This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 399 The place of treasure! The polluted area of ​​the old capital!

The task is tricky!

Ye Limeng quickly asked: "How many troops did Sima Zhao and Cao Zhen bring?"

Jia Xu replied: "About seven thousand."

Crazy Blade King: "Only seven thousand? It doesn't sound like much!"

Jia Xu continued: "Although the number is not too large, they are almost all elite troops, including about 4,000 members of the Dark Familia and more than 3,000 elite troops of Cao Wei."

"In addition to Sima Zhao, there are at least eight overlords in Taiyou, including Wei Guan and Zhong Yu."

"Cao Wei has not only Cao Zhen, but also Cao Yu, Cao Zhao, Dong Zhao, Jiang Ji and others. They are not easy to deal with!"

The commanders of all the major corps looked at each other with big eyes.

Forget the two abyss kings, there are still at least a dozen overlord-level powerhouses?

As for the fourth-level commander-level combat power, there are probably hundreds of them, and the other six to seven thousand tribesmen are also fourth-level elites.

A mere three thousand natural disaster troops have neither a home field advantage nor a nearby resurrection point. Even with the help of two super powerful warriors, Jia Xu and Dian Wei, it will probably be difficult to fight against them!

Brother Black Eyed Rui: "It seems we don't have enough troops!"

Beheading a street wildly: "Then we will shake ten thousand and eight thousand people!"

Crazy Blade King: "It's useless. Even if we can attack people at any time, the only ones we can fight are three to two thousand of us. Even if the others come, they will just serve as cannon fodder."


"Although the number of enemy troops is not large."

"They are all the best of the best, and they also have home field advantage."

"Our natural disaster army's current level 4 combat strength does not exceed 3,000. Even if we call in 10,000 more people to fight in a dangerous place like the old capital Luoyang, I think it will be difficult to bring about a change in the war situation."


"Grand Sacrifice Wine, what should we do to prevent Emperor Master Sima Yi from being used by the enemy!"

Xiao Lingdang simply didn't want to think about it. The strongest think tank of the human race leader was right next to him. Why not just ask him directly?

Jia Xu said calmly: "Although this matter is a little troublesome, it is not difficult at all. If we cannot prevent the four evil degenerates from being used by Sima Zhao, then we can simply get rid of them all."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Brother Rui, with black eyes, was a little puzzled, "The four evil evils are the key formation nodes of Emperor Master Sima Yi. If they are all eliminated, won't the seal become ineffective?"

Jia Xu: "That's true, but even if the formation fails, the seal itself can still last for a while."

The emperor's master Sima Yi used the four evils as the nodes of the formation.

It is to use the pollution of the nightmare of the abyss to offset the pollution of the dark will.

If the four evil degenerates are transformed into the Dark Familia at the same time, the formation originally used to fight against the Will of Darkness will instead become a formation that enhances the Will of Darkness.


The four major evils are not eliminated in time.

The moment to be transformed into the Dark Familia.

Imperial Master Sima Yi will be swallowed up by the will of darkness in an instant.

But if we can completely purify the four evil degenerates before they are transformed into the Dark Familia.

Although he lost the blessing of the pollution formation and was unable to resist the erosion of the dark will, at least he could barely hold on for a while before the seal was completely broken.

The players are not stupid either.

He vaguely guessed Jia Xu's plan.

If the Scourge's actions were successful.

The sealing formation of Emperor Master Sima Yi was destroyed.

At this time, there were only two outcomes that Sima Yi could face.

First, while in a weakened state after being sealed, he was surrounded and killed by the Scourge Army, thus being completely purified.

Second, take the initiative to give up the seal, let the will of darkness swallow you up, and become a part of the Lord of Darkness.

The former would rather die than succumb to the dark will.

With Sima Yi's style, I'm afraid he wouldn't make such a choice.

The latter gave up resistance, which meant that all the efforts made by Emperor Master Sima Yi in the past one or two hundred years were in vain, and it would never be the result he wanted.


Other than that.

There is another option.

That is to choose to surrender to new forces.

The protection of this power can not only help him fight against the erosion of the dark will, but also allow him to completely regain his freedom.

What kind of power.

Can you fight against the evil god of the abyss?

The answer is readily apparent: stars!

I see.

Everyone was excited.

Damn it, this old fox Jia Xu wants to recruit the biggest BOSS in this map!

