This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 428: Battle of Shouyang Mountain! Guan Yu in corpse form!

Cao Pi wanted to wait until the seal was completely broken before fighting the stars.

Unexpectedly, the men sent to test him fell into traps and traps one after another.

It's okay if Cao Ren and others were just killed. As long as Cao Pi, who is the core of the nightmare, is not eliminated, these evil villains cannot be truly killed, not even the stars.

The issue is.

The stars are suppressed by means of seals.

Under such circumstances, even the arrival of the darkest day will not help.

The sealed state does not mean death, and without death, it cannot be resurrected.

Cao Pi faced this situation.

Of course, there is no way to take action.

Otherwise, once all the dozen or so most capable subordinates are sealed, the subsequent situation will become very unfavorable.

"Coming on stage!"

"The ultimate BOSS of Shouyang Mountain!"

"Is this Cao Pi? He really has some style!"

The players of the Scourge Army are looking forward to it with great anticipation.

Cao Pi finally showed his true face in Lushan, attracting everyone to take photos frantically.

Cao Pi, the final boss of Shouyang Mountain.

The body is a skeleton corpse demon sitting in a throne of bones.

Its image is similar to the ultimate form of the skeletal god in the killing city.

Cao Pi's body was made of golden bones and flesh. His huge body sat on an even larger skeletal throne, with the ribs and the throne growing together behind him.

The moment he appeared.

A crazy, chaotic and majestic atmosphere enveloped the sky.

The entire Shouyang Mountain was shaken, and the smell of pollution became more intense. Everyone could feel its power and terror.

[Cao Pi], Level 40 Abyss King... Introduction: This is Emperor Wen of Wei. He was selected by the will of the abyss and returned from nightmares in an inhuman form. He has the ability to create abyss demons.

"What a strong aura!"

"Is this the oppressive feeling of the final BOSS?"

"I estimate that Cao Pi's strength can reach the level of a first-class king."


"That's it!"

"Not enough to compete with General Dian and the others!"


When facing Cao Pi in the form of a golden skeleton corpse demon.

Sima Yi said angrily: "Your Majesty, the late Emperor, you finally came out."

Cao Pi replied coldly: "Sima Yi, I haven't seen you for many years. You have become stronger, but you are not as strong as I imagined."


From Cao Pi's perspective.

Sima Yi has the ability to be the first to break through to the fifth level, or break through the king and become an abyss epic.

But looking at his current state, it was obvious that he had an accident and was unable to devote himself to practice, which ultimately led to his failure to take this step.

As long as it's not level five.

As long as it's not an abyss epic.

Cao Pi did not think that the other party could pose a threat to him.

However, what is more troublesome is that although Sima Yi is not enough to pose a threat, Sima Yi and the stars come together.

All the members of the stars are powerful!

What's especially worrisome is that.

Until now.

The lord has not yet appeared.

Sima Yi: "Then let me see how much progress you have made over the years, His Majesty the late Emperor!"

As he spoke, the black robe continued to stir, and waves of dark red mist filled with dark and corrupt power were released from his body and spread out in all directions silently.

"This is……"

When Cao Pi and others faced the spreading darkness and corruption, they all showed fear. They had obviously never seen this trick before.

Sima Yi initiated the "Dark Corruption Technique" during the period of self-sealing, but when he sealed Shouyang Mountain, he did not have such ability.

All evil degenerates appear.

This move doesn't seem to be very lethal.

But it made them feel a kind of disgust and fear from their souls, and they instinctively did not want to have any contact with this aura.

Cao Pi was sitting on the skeleton throne floating in the air.

He did not personally attack Sima Yi.

Instead, he quickly cast a spell and summoned two remains out of thin air.

These two remains are obviously human remains, but they have undergone great changes after being corroded and refined by the breath of the abyss. They are filled with rich power of the abyss.

next moment.

Accompanied by Cao Pi's spellcasting.

The two bones quickly grew various kinds of flesh and bones.

Their size increased dozens of times, turning into two ferocious skeleton demon warriors.

The two demons were more than ten meters tall. One held two bone whips and the other held two bone blades. They exuded a strong sense of oppression.

[Abyss Skeleton Demon: Boyi], level 40 abyss king... Introduction: This is an abyss demon based on an ancient skeleton with good luck and refined with the power of the abyss.

