This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 44 There are tanks in front and assassins behind

The battle ended quickly.

The player takes more than half of the casualties.

Finally won this battle!

Players cheered excitedly and quickly divided up the loot.

[You killed the Yellow Turban headless demon soldier, the energy is +500, the magic stone fragments are +800, and the Yellow Turban Blood Sacrifice Talisman is +5! 】

[You killed the Yellow Turban headless demon soldier, your energy is +500, your magic stone fragments are +800, and your peace amulet +5! 】


[You killed the Yellow Turban Headless Demon Soldier... The Yellow Turban Army Headband +1! 】

[You killed the Yellow Turban headless demon soldier... The Yellow Turban Army's war bow +1! 】

[You killed the Yellow Turban Headless Demon Soldier... The Yellow Turban Army Spear +1! 】


"It's so cool!"

"Elite monsters are just different."

"The experience points alone are very impressive!"

Each level 3 elite will produce up to 500 points of essence. This wave has gained a total of nearly 10,000 essence energy, plus more than 16,000 magic stone fragments. Even if the equipment items are dropped, this is already a huge amount. A huge amount of income!

"I've upgraded!"

After Brother Rui with black eyes absorbed the essence.

Officially become the first player to reach level 6.

Ye Limeng, Gu Zhou, and Crazy Sword Old King are not far away from level 6.

The monsters, monsters, slashing a street, and salted fish stabbing will be upgraded to level 5.

Now there is one level 6 player and seven level 5 players, and the strength of the entire Scourge Legion has been greatly improved.


"There are still enemies!"

"The battle is not over yet!"

Players don’t even have time to check the status of the loot.

A man dressed as a eunuch from the Han Dynasty, with a gloomy and cold temperament and a demonic aura entwined in the abyss, slowly walked out from the direction of the woods. His pace seemed to be very slow, but after a few steps, he turned into black mist and teleported for a distance, so he didn't After a while, he appeared not far away in front of everyone.

"It's Xu Feng!"

"Everyone, be careful!"

"This is the BOSS from Heting Township!"

"He moves and attacks very fast!"

"Is the big BOSS finally coming? This means that this mission has come to an end!"

Hacking a street: "I asked why so many yellow scarf demon soldiers appeared. It turns out that these monsters came from Heting. This guy seems to be the mastermind behind the monster siege."

Most of the players had seen the posts of Demon Demon Demon and Black Eyed Brother Rui, and of course they knew about the existence of this humanoid BOSS, but they didn't expect to encounter him in a place like Hexi Village.

Xu Feng was one of the regular attendants of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty.

It is recorded in history but does not have much sense of existence.

The only recorded major deed is his participation in the Yellow Turban Uprising.

Because the information was leaked, the secret operation failed, and he was eventually executed after the incident came to light.

"This guy has such a strong sense of oppression!" Player Xiao Ma couldn't help complaining: "If I hadn't known about it in advance, I had never even heard of this character. I didn't know that a little-known character could have such strength. How strong is a warrior like Guan Zhang Zhao who will go down in history?”

Glorious Years: "A military commander of this level is beyond what we can imagine at this stage!"

Human Cannon: "Pan Feng, the unparalleled general, can beat the shit out of you!"

Hui Mu: "Haha, I won't bother Pan Feng, even Xing Daorong can torture us."

Midnight Pig Killer Man: "Hahaha, there's no need to belittle yourself. How do we know we can't beat him even if we haven't fought? If the planner has the ability to release the map of Hulao Pass, even if it's Lu Bu, we'll show it to him!"


The players were talking and laughing.

Xu Feng felt very puzzled.

Are these Star Families mentally abnormal?

"Everyone, please be serious. Although the mission has come to an end, I'm afraid this Xu Feng will be difficult to deal with. We can't fall short at the last moment!" Brother Rui, who noticed that everyone was slacking off, reminded him quickly.

Ye Limeng also said: "Everyone, work harder! Victory is right in front of you! No matter how difficult it is, you can't back down!"

He slashed a street and clenched his weapon: "Haha, no matter how strong this guy is, he is alone now. This one seems to be stable!"

Xu Feng's face was cold and expressionless, and he didn't seem to take the player's words to heart. Since he completely succumbed to the will of the abyss, his human side has been continuously weakened, but he is not so easily angered.

at this time.

The demon demon took the initiative to shout: "Eunuch Xu, although you are in the abyss at the moment, you still retain your memory and have your own thinking and judgment capabilities. Instead of being stubborn and helping the enemy, it is better to surrender to our lord!"

