This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 427: All evils come out! The ultimate brawl!

Cao Ren has fallen into the trap set by the Scourge Legion.

In order to hunt this evil villain, the Scourge Army borrowed a wooden crossbow from the Wooden Saint Sect, specially selected this ambush site, and successfully lured it into a trap.

Cao Ren's most powerful ability is defense. Even the top players of the Scourge Army, such as Gao Bei Wangyue, Xiao Ling Dang and others with first-class commander ability, can hardly deal the ideal damage.

But his weaknesses are also obvious.

Among the Abyss King units, their mobility is relatively weak.

In addition, Cao Ren is good at long-distance and wide-area fire coverage, but the farthest attack radius is only about five or six kilometers, while the Wooden Holy Crossbow can kill targets nearly ten thousand meters away.

Therefore, as long as the ambush circle and wooden holy crossbow are deployed in advance, it can be contained or even killed.

The little monster next to Cao Ren was evil at this moment.

Not much left.

Now is the best time to defeat this super powerful evil fallen. Everyone launched an offensive one after another, and various attacks rained down on the crystal cluster giant.

These attacks alone are not terrible, and cannot even break Cao Ren's defense, but when the same part encounters dozens of such attacks in a short period of time.

Then there will be a superimposed combined attack effect.

Can easily cause considerable damage.

A wooden holy crossbow with heavy arrows.

Shooting from all directions.

Every blow can penetrate deeply into Cao Ren's body. One arrow from the Wooden Holy Crossbow has powerful destructive power to severely damage the fourth-level overlord. It also has a good output effect when used to attack Cao Ren at this moment.


Cao Ren's health bar is extremely thick, at least four times that of the average fourth-level king BOSS. In addition, he also has very strong recovery power.

Whenever there is any damage to the body, the crystal clusters will grow swarmly and repair the damaged part in the blink of an eye.

This resilience extends beyond the body.

It is even more reflected in the blood bar.

Even when faced with the siege of thousands of Scourge Army players and the crazy strikes of the Cross Wooden Holy Crossbow, Cao Ren did not feel suppressed at all.


Every 100 points of life are destroyed.

He can recover to fifty or sixty.

"It's so perverted!" Demon Demon Demon felt very speechless: "This BOSS is much stronger than Sima Zhao and his ilk!"


"It is also the BOSS born in the Shouyang Mountain area."

"Even if the four dark kings Sima Zhao, Sima Shi, Zhong Hui, and Deng Ai join together, I don't think they will be much better than Cao Ren in front of me!"


Why is this so?

Cao Ren's luck and qualifications are obviously not higher than those of the above four.

The reason why it is so strong is probably due to the environment.

After Shouyang Mountain was sealed, although the spillover of pollution was suppressed, the internal pollution became more serious, which also accelerated the growth of the abyssal evil within it.

Midnight Pig Killer Man: "Damn, we underestimated the seriousness of the matter. It's so difficult to fight Cao Ren. How are we going to defeat the ultimate BOSS Cao Pi next?"

Brother Heitong Rui said: "Don't think about it, it's useless to talk about it now, let's deal with this Cao Ren first!"

Cao Ren faced the siege of the Scourge Army without fear.

After all, this is the core pollution area. These stars have been greatly weakened, but I can be strengthened in all aspects.

Just with this kind of offensive.

The threat level is too low.

Cao Ren continued to stimulate the growth of crystal clusters, and thousands of tiny crystal thorns were continuously sprayed out from his right hand and even his whole body.

The left hand condenses a huge crystal shield. This crystal shield not only blocks most attacks, but can also launch giant crystal cones like heavy missiles.

Even if the natural disaster forces set up their formations and adopt various response tactics, they will inevitably suffer a large number of casualties.

one hundred!

five hundred!

one thousand!

two thousand!

It seems the situation department.

The number of Scourge troops continues to decrease!

It has shrunk by a quarter now!

The health of the evil fallen Cao Ren has also been reduced by a quarter, and they are being consumed at a completely disproportionate rate.

Not only that, as the Scourge Army was reduced in number, its output capability also began to weaken. After nearly half of the Scourge Army fell, Cao Ren's health bar was only close to one-third.