Sima Yi, this is the famous Sima Yi, a top-level talent in the Three Kingdoms. If he can join and be used by the leader of the human race, I can't even imagine how much help and growth he can bring!

"I'm afraid Dajiujiu has been planning this for a long time!"

"Otherwise, I would never have intervened accurately at such a critical time!"

"Now is the best time to deal with Sima Yi!"

"Once this is done, the best result is to conquer Sima Yi directly, and the worst thing is to kill Sima Yi when he is at his weakest!"

"This operation is of great significance!"


All the Scourge Forces exchanged frantically and seemed very excited. Some people had already logged into the forum and couldn't wait to share this important event with the majority of cloud players.

King Arthur: "How exactly does it work?"

Jia Xu: "I will tell you the locations of the four evil degenerates. Your next task is to eliminate them. As for other matters, you can arrange them freely. You only need to obey orders."


Some exchanges.

The battle plan was drawn up.

Jia Xu has been in the old capital for several days.

I have long understood the situation in the old capital.

The seal where Sima Yi sleeps is located in the center of the old capital. It is a giant black pyramid with an equilateral triangle. You can see it as long as you enter the core area of ​​the old capital. The first thing the Scourge Army has to do is get close to the seal.

The seal pyramid has four corners.

There is a high tower that seals the evil fall.

Each sealed tower contains a source of evil corruption.

The four evil figures responsible for secondary pollution sources are: Zhang Chunhua, Wang Lang, Gao Rou, and Hua Xin.

The four seal towers are usually guarded by elites sent by the Great Wei State to prevent these pollution nodes that maintain the stability of the seal from being destroyed by Taiyou State. However, at this moment, Cao Rui has joined forces with Sima Zhao.

The next task of the Scourge Army is to destroy the four Fallen Towers at the same time, eliminate the Evil Fallen characters in them, and destroy the seal of the old capital before they are transformed into the Dark Familia.

Everyone's division of labor is completed.

Three thousand people were divided into five teams.

Each team’s route is different.

Because the area where the old capital is located is too polluted.

This disturbed the entire space so much that the teleportation staff was ineffective and the only option was to venture closer on foot.

Jia Xu said: "Commander Ye, you follow General Dian to sneak attack Cao Wei's camp and attract the attention of Cao Zhen Sima Zhao at the critical moment."


Ye Limeng immediately took the order.

The others were divided into four armies.

Brother Rui, with black eyes, led a group of elites to destroy Zhang Chunhua's Evil Fall Tower.

Raising a glass to the moon and leading a group of elites responsible for destroying the Hua Xin Evil Falling Tower.

King Arthur is responsible for destroying Wang Lang's fallen tower.

Xiaolingdang is responsible for destroying Gao Rou's fallen tower.

"Only success!"

"No failure allowed!"


The Scourge Army has completed its division of labor and started taking action!

Everyone realized the importance of this mission.

Since there was no resurrection point and only one chance, everyone was filled with nervousness and anxiety, and the feeling of tension and excitement also infected every cloud player watching the live broadcast.

All of a sudden.

Various comment barrages flooded the screen like crazy.

"You must stand up this time!"

"This mission is too thrilling!"

"Is it possible? Why do I feel so hung up!"

"Come on, the Scourge Army is no longer what it used to be. Not only the strength of the big bosses has grown tremendously, but each legion also has powerful generals. Their combat effectiveness has long been out of reach!"

"Jia Xu has no plans left, and General Dian is invincible. With them here, there will be no problem!"


Outside Ruhe Township.

Thick bloody fog filled the air.

The earth was a strange bright red color, not only forming a large number of blood-like lakes, but the soil also showed active characteristics of flesh and blood, and was constantly squirming and emitting strange low sounds.

[You have been eroded by the "breath of the abyss", your life is -50...]

[You have been contaminated by the "abyss breath", all attributes are -10...]

[You have been eroded by the "breath of the abyss", your life is -55...]

[You have been contaminated by the "abyss breath", all attributes are -12...]


Toast to the Moon and lead about 600 people, riding a spirit horse and sneaking quickly between the lakes of pus and blood. He was surrounded by high-level worshipers of the Immortal Dragon Soul, including Cao Shuang and Xia Houxian, as well as all senior officials of the Immortal Dragon Soul. Elite.

In addition, there are Uncle Dashu, the leader of the Chivalrous Jianghu Corps, and Huang Tianlong, the leader of the Tianlong Dynasty Corps.

