This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 150: Counterattack, fire coverage

The official wizard nearby heard Lucian's explanation and was stunned for a moment. Then he realized that Carly had another identity besides the wizard apprentice - a pure-blood elf.

The main reason is that in the battle just now, except for the two moon blades, Carly didn't use much of the bloodline fighting methods related to fairies. She mostly relied on potions and witchcraft tools to defend and counterattack. Her style was more like a pure wizard. .

After Lucian's revelation, the other formal wizards somewhat belatedly remembered Carly's identity as a pure-blood elf. Afterwards, these official wizards were like a group of gamblers who saw a glimmer of hope in despair. They all cast their eyes on the sight in the observation mirror with either hope or anxiety.

Although they did not "invest" in Carly, their hope that Carly could defeat or even kill Beckett, the electromagnetic heart, was extremely sincere and firm at this time.

After all, if Carly is easily killed by Beckett, then their investment in other wizard apprentices will most likely be lost!

But now, Carly has given them a glimmer of hope. As a pure-blood fairy, she must have mastered some powerful and special bloodline spells. Maybe in the next defensive counterattack, if Beckett has any flaws, maybe Carly can seize the opportunity and use the powerful Racial magic can turn defeat into victory...

At least that's what these official wizards hope.

On the other side of the tower camp, Wizard Lotu first sat up slightly. Although he still looked a little careless, he even turned his face slightly when looking at the observation scope, as if he was just glancing at it casually.

However, his left hand was holding the armrest of the seat under him with a little force at this time, and the blood vessels and tendons in his hand were slightly bulging due to the exertion.

Obviously, Wizard Lotu at this time was not as careless as he deliberately showed.

But soon, Wizard Lotu's left hand that was gripping the armrest slowly loosened his grip, and his whole body recovered from the previous state of looseness on the outside and tightness on the inside, becoming relaxed and lazy.

"It's stronger than that trash just now, but it's only limited." Wizard Lotu didn't bother to look at the gray-bone wizard at this time. Instead, he smiled, talked about his opinions with other official wizards from the tower, and greeted There were waves of echoes.

"As a pure-blood elf...she should have enough medicine in her body. In the end, the electromagnetic heart will definitely be unable to hold it..."

When the wizards at Ashbone Academy saw the relaxation of Wizard Lotu, they felt that their hearts became heavy again. However, at this time, they had no other choice but to use the reasons they wanted to believe to continue to treat themselves. "Hypnosis" and comfort.

The gray-bone wizard silently stared at the observation mirror. As a second-level wizard, as the strongest person at Ashbone Academy, he needs to remain calm and mysterious.

But in his heart, he was actually very concerned about the battle between Carly and Beckett. After all, his own face was involved to some extent. If possible, he also wanted to praise Carly's performance loudly, and by the way, he could Make the Lotu wizard on the opposite side feel disgusted - just like what the other party just did.

Suddenly, the gray-bone wizard, who was sitting quietly like a sculpture, slapped the table hard.

The discussions and murmurs of the other official wizards of Ashbone Academy suddenly stopped.

Many formal wizards restrained their aura slightly and carefully observed the movements of the gray-bone wizard, fearing that one of their actions would attract the attention of the already simmering gray-bone wizard and become the target of his anger.

Even at this time, even the official wizards such as the observation mirror didn't pay much attention, and their attention was almost entirely focused on the gray-bone wizard.

"Okay... okay!" After being silent for a while, the Gray Bones Wizard suddenly laughed.

This smile even made his old and gloomy-looking face a lot calmer, and even looked a little kinder or two.

The other official wizards felt relieved when they saw the smile of the gray-bone wizard.

Only then did they have the intention to focus on the observation mirror again, only to find that the fighting mode of Carly and Beckett, who were originally engaged in a war of attrition, had changed.

"We can't go on like this. Although I have a lot of potions in reserve, I carry more offensive potions for making various arrows. There are not many restorative potions, and after the consumption just now, the potions for restoring witchcraft power have been Nearly one-third was consumed..."

As the stalemate continued, Carly also felt a little bit of difficulty. Although Beckett also needs to rely on potions to restore his witchcraft power at this time, in comparison, as an attacker who mainly relies on electromagnetic force to attack, the mechanical wizard consumes far less witchcraft power than Carly. .

If Carly hadn't prepared and brought a large amount of potions at Lucian's suggestion, her accumulation would have been exhausted by now.

At this time, Carly naturally thought of the other potions she carried, especially those attack potions.