But in this process.

The last batch of mobs and bosses have also been cleared out.

Now it was Cao Ren who was fighting thousands of elite soldiers all by himself.

"Weak star ants, you can't possibly defeat me, no matter if it happens ten or a hundred times!"

Cao Ren fired wildly and bombed.

Killing players by himself.

However, although Cao Ren did not think that these natural disaster troops could pose a threat to him, he always maintained the necessary sobriety.

Because Lords of the Stars and Sima Yi haven't appeared yet, Cao Ren can't rest assured if these two people's presence is not revealed for a moment.

The battle lasted for two hours!

Under the continuous fighting of the Scourge Army.

Cao Ren's health bar loss finally exceeded half.

However, at the same time, the natural disaster forces in the valley had suffered heavy losses.

Cao Ren also suffered a lot of losses, and lost more than half of his vitality. For the sake of safety and stability, he decided to temporarily retreat and wait for recovery.

The resilience of this powerful Evil Fallen is extremely terrifying. As long as he is allowed to repair for a quarter of an hour or two, he can return to full health.

This means.

The result of the Scourge Army's all-out efforts.

In an instant, everything will be reduced to nothing.

The evil fallen Cao Ren was about to leave the area, but something he didn't expect happened again.

"Want to run?"

"Too late!"

"Come if you want, run if you want!"

"What do you think our Scourge Army is?"

Only when Cao Ren turned around did he find another army of thousands of people rushing in, led by the major corps of the Natural Disaster Army.

"not good!"

Resurrected again? !

Forget it about resurrection!

In such a short time, they actually gathered again. They did not join the battle immediately, but ran out to block the retreat at this moment.

Cao Ren was obviously puzzled.

He didn't understand what was going on with this group of stars.

However, he had no choice at this moment and immediately fought with the resurgent Scourge Army.

This time.

Cao Ren was completely naked.

Ye Limeng, Gu Zhou, Brother Rui with Black Eyes, Blind Swordsman, Slashing a Street, etc.

These top masters directly launched a close offensive without the restraints of the mobs!

Close combat.

High risk, high return!

Ye Limeng hit Cao Ren with a "sledgehammer", causing more than 2,000 points of damage to Cao Ren in an instant, which was almost comparable to a heavy arrow strike from the wooden holy crossbow.

Although this amount of damage is not worth mentioning compared to Cao Ren's overall blood volume, this is just the beginning. The skills of other strong men will follow one after another.

Cao Ren is not very good at close combat.

For a while, he fell into passivity.

"He wants to escape!"

"Don't let him escape!"

Warlocks and monks such as Little Bell, Demon Demon, Xiao Ma, Midnight Pig Killer, Chen Xi and others took action at the same time.

The little bell activates the demon-killing array.

The demon summoned dozens of thunder chains to bind it.

Others showed off their own magical powers, using various restraint or control techniques, or summoning various summoned creatures to go around.

The evil fallen Cao Ren obviously underestimated the enemy!

He had been vigilant about possible powerful enemies, but he subconsciously despised the group of natural disaster troops in front of him.

It turns out!

The Scourge Army is also very difficult to deal with!

At this moment, it is extremely difficult for Cao Ren to escape!

He was like a violent gorilla, entangled by a group of ferocious hyenas due to the north. Even with overwhelming power, he could not fight his way out.

The health bar is decreasing rapidly!

50%, 40%, 30%...

When Cao Ren's blood volume was reduced to only one-fifth, he completely fell into a rage. The color of the crystal clusters all over his body turned red, and his firepower doubled from the original basis.


even so.

To no avail!

Because the players simply can’t kill them all!

As long as the player is killed, he will be resurrected immediately, then teleported, and will rejoin the battlefield within ten minutes.

"Cao Ren's recovery has become weaker!"


"Work harder!"

"He's dying!"


Players keenly discovered that as the blood bar gradually decreased, Cao Ren's body's repair ability also declined, and his body was constantly broken, causing his body size to shrink rapidly.

The dawn of victory is at hand!

Players from all major corps are becoming more and more excited and enthusiastic.

"We're almost there!"

In order to kill this demonized Cao Ren.

