This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 400 Activate Blessing! Extremely dark explosion!

Polluted areas of the old capital.

The imperial division sealed the entrance to the military camp.

This military camp is not large in scale, but it has deployed a large number of high-level formations that can be used to monitor and guard seals.

Cao Zhen is in the military camp at the moment. Around him, Cao Zhao, Cao Yu, Dong Zhao, Jiang Ji, etc., and more than ten senior figures in Cao Wei are frowning.

Jiang Ji: "The Dark Transformation Ritual has been activated, and Sima Yi will be awakened in one day at most."

Dong Zhao: "Da Sima, is what we did really correct?"

Change to normal.

The two foreign ministers dared to question His Majesty's imperial edict.

Cao Yu, Cao Zhao and other clan sects will definitely make a big fuss and reprimand him, but even they feel heavy at this moment.

Sima Yi, known as the "Supreme Emperor's Master".

In this space, there is the hero of the past. It was Sima Yi who suppressed the entire Shouyang Mountain in one fell swoop, thereby curbing the spillover of the abyss pollution to the greatest extent.

No matter what purpose Sima Yi had in doing this.

The tens of millions of people in the entire Shouyang Mountain area over the past one or two hundred years owe their survival to this blessing, and the same goes for the Wei Kingdom's ability to survive.

Therefore, it is not excessive to respect him as the "Supreme Imperial Master"!

While the Supreme Imperial Master Sima Yi sealed the nightmare of the abyss, his existence also brought dark faith and pollution.

This not only directly led to the emergence of the Taiyou Kingdom, but also caused hundreds of outstanding people, including Zhong Hui, Deng Ai, Yang Hu, and Du Yu, to become dependents of the evil god of the abyss.

Taiyou and the Wei Dynasty have been fighting for hundreds of years without stopping.

This protracted war undoubtedly caused millions of direct deaths!

For the ordinary people in this world, the legendary figure of the Supreme Imperial Master has both merit and demerit.

Cao Zhen and others had worked with Sima Yi for hundreds of years before he became the emperor's master, and they were considered old friends.

They have experienced a complete historical transformation, and they also know very well how terrifying Sima Yi was in the Abyss Era. With his talents and talents, once he is born, no one in the world will be able to control him!

Use him against the Star Lords.

Is it really appropriate?

Although the Taiyou Kingdom's vitality has been severely damaged, its foundation still exists. Once Sima Yi completely transforms into darkness and reappears in the world, the entire world is in danger of overturning.


In the hearts of the important ministers of the Wei Dynasty

An idea appeared in everyone's mind.

This idea is so bold that no one dares to say it or even think about it deeply.

That is...if they had to choose between the darkness and the stars, I'm afraid the vast majority of people would still choose the stars.

Because this group of stars is a human race and not a mess of alien races, at least they can integrate with each other at the racial level.

But once darkness descends and covers the earth, everyone will have to be transformed into a family of the evil god. From then on, not only will their thoughts and spirits be permanently reversed, but their bodies and essence will also be changed.

This is even more unacceptable than direct physical death.

Cao Zhen said in a deep voice: "The matter has come to this, there is no choice, we can only take one step at a time."

Jiang Ji and Dong Zhao both sighed in their hearts. Your Majesty is too tough now. Otherwise, there would be no possibility of integration between Hang Yu and the Wei Kingdom.

Lord Hang Yu's strength and ability are obvious to all.

The potential of the Stars Territory is far beyond that of any secular country.

If the Wei Dynasty is not xenophobic and joins forces with the Qunxing Leader in time, and after both parties work together to destroy Taiyou, Cao Rui joins the Qunxing Territory and joins the Qunxing Lord, and is granted the title of a Wei King to continue to rule Wei!

So to the stars.

Great time saving experience.

and loss of various resources.

For the Great Wei State, although it is under the jurisdiction of the Star Territory, the population and land under its control have not actually changed. The country may be able to achieve better development, and the people may be able to live a better life.

Isn't it much better than awakening the Dark Emperor Master?

Dong Zhao and Jiang Ji dared to think about such thoughts in their hearts. They clearly knew what kind of temper His Majesty was now.

If you say it.

I'm just afraid of losing my life!

The important ministers of the Wei Dynasty were still discussing preparations for Sima Yi's birth, when suddenly the whole military camp was shaken, and some violent and powerful aura appeared.

"not good!"

"Someone is attacking the camp!"

"Judging by the breath!"

"It's probably Na Dianwei again!"


