This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 148 The Willful Lotu Wizard

At this time, in the secret realm, the confrontation between "Shadow" and "Electromagnetic Heart" continues.

They had a tacit understanding that they did not take the lead, but carefully observed each other's movements. At the same time, they were also silently accumulating strength. While guarding against the opponent's ultimate move, they were also looking for each other's flaws, and were ready at any time. Prepare to attack or dodge.

The domain-like witchcraft controlled by both parties mobilized shadow magic or electromagnetic power, and the collision took the lead before they officially fought.

Light blue electric arcs and shadow mist snakes began to entangle with each other. Under the control of two top apprentices, it was like two distinct military forces attacking each other.

The electric arc and the shadow mist disappeared each other, making a subtle sound of chi chi chi.

And just when the two sides' domain-like witchcraft was entangled with each other, the shadow took action first.

His body suddenly became blurry, and then turned into hundreds of shadow pythons, rushing towards the direction of the electromagnetic heart. The shadow pythons that his body transformed into were still open as they rushed towards them. He opened his mouth and let out a silent but powerful hiss.

This is a simplified version of the first-level witchcraft and spiritual roar, but with the blessing of the two special witchcraft tools carried by "Shadow", the attack power he emits is comparable to the spiritual roar performed by a formal wizard!

If this spiritual roar can hit the electromagnetic heart, it can directly interfere with the spiritual sea of ​​the electromagnetic heart. After all, he has not broken through to the level of a formal wizard. Once the spiritual sea is attacked, he will be in a daze for at least a second or two.

And a moment or two of trance is enough for the shadow that has turned into a shadow python to attack the electromagnetic heart at this time to gain the absolute upper hand. It is even possible to use these two seconds to directly kill the electromagnetic heart!

Obviously, Shadow also attaches great importance to the electromagnetic heart, so it is his most powerful combination killer move.

At this time, he transformed into countless shadow pythons and rushed towards the electromagnetic heart, with a flash of madness and determination in the scarlet snake eyes.

But when he got close to the electromagnetic heart, he noticed the indifference in the other person's eyes, and even a little...disappointment?

He...he was not affected by the mental roar at all!

A flash of horror flashed in the shadow's eyes.

But at this time, the electromagnetic heart took action.

He tapped his chest lightly and triggered a mechanical witchcraft device. Together with the disc-shaped mechanical witchcraft device he stepped on, a super-large prison composed of metal blocks and electric current was formed around his body.

Electromagnetic prison!

"A weakling who only knows how to use powerful moves, but the use of the moves is still too rough..." Electromagnetic Heart sighed softly, seeming to be very disdainful of the shadow.

Shadow's pupils shrank, but now that he could no longer retreat or escape, he could only resort to an even crazier counterattack!

"Hahaha... Old guy, is this the strength of the chief of your academy? Tsk, tsk, tsk... He's even weaker than I thought!"

Outside the Blood Battle Secret Realm, Wizard Lotu looked in the observation mirror. The shadow with a ferocious face roared and used witchcraft to break the left arm of the Electromagnetic Heart. However, he was penetrated through the vital part by a toothed blade controlled by the Electromagnetic Heart. He couldn't help but speak loudly, while looking at the gray-bone wizard with eyes full of contempt and sneer.

After all, for a mechanical wizard, a broken arm or leg can only be considered a minor injury! In their storage of witchcraft tools, there are many spare mechanical prosthetics that can be replaced at any time, which also shows that in the previous battle with the shadows, the Electromagnetic Heart can be said to be a complete victory!

"Greybones, you are now being protected by De La Torre, but as far as I know, Lord De La Torre is approaching his end soon, right? Hey, hey, I want to see, wait for him to make the final push. Time, what else can you rely on to stop our tower..."

Wizard Lotu's voice was transmitted to the ears of Ashbone Wizard through the medium of spiritual power, making the latter's expression become even more gloomy.

"Hahaha, Beckett is indeed the number one genius our tower has only seen for a hundred years!" After quietly threatening the Gray Bones Wizard through his mental power, Lotu Wizard still felt uneasy. He chuckled and revealed With a proud look on his face, he loudly praised the electromagnetic heart for showing absolute dominance in the bloody battle secret realm.

"He can definitely be promoted to an official wizard. I even feel that he has the hope of being promoted to a second-level wizard, or even a third-level wizard!" Wizard Lotu smiled, although he did not mention the Academy of Ashes, but Every sentence is directed at the Gray Bones Wizard.

After all, the current dominance of the electromagnetic heart is demonstrated by killing the number one person in Ashbone Academy, "Shadow"!


