken the completely transformed Emperor Master is very simple. They only need to find these four evil descendants and transform them into the Dark Familia."

"The sealing formation will lose its effect!"

"The Supreme Imperial Master Sima Yi will be completely swallowed up by the will of darkness in an instant and turn into a dark form."


When hearing this.

Everyone looked at each other.

The midnight pig-killing man couldn't help but said: "Grand Sacrifice Wine, what we have to do next is to protect these four evil villains, right?"

The players all looked weird.

They are a group of stars.

Want to protect the evil in the abyss? Isn't this funny? !

Jia Xu seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "In fact, the remaining four abyss evil degenerates in the old capital don't mind being transformed into dark forms. After all, only in this way can they break free from the constraints of nightmares."

Everyone is confused.

"what's the situation?"

"Once the four evil degenerates are transformed into the Dark Familia... the Imperial Master Sima Yi will be completely doomed!"

"And the four evil depravities are the key nodes of the seal."

"They themselves don't mind being transformed?"

"what is this?"

"Running in both directions belongs to yes!"

"What do we need to do with such a mission?"

The main reason why Taiyou Kingdom failed to awaken Sima Yi in the past was that the old capital was still under the control of Wei Dynasty.

Sima Zhao, Sima Shi and others could only act secretly.

Things are different now.

With Cao Wei taking the initiative to cooperate.

They will take the initiative to release the four evil degenerates of the old capital who are under surveillance and seal, and the four evil degenerates do not mind transforming into the Dark Familia.

Under this situation.

There is almost no solution to this game!

(PS: Please vote for me!)

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