This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 424: Daluo Dao Fight! Planning and Layout!

If Pangu's bloodline wasn't true, the ancestral witches would have doubted whether Di Jiang was the real ancestral witch!

Is Di Jiang still their eldest brother?

Or was it that the twelve drops of Pangu Father God's essence and blood secretly tricked Di Jiang when they were created?

Or is it that only Di Jiang's drop of essence and blood is of higher purity?

Otherwise, no matter how you explain something that they don't understand clearly, the elder brother will understand it.

Facing the suspicious looks of his younger brothers and sisters, Dijiang smiled angrily and cursed: "What are you thinking about?"

"I usually tell you, when you have nothing to do, think more about the nature of things, and don't think about fighting in your head."

Although Di Jiang didn't name anyone, everyone knew who he was talking about.

Several ancestral shamans, represented by Zhu Rong and Gonggong, silently narrowed their eyes and retracted half of their bodies.

Zhulong chuckled and came to the rescue for his dissatisfied younger brothers: "I think it's because of the aura of Father God Pangu that my eldest brother always thought and speculated, so he understood many secrets of the ancient world."

As the great steward of the Wu clan, Zhulong is also extremely quick in his thinking.

When Di Jiang took out the ray of energy from his father, he understood everything instantly.

The rest of the ancestral witches also suddenly realized, with 'sure enough' expressions in their eyes.

Father God has really tricked my eldest brother!

No wonder the eldest brother knows so much. It turns out that it’s not him who is not good at it, and it’s not that he is not as good as his eldest brother, but his eldest brother is cheating.

After thinking about it this way, several ancestral witches were relieved, and calmly accepted this fact, and decided that it would be better to have the eldest brother and the second brother to deal with matters that use their brains in the future.

In this way, you can practice and fight happily, which is the best of both worlds!

Di Jiang didn't know what some of his unsatisfied brothers were thinking. If he knew, he would probably have to train them hard and let them understand that fighting is not a pleasant experience.

He looked at Zhen Yuanzi and others and explained: "You also know the origin of luck. It is the power derived from the interaction of all living beings gathered together."

"But if you think about it carefully, where does the power of all living beings come from?"

Where does the power of sentient beings come from?

Everyone couldn't help but think after hearing this.

When a creature is born, it instinctively absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and refines it into mana.

Then practice various skills and improve your Taoism until you become a Golden Immortal and begin to understand the laws and understand the fundamentals of the movement of heaven and earth.

Whether it is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth or magical powers, everything comes from the original origin.

Thinking further, even these countless sentient beings originated from the ancient times, and the ancient times originated from Pangu, which means...

"Yes, the power of luck also comes from Pangu in essence, but it is different from Pangu's power, such as the aura of heaven and earth, which is diluted and decomposed by various factors. It is purer, so it is more difficult to control."

"And the power of Pangu is also the power of Daluo, so those who have not yet attained Daluo cannot understand its root."

Seeing that everyone had thought of this, Di Jiang spoke calmly.

This is also the reason why Yuanlian can truly understand the nature of luck only after he attains Daluo.

As for himself, it was because he often felt the aura of Father God that he gradually understood the reason.

Yuan Lian nodded in agreement: "Brother Di Jiang is absolutely right."

"The essence of cultivating Taoism in the prehistoric times is to understand Pangu Taoist fruits and practice Pangu's power."

"Therefore, in the practice after Daluo, luck is the top priority, and it is the medium that directly points to the core of Pangu Taoism."

As soon as Yuan Lian finished speaking, Bai Ze's thoughts surged and he reacted instantly.

"So that's it, so after Hongjun attained Daluo enlightenment, he opened up the Xuanmen Taoism just to seek his luck and turn it into Daluo cultivation materials!"

Yuan Lian looked at Bai Ze with admiration. He was worthy of being the God of Wisdom spread in infinite time and space.

"Bai Ze, you are right!"

