This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 423: Granting Chen Qun the Seal! The Scourge Army begins action!

Luoshui Main City.

Sima Qi walked out of the training tower.

This former Taiyoumin changed her appearance, wearing a white robe emitting precious light, holding a dark golden high-quality staff, which made her already beautiful temperament even more outstanding.

This month was like a dream for Sima Qi.

She went from an unknown dark believer to a citizen of the Star Territory, and was discovered by the Shenyu Palace Corps to become a senior worshiper and guest elder.

Not only that.

She was appreciated and cared for by Zou Wan.

Now she is a Class A talent in Hangyu Territory.

The current territory has five levels of talent assessment standards.

They are: Ding, Bing, Yi, Jia, and Super Jia.

No matter what profession or position, as long as it is not a hero unit of the territory, you can apply for talent rating, and once you get the rating, you can get a series of benefits and benefits.

Among them, there are only a handful of super Class A talents.

There are only three at present, the former Wei Sima Cao Zhen, the former Wei Sikong, the Shangshu Ling Chen Qun, and the Supreme Emperor Sima Yi.

All of them are top-notch figures.

There are more than 40 Class A talents.

Among them, all of them are big figures like Dong Zhao, Jiang Ji, Cao Shuang, and Wang Shuang. They not only have top strength and top talent, but also have super high reputation and fame.

Sima Qi is the only one who has no strength and no fame, but can be listed as a Class A talent.

However, although Zou Wan took special care of Sima Qi, it did not violate the regulations.

The territory sets up talent level assessment.

It is not to rank the members of the territory according to seniority.

It is to better discover and support the growth of talents.

Although Sima Qi has no luck and his cultivation has not grown up, he has a rare high-quality purple qualification. There is no bottleneck for him to grow into a king-level strongman in the future.

It is not excessive to give him an "A-level" evaluation and give him relevant treatment and benefits.

In one month.

Sima Qi's cultivation has made great progress.

He has reached the peak of the third level, level 30.

Her current comprehensive strength is at the level of a first-class overlord of the same level, and it is estimated that she will soon be able to enter the fourth level.

Once Sima Qi advances, her qualifications will be further awakened. Her rank will not decline, but will be more consolidated, and even go up a level, becoming the first-class existence among the current guests of the Natural Disaster Army.

It can be said.

Sima Qi at this moment.

Has been regarded as the strongest combat force by the Shenyu Palace Corps.

And she has already gained a lot of fame in the territory.

Such a big change has happened in such a short time, no wonder Sima Qi feels like a dream.

Sima Qi is full of gratitude to the high-ranking lord who has only met once. Without this great leader of the human race, the Taiyou people would not be able to walk out of the dark shadows.

The lord has done me a great favor!

This great favor must be repaid!

However, Sima Qi knows that her strength may be good, and there is a lot of room for growth, but the lord is not short of good players around her, which makes her feel a little distressed.


A heroic figure rode up on horseback.

It was Hua Mulan, the famous strongman of Shenyu Palace.

Hua Mulan, like other top players, is now at the maximum level of 40. Her spear skills are constantly improving, and now she has the comprehensive foundation of a quasi-first-class abyss commander.

Sima Qi hurriedly greeted: "Sister Mulan."

Hua Mulan laughed and said: "Let's go to Jiba Hotel. Today is the day for our army to have a team building. Let's have a good meal together!"

Sima Qi's heart moved when he heard this.

If there is any change that is most worthy of joy after becoming a citizen of the territory, it is that you can taste all kinds of delicacies in this world.

When Sima Qi was still a Taiyoumin, she had no taste buds and taste. Eating every day was just a routine for her, and she could not feel any happiness from it.

Since being cured by the territory.

Sima Qi has restored all her sensory functions.

For the first time, she realized that there are so many beautiful things worth experiencing in this world, and food is undoubtedly one of the top enjoyments.


The catering industry in Hangyu Territory is highly developed.

There are all kinds of ingredients, snacks, wines and drinks, and the material life of the people in the territory is very rich.

It can be said that these wonderful material enjoyments are one of the most advantageous weapons for naturalizing millions of Taiyou people.

As the best hotel in the territory, Jiba Hotel has always been the benchmark of the catering industry in the territory. The two chefs have been continuously trained by the territory and are top cooking experts even among the stars.

A few minutes later.

Sima Qi came to Jiba Hotel.

Now Jiba Hotel has also been completely renewed.

This hotel has become a well-known chain hotel in the territory.

