This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 65 Impact and Discussion

It takes less than five minutes for the player group to be wiped out.

Screenshots of the game were posted to the game forum.

Although Three Kingdoms requires the consumption of props to take screenshots, the resolution and clarity of the pictures are extremely high, and the quality is not inferior to that of professional ultra-clear cameras.

This group photo was taken half a minute before the battle. The Scourge Legion was trapped in a polluted and corrupt execution ground camp, surrounded by hundreds of powerful elite monsters. The big boss Ma Yuanyi and four evil villains also appeared.

The player is trapped in a desperate situation with an absolute disadvantage.

The forty people present did not show any fear in this environment. Everyone clenched their weapons and started a confrontation with the huge evil demon in front of them, an enemy that far outnumbered their own.

Not only is the picture quality of this group photo top-notch, but the composition and angle also have the feel of a movie poster. The big boss Ma Yuanyi stands in the front and center, with the four villains standing on the left and right, creating a very strong impact.


"What's this?"

"Movie promotional poster?"

"Are you stupid upstairs? As the title of the photo said, this is the latest photo of the Three Kingdoms!"

"The texture, the design, the special effects, the's amazing!"

"The Three Kingdoms again? Does this game really exist? Why do I always feel like it is a large-scale social deception experiment!"

"One thing to say, the shape of the monster in this photo is too domineering. Even the model and special effects can create this kind of texture, which is world-class!"

"It's so damn right!"

"Souls game and genre fans are ecstatic!"

“I’m going to print the photo and hang it up to enjoy!”

"It doesn't matter whether this game is real or not! The concept design alone is worth the price of a masterpiece!"

"It doesn't matter even if the game is a big deal. As long as the game dares to be tested in public, I will buy it. I strongly recommend that peripherals be released as soon as possible. I want to buy a figure model of this big BOSS!"

"Can't anyone explain what's going on in this picture?"


When the Three Kingdoms players exposed the picture on the forum, the post was quickly highlighted and soon attracted thousands of players to watch and comment.

It’s not just Ma Yuanyi’s appearance that is shocking.

The four subordinates around him, the Luoshui Butcher, the headless demon soldiers, etc. all have exquisite models and full of texture.

Just one photo can give people a creepy sense of oppression!

Netizens really can't imagine how people in it can remain so calm. It's like going on a haunted house adventure. Even if you know it's fake, you'll still be scared when faced with horrific, twisted, bloody and perverted pictures!

About another hour or two passed.

Details of the posts by bloggers such as Brother Heitongrui and Xiaomeixixie appeared on the forum, allowing the onlookers to know the cause and effect of the whole incident and the specific process.

"Is that BOSS Ma Yuanyi?"

"Who is Ma Yuanyi? When did the Three Kingdoms have such a person!"

"What a shame. With such modeling and painting style, you told me this is a Three Kingdoms game? Did the game production team have some misunderstanding about the Three Kingdoms game?"

"Who taught you to do this in the Three Kingdoms!"

"I think it's very creative! The oriental painting style and the Greek elements are well integrated!"

"Guofeng Dark Dark Soul Tour YYDS!"

"I think so too! There are too many Three Kingdoms games, and I've already lost all the various postures. The concept of this game is very avant-garde!"

"A small character like this that I've never heard of can be given such art resources. I'm really looking forward to seeing what form characters like Crouching Dragon, Phoenix Young, and Five Tiger Generals will appear in!"


When the internal beta players posted the news one after another.

More and more players have joined the discussion.

This shocking game screenshot was also wildly forwarded by many self-media and game influencers. It spread throughout the circle at an astonishing speed and once again formed a trend of breaking the circle.

Many UP owners and self-media bloggers started to use magnifying glasses to look at the details. The more they studied, the more shocking they were to find that there was a lot of information in the photos, and the game was made with far more details than imagined.

First of all, there is no trace of special effects in this picture.

One has to suspect that it was shot on location.

Not only the scene monsters, art style and modeling design are unique.

Many inconspicuous arrangements on the scene and even the details on the monsters hide a lot of information.

For example, the Luo Water Demon Cavalry that appeared on the scene were probably the Forbidden Army of Luoyang in the Eastern Han Dynasty before they were transformed into abyssal creatures. This can be verified from their equipment, weapons and some details.

The four great evils.