"At the beginning of the creation of the world, the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn dominated the ancient world, and a god turned into a ferocious beast emperor and ruled a dynasty. At that time, Hongjun's strength was almost invincible."

"But at that time, why didn't he create a Taoist lineage? Why did he have to wait until he attained Daluo Daluo before establishing a Taoist lineage?"

"Do you really think he has good intentions, does good deeds, and loves the world?"

Is Hongjun such a person?

If this were the case, then there would be no hegemons from the three clans, no ferocious beasts raging, and no fighting.

It was a bloody and cruel era.

I don’t know how many creatures and monsters were casually destroyed by ferocious beasts, and I don’t know how many creatures disappeared silently in the holy fight between the three clans.

If Hongjun really had this intention, he wouldn't just be a flash in the pan during the battle to annihilate the Ferocious Beast Dynasty.

He will not just sit back and watch the three clans fight and come to an end.

"What a great Hongjun, what a Taoist ancestor of Xuanmen!"

"What a good plan!"

"First, he forcibly opened up the Heavenly Dao and Zhengdao Daluo, and then immediately opened up the Xuanmen Dao Lineage to search for the destiny of the ancient world. He really didn't leave anything for others!"

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi, Ming He, Fuxi Nuwa and others, as well as the eleven ancestral witches, also woke up instantly and were all filled with righteous indignation.

The Taiyi saints have no way of knowing the nature of luck, and they all think that they can get a share of luck by joining the Xuanmen Taoism.

Even Jieyin and Zhunti, who have established a force and are relatively familiar with the power of luck, believe that even if they merge into Daozu's command, they can still get a fixed share of luck.

But everyone knows that Daluo Supreme's methods are so mysterious that he can actually materialize luck.

That is to say, the luck of the entire Xuanmen Daoism is decided by Hongjun. He can distribute it as he wants and give you as much as he wants.

And the tricks here are not known to anyone other than Daluo.

The most obvious thing is that Hongjun did not tell any Taiyi Sheng of the Xuanmen Daoism about the truth of this luck.

What he meant is self-evident!

Everyone seemed to see a prehistoric universe that was heading in a completely different direction.

Hongjun was the Taoist ancestor, Xuanmen occupied all the luck of the prehistoric world, and all the innate gods were under his command.

If you want to achieve Daluo, you need to get the nod of this Taoist ancestor before you can achieve it.

Those outside the Xuanmen who want to achieve Daluo always fall inexplicably on the catastrophe of achieving the Tao.

What a terrible and deformed prehistoric universe that would be!

They couldn't help but feel very fortunate that they joined the Yuanchu Temple and became a member of the Heavenly Court.

Yuan Lian said solemnly: "In the battle of Daluo Dao, there is only progress and no retreat."

"For the sake of luck, Xuanmen will never allow it to grow and develop. You all need to be prepared to face Hongjun directly."

Hongjun is undoubtedly a mountain of obstacles that the Heavenly Court cannot bypass.

But there is no way, Yuan Lian has no other choice.

Everyone present is a group of innate saints standing at the top of the prehistoric pyramid, and each of them is not lacking in great wisdom and perseverance.

Every late Taiyi saint has experienced endless hardships, and his Dao heart has been honed to perfection. Although they are afraid of Hongjun's strength, no one hesitates or fears.

Bai Ze said firmly: "Daoyou Yuanlian, what is your plan?"

Yuan Lian said in a deep voice: "This matter cannot be rushed. According to my plan, it is divided into three steps."

Everyone looked calm and listened quietly.

"First of all, we need to strengthen our own strength."

"Whether I make further progress in the Daluo Dao, or a few more Daluo Supremes emerge among you fellow Taoists, it is the current priority."

Yuan Lian paused and looked around, focusing on Zhen Yuanzi, Bai Ze and Di Jiang.

