This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 422: Rapid growth in strength! Operation Shouyang Mountain begins!

A blink of an eye.

More than half a month has passed.

Hang Yu Ling is still in the stage of reorganization, intensive construction and laying a solid foundation.

The main energy is used to digest existing resources, and there are no plans to further expand the territory for the time being.


In the Lord's Hall.

Hang Yu is listening to Xiaoba's report.

"I would like to inform my master that so far, all main cities and important cities in the territory have completed preliminary construction, and all abandoned blessed lands have also been repaired.

"The territory currently has 500 fourth-level barracks and 1,200 third-level barracks. The maximum population recruitment limit is about 1.35 million..."

"Currently, 700,000 natural disaster army players have been recruited, including 6,000 members of the Blue Dragon Guards. The number of fourth-level natural disaster armies has exceeded 9,000, and the number of third-level natural disaster armies has exceeded 45,000..."

"The current total population of the territory is about 6.91 million, of which the number of non-Scale Force combatants is about 580,000. The reorganization has been successfully completed, and the three Black Tiger Guard regiments have officially succeeded..."

"Among them, the fourth-level combat strength is about 25,000, and the third-level combat strength is about 220,000..."

It can be seen from the above data.

Hang Yuling has spent nearly a month in the past.

What an efficient and powerful integration took place in the territory.

The integration and digestion of manpower at the military level alone is of great significance to the subsequent development of the territory.

So far, Hang Yuling has completed the recruitment of nearly 400,000 regular troops from the Wei Kingdom. This large-scale army was reorganized and merged into the territorial legion system.

Even if the Scourge Army is not included.

The territorial army numbered nearly 600,000.

Half of them are the Black Tiger Legion, and the other half are the Iron Eagle Legion. The latter is weaker and is mainly responsible for maintaining the basic order of each city. In addition, it will also participate in some construction, collection, and farming tasks.

The former is stronger. Ninety percent of the Black Tiger Guards in the current territory have a strength of no less than third level. The remaining non-third level units are non-combat units or seedlings with outstanding potential.

Because of the large number of people and scale.

At present, Xuanhu Guard has been divided into three legions.

The First Army of the Black Tiger Guards has the largest number and the most powerful force, commanding a total of twelve regiments, two of which are the former Wei Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. Zhang He, who has the strongest troop commanding ability in the territory and is also the former Wei general, serves as the commander. .

The Xuanhu Guard Second Army, although the strength of this unit is slightly worse than that of the First Army, most of the troops are veterans of the Xuanhu Guard. They are usually responsible for garrisoning the Shenji giant ships and several major cities, with Wenpin as the commander.

The Black Tiger Guards Third Army, this unit is weaker in number and strength than the first two units, but it is in the process of accelerating construction and is temporarily commanded by Wen Yang, who is more junior.

Just the establishment of these three huge troops.

Hangyu collar will be highly competitive in the next large-scale territorial war.

At least among the fourth-tier territories, there are almost no territories capable of resisting this indigenous army. Even if there are territories, they are all super powerful races such as Wind and Thunder Wings, Sun Devouring Bahuang, and Ancient Saint Cang Yue.

Among the fourth-level leaders of the human race.

A military force of this magnitude is beyond their imagination.

Hang Yu asked Xiaoba to continue reporting:

Xiaoba then continued to report on the basic situation of the territory and the development results of the recent period.

"The territory currently has a Qunxing production team of more than 8,000 people. The average daily gross profit of the territory's two major industries of weapon refining and medicine refining in the past three days has exceeded 10 million magic crystals, and the average daily energy income in the past three days has exceeded 4.2 billion."

"The territory has integrated the fresh resources reserved by the cities in the Shouyang Mountain area. The territory currently has 22.1 million disposable magic crystal reserves, 3.82 million fourth-level material essence reserves, 7.53 million third-level material essence reserves, and 21.03 million second-level material essence reserves. , the first-level material essence reserve is 85.43 million.”


It is not difficult to find out from these data.

