This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 425: The prehistoric world is as black as the sacred! Everyone has their own plans!

Being an enemy of Hongjun and competing for the destiny of the prehistoric world is not an easy task.

You can’t be reckless. If you don’t have enough strength, you can make up for it with a plan.

To put it bluntly, although Yuanlian’s plan is well-made, if you make a mistake or act recklessly and annoy Hongjun, he will just flip the table and stop playing.

Forget about the planning and layout. Everyone present, except for those who barely protect themselves by virtue, will be in trouble.

Therefore, before your strength is not enough to deter Hongjun, the measures to suppress the destiny of Xuanmen must be carefully controlled within the psychological acceptance range of Hongjun.

The situation must be maintained in a state where Hongjun has a chance of winning, and even on the surface it looks like Hongjun has won a big victory, so that Hongjun can be proud of his heart.

The first two steps of the plan were formulated for this reason.

Next, it is to start checking for loopholes around Yuanlian’s plan.

Each Taiyi God contributed his wisdom, and billions of ideas burst out in every moment, and then deduced tens of millions of possible futures, and then communicated with each other, eliminated them one by one, and got the most worrying solution.

Sparks of wisdom collided, and everyone made their own plans and formulated the details of each step of the plan, including predicting the possible reactions of Xuanmen Shen and Hongjun, and formulating countermeasures.

From the initial plan, step by step, backup plans, backup plans (revised), emergency response plans, emergency response plans (revised)...

As Yuanlian listened, the look in his eyes towards everyone changed.

Good guy, one by one, usually silent, but when it comes to digging a pit, one is better than the other.

Hongyun, Hongyun, I didn't expect that you look careless, but you are still capable when you use your brain.

You actually want to play Wujiandao and go undercover in Xuanmen. Aren't you afraid of playing too much, and you won't know how you died when you die?

And you, Zhenyuanzi, usually have a fairy-like appearance, never go out of the door, and concentrate on cultivation. This method is also a show!

The person who amazed Yuan Lian the most was Bai Ze. It was really outrageous. He opened the door to outrageousness...

Hong Yun went undercover by himself, but you directly used the luck merit to win over the sacred of Xuanmen and split and disintegrate from the inside.

What else is there to send dead spies to alienate the relationship between the Three Pure Ones.

Secretly lurking in the Jieying Divine Court, waiting for an opportunity to provoke a fight between Jieying Zhunti and the Three Pure Ones.

In short, with Yuan Lian as the Daluo as a backup, he will use his life to alienate and set up a bureau when necessary.

Bai Ze, you are really excellent!

As for the others, Kunpeng popped up an idea from time to time, and Fuxi and Nuwa also dared to speak.

For a while, the hall was hot!

Just as Yuan Lian and others were tirelessly discussing the details of the plan, the Three Pure Ones, Jieying Zhunti and other sacred beings who were in their minds were also holding a secret meeting.

On the top of Kunlun Mountain.

In an independent time and space that was opened up, a magnificent hall stood.

Hundreds of Taiyi gods gathered together. One side was represented by the Three Pure Ones, and behind them sat dozens of Taiyi gods.

The other side was led by Jie Yin and Zhunti. The group of gods behind them was huge, but it was obvious that there were dozens of camps of different sizes.

It seemed that there were many people, but they were all in their own groups and could not make a difference.

The two sides sat opposite each other, and they were clearly divided.

After a short silence, Zhunti spoke first: "Fellow Taoists, the prehistoric world can survive this disaster because of the blessing of Pangu, the great master, how fortunate!"

The Taiyi Jinxian was not even qualified to observe the fight between Daluo and Taiyi.

Although Taiyi could reverse the flow of time and space, no one dared to try.

After all, Daluo existed forever. Even in the past timeline, anyone who dared to show up might be destroyed by the aftermath.

So, no matter what, it was not wrong to attribute everything to Pangu.

"Good." Daode was calm and agreed, but did not take over the conversation.

Lingbao narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was absent-minded and turned a deaf ear.

Yuanshi, on the other hand, looked solemn, his eyes fluctuated, and he was about to speak but stopped.

Everyone gathered here, and they knew what was going on.

But it was about Daluo, and the person who took the lead was not good after all.

Daluo knew everything and was omnipotent. What if one day the other party got up and looked in the long river of time and saw what happened.

At that time, when the reckoning came, the person who took the lead would definitely be the first to bear the brunt.

Jieyin looked miserable, sighed in his heart, and said directly: "Three Heavenly Venerables, since all the Taoist friends are unwilling to speak, then let me speak."

"It is fortunate that Honghuang can survive this infinite catastrophe, but it is not a good thing for us that the Heavenly Emperor has achieved the Daluo Dao!"

Jieyin did not dare to call him by his name, so he had to call him the Heavenly Emperor.

Seeing Jie Yin open the topic, Yuan Shi immediately said:

"Yes, he has achieved the Daluo fruit position. Given the grievances between us, if he interferes with us when we are achieving enlightenment in the future, the consequences will be unpredictable!"

Yuan Shi asked himself, if we talk about the causal relationship with Yuan Lian, the three pure ones are no less than Jie Yin and Zhunti, and he Yuan Shi is the most.

This made him have to worry.

Although, in the past, the causal relationship was settled on the spot, and he Yuan Shi died twice, it should be settled by reason.

But it is better to be safe than sorry.

The matter of achieving Daluo is so important, how can we entrust our life and path to the thoughts of others?

"Second brother, this may not be what you think."