Although everyone present is in the late Taiyi realm, the key to achieving Daluo Dao is not to cultivate magic power, but to have a perfect and flawless heart of Tao and a self-contained Tao.

In Yuan Lian's view, only Zhen Yuanzi, Bai Ze and Di Jiang have reached this critical point.

Hong Yun, Minghe, Fuxi and Nuwa are slightly inferior, and the rest are third.

The next one who has the greatest chance of achieving Daluo Dao is also one of the three of them.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Hong Yun, Minghe or Fuxi and Nuwa suddenly have some supreme opportunity to complete their Tao in one fell swoop and overtake others.

But no matter who it is, as long as they can successfully achieve Tao, it is a good thing for him.

Although Yuanlian did not say it explicitly, all the gods present were extremely wise, including the ancestor witches. They just didn't like to use their brains, but that didn't mean they had no wisdom.

Based on Yuanlian's casual glance, everyone roughly guessed his thoughts.

Hongyun couldn't help but look at Zhenyuanzi and smiled with relief.

Feilian couldn't help staring at Bai Ze with a fiery look.

The ancestor witches were not surprised, after all, Dijiang was recognized as the strongest.

If anyone among the ancestor witches could achieve the Daluo first, it would definitely be their big brother Dijiang.

"Achieving the Daluo is not easy!" Zhenyuanzi lowered his eyes and spoke softly.

Although his heart was firm, facing a Taoist enemy like Hongjun, even he couldn't help but feel a little pressure in his heart.

Hongyun on the side immediately retorted: "What are you talking about?"

"Although it is difficult to achieve the Daluo Dao Fruit, I believe that with your strength and foundation as Zhen Yuanzi, you will definitely succeed!"

"What Daoyou Hongyun said is very true." Fuxi nodded and agreed, "Although the road is difficult and you need to be cautious, you must also be brave and diligent."

"Daoyou, why should you be so modest? After thousands of years of dedicated practice, you are only a stone's throw away from Daluo."

"What's more, with Daoyou Yuanlian's help, there is no need to worry about not achieving the Daluo Dao Fruit!" Bai Ze's eyes surged and his expression was firm.

Yuan Lian also spoke at the right time: "Daoyou Zhen Yuanzi, it is not as difficult to achieve the Daluo as you think. On the contrary, it is actually very simple."

"There is no calamity in Daluo, only people bring calamity upon themselves. But I will protect you. Even if Hongjun comes in person, I can buy you enough time to achieve the Tao."

Hearing the advice of the fellow Taoists, Zhen Yuanzi bowed and said, "Thank you fellow Taoists. Zhen Yuanzi has learned from your teachings."

Among the three, only Di Jiang looked calm and composed, as if achieving the Daluo was never a difficult task for him.

Di Jiang looked at Yuan Lian and said, "Go on."

Yuan Lian nodded and continued to describe his plan.

"The second step is to rule the prehistoric universe."

"Now that the Heavenly Court has unified the starry sky, I will help my elder brother rule the prehistoric land."

"By then, the Heavenly Court will rule the sky, the Wu Clan will rule the prehistoric land, and the Styx will suppress the blood sea of ​​the netherworld!"

"In this way, except for the Taiyi sacred of Xuanmen, we will rule countless sentient beings and gather boundless luck."

"As one grows and the other declines, Xuanmen will not be a threat."

Yuan Lian's eyes were blazing, as if he saw a corner of the future time and space, witnessing the extremely brilliant prehistoric scene.

The Heavenly Court rules the starry sky, formulates rituals, and educates sentient beings!

The Wu Clan rules the land, teaches and teaches, and leads sentient beings!

The Hades guards the netherworld, controls reincarnation, and creates sentient beings!


"After the first two steps are completed, the third step is to completely defeat Hongjun, incorporate Xuanmen into our system, and unify the prehistoric world!"

Finally, Yuanlian stated the ultimate goal with absolute certainty! (End of this chapter)

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