Hang Yuling's current magic crystal and energy income has skyrocketed.

It is understandable that the income from Jingqi has skyrocketed. Even if no large-scale activities have been launched in the past half month, when the number of players reaches 700,000, the income from Jingqi will definitely not be low.

In addition, the territory currently has several ways to play, including competition, dungeons, and mercenaries, which can create a large number of additional casualties.

Even if it’s just cutting leeks on a daily basis.

can also produce such exaggerated numbers.

Hang Yu collected the energy generated every day.

Most of them are used for daily expenses, and the most are given out in the form of task rewards. Not only the players of the Scourge Army can get a lot of benefits from it, but other people in the territory can also gain energy by completing tasks.

The other half is used to cultivate the territory’s key combat capabilities.

For example, the number of Canglong Guards led by Hang Yu has grown to 6,000. As time goes by, their background will become stronger and stronger, and the strength of the territorial hero units will also increase by leaps and bounds.

As for magic crystal income?

It has reached tens of millions of magic crystals.

This is not simply revenue flow, but the average daily gross profit after deducting basic costs.

It's absolutely terrifying!

Such a scale.

Don’t talk about the fifth-level territory.

Not even a few sixth-level territories can do this.

After all, this is not an annual income, nor a monthly income, but a daily income!

The two main pillars of the current territory.

One is for refining medicine and the other is for refining weapons.

In terms of medicine refining, Zhang Zhongjing has recently developed several very competitive consumable medicinal materials, which have been successful in the market and achieved good sales.

In terms of refining, the production capacity of the Wood Saint Equipment for export in Hangyu Territory has tripled. Even if both upstream and downstream can make a lot of money, the Territory can still generate a lot of net profit.

And there is still a lot of room for optimization and expansion!

The production capacity of Hangyu Territory has not reached its limit.

Not surprisingly.

With the Wood Saint Equipment alone.

It will not be difficult to create a daily net profit of 10 million magic crystals for Hangyu Territory in the future.

And for every 10 million magic crystals net profit that Hangyu Territory earns, the upstream suppliers and downstream distribution channels can generate a profit income of no less than 10 million.

Enough to support hundreds of territories!

Now Hangyu has become the most important God of Wealth in the Humanitarian Alliance, and with the widespread popularity of Wood Saint Equipment, the reputation of Hangyu Territory is also rising rapidly.

In the past half a month.

Are these the only achievements and progress that Hangyu has made? Of course not. In less than 20 days, it is not only a period of perfect construction and rapid development of the territory.

It is also a period of rapid growth and explosion of Hangyu's influence and reputation. In addition to the success of the refining industry chain, there is another thing that has created a very large influence.

That is.

Hang Yu leads the mercenaries!

Hang Yu asked Xiao Ba at this moment: "How is the situation of the mercenaries in the territory recently?"

Xiao Ba replied: "In the past three days, the average number of mercenary actions in the territory has exceeded 50 times a day. So far, more than 600 territories have received reinforcements from their masters!"

Since more than half a month ago.

The plane mercenaries were officially released.

Players have gained a great sense of freshness and a very high gaming experience.

First of all, the situation, environment, ecology, and race of each plane are different, so each abyss plane can derive a civilization with a completely different style.

The essence of the mercenary gameplay is a meat pigeon adventure.

Every time it is like opening a blind box, and the world opened each time is completely different.

Although there are various worlds with extremely strange styles, each world has its own consistent history and hidden plots.

The plane mercenary gameplay has great significance for broadening the worldview and understanding the abyss. The game materials that can be created can only be described as endless.

Of course.

The opening of the plane mercenaries.

It is not only to increase the playability for players.

This function is crucial to the development of the territory!

Because the territory currently has a serious surplus of military power, we must find a way to make these forces play their value.

Plane mercenaries are not only for players to sign up, but also for other troops in the territory and even ordinary people.

Therefore, it can often be seen.

Thousands of players and 1,800 NPCs form a group.