The combat strength of this unit cannot be underestimated!

The combat power is no less than the fourth level commander level.

At least twenty-five!

As the commander of this elite force, he felt a lot of pressure, not only because of the great importance of this mission, but also because there were too many offerings in the team.

Such an existence as Cao Shuang.

Although strong strength can greatly increase the mission success rate.

But at the same time.

The stakes are high!

Let the Scourge Army not be able to lose!

If the mission fails and one or two of the top ministers like Cao Shuang and Xia Houxian die, this will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the Immortal Dragon Soul Corps, so we must not allow anything to happen!

"The land of the old capital is divided into three areas. From the outside to the inside, they are the Bloody Rotten Plateau, the Bloody Ruins, and the core of the old capital."

As a former Wei cavalry general, Cao Shuang once participated in the surveillance of the old capital, so he had a certain understanding of this place. "The area we are in now is the blood-rotted lake on the outermost edge of the old capital."

The so-called bloody lake.

It is the plain surrounding the old capital.

The wilderness has been affected by the pollution of the abyss for a long time and has mutated.

Not only did its area increase by more than ten or twenty times, it also gave birth to a large number of extremely dangerous blood pools and swamps, the pollution intensity of which was unbearable for creatures below level four.

Cao Shuang continued: "Everyone, be careful. Not only is the environment of the Blood-Rotten Swamp a harsh place, there are all kinds of natural traps everywhere, it has also given birth to countless monsters, which usually appear in groups and are very ferocious."

It seems to confirm this sentence.

Cao Shuang's words haven't even finished yet.

A huge lake of pus and blood rolled up ahead, and dozens or hundreds of ugly and deformed monsters emerged from it.

These monsters look like a combination of a lizard and a centipede, with a body that is twenty to thirty meters long, dozens of pairs of thick arms, and a head that looks like a skeletal bull's head.

[Old Capital Crawler], a level 35 elite unit... Introduction: An abyss monster bred from the nightmare of the abyss.

Cao Shuang: "Be careful, they are blood rot demon lizards. They are good at sneaking and hiding, as well as very dangerous poisonous attacks."

After dozens of Old Capital Creepers appeared, their bodies immediately dissolved in the air, eventually forming thick clouds of blood mist that connected with each other in an attempt to cover humans in it.

"court death!"

A pair of invisible shadow wings bloomed behind him as he raised his glass to look at the moon, allowing him to fly directly into the air with his horse and man. The Demon Night Bow appeared in his hand at some point.

"Feng Juejian!"

He raised his glass and looked at the moon, activated his sneaky eyes and used his spiritual consciousness to detect the monsters hidden in the blood mist. One after another, green arrows were wrapped in hurricanes and fell from the sky, knocking over a dozen people shot by the crawlers with astonishing speed and accuracy.

Huang Tianlong: "What a sharp archery!"

Uncle Dashu: "Captain Wangyue is known as the 'King of Natural Disaster Arrows', and he truly lives up to his reputation when we see him today!"

The four ultimate arrows of Raising Glass to the Moon each have their own characteristics. The Wind Ultimate Arrow is the weakest among the four major archery techniques, but it consumes little, is extremely fast, and has almost no cooling.

No matter how weak the power is.

That is also a blue quality skill!

Every arrow contains hurricane-like destructive power!

Being used as a level A is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and the strength of this leader of the Scourge Army is evident!


"Let's take action too!"

"Keep them away!"

Uncle Dashu, Huang Tianlong, and the Blind Swordsman are all ranked second in the rankings of the Scourge Army. They are also masters such as Pissing Three Thousand Feet Against the Wind, Warrior Like the Wind, and Knight of Dawn.

With everyone joining forces.

It only takes a moment.

Hundreds of crawlers were wiped out.

[You picked up trophies, abyss essence +52000, abyss magic crystal +859, blood lizard flesh +142, blood lizard bone +164, blood lizard essence +153! 】

[You picked up trophies, abyss essence +52000, abyss magic crystal +859, blood lizard meat +183, blood lizard bone +149, blood lizard essence +147! 】


When picking up loot quickly.

Everyone felt their spirits lifted.

Warrior like the wind: "The explosion rate of essence and magic crystal is quite impressive!"

Jiuluoyu: "Not only the essence and magic crystal, but the material explosion rate is also very good. This lizard meat is a fourth-level ingredient!"