"Although these potions are put into 'bottles' and used in combination with bows and arrows to ensure that their utilization rate is high enough, they should also have a certain effect if they are used directly!" Carly was thinking in her mind, and at the same time, something appeared in her hand. Two black potions with tiny bubbles constantly popping out.

In the test tube, the black-red liquid seemed a bit thick, and if you smelled it carefully, you could smell a sulfur smell.

This is one of several attack potions she carries. The burning potion is an improvement on the original blazing rocket. However, the burning potion gives up the explosive effect caused by violent combustion, and instead increases the flame temperature and fire damage after burning. , if attached to an arrow, it can shoot a flaming arrow that continues to burn and is difficult to extinguish.

"Go!" At this time, Carly no longer hesitated, and her mental power directly activated the two potions, causing them to become violent and unstable from their original "silent" state. Then she waved her hand and threw the two potions towards Beckett. The potions exploded in mid-air together with the test tubes, forming two huge balls of flame.

The thick liquid was quickly ignited and splashed in all directions.

Carly's side is protected by heavy shields, so she naturally doesn't worry about the range of fire splash damage that does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. Beckett, who is far away, also steps on a disc-shaped witchcraft tool, relying on flexible movement and Dodge and avoid the flame splashes of these crude benzene.

However, the five toothed blades he controlled were not so lucky. These toothed blades were constantly flying around Carly, looking for opportunities to attack and constantly consuming Carly's magic power. They were affected by these two fireballs, and three of them were affected by the two fireballs. The toothed blade was even splashed with liquid medicine.

These agents containing tar-like ingredients are difficult to peel off when attached to the toothed blades, and the blue flames they generate are extremely terrifying and can be burned to death by a high temperature that would kill a sorcerer's apprentice.

Under the continuous burning of this terrifying high temperature, the original flight path of the red toothed blade gradually became unstable, and even the witchcraft rune structure inside the toothed blade began to deform slightly.

In the end, the slightly deformed toothed blade could no longer hold up, and staggered down to the ground. The alchemical rune structure inside the toothed blade had been completely destroyed, and even Beckett was attached to the inside of the toothed blade. A trace of his mental energy was directly burned and annihilated by the flames.

Not far away, Beckett's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly as he looked at the three scrapped blades.

Although the scrapping of these three toothed blades did not cause any backlash for him, the problem is that this kind of toothed blade is his most commonly used electromagnetic weapon, and he only carries ten of them. If they are all used up, Then his battle will definitely be affected to a certain extent.

This is like a samurai who is good at using a spear. If he does not have a spear or a weapon similar to a spear, even if he holds other weapons, his combat effectiveness will probably drop by 20 to 30%. Although Beckett also has some spare electromagnetic weapons, However, those weapons are not as good as these toothed blades in terms of proficiency and power.

This may be the limitation of mechanical wizards. Although they are good at manipulating various special mechanical creations, when fighting other wizards, the loss of these mechanical creations will also have a very intuitive impact on their combat effectiveness.

Unfortunately, Carly has found the easiest way to destroy electromagnetic weapons.

Carly naturally noticed this, her eyes couldn't help but light up, and then four more test tubes appeared in her hand. However, in addition to two of the four test tubes containing thick black burning potions, the other two were Make explosive potions for bomb arrows!

Carly threw out the test tube potion without any hesitation. At the same time, the Origin Bow appeared in her hand. While removing the shield in front of her, her body became somewhat illusory and unreal under the hazy moonlight. Man enters the protective state of moonlight.

Bloodline Technique·Moon Curtain!

And unlike Lucian's Moon Curtain Kai, as a pure-blood elf, Carly's process of casting Moon Curtain is extremely easy, and it is only completed the moment her consciousness communicates with the power of blood.

The toothed blades pierced through the chest, but this kind of attack that mainly dealt with physical damage was not considered as damage at all to the moonlight Kali, as if what they penetrated was not Kali but nothingness.

But Carly has already drawn the bow, and the three arrows attached to the origin bow are two flame arrows and one bomb arrow.

Draw the bow, let go, draw the bow, let go...

While Carly was manipulating the power of her bloodline to maintain her moonlight transformation, she also took advantage of her current high immunity period to start crazy output.

At first, Carly will release some flame arrows, but later on, she will all use more powerful bomb arrows.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

Arrows flew out one after another. Carly didn't even aim at this time, but used a simpler and cruder method - fire coverage!

Anyway, she had prepared enough potions to use with the arrows this time, and the preparation of these potions was extremely simple. Even inside the Blood Battle Secret Realm, as long as she was given a certain amount of time, she could once again mix a batch of attack potions. .

Not accurate enough? Then use the firepower!

Chapter 2 is a little later and is still being revised.

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