Cao Zhen and others immediately left the camp. All formations in the military camp were activated, and thousands of Dark Familia were ready for battle.

Sima Zhao only brought four thousand dark tribesmen into the Wei Kingdom.

Although the number is small, the quality is extremely high. These Dark Familia are all the most elite existences among the Shadow Legion and the Shadow Legion.

Everyone is level 40!

There are nearly three hundred dark commanders!

The remaining more than 3,000 elites are also top-notch elites. Every four or five of them combined can fight against a commander.

Although such a force only has about 4,000 troops, its actual combat power will not be inferior to that of more than 10,000 Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, or a 100,000-sized Tiger and Leopard Army.

It has the power to destroy the country!

As for the three thousand tribesmen on the Wei side, they are not much different.

Two thousand of them are tiger and leopard cavalry, and the other thousand are His Majesty the Emperor's imperial guards.

Not to mention the elite Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.

They are all first-class elites at least level 35 and above.

The strength of a thousand Deep Root Guards is even more powerful. They are all level 40 super elite units. Three of them can deal with a weaker commander unit of the same level.

This kind of imperial guard created with a special abyssal secret method has always been the most mysterious and powerful combat force in the Wei Dynasty, with a total of less than 3,000.

Cao Rui rarely used this power.

This time, half of them were dispatched in one go.

It is enough to reflect the importance Emperor Wei attached to this mission.

Because of this, although on the surface, Taiyou Wei's deployment in the old capital is not too strong, but these 7,000 most sophisticated troops are enough to fight against a regular army of more than 100,000 or 200,000!

There are also formations and camp blessings.

Even if they are as powerful as Jia Xu and Dian Wei, they can't break in.

At this moment, Dian Wei used his Qi movement skill "Heavenly Soldiers" and led a force of more than 600 people to attack the camp, but was stopped in time by Sima Zhao and a group of masters.

"Hey, it's interesting, what kind of formation is this, it can actually stop me!"

Dian Wei appeared outside the military camp.

He was looking at the military camp in front of him with curiosity.

His luck skill "Heavenly Weapon" was given by the lord.

This luck comes from Deng Ai's blue luck, which is very powerful!

When Dian Wei fights alone, this luck is almost a CD-free teleportation skill, which greatly improves Dian Wei's mobility and combat capabilities.

When Dian Wei leads a group in battle, this skill is especially suitable for surprise attacks. It can ignore almost all obstacles and formations.


just now.

Dian Wei mobilized the divine soldiers from heaven to teleport into the military camp.

It was actually ejected by some powerful repulsive force originating from the space level.

"Stupid thing!" Sima Zhao floated in the air, with his formless body, his black tattered robe moving without wind. He mocked: "This is the seal of the Dark Emperor. With his methods, there will be no restrictions on the space. ?”

So that’s what happened.

It is not the military camp formation that takes effect.

But the seal of the Supreme Emperor Master restricted the space.

That's right, if a seal of this level could be broken into casually, Sima Yi would have been awakened long ago.

"General Dian, why bother talking to them?"

Ye Limeng stood behind Dian Wei, riding on the divine horse, his fiery red armor shining brightly, and a giant Thousand Skull Demon Hammer in his hand exuding a destructive aura.

"This level 8 Thousand Skull Hammer just needs some prey to test its power. I think these bastards look good to beat!"

Ye Limeng's Thousand-Skull Magic Hammer is already a blue top-grade fourth-level weapon!

Under this situation.

He can also strengthen it to level 8!

The investment and cost involved are enough to create three to five level 10 third-level blue weapons, which are currently the most powerful weapons among the Scourge Army!

at the same time.

He possesses three sets of blue full-level skills!

Ye Limeng's current combat power is close to that of a first-rate commander.

Although he will definitely not be able to beat the famous ministers and generals who have left their names in history, but against the fourth-level overlords like Cao Zhao and Cao Yu, at least they can fight back and forth for ten or twenty rounds!

"Why are you Scourge Army brats so anxious? Let me play with them first!"

Dian Wei roared.

The second form, the violent demon, is activated!

Dian Wei condensed the Thousand Skeleton Phantom Demon Halberd, a Thousand Demon Break that could split the sky, and suddenly exploded towards the military camp ahead.

So far.

Dianwei is not what it used to be.

Although the strongest method is still the unique purple technique "Devil Transformation", at the same time, with the support of the resources of the territory, he has also practiced six different sets of blue techniques and several purple secret techniques.