Five branches have been opened in Luoshui City alone, and the back kitchen is connected through a small portal.

No matter which branch the people of the territory go to for dinner, the food they enjoy is authentic, and all the dishes are cooked in the same kitchen.


Little Bell, Chimei Wangliang, Chenxi, Qingchen, Qingyi Fox, Miaolegemi, etc.

At this moment, there are already more than a dozen players at level 40 in the Shenyu Palace Corps, and the number of players above level 35 has reached hundreds.

The proportion of women is extremely high.

This is one of the most influential and powerful corps in the territory. Not only is the number of people and strength still growing, but the growth of various industries is also very rapid.

"Recently, our corps has made many breakthroughs in development!"

Chimei Wangliang said to everyone: "The total number of our corps has exceeded 8,000 people, and it is expected to become the third corps in the territory to exceed 10,000 people!"

"In addition, our corps has 58 physical stores such as pharmacies, equipment stores, hotels and taverns."

"In recent mercenary operations, our Shenyu Palace is also among the best, and we have signed mercenary cooperation agreements with several former corps leaders including Dong Zhao and Jiang Ji."

"With these top powerhouses as external aid, our corps will definitely achieve more and more achievements."



"We are the best!"

All the members of the Shenyu Palace Corps were very excited.

Now the entire territory is in a state of rapid development, and the Shenyu Palace Corps, as a force with the first advantage, naturally soared on this east wind.

Chenxi said at this time: "However, although our development is very smooth, we can't be careless, because more and more emerging legions are developing rapidly!"

Everyone nodded,


"Let's not talk about the latest player legions."

"The Niyou Legion founded by Sima Yi, his performance in the mercenary gameplay is too abnormal. With Sima Yi leading the team personally, we can't compete at all."

"Everyone, work harder!"

"Shenyu Palace must maintain the top five and strive to stabilize in the top three!"


During this period, the size of the Scourge Legion has expanded rapidly.

Although in this era of incremental growth and land grabbing, the major legions value peace and try to avoid direct competition to avoid internal fighting and miss more cakes, but the competition in secret has never stopped.

It is not surprising that the major legions form alliances with each other.

The status of the top five legions of the Scourge Legion has always been relatively stable.

The legion structure outside the five major legions is changing rapidly. New legions continue to appear and challenge the influence of the old legions, but generally speaking, it is also an internal competition between player forces.


Just recently.

A biggest troublemaker appeared.

It was the Niyou Corps led by Sima Yi.

Not many members joined this Corps at the beginning.

But since Sima Yi took the Corps to participate in several mercenary operations, his strong strength and crushing style made the accompanying Corps members feel very happy.

Under his leadership.

A bunch of unknown second-level rookies soared in level.

Among them, there were even cases of upgrading more than ten levels in two consecutive days, and upgrading from second level to fourth level in five days. Wouldn’t such a perverted and exaggerated ability to lead people drive people crazy?

No top players joined?

Then create and cultivate top players!

Only Sima Yi can do this kind of thing. The foundation of this existence is second only to the lord. If he becomes a competitor, the sense of oppression is too strong!

The Niyou Corps rose straight up.

Now it has directly ranked among the top five Corps.

Among the original five Corps, the Ragnarok Corps, which was the fifth for thousands of years, has been ranked the sixth Corps by the Scourge Army Bai Xiaosheng.

The pattern of the top five corps.

It was broken for the first time!

This will naturally make all corps, including Shenyu Palace, feel a huge challenge and sense of crisis, so they will think more about countermeasures and work hard to develop.

Today, the Shenyu Palace Corps held a team building, on the one hand to celebrate the achievements made in the past period of time, and on the other hand to brainstorm and discuss how to deal with the challenges they are facing now.

"The Niyou Corps is indeed on the rise!"

"But this all depends on Sima Yi's personal ability!"

"Sima Yi is indeed very strong. We can't compare with him at present, but we also have advantages that he doesn't have!"

"Give me an example!"

"Sima Yi has no company or consortium investment in the real world. He can't make money and accept investment in the real world like us, and then use cash to collect a large number of contribution points from players."

"We should strengthen our offline resource advantages, improve the training and welfare of grassroots recruits, and then try to avoid direct competition with Sima Yi at this stage."

"In addition, talents are the foundation of the Corps' development!"

"We should cultivate and attract more talents!"

"Top qualifications like Sister Sima Qi will definitely become the pillar of our Corps in the future. I suggest that the territory essence pool be used as an exception."


