This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 149 How many potions do you have left?

The two toothed blades flew past at high speed. With the blessing of the sorcery in the electromagnetic field, the movement speed and rotation speed of the two toothed blades increased to another level.

When faced with this high-speed attack, Carly did not choose to use a bow and arrow to fight head-on. Instead, she used the power of blood to cast the blood spell [Lunar Moon].

Two moon blades appeared out of thin air, and the two tooth blades that were also rotating with the electromagnetic heart began to collide with each other.

The silver-white moon blade and the red-edged tooth blade flew rapidly in the air, colliding with each other from time to time, erupting with some harsh explosions.

However, the tooth blade controlled by the electromagnetic heart has the bonus of domain-like witchcraft. The tooth blade in the electromagnetic field can continuously absorb electromagnetic power to improve its power, while the moon blade controlled by Carly can only be used once. The power is gradually lost in the collisions...

So after entangled with each other for a while, the electromagnetic heart found the right opportunity and controlled the two toothed blades to attack together, but it accurately shattered one of the moon blades.


The moon blade exploded, releasing brilliant silver moonlight, but an explosion of this magnitude would not have much impact on the battle, either for the electromagnetic heart Beckett or for Carly.

"Very good witchcraft, but it's a pity that you don't have the corresponding witchcraft to cooperate and can't form a complete system." Beckett looked at Carly and praised with a smile. At this time, it fully demonstrated that it belongs to the winner. Some grace.

However, the toothed blades he controlled did not pause or show mercy at all, but accelerated their speed. After one of the toothed blades entangled Carly's remaining moon blade, the other toothed blade drew a graceful line. The arc cuts towards Carly's throat.

According to the terrifying speed and power of this tooth blade, if this move is really implemented, I am afraid that Carly's head will be completely separated from her body!

Carly's expression changed slightly, and then the surface of her body quickly assembled into a set of tightly fitting armor, and her entire body became an iron can again.

The only difference from the previous brief battle with "Iceberg" was that this time Beckett's attack speed was so fast that Carly's shield had just been activated, and the toothed blade had already reached her body. before entering the range protected by the shield.

Not far away, a ferocious smile appeared on Beckett's face.


As long as the attack is fast enough, none of this is a problem.

There is also the exquisitely crafted set of witchcraft armor. After I finish off this goblin, I can go back and ask the alchemist master to modify it slightly. Then it might become one of my trump cards...

But the next moment, Beckett's expression froze.

Because he discovered that Carly's body and the armor she wore at this time had turned completely golden, shining with a bright metallic luster.

When the toothed blade cut into Carly's body, it made a sound of metal impact, and then was directly bounced away, leaving only a cut less than two centimeters deep on Carly's outer armor.

"This is... the body-refining wizard's metal body? It's actually attached to the witchcraft! Although it cannot be moved during the casting process, casting it at this time is the best way to defend yourself!" Ashes Academy's side , an official wizard noticed that the gray-bone wizard's expression was no longer as gloomy as before, and he quickly puffed up his chest and began to praise him.

Lucian breathed a sigh of relief. This was one of the triggering spells he attached to the armor for Carly. He was so nervous that he was holding his breath, and now he felt a slight sweat on his back.

In the secret realm, when the deadly toothed blade was bounced away, Carly was already ready for defense. She deployed her shields one by one, arming Carly herself into a giant turtle shell.

"I want to see how much witchcraft power you have to support it!" Beckett, the electromagnetic heart, looked at the heavy shields that protected Carly so tightly, and his Adam's apple jumped up and down.

However, out of absolute confidence in his own strength, he still quickly manipulated the toothed blade, preparing to continuously consume Carly's witchcraft reserves through strong attacks, thereby making the defensive effect of this witchcraft disappear, and then kill Carly. Kill.

Although it will take some time, Beckett has absolute confidence: it is impossible for other wizard apprentices to come and cause trouble when he is "beating the turtle".


The toothed blades cut through, and a collision caused Kali's outermost wall of sighs to collapse. Then, with a single blow, the wall of sighs collapsed.

Carly also discovered the opponent's plan at this time, but she did not panic at all. After spending some time with her opponent, she took out an emerald-colored potion directly from her storage bracelet, and then Pour it down directly.

The energy inside the potion was quickly absorbed by her body and converted into pure witchcraft power for her consumption, making the witchcraft power that had been consumed for the most part full again.

Not far away, Beckett's pupils shrank slightly, but his attacks became more fierce, "I want to see how many potions you have left!"