"It only took us less than fifteen minutes to deal with about a hundred fourth-level elites, but we produced more than five million essences, plus a full 80,000 magic crystals, and 40,000 to 50,000 materials..."

The Kazekage thought about it for a moment.

She beamed with joy: "It is really a high-quality hunting ground that is extremely rare at this stage!"


According to Cao Shuang.

There are at least tens of thousands of wild monsters in the Blood-Corrupted Swamp.

The levels of these monsters are generally level 31-38 elite monsters.

In other words, all the monsters are Tier 4 elites, with a small number of Tier 4 commanders mixed in, but there are no Tier 4 overlords. Most Tier 4 players can come here to form a team to spawn monsters!

So far.

There are not many monster spawning points on the Shouyang Mountain map.

Among them, the most popular one is the Taicangling area.

But the monster levels in Taican Ridge are generally between 28-32.

Although you will also encounter fourth-level monsters, most of them are high-level third-level monsters. It is a very good place to spawn monsters for second- and third-level players, but it is still a bit worse for fourth-level players.

Blood and Rot is so far.

Among all the monster areas discovered, this is the place with the highest level, the largest number of monsters, and the best explosion rate. Moreover, the difficulty of the monster mechanism is not very high. It is estimated that it will be the most popular place for advanced players to spawn monsters in the future.

Based on this discovery alone.

The harvest this time is not small!

Raising the glass to the moon: "Although it is a good place to brush monsters and level up, we are not here to brush monsters this time, so don't waste too much time here."

"makes sense!"

"The mission is urgent!"

"Full speed, get through here!"

"General Cao, General Xiahou, please protect the two wings of the team!"


Although the players are greedy for the monster resources in the Blood-Corrupted River, now is not the time to spawn monsters, so they speed up and move forward at full speed, so as to arrive at the target location at the designated time.

The six hundred riders began to run at full speed.

Around one dangerous area after another.

Avoided groups of abyss monsters.

The blood-corrupted lake is hundreds of miles deep. The further in, the more dangerous the environment becomes and the more serious the pollution becomes.

Fortunately, along the way, there was the passive effect of Jia Xu's luck skill "Eternal Night Curtain". The aura of stars and various auras on the Scourge Legion were hidden, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

There is no eternal night curtain luck.

Scourge as a constellation unit.

Its presence is no less than a beacon in the dark night.

Not only will they attract monsters within a hundred miles radius, but they will also trigger many natural traps formed in the abyss. Even if they can barely pass through the bloody swamp, there will probably not be many survivors left.


"The old capital is ahead!"

After everyone passed through the bloody river.

A huge city appeared in front of us.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the city in front of them.

Jiuluoyu: "What the hell, is this really the historical city of Luoyang? Even if I don't study well, you can't fool me like this!"

Although Luoyang City was a prosperous ancient capital in history, its scale cannot be compared with modern cities due to the backward productivity in ancient times.

And what appeared in front of me at this moment.

It is a big city that can accommodate tens of millions of people.

The city wall alone is two hundred meters high, standing like a mountain barrier, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

The ancient city cannot have such an exaggerated scale. The reason why the old capital became what it is now is because of the changes that occurred in the nightmare cycle of the abyss. After all, the abyss can affect not only living beings, but also buildings made of inorganic matter.

Although the old capital has been enlarged more than ten times, it looks very distorted and deformed, like a maze composed of countless living creatures' organs, bones, and tusks, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

He raised his glass and looked at the moon and asked, "How many people have we lost?"

Kazeking replied: "37 people."

The Bloody Rotten Swamp is very dangerous. During the rapid march, some losses are inevitable. Such casualties are considered very good.

He raised his glass and looked at the moon and said, "Slow down!"

There are minions of Taiyou and Cao Wei in the old capital.

The abyss monsters inside are also more powerful than outside.

That’s why you need to slow down so as not to alert the enemy in advance.

More than five hundred riders followed the route provided by Jia Xu. They successfully found the entrance to the old capital, and then moved in this maze-like distortion of the huge city. They soon encountered monsters wandering in the old capital.

"They are the remnants of the abyss!"

A group of wandering giants appeared ahead.

This giant is only barely in the shape of an adult. In reality, it is more like multiple layers of rotten human skin, sewn together into a large bag using rough means, then stuffed with stumps, severed arms, internal organs, flesh and blood, and finally kneaded into a filthy and disgusting humanoid outline.

