"Damn..." Lucian understood the seriousness of the matter when he saw the soul hunter.

Even at this time, his body had an instinctive fear, a fear of natural enemies from the subconscious of the race, which made Lucian's breathing become slightly cramped, which indirectly affected Lula, who he played. Her breathing became somewhat compensated, and she slightly twisted her body in her sleep.

This small movement was also keenly captured by the soul hunter. It approached step by step, and then stretched out its long, claw-like fingers, gently stroking Lula's face with its cold nails.

The cold touch made Lucian's soul feel sluggish, because this claw is the most important weapon of the soul hunter. They can easily penetrate the skull of intelligent life and directly grab the soul inside.

However, with the help of Lula's [Perception] talent, Lucian could sense that although this soul hunter had a deep malice towards him, it did not have the blood-red color that represented the desire to kill. So Lucian also tried his best to stabilize his emotions and let the other party test him in this way.

"What does it want to do?" Lucian was also a little uneasy. After all, under such close conditions, he was in a very disadvantageous position. Once a battle broke out, he would inevitably be restrained because he had to consider the safety of [Lula].

What's more, with the current distance between the soul hunter's claw and himself, if the other party suddenly attacked, he would be in danger.

"Hold on... Hold on..." Lucian silently hypnotized himself in his heart, while also controlling his emotions, trying not to let his emotions further affect [Lula's] state.

The cold touch of the claw constantly stimulated Lucian's nerves. He even felt the wailing and screaming that could reach the soul when other humans died on this claw.

"It... is it testing? No, it seems to be preparing some kind of weird 'dining ceremony'. It wants to get an absolutely loyal servant in the dream world by detaining me!"

Lucian broke out in cold sweat on his back. He didn't care about being exposed at this time. At the moment when the soul hunter put away his fingers, he controlled Lula to jump up, rolled away from the bed, and at the same time burst out the mental force field belonging to the formal wizard level.

The soul hunter put away his fingers, and it looked at Lucian with interest. Its octopus-like head slowly moved, but it spoke very standard wizard language in a brisk tone. "Oh, it turns out to be a wizard... It's really a nostalgic smell. It's a pity that I thought you would bring your companion with you."

Lucian's pupils dilated slightly.

No wonder I didn't notice its breath at the beginning, and no wonder it could discover my secret. I'm afraid it captured my mental fluctuations when I first communicated with "Thunder"?

And he didn't deal with himself immediately, but wanted to catch "Thunder" in one fell swoop?

"I didn't expect to meet an extinct 'Soul Hunter' here." Lucian said casually. Although it looked a bit strange to speak the obscure wizard language with [Lula]'s childish voice, he didn't dare to leave [Lula]'s body at this time.

"Extinct? Hehe." The Soul Hunter's octopus-like head shrank slightly, and black and blue spots appeared on its skin. At the same time, on its neck, human faces quickly emerged one after another. They twisted and wailed, and the sharp and terrifying sound made Lucian shudder.

When they noticed Lucian's presence, they stopped wailing and struggling. They smiled at Lucian, as if they were eager to be saved by Lucian, and seemed to have made a welcome ceremony in advance to welcome new victims.

"According to the records in the book, the soul bodies of soul hunters are extremely powerful. They are good at spiritual attacks. Two special claws can directly pierce into the heads of intelligent species, read or even distort their memories and souls, and can also act as a 'straw' to quickly absorb the souls of prey... Their weakness is their relatively fragile bodies..."

Information about soul hunters quickly emerged in Lucian's mind, but at this time, the soul hunter had already taken the lead. Two tentacles with huge suction cups had already swung towards him, and at the top of the tentacles, there were two hideous human faces with mouths constantly opening and closing.


As the human faces on the tentacles chanted silently, a terrifying mental shock sounded directly inside Lucian's spiritual core. This voice carried a desire for chaos and destruction, which made Lucian's spiritual core have the illusion of collapsing at this moment.

This is the most common and effective trick used by soul hunters against intelligent creatures such as wizards who rely on mental power to attack, mental frenzy!

Under this level of interference, the spiritual power of wizards of the same level can hardly successfully construct a powerful witchcraft model, and can only try to perform some simple witchcraft at the apprentice level.

During this period, the soul hunter's tentacles can easily entangle and capture the "prey", and begin to ingest and taste the other party's soul alive!

In most cases, a first-level soul hunter can directly solve a formal wizard with this trick, and then enter the theme of "eating".

But for Lucian, he had other ways to fight back.