When everyone expressed their opinions on this.

Suddenly everyone received a system prompt.


[Ding! ]

[Trigger mission! ]

[Task name: Attack Shouyang Mountain! 】

[Task content: The current territory has completely conquered and annexed Taiyou Kingdom and Dawei Kingdom. With the increasing control of major cities in Shouyang Mountain, Shouyang Mountain has become the last obstacle to the development and expansion of the territory! 】

[Task goal: Open the core pollution area and eliminate the core pollution Cao Pi! 】

[Task start time: tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. 】

[Task registration location: Old Capital Blessing Square. 】

[Task participation conditions: above level 30. 】

[Task rewards: 10,000-500,000 essence, 10,000-500,000 contribution points and random treasure chest rewards can be obtained according to personal performance. 】


The players were slightly stunned.

Then they all showed joy.

"Shouyang Mountain is finally opening?"

"Opening Shouyang Mountain means that the last level of this map is about to be cleared!"

"The solution to core pollution is close at hand!"

"Is it still far from opening a new picture?"

"Very good!"

"The Shouyang Mountain expansion pack is already of this scale, and the scale of the new expansion pack will definitely continue to grow exponentially. I don't even dare to think how big it will be in the end!"


"Now is not the time to discuss new maps and new information. This Shouyang Mountain is a treasure for any corps!"

"makes sense!"

"Except for the confirmed BOSS Cao Pi!"

"Shouyang Mountain is the location of the tombs of many famous ministers and generals of Cao Wei. The number of evil descendants in the abyss will be unimaginable. It is definitely a good place to defeat the BOSS!"


All of a sudden.

All the major corps were excited.

After all, they have been resting for nearly a month since the territory captured the Great Wei City.

The number of players in the Scourge Army who have broken through to the fourth level has begun to hit the 10,000 mark, and they are fully capable of farming this top-level monster area.

As soon as the news came out.

Nature sharpens the knife to the pigs and sheep.

In the Lord's Castle.

Hang Yu summoned Sima Yi and Chen Qun.

Sima Yi is the acting governor of Dongyou Kingdom, and he is also the creator of the seal of Shouyang Mountain. No one knows the situation of the seal of Shouyang Mountain better than him.

Next comes the seal.

Sima Yi's action is needed.

As for Chen Qun? The former chief civil servant of the Wei Kingdom has performed very well in his diligent work recently. It is time to give him the Star Brand and promote him from the local level.

To this.

Chen Qun has naturally been looking forward to it for a long time.

He is not Sima Yi. Although the title of territorial hero does not have a specific administrative level, it is definitely a special group that is superior to all officials.

Once you become a territorial hero.

It is equivalent to joining the core team.

Become the Lord's most important confidant.

Only a being like Sima Yi, who is overly ambitious and has too many plans, would refuse such a good thing.

Officially awarded the Star Brand.

Let Chen Qun become a citizen of the stars from now on.

[Ding, you have unlocked the luck skills: Qi Luck Empowerment (dark blue), Famous Minister’s Light (blue)! 】

[Qi Luck Empowerment], Qi Luck Skills, Passive Effect, the effect of all skills in the territory (including Qi Luck Skills) is +5%.

Every 10,000 points of mana consumed can empower any designated target in the territory with luck, increasing its skill effect by +50%, not exceeding the blue quality luck skill effect by +50%, with a duration of 10 hours and a cooling time of 1 hour.

[Light of Famous Ministers], a luck skill, can reduce the cost of all units in the territory to practice skills and comprehend skills by -5%, and reduce the consumption of lords and heroes to practice skills and comprehend skills by -20%.

When seeing Chen Qun's Qi movement skills.

Hang Yu was also very satisfied.

One can increase the effect of all skills, including luck skills, and the other can reduce the consumption of the people of the territory during the practice process.

The scope of the two Qi movements is the entire territory!

Currently, Hang Yuling has nearly seven million people. The value these two skills can create can be imagined!

Other than that.

Chen Qun can also strengthen the directivity.

But it is a pity that although the directional enhancement is as high as 50%, the enhanced luck skill cannot exceed the level of the empowerment itself.


If you give it to Zhang Zhongjing or Sima Yi who has orange luck, wouldn't the 50% enhancement range go directly to the sky?

No matter what.

Chen Qun served as a civil servant.

His abilities are scarce.

Its luck also has very good cultivation value.

The more such characters, the better. Their overall increase in people or hero units can greatly improve the overall foundation and team capabilities.