The gray-bone wizard's face was gloomy. At their level, apart from the knowledge or treasures they longed for, perhaps the most important thing was their own face and majesty. But now this Lotu wizard is trying to squeeze him over and over again, making him look a little embarrassed in front of many official wizards and Lord De La Torre.

"Oh, it seems that Beckett has found another good target. Haha, Gray Bones, the apprentices in your academy are not very strong, but it seems that some apprentices are more valuable..."

Wizard Lotu had been looking at the observation mirror. Looking at the scene in the mirror, he couldn't help but smile.

Because at this time, Beckett, the electromagnetic heart, has discovered Carly. The two meet head-on, and the battle can be said to be on the verge of breaking out.

"Carly, what are you thinking..." Lucian frowned as he watched.

Because he didn't believe that Carly hadn't heard the noise caused by the battle between the Electromagnetic Heart and the Shadow. But looking at Carly's actions in the observation mirror, it was obvious that she was waiting for the arrival of the Electromagnetic Heart.

"I don't know if the armor I made can withstand the attack from the Electromagnetic Heart..." Lucian muttered in his heart.

Although he had some confidence in the armor he made, he was very unhappy with Carly's recklessness at this time.

After all, if you lose in this kind of game, the price you pay is your life!

At this time, other formal wizards also noticed the upcoming collision. Many formal wizards looked at the Gray Bone Academy with some pity.

After all, the Gray Bone Academy had just lost a "Shadow", and the "Fairy" on the hunter list seemed to be about to follow the Shadow's footsteps and be killed by the Electromagnetic Heart, which was the master of the Blood Fighting Secret Realm.

If this "fairy" dies, then the Gray Bone Academy will only have one person left on the hunter list... And when the bloody battle enters the second half, the Gray Bone Academy, whose top strength has been severely damaged, may really face a scene of annihilation...

It's miserable, too miserable!

Many formal wizards are mourning for the many formal wizards of the Gray Bone Academy, and some formal wizards who have grudges against the Gray Bone Academy can hardly suppress their slightly raised corners of their mouths.

They cheered for the Electromagnetic Heart in their hearts, hoping that this top wizard apprentice who just killed the shadow and showed strength comparable to the threshold of formal wizards can take advantage of the victory and crush the "fairy" at the end of the hunter list.

However, several formal wizards on the Gray Bone Academy side were very silent.

After all, at this time, Carly also represented their face to a certain extent. If she was killed by the Electromagnetic Heart of the High Tower like cutting melons and vegetables, then they would also be a little embarrassed.

"Dean Lucian, are you confident that you can escape?" The wizard Carlo asked in a low voice.

He was a little nervous at this time. After all, if Carly died in the battle, the number of apprentices at the top level of the Gray Bone Academy would be too small. If the apprentices of other academies gathered together and formed hunting teams to fight in groups, it would be a disaster for the other apprentices of the Gray Bone Academy.

Lucian did not respond, but clenched his fists nervously.

If possible, he would like to grab Carly's pointed ears and ask what was in her mind.

"This goblin had no previous record. For example, the apprentice who just rose recently is probably a lucky person who got or awakened the goblin bloodline. Just watch, Beckett will probably be able to deal with him in one move. If you are interested, you can come to my laboratory to study the goblin bloodline together."

On the side of the tower, the wizard Lotu was "lying" on the chair at this time. He looked very casual and didn't care about the opponent that the Electromagnetic Heart was about to kill.

Of course, he put on this look, and there was also the intention of showing it to the Gray Bone Wizard and continuing to upset the latter. And from the current point of view, his move was very successful.

"Is this how you train apprentices in the past few years when I was not in the academy?" The Gray Bone Wizard's fierce eyes like a vulture swept around the formal wizards of the Gray Bone Academy, and his voice was slightly hoarse, as if he was suppressing the anger in his heart.

When those formal wizards looked at the Gray Bone Wizard, they couldn't help but lower their heads, and their expressions seemed a little helpless.

After all, everyone could see that the Graybone Wizard was not concerned about the apprentice's situation, but was simply venting his anger on the formal wizards, so they all remained silent.

Soon, the Graybone Wizard focused his attention on Lucian, but did not say anything. Instead, he shifted his attention to the observation mirror and his voice returned to calm. "Let's take a look first."

At this time, the battle between Carly and the Electromagnetic Heart had already started.

Unlike the caution when dealing with the "shadow" before, the Electromagnetic Heart was full of aggression at this time.

Almost not long after the two sides had just tested each other, he blew the horn of the general attack, and the electromagnetic field witchcraft was performed, manipulating two teeth blades that were spinning faster and faster to cut towards Carly.

Obviously, he did not think that Carly could be regarded as his real opponent, so the Electromagnetic Heart wanted to fight quickly!

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