Wei Ji, Li Niu and other villagers are paying attention to the battle situation.

They witnessed the hand-to-hand combat between the Scourge Legion and the Undead, and saw the Scourge Army turn against the enemy and kill the main force into the dense forest. Then the aura of these brave soldiers disappeared one by one.

too crazy!

Everyone puts life and death at risk.

This style of play can no longer be described as reckless.

He simply would rather lose three thousand to himself than kill three hundred to the enemy.

Wei Ji had never seen such a crazy, tough and life-threatening troops.

He didn't know why the lord could resurrect his subordinates, and he didn't know what a high price he had to pay in the process, but even death itself was a torture of both the body and spirit.

But now in order to protect the village.

None of the Scourge soldiers flinched.

If the villagers of Hexi Village still had doubts before, now that they witnessed the territorial troops risking their lives to protect the village, they finally let go of their last grudges, leaving only strong shock and emotion.

"Lord Lord!"

"Let's join the fight too!"

"You can't let your men die in vain!"

"We are willing to fight side by side with the Scourge Army soldiers!"

Li Niu and many passionate young villagers couldn't help but come to ask for a fight.

"Now is not the time for you to take action. The Scourge Legion has its own honor and pride. Please respect these soldiers who are aware and not afraid of death!"


"No need to say more!"

The villagers had to shut up.

Hang Yu acted calmly but was happy at heart.

He had a feeling that there would be more than one bumper harvest in the future!

The ferocity of players!

Beyond imagination!

Hang Yu himself was a little confused.

Why are all the players so strong-willed?

Although the pain in the game can be freely adjusted from 1-100%, is there no instinctive resistance and fear in the cruel scenes of the battlefield and the process of injury and death?

After Xiaoba learned about his master's confusion.

It immediately and thoughtfully explained: "Tiandao Rubik's Cube has a variety of mind protection mechanisms that can weaken the negative loss and damage on the mental level, such as applying undetectable mental hypnosis to players, thereby reducing the discomfort caused by too bloody sounds and images."

That’s what people say.

Every player plays the game wearing filters.

The players themselves cannot feel the existence of the filter. When they see the scene of flesh and blood, liver and brain being smeared, they are most amazed at the scale and authenticity of the picture. Even if they cause physical discomfort, it will be limited to a certain range.

Because no matter how bloody the picture is or how real the feeling of death is.

The Tiandao Rubik's Cube will tell them by influencing their subconscious: This is actually a game. Even if it is 100% real, it is just a game. Don't think too much and just shout awesome 666!

How to describe this feeling?

Hang Yu remembered that he had watched an American TV series called "Hannibal" before traveling through time.

This drama has a lot of scenes of using human ingredients to make food, and there are also many bloody scenes. Hang Yu watched it with gusto and did not feel disgusted at all. Instead, he found it very elegant, interesting and even artistic!

Of course, he is not a potential ogre or psychopath. In fact, his subconscious is at work. Even if the picture is real, he knows it is fake. Coupled with the shooting skills and filters, people will not feel too uncomfortable.

On the other hand, if Hang Yu was allowed to watch a real video of a forensic autopsy, he would definitely not be able to eat meat for several days based on his mental endurance at that time, just because of the lack of such subtle psychological hints.

No need to worry about players’ mental health!

You can try harder!

They are very skinny!

Not a bad game!

[The player Xiao Lingdang is dead, energy +600...]

[The player Guzhou is dead, his energy is +900...]

[The player's human cannon is dead, energy +250...]


Thirty-six players.

They were all killed in a short time.

Among them are five level 5 players, twelve level 4 players, seventeen level 3 players, and six level 2 players!

The death of each level 5 player can generate 900 points of energy feedback.

Level 4 players are 600 points.

Level 3 players are 400 points.

Level 2 players are 250 points

Level 1 players are 150 points.

The income generated by this wave of group destruction.

No more, no less, exactly 20,000 points of energy!

Hang Yu had an almost absurd dreamy feeling when faced with the crazily growing reserves of essence. How many lords were worried about collecting essence? They would like to spread a bit of essence into two halves because the cost of earning essence is too high!

Although hunting for essence is not difficult in itself, due to the frequent casualties and losses in the process, the net income from essence is often very meager, and sometimes there is even a loss of capital.

Hang Yu has never worried about this.

The worst result of player death is to drop the level.

This time, a total of 22,750 points of energy have been collected. The loss and price paid are minimal, and almost all of them are the net income of the territory. This is not a small number for any new lord!


It's not over.

This is just the beginning.

Rays of teleportation light appeared near the core of Hexi Village.

Fifty players came back one after another, and everyone's face was full of fighting spirit. Instead of being defeated by setbacks, they were filled with pride and their fighting spirit became stronger!

"Brothers and sisters!"

"Well done everyone!"

"We successfully consumed a large amount of the enemy's vitality!"

"Even if they are ambushed and attacked by surprise, they can take away six headless soldiers."

"Now that the opponent only has fourteen left, what do we have to fear? The final victory will definitely belong to the Scourge Legion!"


Everyone is assembled!

It's time to kill and take revenge!

Fifty players returned to the battlefield with high morale.

This time, they were attacked by headless soldiers before they even reached the dense forest.

Players know that the most difficult ability of the headless soldiers is the invisible stealth attack. At this time, some low-level players with relatively weak combat power volunteered to use themselves as bait. They rushed to the front to attract firepower, making the headless monster soldiers appear one by one. ,

"here you go!"

"Everyone, hold still!"

"We can win this time!"

After paying the price of ten low-level players dying.

The positions of the fourteen Yellow Turban headless demon soldiers were successfully confirmed.

Because of the experience last time, the players were much more calm this time and had plans to contain or encircle the elite monsters. With the cooperation between the players, several headless soldiers were killed in a short time.

There is actually an army?

Xu Feng was still observing in the dark.

The appearance of the second unit surprised him.

Although Xu Feng was a native of the late Han Dynasty, he had completely surrendered to the will of the abyss, and in the process of falling into the abyss, he gained a lot of knowledge and wisdom from outside the world.

He only expected to meet a wealthy lord with sufficient resources, so he recruited more troops than expected. However, the level of this lord should not be too high, and the limited numerical advantage was not enough to make up for the absolute gap in strength.


"Not the second unit."

"This is the army just now!"

Xu Feng was very surprised when he discovered this fact.

This army had obviously been wiped out, so why did it appear on the battlefield again in the blink of an eye?

In fact, if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that several of them are the miscellaneous fish that broke into the river pavilion two days ago and were eventually wiped out by yourself.

Is it some kind of resurrection method?

Immortality is the ability of the people of the Abyss.

But even if the people of the abyss are killed, they cannot be resurrected immediately. They can only be resurrected after a new round of nightmare reincarnation. It is impossible to be just killed and appear on the battlefield within a few minutes.

Although the abyss can grant immortality to the fallen, this ability itself is not without cost. Each death will deepen the demonization and distortion, and eventually completely lose memory and personality, thus turning into an abyss monster full of chaos.

The stars also have means of resurrection.

But either the cost is high or the price is high.

It seems that the origin of this star lord is not simple.

Maybe they have an extremely strong background and backing, or they have some special abilities or treasures.

But it is impossible for these eagles and dogs of the stars to be invincible. The lord behind them would not hesitate to spend a huge amount of resources to resurrect such a weak force to continue fighting. From a certain perspective, it also proves that he is not strong, otherwise this cannot be explained. Such as bluff, extravagance and waste.

The headless soldiers fell one by one.

The Star Lords were determined to retreat.

Xu Feng realized that he had no choice but to take action.

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