The Thousand Skeleton Phantom Demon Halberd combines several secret techniques including the purple secret technique "Power of the Demon God", plus a set of blue techniques, and is now infinitely close to purple quality.

at the same time.

Equipment has also undergone major upgrades.

In addition to the built-in Thousand Skeleton Phantom Demon Halberd.

Dian Wei can equip four more weapons at the same time, and these four weapons are all level 10 blue weapons!

Nowadays, Dian Wei's combat power is already that of a super king of the abyss. In the future, when he creates a second set of purple skills, he will replace the four weapons with purple weapons that can increase the percentage.

It will undoubtedly touch the ceiling of the Abyss King.


A loud bang!

Thousands of demons bombarded the military camp.

But it was resolved by a powerful barrier formation.

Cao Zhen said: "It's useless, it's a waste of effort, even you can't even think of breaking through this camp!"

This formation is not a traditional barrier.

It simultaneously empowers everyone in the formation.

At this moment, thousands of top elites united to instill mana into the formation.

within a short period of time.

Don't say it's Dian Wei.

Hang Yu ended up personally.

I'm afraid I can't break it directly.

"Let me see how long you can shrink back!"

Dian Wei's expression became more ferocious, and he fired out one halberd after another, but they were all blocked by the protective formation.

"What an amazing power!"

The powerful men in Taiyou Cao Wei felt the violent attacks becoming more fierce each time, and they were all shocked by Dian Wei's destructive power that destroyed the world.

Although it is unlikely that Dian Wei could destroy the camp by himself, constantly enduring attacks of this intensity is enough to accelerate the depletion of the maintainer's mana.

"Common man, stop being crazy!"

Sima Zhaol combined the power of everyone around him to summon a large black cloud, and then a giant snake hundreds of feet long emerged from it.

[Great Dark Demonic Snake], level 40 Abyss King... Introduction: A powerful creature summoned by the dark secret method. Although it is only a summoned spirit, it has terrifying and destructive power that can easily shake a country.

The big snake has an amazing momentum.

Its body was between the dark nothingness and the solid form, changing unpredictably between the virtual and the real, and launched a fierce attack on the top warrior of the human race.


Ye Limeng and others' expressions changed when they saw this.

Even among king-level warriors, this big snake has an above-average level of combat power. It can instantly save damage, transform its body into darkness, and transform into thousands of dark snake shadows to attack at the same time.

without any exaggeration.

Just the destructive power of this summoned spirit.

It was enough to wipe out all the natural disaster forces present.

If the Scourge Legion wants to fight against this level of super BOSS, just three or two regiments of elites are simply not enough. In the absence of a nearby resurrection point, at least eight to ten regiments are needed!

Dian Wei fought with the dark snake for three to five rounds.

Although Dian Wei's power is far superior to that of the Dark Serpent, the shape of the Dark Serpent is so changeable and weird that even Dian Wei can take advantage of his subordinates for a while.

Sima Zhao sneered: "Hmph, are you trying to cause trouble on your own? Even if the Lords of the Stars come in person, you can't stop the Dark Emperor from coming!"

"Shameless talk!"

Dian Wei roared angrily.

The third form, the Demon of Destruction, is activated!

He was very annoyed by the summoning spirit of the dark serpent, so he simply stopped retaining his power and directly entered his strongest state.

"Break it for me!"

Dian Wei's whole body was burning and boiling, and a large halberd was drawn out with a force that created the world. The terrifying energy caused the thick red fog in the entire old capital to spread for more than ten miles.

The Dark Serpent felt threatened.

Activate the Shadow Arcana again to enter the shadow form.

However, the power of Dian Wei's attack was so terrifying that even the space could be shaken and torn apart. The terrifying energy fell directly on the shadowed snake and tore it apart on the spot.

Sima Zhao's body was shaken.

The aura quickly weakened a bit.

Because the summoned spirit was killed, he suffered some backlash.

Dian Wei, who was in the form of the Demon God of Destruction, laughed again: "You combined the power of so many people, and the little snake you finally made doesn't look very durable!"

"What a madman!"

Sima Zhao had a face when he joined, so he must be extremely gloomy at this moment. Dian Wei's power is too strong.

But if it's just Dianwei.

Even though he was prepared, he ignored it.

After all, no matter how strong one's personal power is, it is impossible to eliminate thousands of Taiyou's strongest elites, not to mention the elite assistance from the Great Wei.

The trouble is.

There was another Jia Xu who didn't show up.