[Abyss Skeleton Demon: Shu Qi], level 40 Abyss King... Introduction: This is an Abyss Demon based on an ancient skeleton with good luck and refined with the power of the abyss.

The players were stunned.

"Why are there two more king bosses?"

"These two should be summoned monsters. I bet Cao Pi is a summoner!"

"Summoned monsters can reach king-level strength. This Cao Pi is really not an easy guy to deal with!"

"Wait, that's not right, Boyi Shuqi, I remember he was not from the Zhou Dynasty? Why does he appear here in this form?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone was stunned.

Is there such a thing?

In the Three Kingdoms game, almost all the characters that appear are from the late Han Dynasty to the Jin Dynasty, which is the so-called Three Kingdoms timeline in a broad sense.

There has never been anyone before the Eastern Han Dynasty.

"Two Zhou Dynasty people."

"Why did they appear here?"

"Could it be that the ancients before the Three Kingdoms also have a certain probability of appearing in this world?!"

"I don't think it's that simple!"

"If people before this time can also be revived, then there is no reason why we have never encountered it in the past."

"I think the will of the abyss is conditional even if it can revive the dead. The person cannot have died too long, and his soul and spirit must still have a faint remnant. In addition, it takes longer to revive people from a long time ago!"

"Ancient people like this."

"The soul and spirit have long dissipated completely."

"Under such circumstances, it must be impossible to revive."

"Then how do you explain the appearance of these two monsters?"

"Bo Yi and Shu Qi are ancient people, but they died and were buried in Shouyang Mountain. Their souls may have dissipated, but their remains can still absorb luck after entering the abyss."

"I guess the ability of this Cao Pi is probably similar to that of a necromancer. He can refine valuable remains and bones, and then turn them into summoned monsters under his control."

"This explanation makes some sense!"


The battle has begun.

The Skeleton Demon Boyi and Shuqi directly attacked Sima Yi. The two summoned demons were very fast and had a variety of attack methods, but they were all easily resolved by Sima Yi.

At the same time.

Other evil spirits were also fighting with the stars.

Under Dian Wei's violent offensive, Xu Chu was beaten back step by step, and at this time, seven or eight powerful evil spirits came to help and besiege, trying to contain Dian Wei and provide Xu Chu with a respite.

"Come well!"

Dian Wei laughed.

Turn on the violent demon god form.

Two giant halberds swept and blasted them away in an instant.

These weaker evil spirits were seriously injured after only one attack, and then they were controlled by the sealing chain and dragged into the prison gate for suppression.

In several other directions.

Wen Yang, Zhou Cang, Wen Pin, Zhang He and others.

Several major generals of Hangyu also quickly gained the upper hand in their respective battles.

The Scourge Legion also regrouped and rejoined the battle. With the blessing of various luck skills, their combat effectiveness was greatly enhanced.

The two sides were evenly matched.

It was difficult to tell who was better for a while.

Cao Pi did not make any more moves after summoning the two summoned demons. He was obviously very cautious and used the two summoned demons to constantly test Sima Yi.


They came into contact with the dark corruption around Sima Yi.

Their originally gray-black bodies were gradually turning red.

Accompanied by erosion.

Cao Pi soon discovered.

The connection with the summoned demons was weakening.

Some power was corrupting Cao Pi's spells, causing him to gradually lose control of the summoned demons.

Although the two summoned demons would still execute orders and launch continuous attacks on Sima Yi under the instinct, Cao Pi's restraint on them was rapidly weakening.

At this time.

Jia Xu took action.

Under the effect of the puppet method.

The two skeleton demons completely lost control.

Jia Xu forcibly snatched the two thugs from Cao Pi, and in turn controlled the two skeleton demons to attack the evil spirits in Shouyang Mountain.

Sima Yi was still floating in the air.

The dark corruption surrounding him became more and more intense.

"If you want to deal with me, this means is far from enough."

As Sima Yi spoke, the dark corruption exploded in all directions, condensed into a huge corrupt hand, and slapped the evil spirits below, causing dozens of ordinary evil spirits to be invaded by corruption.

The power of dark corruption.

Like a maggot on the tarsal bone.