Players have been struggling for almost a day.

Judging from the current time progress.

It is an impossible task to get through Shouyang Mountain in three days.

However, being able to kill a big BOSS that is close to the level of a first-class king is enough to make players proud.

Although Cao Ren is not as powerful as Cao Rui in demonized form, his status has been strengthened in the Shouyang Mountain area, while players have been weakened by the environment.


One goes down and the other goes up.

If this battle can be won.

This means that the players, by gathering the power of their legions, are capable of encircling and suppressing a super-first-class Abyss King under normal circumstances!

"Although the one who killed was not Cao Pi!"

"But killing this Cao Ren is enough to prove the growth of our Scourge Legion during this period!"

"We are already capable of killing the King BOSS!"

"I will use this Cao Ren to sacrifice the flag to the legion today!"


The evil fallen Cao Ren is getting weaker and weaker, and his body size has become only one-tenth of its original size, and his whole body is broken into pieces, and he is no longer human.

A legitimate player.

Prepare to go all out.

Kill him completely on the spot.

Something they didn't expect happened.

Waves of equally terrifying aura erupted.

"what happened?"

"No! There are still enemies! They came out of the maze!"

"Quickly kill this guy!"


The Scourge Army felt a terrifying aura, and they knew that it was likely that other evil bosses were about to come out.

at the moment.

Just the last step!

How could I be willing to be interrupted at this moment?

However, just when Cao Ren was bleeding, he could not hold on for another minute or even thirty or fifty seconds at most.

Countless black arrows fell from the sky.

This rain of arrows was as powerful as a meteor, falling suddenly into the formation of the Scourge Army, instantly causing widespread casualties.



"You are actually causing trouble at this time!"

A ferocious figure appeared in the player's field of vision.

This is a knight covered in black, riding a nine-headed giant tiger monster, holding a bow in two of his four arms, and a spear in each hand.

[Evil Fall: Cao Xiu], Level 40 Abyss King...

Another even more terrifying breath came.

A huge, obese monster with seven giant eyes fell from the sky. When it fell, it formed a violent shock wave, causing hundreds of Scourge troops present to fall on their backs.

[Evil Fall: Xu Chu], Level 40 Abyss King...

Ye Limeng's eyes widened and he couldn't help but yell: "Fuck, Tiger Marquis Xu Chu, he has also become a villain!"

"It's over!"

"This guy looks more ruthless than Cao Ren!"

"How can we fight this?"


Cao Xiu's mobility and speed are among the best among the evil beings in Shouyang Mountain, and Xu Chu's destructive power and lethality are also among the best among the evil beings in Shouyang Mountain.

Just the entrance of these two people.

It was enough to make the Scourge Army walk away without food.


The actual situation.

But it's worse than this!

Because the Scourge Army could feel that there were many terrifying auras approaching, and terrifying enemies appeared one after another.

[Evil Fall: Xiahou Dun], Level 40 Abyss King...

This is a tall humanoid monster. His body is asphalt-shaped, and his entire head has no facial features, except for a single eye wrapped with an aura of destruction.

[Evil Fall: Xu Huang], Level 40 Abyss King...

This is a monster with three deformed heads and a body made of dense tentacles.

Other than that.

There were also several ferocious sounds.

They are all existences with names and surnames in history, even famous ones, but now they all appear here in a corrupted state.


Who can withstand this!

I have never seen such a BOSS lineup!

It was only at this moment that the Natural Disaster Army realized how much they had underestimated Shouyang Mountain.

You are so naive, how could the core pollution area be the easiest place to clear customs in a place? Not only is this place not easy to clear, it is probably the most difficult on this map.

Xu Chu saw Cao Ren's broken body and let out a dull laugh: "Cao Ren, how could you, a lifelong hero, be bitten to this point by a swarm of star ants!"

Cao Ren said calmly without sadness or joy: "Don't underestimate the enemy, there are some weird things about these stars!"

Xu Huang: "General Cao, please go back first, leave this place to us!"

"Don't leave!"

"Don't worry about other bosses!"

"Kill this Cao Ren quickly!"


How could several regiment commanders be willing to let the cooked duck fly away? He must keep Cao Ren at all costs.

