This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 66 This game is too hardcore

The official website of Three Kingdoms.

An announcement has been made.

Its title is: "Progress Report on the First Round of Internal Beta of the Three Kingdoms and Preview of the Second Round of Internal Beta"!

Everyone was amazed after reading it.

The content of the game announcement can be summarized into the following key points.

First, the first round of internal testing has been going on for a week, and the game is currently operating smoothly. Officials expect to start the second round of internal testing.

Second, after the second round of internal testing is successfully launched, not only will a large number of new game maps and content be updated, but the number of internal testing quotas will also be increased on a large scale. However, it depends on when and whether the second round of testing will be launched. Whether the plot develops smoothly and whether the players' performance is impressive.

See this.

The little heads of netizens from all walks of life are filled with big question marks.

How does a game's ability to undergo a second test have anything to do with the first test players?

Continue reading.

The general description is as follows:

[The Three Kingdoms will face the test of the "Darkest Day" in three days. 】

[This will be a life and death test for the survival of the territory. If players can help the lord successfully repel and defeat the abyss, the game will open a new map and expansion pack, and the second round of closed beta will also start immediately. 】

[If the territory fails to withstand the attack of the abyss forces and is destroyed, all players' data will be automatically cleared and deleted, and the game will also enter an indefinite shutdown state. The next restart time is completely unknown. 】

All of a sudden.

The forum is abuzz!


"Is this okay?"

"Too willful!"

"If you can't get through the plot, your account will be called."

"See clearly, not only is the account deleted, but the entire game is shut down. I have never seen such a hard-core operator!"

"Awesome, this truly ties the game world to the player's destiny. I have never seen such a hardcore and willful game!"


Netizens from all walks of life directly called 666.

In recent years, various anti-human games with extremely harsh punishment mechanisms have appeared.

But even if we meet well-informed players, we have never encountered a hard-core game that directly forcibly bundles the game plot, game updates, and even game operations.

Many netizens gave their opinions on this.

“I think it’s just like what Mr. Xianyu said in his post not long ago!”

"This game has been a chaotic system and a super sandbox from the moment it was launched!"

"All NPCs in the Three Kingdoms have independent thoughts. They will grow and change based on their encounters and experiences, and there is a completely uncontrollable variable group of players, which makes the plot direction difficult to predict. Even with the most powerful supercomputer, It’s also impossible to calculate the development direction of the game.”

"That is to say!"

"Every action a player makes changes the game permanently."

"This change not only affects every NPC in the game, but also determines the plot development and future of the game. Now it can even directly affect whether the game can run normally."

"Even if the official can interfere, it can only do so indirectly."

"I don't know what to say anymore!"

"What kind of game is this? Isn't this a real world?"

"It's so hardcore! I'm willing to sacrifice my knees! This pressure is on the big guys of the first test. If the big guys of the first test fail to survive this mission, then everything they have will be in vain."

"Brother Rui, come on!"

"Be sure to protect your territory!"

"I haven't played the game yet! I leave my happiness to you! You must not fail!"


Hang Yu is browsing forum discussions and official website messages.

Ma Yuanyi's shocking debut and the announcement of the second round of closed beta caused an uproar!

Although strictly speaking, the announcement on the official website is correct, if one day the core of the territory or oneself is really GG, then the large-scale online game of Three Kingdoms will naturally cease to exist.

But in fact, the abyssal power that exists in this area is not enough to destroy the territory or pose a threat to itself at this moment. These contents are purely deliberately creating crisis and anxiety.

Because only in this way can players' fighting spirit be further stimulated.

When millions of cloud players get more and more game information, especially when they see the screenshots of the core contaminated area of ​​Luoshui Execution Ground, everyone is already scratching their heads to experience this incredible god for themselves. do.

Three days later, extreme darkness fell.

It actually directly affects whether they can play the game.

Naturally, he will be very concerned about the situation in the Darkest Sun and the outcome of the battle.

As for the first beta players who have already entered the game? They will soon be tasked with protecting their territory through the Darkest Day!

Hang Yu will take the opportunity to feed back a lot of energy to the players, thereby further improving the strength of the Scourge Legion. In this way, there will be both generous mission rewards as temptation and a huge sense of crisis and mission as motivation. Players will definitely follow Will try his best to defend the territory at all costs.

It can be said.

Extremely hardcore mechanics.

Let games no longer be just games.

Each first-beta player must defend territory and NPCs.

Every first-beta player carries the expectations of millions of players.

Every first-beta player feels a heavy responsibility and a strong sense of mission. They must take action to protect the lord and defend their homeland at all costs and by all means!

at this time.

Hang Yu suddenly felt it.

There are some changes in the core pollution area.


Luoshui execution ground.

Highly polluted and corrupt camps.

Ma Yuanyi fell into a deep sleep again in the bloody lake.

During this process, he seemed to dream that he was sinking into an endless deep sea. This deep sea was ancient, mysterious, dark and lightless. Its depth and vastness were enough to swallow up all the heavens and worlds and melt all time and space.

At this time, a figure in yellow appeared in the field of vision.

Although he seems to be just the consciousness projection of the great taboo, he still gives people a weird, twisted and indescribable feeling!

Inside the tattered yellow robe was an endless void flashing with red thunder. Countless tentacles were born and spread out of the robe. Each tentacle was covered with jagged teeth and eyeballs. The aura it exuded was enough to pollute and corrode the space. .

"Great Master!"

Ma Yuanyi wanted to get closer but was blocked by an inexplicable repulsive force.

He woke up and returned to Luoshui execution ground. Everything seemed like a dream.

Ma Yuanyi knew that this was not a dream. It was the Great Sage Master who was calling him. He must find a way to return to the Great Sage Master. Only by killing the Star Lords and obtaining the Heart of the Stars could he get rid of the current restrictions.

"General!" Feng Xu came to the front and reported respectfully: "The physical bodies of those star eagles and dogs suddenly disappeared for some reason."

Ma Yuanyi was confused: "Disappeared suddenly? What happened!"

Feng Xu replied: "The reason is not yet known, but what is certain is that these Star Families are somewhat different."

These lords' people do look different.

Each one of them is like suffering from a brain disease.

But this is not important. After all, there will be an extremely dark day in three days. Even if this star lord is really different, it will be meaningless in the face of absolute power.

Feng Xu continued: "General, although extreme darkness has not yet come, we should make preparations in advance and get Heting Township back first to prevent the star lords from setting up obstacles here. This can also prepare you for your next move. ”

As the source of nightmares.

Ma Yuanyi cannot leave the core contaminated area.

The men around him can move within a certain range around him.

The place blessed by the stars in Heting Township is only a little over a mile away from the polluted area, which is completely within the radius of activity of Jian Shuo, Feng Xu and others. As long as they don't stray too far away from Ma Yuanyi, their power will not be weakened.


Ma Yuanyi agreed.

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