This power seems to have no lethality and will not cause any discomfort at first, but it will soon reduce the attributes of the unit eroded by corruption, and even gradually lose the ability to use skills and even mana.

The power of corruption.

Once it is touched, it is extremely difficult to remove.

This curse and poison have no time limit, and theoretically can accompany a person for life.

If there is a trace of it left in the body, it will continue to grow over time, and eventually the whole person will be filled with darkness and corruption, and the final result will be that there will be nothing left.

Even a doctor as skilled as Zhang Zhongjing would have great difficulty in removing it.

After a while.

Thirty or forty evil spirits were defeated.

Most of these defeated evil spirits were not killed, but were sealed and imprisoned by Man Chong on the side.

The natural disaster army was all smiling when they saw this.

These evil spirits, one by one, are treasures!

Although the players did not contribute much in this battle, they had no merits but also worked hard, and they could get a share of the pie anyway!

Blood profit!

Facing this situation.

He was also a little impatient.

Sima Yi took the opportunity to provoke: "Your Majesty, if you have any tricks, use them now, otherwise all your men will be suppressed by us."

The situation on the scene gradually changed from being evenly matched.

to a direction that was unfavorable to Shouyang Mountain!

Cao Pi felt the terror of Sima Yi. Dark corruption was spreading rapidly among the evil ones, almost eliminating the home advantage of the evil ones in Shouyang Mountain.

Not only that.

As time went on.

All the evil ones in Shouyang Mountain would be infected and would be continuously weakened, eventually falling into a complete defeat.

"You old guy, you have really not been idle in the past two hundred years, and you have actually developed a method that is even more powerful than this seal!!"

Cao Pi has realized at this moment that although Sima Yi has not broken through to the fifth level and has not become an abyss epic, he still has the ability to suppress the entire Shouyang Mountain by himself.


With his ability.

Even to the point of difficulty.

Already more than some Abyss epics.

However, even in the face of such oppression, Cao Pi did not show any weakness, let alone become angry and incompetent.

the reason is simple.

Even if it gradually falls into trouble.

He still has absolute certainty and absolute confidence that he can defeat this guy.

"However, I have not been idle in the past two hundred years, and I specially prepared a meeting gift for you."

Sima Yi: "Really?"

Cao Pi sneered: "I'll let you see it!"

Talk and see.

Cao Pi cast the spell again.

What was summoned this time.

It was a skull that exuded a powerful aura.

This is a human skull, but it has obviously been refined, so it has become a special magic weapon.

The entire skull has turned into crystal.

It was filled with powerful abyssal power that was more than ten times more powerful than the two skeleton demons just now, making even someone as powerful as Sima Yi feel a little palpitated.

what happened?

What kind of skull is this?

Why is there such a strong aura!

Cao Pi burst out with powerful magic power, crazily instilling it into the skull in front of him, stimulating the power of the abyss in it, and awakening the strongest abyss demon that took two hundred years to successfully refine!

"The Darkest Divine Thunder!"

Sima Yi was not a gentleman.

On the surface, he allowed Cao Pi to use his methods, but when he realized something was wrong, he immediately controlled dozens of gray-black lightnings to blast towards Cao Pi with the force of destroying the sky and the earth.

"Too late!"

The summoning of the secret technique was completed in an instant.

The skull in front of Cao Pi grew and changed crazily, and finally turned into a skeleton demon that was over twenty meters tall and made of black crystal-like bones.

The aura of this skeleton demon is so powerful.

Jia Xu's expression changed.

He raised a big knife made of black bones in his hand and slashed it down, shattering the sky with lightning.

[Abyss Skeleton Demon: Guan Yu], level 40 Abyss King... Introduction: The strongest abyss demon refined from Guan Yu's head!

When players see this new monster.

All at once they were all on the spot.

"How could it be Guan Yu!"

"Why did Mr. Guan show up here!"

"This can't be Master Guan. Emperor Guan Sheng is already the God of the Abyss. How could he be controlled by such a thing?"

"It's definitely a fake!"

"But what's going on?"


When all the players are puzzled.

Chen Xi said, "It's not surprising. Do you still remember how Guan Yunchang died in history?"


"It was a sneak attack by the Soochow rats led by Lu Meng."

"I see!"

"I know the reason!"