Xu Huang just waved his hand.

Countless tentacles were released from the ground.

Hundreds of natural disaster troops around Cao Ren were restrained on the spot.

Cao Ren was preparing to escape calmly from the siege of the Scourge Army. However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a shock all over and felt that his body could not move.

"what happened?!"

Cao Ren felt a powerful force controlling his body. This force was so powerful that he had never seen it before, and he couldn't help but feel shocked and angry.

Above the battlefield.

A layer of disguise was slowly lifted.

Several abyss appeared in mid-air.

One of them had long white hair and was evil and feminine. He held Fuchen in one hand and raised the other hand slightly, revealing an invisible puppet thread released from his fingertips.

The other end of the thread happened to be connected to Cao Ren.

He can easily control a quasi-first-rate Abyss King with a snap of his fingers!

"It's the grand sacrificial wine!"

"Not only the grand ceremony, but also other big guys showed up!"

In addition to Jia Xu who took action to control Cao Ren, Sima Yi who was extremely gloomy in black robes, and Dian Wei who showed his domineering attitude, the three most powerful warriors in the territory all appeared.

In addition, Wen Yang, Zhou Cang, Wenpin, Zhang He, Man Chong and Zou Wan were also present.

These are now king-level combat powers!

"Are these all... stars!" Xu Chu, Xu Huang, Xiahou Dun and other top abyss villains also showed solemn expressions when facing these existences in front of them.

"Hahaha, the harvest is good, I caught so many at once!"

Dian Wei said with a ferocious smile: "No one can escape today!"

Zou Wan: "Take this Cao Ren first!"

Man Chong nodded: "Yes!"

Immediately, a giant prison door was summoned, and countless sealing chains were released from it. Cao Ren's body was tightly imprisoned and dragged into it on the spot.

"Don't even think about it!" Xiahou Dun shouted angrily. A one-eye wrapped with a destructive aura suddenly burst out with violent energy, and suddenly attacked Man Chong who summoned the Prison Gate, trying to kill him instantly.

next moment.

Zhou Cang stepped forward, holding a black gold sword in each hand, and directly resisted the blow of the demonized Xiahou Dun that was enough to destroy the city.

Cao Xiu exploded with extremely fast speed.

Rescue Cao Ren from the flank.

"Get through me first!"

At this time, a figure who was faster than him appeared, and Wen Yang directly erupted with sword light in the sky to form a net of heaven and earth, blocking this top evil fallen powerhouse.

"So strong!"

“The strength of the territorial bosses has reached a new level!”

After all, almost a month has passed since the Battle of Great Wei City.

During this period, the territory not only continued to make efforts in construction, but also recently built facilities such as the "Ten Thousand Souls Hall".

The lord was never lenient in cultivating his trusted subordinates and potential figures. These territorial heroes and top figures naturally achieved tremendous growth.


Every territory hero.

They all have at least three territorial talents from the Ten Thousand Souls Hall, and at least one set of skills that have evolved to purple quality, or no less than four sets of blue quality.

The configuration of various equipment and secret techniques is also top-notch!

The rescue of the evil doomed in Shouyang Mountain failed.

Cao Ren was successfully sealed!

Little Bell: "Dear bosses, this Cao Ren was taken down by our natural disaster army!"

Jia Xu: "Don't worry, you can't escape the credit!"

The players were relieved after hearing this.

Finally, this battle was not fought in vain.

Xu Chu said angrily: "The bastards of the stars are looking for death!"

"Hahaha, if you want to kill us, just try!"

Dian Wei locked his eyes on Xu Chu. He could feel that, purely in terms of basic force, this evil doomed should be the strongest in the field, so he had locked him as his prey.


Evil doomed Xu Chu alone.

Obviously, it was not enough to satisfy Dian Wei.

Dian Wei then continued: "You can't be my opponent, let Cao Pi come out in person!"

Sima Yi also spoke: "Cao Pi, we haven't seen each other for many years, don't you want to get together with me?"

"It's you!"

"You are Sima Yi!"

The dozen top evil people at the scene obviously didn't recognize Sima Yi at first. After all, Sima Yi's appearance at this moment can no longer be called a human.