Hang Yu still has a lot of talent materials in hand.

He directly upgraded Chen Qun's "Bai Shi Chen Biao".

This extremely green-quality luck was suddenly transformed into blue-quality luck, and its effect was greatly improved.

Before upgrading.

[Biushichen Table], green luck, all attributes of all territory subjects are +5% based on net value, all attributes of hero units are +10% based on net value, and all attributes of territorial lords are +15% based on net value.

After upgrade.

[Qian Shichen Table], blue luck, all attributes of all territory subjects are +10% based on net value, all attributes of hero units are +20% based on net value, and all attributes of territorial lords are +30% based on net value.

[Light of the Wise Prime], a luck skill, can reduce the consumption of all units in the territory to practice skills and comprehend skills by -7%, and reduce the cost of lords and heroes to cultivate skills and comprehend skills by -25%.

The increase in luck effect is not small!

All bonus effects are directly doubled.

Since there is no qualitative breakthrough in the quality of Qi Luck skills, the increase seems to be limited, but this kind of gain BUFF that can cover the whole people, even if it increases by 1 percentage point, it can create a lot of value.

"Thank you Lord Lord!"

Chen Qun was in an excited mood at the moment.

From now on, he will be the eleventh minister in Hang Yu's leadership to be awarded the title of hero. In the future, he will not only receive more training, but also get more space to display his ambitions.

Sima Yi saw the changes in Chen Qun.

He was somewhat envious and greedy in his heart.

This lord is so different. The resources he has are beyond imagination. Even the weakest existence can be cultivated into a top-level strongman.

If I also become a citizen of the stars.

With the current talent, activating the ability of luck, I am afraid that the strength will increase several times!

Not only the strength and the enhancement of the territory will increase several times, but the cultivation and resources that can be obtained in the future are also countless and unbelievable.

I have to say.

Even Sima Yi.

There was a little heartbeat.

But he quickly suppressed this heartbeat.

After all, Sima Yi's ideal is to become a usurper god and be independent. What he wants to be is the supreme true god who is not bound by the abyss and the stars.

In order to achieve this ambition.

Sima Yi is willing to bow down in this territory, but it does not mean that he will completely turn to the stars. For him, Hangyu Territory is just a springboard to realize his ambition.

Hangyu can of course see what Sima Yi is thinking.

He doesn't care. It is indeed a little difficult to master a person of this level.

But it doesn't matter.

As long as Sima Yi can continue to create value for the territory.

Then Hang Yu will have the patience to take it slow. He imagines that one day Sima Yi will find that even becoming the supreme, immortal true god may not be as good as following him.

Hang Yu asked: "This lord is going to create a channel in the Shouyang Mountain seal to allow the territory personnel to enter and exit smoothly. What do you think of this, Zhongda?"

Sima Yi replied: "The creation of the Shouyang Mountain seal formation takes advantage of the time and is closely connected with the luck of the entire region. It is almost impossible to open a channel without destroying the balance of the seal."

Hang Yu asked: "The seal does not need to remain stable all the time, but I hope that after the seal channel is opened, the seal can last at least three days. Can you do it?"

Sima Yi fell into thinking and deduction.

After a moment.

He said: "If Jia Dajiu and I join forces, then it must be possible to maintain three days without collapse."


Hang Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Then maintain the seal for three days!

Three days is not a long time, but it should be enough.

The territory will go deep into the hinterland of Shouyang Mountain to purify the pollution source. Once the pollution source Cao Pi is successfully purified, the anchor point of the Abyss Will and this space will be lost.

Under this situation.

The pollution threat will be reduced a lot.

Even if the seal of Shouyang Mountain is completely broken, so that the pollution in it breaks out, it can be blocked by the luck barrier outside, so as not to cause a disaster in this space.


Then again.

Shouyang Mountain has been closed for two hundred years.

As we all know, the Abyss can pollute and distort time and space. With such a long high-intensity pollution blockade in the world, no one knows what is going on in Shouyang Mountain now.

This operation.

I am afraid it is not as easy as most of the natural disaster army imagines.

In any case, the mission has been issued now, and the Shouyang Mountain operation will start tomorrow.

Now it is also a step-by-step process.

If the natural disaster army can handle it, it would be the best. If the natural disaster army can't handle it, Hang Yu will send Dian Wei in to clean up the mess.

Anyway, the purification work must be completed within three days.

A new map must be opened within ten days. (End of this chapter)

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