Generals such as Cao Shuang, Wang Shuang, and Qin Lang also have a greater place to use their skills. When they encounter particularly difficult actions, they will even activate their luck and participate in the action.

After these territory mercenaries entered various human territories, they solved one difficulty after another for the human lords.

Not only did they bring a lot of extra income and benefits to the individuals who participated in the mercenary action.

And they created a lot of resources for the territory.

As for Hang Yu personally.

It is even more significant!

There is no need to say much about the large amount of spoils and resources flowing into the territory.

In half a month, Hang Yu Territory has helped 500 different territories and solved various difficult problems for them. This kind of thing would never have happened in the past.

After all, the human leader’s military power is extremely valuable.

There is no other territory like Hang Yu Territory that has a large army.

It is even more impossible to have a force like the Scourge Army that is not afraid of loss and cannot be lost.

This is also why the senior lords and great lords of the Humane Alliance rarely lend a helping hand to other territories, because lending a helping hand to these territories means increasing risks for themselves.

It is not easy for the human race to survive.

The existence that can reach this point.

Which one is not walking on thin ice and cautious?

However, Hang Yu made crazy moves in a short period of time and continued to attack, and helped more than 500 lords with absolute strength!

The sensation caused by this move can be imagined, and naturally made him famous and worshipped by countless lords. He is currently the most talked-about boss in the Humane Alliance organization.

Of course.

Reputation is false.

Word of mouth is not that important.

Hang Yu has always been pragmatic and does not care about this false reputation.

But as the plane mercenaries continue to act.

Various resources, materials, and spirit magic crystals continue to pour in.

Hang Yu also harvested many rare items, such as: special pollution sources!

As a supporter that came from the sky, Hang Yuling certainly cannot activate the local blessing and annex the local pollution sources, but the special pollution sources that often appear in various planes are not included in this list.

These pollution sources.

Originally came from outside the plane.

Although they cannot be traded through the lord's trading market, they can be brought back to the mercenary's territory.

For this reason, when Hang Yu issues mercenary tasks to the people of the territory, he will give extremely high rewards for possible special pollution sources, so that every unit participating in the mercenary operation will pay great attention to this.

Half a month later.

More than 500 troops were dispatched.

Thirty-two third- and fourth-level pollution sources were picked up!

What does this mean? From the time Hang Yu became a lord to the present, even if the adventure process of the Eternal Dark Sea is included, the sum of the third- and fourth-level special pollution sources he has obtained has not exceeded this number!

Of course.

They are all inactivated pollution sources.

They are generally green and blue quality.

Although the number of talent points converted from a single one is not much, the accumulation of a little is still very considerable.

The value of these extra talent points is higher than most resources, which greatly improves the talent of Lord Hangyu.


The talent points that can be used.

At this moment, they have all been used up.

Among the second-level talents, the Soul of the King and the Overlord of the Stars both broke through the limit from level 5 to level 6. In addition to consuming a full 1,000 second-level talent points, an additional 5 billion essences were consumed.

Among the third-level talents, the Human Emperor's physique was upgraded from level 4 to level 5, and the Human Emperor's will and the Human Emperor's domain were also upgraded from level 3 to level 4.

Among the fourth-level talents, the Great Emperor's physique was upgraded from level 1 to level 2.

The current talents are:


First-level talent: Pioneer's Heart (level 6), Lord's Aura (level 6).

Second-level talent: Soul of the King (level 6), Overlord of the Stars (level 6).

Third-level talent, Human Emperor's physique (level 5), Human Emperor's will (level 4), Human Emperor's domain (level 4).

Fourth-level talent: Great Emperor's physique (level 2), Great Emperor's will (level 1), Great Emperor's domain (level 1), Holy Soul awakening (not activated).


This round of improvement is not small!

Hang Yu only feels that his current strength is stronger, at least three times stronger than when he fought against the projection of the Lord of Darkness.