The same as them.

It is a demonized state.

The only difference is.

Sima Yi, Dian Wei, Zhou Cang, although they all have abyssal physique, they did not sink into the abyss.

For a moment.

All the evil people fell into fear.

Sima Yi is needless to say, this person is definitely a huge threat!

Even if they haven't seen each other for many years and looking at his state, he should not have had a good time in these years. He has not entered the epic status, but he will not be an easy existence to deal with.

In addition to Sima Yi, the other two are also worthy of fear. Jia Xu can control Cao Ren at will, which is enough to show that his strength is far above Cao Ren.

As for Dian Wei?

The aura of destruction emanating from him was enough to make people tremble and shudder. In terms of pure combat power, he was probably even stronger than Jia Xu and Sima Yi!

"We've fallen into the trap!"

Xiahou Dun, Xu Huang and others realized.

This was a trap set for the Evil of Shouyang Mountain!

Sima Yi and others did not take action from beginning to end, but remained dormant at the scene.

They were waiting for this opportunity.

Evil Xiahou Dun, Xu Huang, Xu Chu and others.

They did not come out to fight with the stars this time.

Because now is not the best time to start a war, at least they have to wait until the seal of Shouyang Mountain is completely broken.


They felt.

Cao Ren was in danger.

As an important combat force among the Evil of Shouyang Mountain, although he could wait until the Dark Day to revive, if he needed to fight before that, it would inevitably weaken the strength of the Evil of Shouyang Mountain.

This time he came out just to quickly rescue Cao Ren.

Then he immediately returned to the depths of the maze and continued to wait.


Just like that.

Directly fell into the ambush of the stars.

With the means of Jia Xu and Sima Yi, since this group of Shouyang Mountain evil fell out, it will not be so easy for them to retreat!

"Don't waste time, fuss!"

The energy in Dian Wei's body began to boil, "Cao Pi wants to be a turtle? Then beat him until he has to come out!"

Zhou Cang also nodded: "I don't believe he can be patient and watch these men being killed!"

Losing one Cao Ren.

It is not small for the Shouyang Mountain evil fell.

If the remaining Xu Huang, Xu Chu, Cao Xiu, Cao Hong, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, etc., all the core generals are lost.

Then whether to wait for the best time is meaningless.


Dian Wei burst out with thousands of feet of light and murderous aura, and took the lead in attacking the evil fell from the sky. He directly ignored all the attacks on his body and blasted Xu Chu with a halberd.

Xu Chu waved the bloodstained giant hammer to block it.


The next moment!

A huge pit was smashed into the ground! -


Xu Chu's body was directly pressed to the bottom of the huge pit, his flesh and blood were torn apart, and a large amount of foul-smelling and deadly poisonous smoke was emitted.

Dian Wei grinned: "Xu Chu! You disappoint me!"

Xu Chu had never been so angry before? He immediately entered a violent state, and his combat power soared to a higher level. He wielded two giant hammers to fight with Dian Wei.


It is not difficult to see.

Even without turning on the magic god transformation.

Dian Wei can fight Xu Chu in violent mode, and even has some advantages. The strength of both sides is clear at a glance.

"Let's do it too!"

Zhou Cang, Wen Pin, and Zhang He all left the field.

Zhou Cang faced Xiahou Dun, Wen Pin faced Xiahou Yuan, Zhang He faced Xu Huang, and Wen Yang continued to fight with Cao Xiu.

In this process.

Other evil people also took action.

However, most of them attacked Dian Wei, but even so, they still could not suppress the stars.

Sima Yi looked at the scene below and said calmly: "They have no chance to escape."

Jia Xu nodded: "Cao Pi can't just do nothing, it's not too late for us to wait for him to come out and then take action!"

To put it bluntly.

Just want to be lazy.

But at this moment.

A more powerful breath of the abyss broke out.

Everyone could clearly feel a strong sense of oppression.

"Cao Pi is coming out!"

"Not only Cao Pi, there are probably a lot of evil ones."

The Scourge Army soon saw that at least hundreds of evil ones came out. The number of evil ones in Shouyang Mountain was beyond imagination and completely exceeded cognition! (End of this chapter)

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