Each one looks different.

Estimated abilities and fighting styles vary.

[Remnants of the Old Capital], a level 40 elite unit... Introduction: Originally ordinary residents living in the old capital, they were deformed due to the nightmare of falling into the abyss. After countless nightmare reincarnations, they gradually turned into twisted and deformed monsters.

He is a level 40 elite!

Although it's just a little monster.

But the level is really not low!

The monsters in the old capital are indeed much stronger than those outside.

"Quick victory!"

Raise your glass and look at the moon and take action again.

He activated his technique and kept flashing around in various locations like a ghost. Every time he appeared, he would shoot an ice arrow. When the cold arrow flew into the survivors of the old capital and exploded, they could be frozen in an instant. Restrict movement.

"Kill quickly!"

Others rushed forward.

All the dozen old capital giants were wiped out.

Everyone quickly picked up the loot and continued to explore the depths of the old capital.

There are many monsters in the old capital. In addition to the most common remnants of the old capital, there are also two more powerful monsters.

[Old Capital Noble], level 40 commanding unit... Introduction: Originally a noble noble in the old capital, he was deformed due to falling into the nightmare of the abyss. After countless nightmare reincarnations, he gradually turned into a chaotic and crazy monster.

[Old Capital Evil Fallen Giant], a level 40 overlord unit... Introduction: He was originally a prince and general with good luck in the old capital. He was deformed due to falling into the nightmare of the abyss. After countless nightmare reincarnations, his luck was exhausted. , and eventually gradually turned into a terrifying evil monster.

"real or fake!"

"Are there all overlord-level monsters?"

“This place is so awesome!”


The Scourge Army detected the fallen giants in the old capital.

Everyone was full of shock and surprise.

Overlord-level units are very rare, and they are all the big BOSS of a region!

But in this old capital, in addition to the four major sources of evil pollution, there are probably ten evil giants, each of which is a level 40 overlord unit!

Although he may be the weakest overlord!

But no matter how weak the overlord is, it is still priceless!

Although there are numerous dangers in the old capital, without Jia Xu providing routes and without the help of Cao Shuang and other enshrined generals, it is unlikely that the Natural Disaster Army will penetrate deep into it.

But there are rich monster resources here.

Make it a well-deserved place of treasure.

In the future, it will become a resource center for various large corps to compete for!

Raising a glass to the moon, he resisted the temptation and did not challenge the Evil Fallen Giant. After all, challenging a monster of this level would inevitably lead to attrition even with Cao Shuang's help, which would have a great impact on the next mission.

The overall situation is important!

"Boss, look!"

"That should be the seal that Jia Xu was talking about!"

"It's not easy. After searching for hundreds of miles, I finally found it!"


Raise your glass to the moon and look towards the central area of ​​the old capital.

A huge black pyramid with a relatively smooth surface appeared in view.

This pyramid is incompatible with the style of other places in the old capital. Its surface is covered with complex and profound runes. At first glance, it looks like an extraordinary building built after the fall of the abyss.

"Well, you can't be wrong, this must be the seal that Dajijiu mentioned!"

He raised his glass and looked at the moon: "Sima Yi, the emperor's master in the Shouyang Mountain area, is inside!"

He turned back and glanced at the crowd. The six hundred men and horses had been lost by nearly one-tenth, but the main combat power was preserved, and fourth-level overlords like Cao Shuang and Xia Houxian were stationed and assisted.

very good!

all the best!

This mission is a sure thing!

He raised his glass and looked at the moon and ordered to rest for a while in a safe area. At the same time, all parties were communicating on the public screen. Three teams led by Brother Rui, Little Bell, and King Arthur also arrived at the designated location one after another.

"All personnel are in place, everything is ready!"

"You can act at any time!"

"Hahaha, idiot Sima Zhao, he must have never dreamed that we would appear here!"

"We must not let him escape again!"


at the same time.

In the main city of Luoshui.

Hang Yu is also paying close attention to the situation.

This operation of the Scourge Army was very bold. Not only did it go deep behind enemy lines alone, but it also traveled more than 500 miles.

Cao Rui and Sima Zhao certainly didn't expect that the stars' sense of smell in the territory of the stars was so keen and their ability to act was so strong, and the next step was the time for a formal contest and game.

(PS: Please vote for me!) (End of this chapter)

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