At this time, he also became fierce. Based on the original two toothed blades, he once again manipulated three new toothed blades. The five toothed blades cooperated with each other, but they were combined into a special formation. The toothed blades The alchemical runes on it are connected with each other, vaguely forming a whole in terms of breath.

Under this overall blessing, the power of the five tooth blades has been improved to varying degrees, and the overall power has been greatly improved.

With mutual cooperation, the two outermost shields of Carly were shattered almost instantly, but as these shields continued to absorb energy, Beckett's attack ultimately failed to completely break through the heavy defenses in front of Carly, and had to withdraw the tooth blades before Carly's arc was completely repaired.

Carly took out another potion and quickly took it, making her magic power, which had just been consumed by most of it, become full again.


Many formal wizards outside the secret realm opened their mouths slightly involuntarily at this time. They looked at the somewhat funny battle in the secret realm at this time with strange expressions.

"It can only rely on some external forces to resist, which is to delay some time and survive." Wizard Luotu looked relaxed.

After all, judging from the current situation, the Electromagnetic Heart Beckett has an absolute advantage, while Carly is just passively defending. As long as the potion and magic power are almost consumed, Beckett's fierce offensive can wipe out Carly in an instant!

However, he seemed to feel that it was still a bit unsatisfying to say this, so he sat up slightly and looked at the Gray Bone Wizard. "The apprentices of your academy are very interesting, and they have deeply grasped the essence of you, an old guy!"

Facing the provocation of the Lotu Wizard, the Gray Bone Wizard had a gloomy face, but did not say a word. After all, judging from the current situation, the students of the Lotu Wizard obviously have an absolute advantage, and refuting at this time is just humiliating himself.

However, the silence of the Gray Bone Wizard made the Lotu Wizard even more proud and happy. He narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand to touch his golden hair, smiled and said to another high tower wizard sideways.

"Remember this. Beckett won glory for the organization in the bloody battle in the secret realm. After the secret realm is over, I will personally give him... a colonized magic tool in addition to the reward he deserves. After he is promoted to a formal wizard, I will give him... a colonized magic tool."

"Colonized magic tool!" Many mechanical wizards in the high tower breathed heavily. They looked at each other for a few times, with a touch of heat and envy in their eyes.

This is a special magic tool for a second-level wizard, and it is a master who is proficient in the field of mechanics and spends a lot of effort to refine. For formal wizards like them who are on the path of mechanical wizards, it is a precious magic tool partner with growth potential, and its value is inestimable!

The gray bone wizard had a calm face, and he didn't seem to care about the repeated provocations of the Luotu wizard, but his hands hidden in his sleeves had already clenched, and there was a cold and sharp look in the depths of his eyes.

"Lucian, the magic tools you spent on this fairy apprentice are sponsored by me this time, so the loss is mine." Lucian, who was watching the battle nervously, suddenly heard the obscure voice from the Gray Bone Wizard in his mind sea. He turned his head slightly and saw the Gray Bone Wizard's eyes that seemed calm.

Lucian could not help but remain silent, and his palms were full of sweat at this time.


"I want to see how many potions you have left!" In the secret realm, Beckett's golden hair slightly spread out regardless of the laws of nature. There was a light blue electric current between his hair, and even his eyes were rendered blue, making him look like Thor.

"Sister has medicine!" Carly raised her little head slightly at this time, with an unusually calm expression.

She looked at Beckett, who was bursting with all his strength at this time, but stretched out her hands, then took out two potions and poured the liquid into her mouth.

Bang, bang, bang...

The new round of attack by the Tooth Blade was unsuccessful again. At this time, Beckett looked at Carly, but he also gritted his teeth and took out a recovery potion from his space ring and poured it into his mouth.

The fierce attack stopped temporarily, but it started again after a moment, turning into a long and continuous war of attrition.

Outside the secret realm, many formal wizards looked at Lucian with a strange look in their eyes.

They looked at Carly who took out another potion to replenish her magic power, and then looked at Lucian on the side, "How many potions did you prepare for her?"

"Carly is a pharmacist, and she also has the racial talent of directly catalyzing seeds to cultivate magic plants. It should be reasonable to carry more potions, right?" Lucian looked at the gazes of other formal wizards and noticed that the Lotu wizard was looking at them at this time.

He stretched his body slightly, and at the same time, he spoke casually.

Perhaps this is called:

Fairies who cannot make potions in batches are not good archers.

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