Troops from the Stars Leader also appeared in the old capital.

This is a very bad sign, indicating that the Star Leader has fully understood his plan. It seems that it is no coincidence that he has escaped death several times!

Dian Wei continued to provoke: "What's the point of being a coward? You have the guts to fight us!"

Dian Wei led a small group of people.

Sima Zhao didn't take it seriously at all.

But he didn't dare to challenge at this time.

This is probably a trap. Although Dian Wei, Jia Xu and these people are not enough to pose a threat to them, it is hard to say if the Star Lords lead more elite generals.


Don't wait for Sima Zhao to think too much.

There was a loud noise from the north of the seal.

The expressions of Sima Zhao, Cao Zhen and others all changed, because they could clearly feel that the Tower of Evil Fall in the north had been destroyed.

"No!" Cao Zhen said in a deep voice: "Their real target is the four evil seals, stop them quickly!"


Open the military camp enchantment.

Thousands of elites stopped defending.

Cao Zhen and Sima Yi led a counterattack.


"Hold them off!"

When Ye Limeng and others saw this, although they knew they could not win, they did not hesitate to face him.

Dian Wei: "It's too late to realize now!"

While talking.

Dian Wei defeated many with one man, and with his strong combat power, he blocked dozens or twenty masters, including Sima Zhao and Cao Zhen.

Even if all the strong men join forces.

Even if there is home field advantage.

Even launching a large-scale siege.

This demon-like star general cannot be shaken in a short time.

After a few minutes.

Another Evil Fall Tower was destroyed.

Then came the third and final one.

The four natural disaster armies launched an attack at the same time, and there was only a quarter of an hour between the first Evil Fall being killed and the last Evil Fall being killed.

The four major evils of the old capital!

It is the node of Sima Yi's sealing formation.

Each one is a powerful source of pollution that can impose nightmare pollution on Sima Yi who is in a sealed slumber.

This kind of pollution is extremely fatal to ordinary creatures, but for Sima Yi, it is a lullaby, allowing him to fall into a deep sleep and temporarily resist the dark will.

Under normal circumstances.

Abyssal Fallen cannot be killed.

Even if they are temporarily eliminated, they will revive in a new round of nightmare reincarnation, and the natives can only deal with them by sealing them.

But the Dark Familia can turn the Abyss Evil into the Dark Familia through transformation, thereby posing a greater threat to Sima Yi in the seal.


Sima Yi just passed the layout.

Let the old capital fall within the scope of Wei's actual control.

Cao Rui had no way to kill Evil Fall, nor could he kill Sima Yi who had transformed into an Abyss Walker, and he also knew what would happen to Sima Yi once he was born.


over the years.

Cao Rui strictly monitored and guarded the passes and seals near the old capital.

Prevent the forces of Taiyou Kingdom from infiltrating it to ensure that the terrifying existence does not awaken.

Although the Dark Familia of Taiyou Kingdom can transform Sima Yi, they are blocked from the old capital by the core pollution zone. If they want to enter the old capital, they must pass through the territory of Wei.

This is why.

For so many years.

Sima Zhao and others were still unable to wake up Sima Yi.

In the final analysis, this was a conspiracy arranged by the Supreme Emperor Master. He could not prevent himself from being eroded by the darkness, nor could he stop the darkness from spreading in this land.

But he took advantage of the power of Wei.

Delay for hundreds of years for your own life.

Thus waiting for possible variables to appear.

Cao Zhen's eyes widened: "The auras of the four evil degenerates in the old capital...have disappeared!"

Dong Zhao: "The stars actually purified the evil!"

Sima Zhao was stunned for a moment and then exulted, "Hahaha, you idiot, you idiot, without the four major nodes, the seal will collapse on its own, and now nothing can stop the Lord of Darkness from coming!"

The formation node was destroyed.

The seal will soon collapse.

Sima Yi will quickly wake up from his slumber.

His current state is already at a critical point.

As soon as he wakes up, he will be swallowed up by the dark will.

That is to say.

When Sima Yi wakes up.

That's when darkness falls.

Sima Zhao said: "Your clever behavior will not only fail to prevent the Lord of Darkness from coming, but will accelerate the process, and your doom is about to come!"

Dian Wei, Ye Limeng and other natural disaster troops also frowned.

, could it be that Jia Xu made a mistake somewhere? Are these four pollution nodes really impossible to remove? !

at this time.

The sky suddenly became gloomy.

Some kind of chaotic atmosphere is brewing in the world.