"After Lord Guan Er died, Soochow took his head and gave it to Cao Cao, who was later buried in Guanlin with royal rites."

"Guan Lin is at the foot of Mang Mountain!"

"So Cao Pi took Guan Yu's head."

"The fake Abyss Demon Guan Yu was refined based on this head. Although it is a fake, it is also terrifyingly strong!"


Players are not sure either.

However, it seems that this is the most likely possibility at present.

Cao Pi's main ability is summoning, but his summoning requires a medium. This is the case for Boyi Shuqi, and of course the same is true for Guan Yu!


Jia Xu narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm afraid this guy is very strong!"

Sima Yi: "I can see it!"

The momentum of the corpse Guan Yu continued to rise, and a terrifying pressure was released, which actually made the surrounding darkness and corruption unable to approach.

next moment!

The corpse Guan Yu raised his sword.

He struck directly at Sima Yi with his sword.

A huge sword light cut through the sky of Shouyang Mountain. Even if Sima Yi faced this blow, he had to resist it with all his strength.


A loud bang!

The sword light directly shattered the lightning and shield.

Sima Yi was struck dozens of feet away by a sword.

"So strong!"

What everyone saw was shocking.

How does Sima Yi exist? Even he couldn't stand it. You can imagine the horror of this corpse Guan Erye!

Cao Pi sneered: "What? Are you, an old guy, still satisfied with this great gift?"

Corpse Guan Yu has undoubtedly reached the ceiling of the Abyss King, and his comprehensive combat power is even half a step into the Abyss Epic.

Such terrifying power.

It caught people off guard.

"Hahaha! Interesting! Let me do it!"

After Dian Wei felt the aura of the corpse Guan Yu, he was immediately excited to the extreme. He directly broke into the third state of destruction mode and knocked Xu Chuqian down with three moves.

Man Chong immediately controlled the prison gate to seal Xu Chu.

Dian Wei ignored Xu Chu's evil deeds and directly jumped into the sky in the form of the Destruction Demon God, facing the corpse Guan Yu in front of him.

"This breath..."

Cao Pi felt Dian Wei in the form of the Demon God of Destruction, and his terrifying aura had almost exceeded the critical point of a king.

Where did this guy come from?

Why is there such a terrifying existence!

Cao Pi couldn't think too much and immediately controlled the corpse Guan Yu to launch a fierce attack on Dian Wei who was in the form of the destroyed demon god.

"Well done!"

Dian Wei fell into ecstasy.

He immediately collided with Guan Yu.

The two figures fought for more than ten rounds in an instant, and the place they passed could be described as landslides and earth-shattering.


Dian Wei was delighted.

Corpse Guan Yu's combat prowess is truly astonishing.

He was actually able to survive more than ten rounds without defeat in Dian Wei's hands.

Sima Yi said to Cao Pi: "The late emperor did have ulterior motives for preparing this great gift, but it seems that someone likes this gift more than me now."

This time.

Cao Pi became completely gloomy.

It took him more than two hundred years to create the most powerful summoned demon. He thought it would be enough to kill Sima Yi when he got out.

But who would have thought.

Sima Yi is not the best fighter here!

At this moment, the carefully prepared trump card has been completely entangled by Dian Wei. How should we deal with Sima Yi next?

"Don't waste time!"

Zou Wan said at this time: "The lord is always paying attention to this place. Let's end the battle quickly."

Sima Yi said: "Just leave Cao Pi to me."

Jia Xu nodded: "Then I will raid the formation for the Imperial Master!"

While talking.

A powerful aura erupted.

The curtain of eternal night directly enveloped the entire venue.

Even someone as powerful as Cao Pi felt that most of his spells were ineffective!

Not only that.

Jia Xu erupted into the extremely Yin Thousand-Handed Demon Statue, and dozens and hundreds of puppet threads fell from the sky, constantly falling on the evil spirits or monsters in the battle.

He did it on his own.

Controlled dozens or hundreds of targets.

"This Star Leader's...strength is far beyond imagination!"

Facing everything in front of him, Cao Pi felt unbelievable that there were so many strong men in the same Star Leader.

And just then.

Sima Yi condensed all the darkness and corruption released around him into two big hands holding up the sky, one on the left and one on the right, directly covering Cao Pi. (End of chapter)

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