"Looking back on the past, the Emperor of Heaven has acted with reason and logic. Although we have some karma, we have settled it. Why should we plot against him and add more karma?"

"What's more, our sacred enlightenment is a great thing for the prehistoric world. How can the Heavenly Dao watch us being blocked?"

The Lingbao on the side spoke softly.

But before he finished speaking, he heard Yuanshi sternly retort: ​​"Third brother, what are you talking about?"

"When he had not yet achieved enlightenment, he repeatedly broke into the Kunlun Mountains for no reason and looted treasures."

"How can this be called reasonable and well-founded?"

"And don't forget that he once slaughtered the dragon clan wantonly, killing all those above the Golden Immortal level. His methods were brutal and his murderous heart was ruthless, which can be seen from this!"

Lingbao said without comment: "The cause and effect between the Emperor of Heaven and the dragon clan are known to all the gods. If it were me, I would not show mercy."

Yuanshi suddenly stood up and looked at Lingbao angrily, "What about breaking into the Kunlun Mountains?"

Lingbao stood up immediately and was about to refute, but Daode on the side said with an unexpected look: "Okay, don't say anything. How can you behave like this in front of all the Taoist friends?"

"Sit down."

Seeing the eldest brother speak, Yuanshi and Lingbao had to sit down in dismay.

Daode glanced helplessly at his two brothers who made him worry, and smiled helplessly: "I'm sorry to make you laugh."

"After all, it's about Daluo, it's normal for the two Tianzun to be cautious." Jieyin shook his head and chuckled, and asked, "I don't know what you plan to do?"

Daode smiled indifferently, "The great way is inaction, everything is determined by heaven."

Jieyin: "..."

Zhunti: "..."

Jieyin and Zhunti looked at each other, their eyes full of helplessness.

Daode, this old fox, always hides things and fools with nonsense.

If you really do the great way, you won't come to this secret meeting.

"Both Daoists have their own reasons." Zhunti said in a deep voice, "But I think Yuanshi Daoist's words are more pertinent. Let's not comment on the character of that Heavenly Emperor for the time being."

"Perhaps what Lingbao Daoist thinks is true. After that person attains the Great Luo Dao, he will no longer care about the past cause and effect."

"Or perhaps the Heavenly Dao is fair and will not allow the Heavenly Emperor to stop us from achieving the Dao."

"But, how can we rely on others' thoughts for our life and death?"

"In any case, we should prepare for the rainy day."

When Zhunti said this, Yuanshi nodded repeatedly and agreed very much.

Lingbao was also silent.

I have to admit that this is how human hearts are.

After practicing for hundreds of millions of years, how can we rely on others' thoughts for our life and death?

It can be said that most of the nearly 1,000 Taiyi sacred people present have no cause and effect with Yuanlian.

But why did they all get involved? It was because they didn't want their lives and property to be dominated by others.

After saying this, Zhunti led the way and stared at the morality.

Now that the conversation has come to this, they have also expressed their own attitudes. If Daode is still evasive, then there is no point in continuing this meeting.

They are ready to leave with their sacred subordinates.

After all, in most cases, the cause and effect between them and Yuanlian is that Yuanlian has set traps for them.

At worst, they can surrender to Yuanlian in the heaven, and if they can't beat him, they can join him.

At this point, Daode, who noticed the change in Jieyin Zhunti's expression, couldn't sit still. After all, Daode's inaction is not really doing nothing.

If they really do nothing, wouldn't it be better for the three brothers to practice peacefully in Kunlun Mountain? Why bother?

Daode nodded and smiled, "Fellow Daoist Zhunti is right, and we agree."

"Now that the Heavenly Emperor is the Supreme Daluo, I'm afraid we can only rely on Daozu and truly become a member of the Xuanmen Daoist tradition to eliminate the hidden dangers."

Jieyin and Zhunti smiled at each other and said in unison: "Good, fellow Daoist is right."

"I don't know, what do Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun and fellow Daoists think?"

The only one who can deal with Daluo is Daluo. In fact, all the gods know that there is only one way before them.

Either they leave it to fate and ignore everything.

Or they can only truly join the Xuanmen Daoist tradition and hope for the blessing of Daozu.

In fact, if you really count it, they preached for Xuanmen before, just for luck, which is to take what they need, and barely hang the name of Xuanmen.

But if you want to get the blessing of Daozu, I'm afraid it's not enough to just have a name.

Although this is equivalent to changing from being controlled by the Emperor of Heaven to being controlled by the Ancestor of Dao, the Ancestor of Dao is alone after all. If the high-level members of Xuanmen are all their own people, it is not equivalent to Xuanmen being their own.

But the Emperor of Heaven is different. He has already unified the starry sky and has countless star gods under his command. If they join them, they will definitely not have much status.

In this case, why not choose Xuanmen, which is more beneficial to them.

This meeting is essentially to pull everyone on the same boat of Xuanmen.

Yuanshi nodded and said, "Brother's intention is my intention."

Lingbao also nodded and said nothing more.

The dozens of Taiyi gods behind him were not surprised by the decision of the Three Pure Ones and expressed no objection.

The Three Pure Ones expressed their opinions, and the gods of the Jieying Divine Court also smiled.

Then, the gods discussed the details and finally decided to be open and honest when the Ancestor of Dao preached next time.

But they didn't know that a vague gaze was already watching them.

In the dark time and space, the Taoist master who was meditating in Zixiao Palace slowly opened his eyes, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I just wanted to conceal the secrets for you, but I didn't expect there would be an unexpected surprise."

"Next time, I will give a lecture. I am looking forward to it!" (End of this chapter)

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