A wizard's note appeared in Lucian's right hand. He flipped through the wizard's note quickly, and soon a piece of animal skin paper with dense witchcraft runes on it flew out of it. It shattered the moment it flew out and turned into dots of moonlight. It attached to Lucian's body, covering his body with a layer of moonlight.

This is the first-order witchcraft that Lucian has retained the most in the wizard's notebook, and its function is also very practical, that is, it is a life-saving golden body!

Under the shroud of the moonlight, his body was half-disappeared at this time, and the crazy roar heard in his spiritual core became much weaker, as if he was wearing a pair of soundproof earplugs, although some residual sounds could still be heard. The sound, however, did not cause much interference to Lucian and was able to support Lucian to start the battle normally.


Lucian subconsciously stepped back, dodging the two tentacles that were about to wrap him up. Because the protection time of the golden body was extremely limited, and each time it was used, one had to wait for a certain interval before continuing, so Lucian had to hurry up. Time gives you an advantage. At least you need to stop the soul hunter from continuing to release that kind of noise to disturb you before the end of the golden body time.

The next moment, an ice scepter exuding an icy aura appeared in Lucian's left hand.

This is exactly the magic item that he obtained from the trade with Crow at the party, which is comparable to the second-level witchcraft tool. However, Lucian does not want to use it to create a large-scale ice seal at this time, but wants to use its negative effects. The effect helps you stay calm enough in a short period of time!

The moment he held the ice staff, Lucian did not hesitate to let the cold breath begin to affect him. The bone-chilling feeling soon filled his whole body, and his emotions completely changed at this moment. He calmed down and fell into a state of tranquility.

Cold, rational, like a piece of human-shaped ice.

The roar that originally made Lucian almost get beaten up returned, but for Lucian, at this level, it only made him feel a little irritated, but he was soon stopped by the Ice Scepter. offset by the cold touch it brings.

"Huh?" The soul hunter didn't seem to think that his tried-and-true tricks would fail in Lucian's face. Its octopus-like head squirmed slightly, but the next moment, its body began to Quick squirm.

At the same time, more tentacles grew from inside its torso. Each tentacle had a twisted, roaring human face. Among them, two souls that did not look like humans were also roaring, but those two The screams made by the alien soul did not have much effect on Lucian.

Lucian clenched the ice scepter in his hand. Inside his spiritual core, the cold feeling and the crazy roar reached a dynamic balance, but it kept his heart in a relatively normal state. .

He looked at the soul hunter who was obviously about to make further moves at this time. Without any hesitation, he opened the wizard's notebook again. Three pieces of animal skin paper flew out and turned into three identical frost moon blades in mid-air.

With the blessing of the ice scepter, the ice power of these three witchcrafts has been enhanced to a certain extent. The bits of frost originally attached to the moon blade have become tougher and sharper. Even when rotating, None of them made any tiny sound of cutting the air.

First-level witchcraft, Frost Blade Dance·Change!

This is Lucian's most commonly used first-level witchcraft. In this small space, many frost moon blades cooperate with each other to form a siege, which is enough to tear the enemy into pieces in crazy cutting. Facing the soul hunter who is good at spiritual attacks , it is simply not suitable for an opponent with a relatively weak body!

But at this moment, Lucian noticed that there was a strange light in the soul hunter's eyes. There seemed to be a little bit of pity in his eyes when he looked at Lucian, or it could be said that it was the sympathy and teasing at the end of a cat-and-mouse game. .

"Don't forget, this is not the first night I come to see you." The soul hunter looked at Lucian, with a hint of greed in his eyes.

Lucian was stunned for a moment, but soon he felt resistance from [Lula].

It was as if [Lula] suddenly came to life at this time, began to repel him, the "player" possessed in his body, and tried to invade Lucian's body.


Under this strong interference, the Frost Moon Blades that Lucian had just started to control became chaotic because they lost his unified mobilization. Many Frost Moon Blades began to collide with each other, and some of them directly collapsed due to the collapse of the internal structure. .

"I was here last night, but at that time, you seemed to have gone out." The soul hunter squatted down slowly and leisurely, and his movements were not ferocious, but rather elegant. "The rules say that it is prohibited to attack an identity possessed by a non-player, but there is no rule that you cannot attack an identity possessed by a player, right?"

At this time, Lucian felt that "Lula" was constantly fighting for the dominance of his body. He lowered his head, but a flash of madness flashed in his eyes. On the other side, the wizard's notes were quickly flipped through, and the pages The sound of turning over alerted the soul hunter, who quickly stretched out a tentacle and prepared to prey on Lucian directly.

But at this moment, the wizard's notebook finally turned to the page that Lucian wanted. Inside this scarlet page, there was a faintly visible little snake swimming wildly inside the page.

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