The others were stunned.

"Sister Sprite wants to recruit Xu Feng?"

"No way? Don't tell me that you can still do this!"

"Who knows, this game has such a high degree of freedom that any cool operation is possible. Anyway, it's free to try it!"

"Yes, I still want to fall in love with the lord. If the strategy is successful, I will become the lord's wife, and you will all have to work for me in the future!"

"Who has yellow urine? Wake her up quickly!"


What Xu Feng said when faced with demons and monsters.

He only said two words lightly: "It's ridiculous!"

I saw that my whole body was suddenly enveloped by the rich and filthy aura of the abyss, and soon formed clouds of dark red mist, and finally four hideous and terrifying burly figures condensed in front of my eyes.

"What the hell?"

"This guy can actually summon?"

Four new monsters appeared on the scene.

[Luoshui Butcher], a level 4 elite unit... Introduction: He was an elite of the Han army who once served the imperial court. Because he was ordered to kill the Yellow Turban Army at the Luoshui execution ground, he was polluted by the abyss and transformed into a terrifying abyss monster.

They are over two meters tall, bloated and fat, like flatulent corpses. Their distorted flesh is the color of carrion. They have two irregular heads. Each of their four thick arms holds a bloody sword. It is completely integrated with the blade.

Demonic Demon: "It's really hard to communicate with the evil in the abyss!"

Chen Xi: "As expected!"

Based on the information I heard in Hexi Village in the past two days.

The historical figures or indigenous people in the Three Kingdoms world should be divided into three categories according to the degree of pollution.

The first category is normal people, people like Wei Ji who are not contaminated.

The second category is the abyss walker. This type has been demonized by pollution and fallen into the abyss, but has not yet completely surrendered to the will of the abyss.

The third category is the abyssal evil. These people are not only polluted by the abyss, but have completely surrendered to the will of the abyss. Although they still retain all their memories and personality habits, they will think that their previous thoughts and values ​​are naive manifestations before they are completed. , thereby embracing a new set of values.

Of course, in addition to the above three.

There are also completely deformed monsters.

Or become a taboo and terrifying existence.

This aspect is not well understood yet.

Jin Mei, Chen Xi and others are still researching.

Xu Feng summoned four brand new monsters, which also caused a commotion and complaints from players.


"How disgusting!"

"It's so embarrassing!"

"What's disgusting? Don't you think it's very beautiful!"

"Monster lovers are ecstatic! It's just that this kind of modeling may not pass the public beta!"


Salted Fish suddenly stabbed: "It seems to be a bit tricky!"

Hacking a street like crazy: "I'm afraid of his eggs, so I'll do it first. Anyway, there are free resurrection coins!"

Nineteen players were about to take the lead when the four Luoshui Butchers let out a deafening roar and rushed forward at a speed completely inconsistent with their size, like four chariots rushing directly into the players.

"so fast!"

"Too fierce!"

"Everyone, get out of the way!"

The players did not understand the Butcher's combat mechanism. When they hit the Butcher with weapons indiscriminately, they only caused very limited damage, and the wounds healed quickly.

The butcher's four large knives can be slashed at the same time, just like a fully powered meat grinder with amazing harvesting efficiency.

Only one face to face.

Let the players die seven or eight times.

Brother Rui with black eyes was horrified: "Don't get close, use magic attacks, this monster is not easy to take damage from food!"

Just as the demon demon was about to release a spell attack, a cloud of black mist suddenly arrived, and the long sword pierced directly into the body.


314 (fatal critical hit!)

Xu Feng turned into black mist and moved quickly, easily cutting into the player's rear defense line. He first assassinated the demon monster with one sword, and then sent away Xiao Lingdang with another sword. He already knew from watching the battle that these two people were the main force in spell output.

"not good!"

"Mesmer Phantom and Bell Girl are dead!"

"Damn, this monster has a brain!"

"He won't confront us head-on. This is different from ordinary monsters."

Xu Feng relied on his strange body skills to actively avoid Gu Zhou and Black Eyed Brother Rui who were retreating for support, and successively killed Chen Xi, Midnight Pig Killer and other assistants, further weakening the overall strength of the Scourge Army.

No more fire support.

There is no more blood recovery from treatment.

There are four meat grinders in front of them.

There are assassins with brains in the back who keep showing up for seconds.

How the hell are you going to fight like this? I thought I had the numerical advantage, but ended up being defeated and facing the annihilation of the entire army again!

(PS: Please vote on Monday!)

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