Each has an extraordinary origin.

The demon monster has a special space to analyze it in her elegant post:

"The four evil degenerates under Ma Yuanyi: Jian Shuo, Feng Xu, Zhou Bin, and Bao Hong are not fictional characters."

"For example, Jian Shuo was a highly regarded eunuch around Han Ling Emperor Liu Hong. Although this name may be unfamiliar to most people, if you are interested in Cao Cao, Boss Cao, you must be aware of this matter. Hear.”

"It is said that Cao Cao's first official position with real power was called Luoyang Beiwei, which was roughly equivalent to the top leader of the district public security department."

"There are so many relatives of the emperor and nobles in Luoyang that it is very difficult to manage public security."

"Boss Cao set up twenty five-color sticks in the Yamen in order to clarify the standard punishment. Anyone who violated the curfew would be beaten to death. As a result, a few months later, a man named Jian Tu violated the curfew. This person was Jian Shuo's uncle. This relationship can be said to be trustworthy.”

"But who is our boss Cao? He will not spoil him, so he directly ordered him to be killed with a stick!"

"This incident has created an image for us of a young Cao Cao who is not afraid of power, selfless, and has a strong personality. It also fully shows that Jian Shuo was already quite powerful at the time, otherwise the murder plan would not have been specifically recorded. "

"Probably for this reason."

"Jian Shuo was listed as one of the ten permanent servants in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms."

"Of course, the real history of Jian Shuo and the Shi Changshi led by Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong should not be the same, and there may even be competition and conflicts. Later, he was betrayed by the Shi Changshi and was killed."

"Although Jian Shuo is a eunuch, he is tall and strong, has a resolute and upright character, and is also quite martial."

"According to historical records, in the fifth year of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty held a grand military parade in the West Garden of Luoyang. Based on the Forbidden Army, he established a brand-new army, known as the West Garden Army in history, and established eight major captains. "

"Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are one of the eight captains of Xiyuan."

"Jian Shuo is the highest-ranking military captain among the eight major captains of Xiyuan. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are his subordinates. Even the general He Jin at the time had to report to Jian Shuo. Before his death, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty updated That he is regarded as a minister of Tuogu fully illustrates Jian Shuo's status in Liu Hong's mind."


"Of course, the timeline of this game map is the first year of Zhongping. At this time, there are still four or five years before the establishment of the Xiyuan Army. It is speculated that Jian Shuo is only a small yellow sect at present, but he should have begun to take charge of the forbidden army in the Luoyang area."

"So it depends on the situation on site."

"We can deduce what it was like before the Abyss invaded."

"After the Yellow Turbans were launched, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty sent Gou Dun to order Zhou Bin to investigate and arrest Ma Yuanyi's associates. Eventually, thousands of Yellow Turbans' members were escorted to Luoshui execution ground for execution."

"To make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty sent the imperial army to escort him, and asked his confidant Jian Shuo to oversee the execution himself."

"But just as heads were rolling on the execution ground, an indescribable abyssal natural disaster suddenly struck."

"The will of the abyss finally selected the obsessed Ma Yuanyi as the carrier of the nightmare. All the soldiers, imperial guards, Jian Shuo, Feng Xu and other characters present at the time were contaminated and became what they are now."

"This confirms my previous speculation."

"There are two timelines in the Three Kingdoms game."

"Jian Shuo, Zhou Bin, Bao Hong and others were responsible for dealing with Ma Yuanyi and the Yellow Turban Army in the normal historical timeline, but now they have become Ma Yuanyi's subordinates in the distorted Abyss timeline."


Science popularization and analysis of monsters and monsters.

While allowing many netizens to increase their historical knowledge.

I am also impressed by the production of the game "Three Kingdoms".

Although the style of this game has nothing to do with historical games.

But it still respects history and creates a new worldview based on it.

This makes it possible to dig out a lot of information and plot clues from seemingly ordinary mini-BOSSs or seemingly ordinary equipment details in the game, which are worthy of careful study.

There is huge potential and space for future derivative and secondary content.

While everyone was discussing.

Another big news has been announced.

"The official website of Three Kingdoms has issued the latest announcement!"

"The second round of internal testing will start in three days!"

"It seems that the second test will greatly increase the number of game places, and our probability of winning the game will be greatly increased!"

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