If Hang Yu participated in the battle in Shangyang County at this moment, he would not even need to use Dian Wei and Jia Xu to consume the Lord of Darkness, and he would not even need to come in person. He could release a projection to fight against the projection of darkness!

Of course.

Although the projections are about the same strength.

But it does not mean that Hang Yu can now compete with the Lord of Darkness.

After all, Hang Yu is projecting within his own territory, and the proportion of power he can project is higher.

The Lord of Darkness is separated by countless abyssal nightmares, breaking through billions of time and space interference, and projecting from an endless distance.

Not only is he maintaining hundreds of projections and clones at the same time, but he is also shackled and rejected by this world. Even so, his strength is still good. As an evil god, the Lord of Darkness is still very powerful.

"Plane mercenaries are a really good gameplay development!"

Hang Yu was very satisfied with the effect and value of the mercenary gameplay in the territory. He decided to continue to encourage the Scourge to actively participate in mercenary operations during non-war periods.

Whether the lord's talents can be fully upgraded.

It depends on these mercenaries.

Hang Yu walked to the observation tower of the lord's castle, and the entire Luoshui main city was in full view. Compared with the Shouyang Mountain area that had not been conquered a month ago, the current Luoshui City is several times more prosperous.

Because of the influx of a large number of people in the Shouyang Mountain area.

The population of Luoshui City has more than doubled, and the current permanent population has reached about 400,000, and this number is still increasing.

Although the territory's labor force and builders are constantly expanding the city and increasing the living area of ​​the market, Hang Yu is also working hard to increase infrastructure such as the cultivation tower.

But the main city is still a little crowded at present, and the speed of urban construction obviously cannot keep up with the speed of population expansion.


It's not a big problem.

After all, the stage of explosive population growth has come to an end. From now on until the territory continues to open up new territories, the population will be in a relatively stable stage.

Hang Yu looked down at the entire city of Luoshui. He could clearly feel that the city was full of the extraordinary aura of the stars.

Even if the abyss barracks and various production workshops are not counted.

There are already hundreds of fourth-level buildings.

During this period, Hang Yu invested a huge amount of magic crystals in construction. It can even be said that the vast majority of the territory's fiscal revenue was used to upgrade and build various facilities.

Now within the main city.

There are more than fifty fourth-level star towers for various military purposes.

There are fifteen fourth-level skill towers, ten fourth-level enlightenment towers, and even four fourth-level cultivation towers.

In addition, spiritual fields, spiritual springs, dungeons, arenas, various altars, etc. have undergone a major upgrade.

Until now.

This round of major infrastructure is still under construction.

The development speed of Hang Yu Territory is so fast that the problem of insufficient infrastructure and local urban construction has been greatly alleviated.

"It should be almost done!"

Hang Yu feels that at the current construction speed, it will take at most ten days to build the territory and enter a new stage of development!

Of course.

Before further development.

The core pollution of Shouyang Mountain must be solved.

Just as Hang Yu was thinking about this matter.

Zou Wan teleported back to the main city, she came to Hang Yu and reported: "Lord, the Shouyang Mountain formation is now almost completed."

"Really? It's just in time!"

Hang Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Zou Wan completed the transformation of the Shenji giant ship during this period, and then she was sent to the Shouyang Mountain pollution area to build a large blockade formation for the territory.

The function of this formation is very simple.

In fact, it is an enhanced version of the six-party luck formation.

This formation uses dozens of nearby star blessings as nodes to form a powerful barrier. Even if the pollution in the core pollution area of ​​Shouyang Mountain breaks out of control, it can be controlled for a period of time to prevent spillover.

In simple terms.

It is equivalent to taking out an insurance.

With such an insurance, the safety of millions of people in the Shouyang Mountain map can be ensured, and the territory can safely launch operations against Shouyang Mountain.

Since the timing in all aspects is almost ripe.

Hang Yu opened the lord panel and began to edit the Shouyangshan mission.

After killing Cao Rui and conquering the Great Wei City, he released another large-scale territory mission, which is also the ultimate mission of this area. (End of this chapter)

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