Sima Zhao and the other Dark Familia who were caught up in the frenzy felt the changes in the sky, and their bodies suddenly stagnated slightly, as if they had realized something.

Cao Zhao: "This is..."

Cao Zhen: "It is extremely dark, and the extremely dark day is coming!"

A very dark day?

Everyone in the Scourge Legion was stunned when they heard this.

Yes, extremely dark days occur regularly in every region, but since arriving in the Shouyang Mountain area, it seems that I have never experienced an extremely dark day!

This celestial phenomenon is a precursor to the coming of the extremely dark day!

Sima Zhao, "No, these damn stars, they want to take advantage of the extremely dark sun!"

turn out to be.

Everything is within Jia Xu's calculations.

He calculated the time when the Darkest Sun would erupt.

When the Scourge Army destroys the four formation nodes, the Imperial Master's seal will begin to collapse.

But the collapse of this seal takes time. If the seal completely collapses and happens to encounter an extremely dark day, it can effectively delay the time for Sima Yi to be swallowed by the darkness.

The principle is simple.

During the outbreak of the Darkest Day.

The effects of Abyssal Nightmares are enhanced.

When the pollution of the abyss nightmare increases sharply, the erosion of the dark will will be temporarily suppressed. When Sima Yi wakes up at this time, he will most likely be able to temporarily resist the devouring.

At least until the end of Darkest Days.

Sima Yi will not be completely transformed into the dark form.

A dark day usually lasts one to two days.

And this will become the only window period for the territory to conquer Sima Yi.

Once the extremely dark environment disappears.

The nightmare of the abyss is at peace again.

Sima Yi will definitely be swallowed up by the darkness.

Eventually he became the incarnation of the Dark Lord of the Abyss Evil God in this world!

This is not only a catastrophic disaster for all the creatures in this world, but even the current Star Leader will feel tremendous pressure.

"Jia Xu!"

Sima Zhao figured it out.

From the first encounter.

He has become a tool used by Jia Xu. This guy's goal is the Dark Emperor!

His two narrow escapes from death, his contact with the great Wei Cao Rui, and his appearance in this place at this time were all part of this old fox's plan, absolutely!

Sima Yi's existence is the biggest threat to the stars.

They wanted to use themselves to get rid of Sima Yi.

Even further…


That would be the ultimate blasphemy against the Lord of Darkness!

Sima Zhao couldn't help but feel a chill coming from the depths of his soul when he thought of this!

He roared hysterically: "Everyone attacks the seal immediately. The seal must be destroyed before extreme darkness falls!"

still have a chance!

The fall of extreme darkness does not happen overnight!

It usually takes a day and a half from the appearance of the signs of the Extremely Dark Sun to the complete arrival of the Extremely Dark Sun.

At this moment, the Imperial Master's seal has begun to disintegrate. If everyone joins forces to attack the seal, they should be able to destroy the seal before the extremely dark day.

If Emperor Master Sima Yi recovers early, he will be completely transformed!

Although Dian Wei and Jia Xu led a group of elites to appear in the old capital, their troops were very limited. With only such a small number of people, they would never be able to stop Taiyou and Cao Wei from joining forces!


at this time.

Inside the imperial master's seal in the old capital.

Jia Xu and Shadow Secret Puppet appeared among them.

He took advantage of the moment when Cao Zhen and Sima Zhao opened the camp, and when the formation nodes were destroyed and the seal restrictions were released, he used the Shadow Skeleton's Shadow March to successfully infiltrate.

"found it!"

"Looks like I'm lucky!"

There was a sacred stone floating in front of Jia Xu.

[Polluted Luck Divine Stone in the Old Capital]... Introduction: The Luck Divine Stone in the old capital area is contaminated due to erosion by the abyss breath, and can activate the blessing points of the old capital.

"nailed it!"

Jia Xu reached out and touched the sacred stone.

Under the infusion of the aura of the stars on his body, the pollution in the Divine Stone of Luck was quickly purified. After about a few minutes, the Divine Stone was successfully activated.

at the same time.

In the main city of Luoshui.

Hang Yu showed a smile.

Because he received a tip.

[You successfully occupied the "Old Capital Area" and obtained "Luck Treasure Box (Purple)" × 1! 】

to this point.

You're done.

Now we just need to resist Cao Wei Taiyou's coalition forces.

Once the extremely dark day comes and Sima Yi officially wakes up, this game will be over.

(PS: Please vote for me!) (End of this chapter)

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