This is the "Crimson Page" that Lucian had previously refined using the Hell Blood Snake.

From a certain perspective, its evilness is even worse than that of the Soul Hunter. Even though it has now been refined into a part of the wizard's notes, it still retains some of the characteristics and vital signs of the Hell Blood Snake. It needs to be fed with blood or souls regularly to prevent it from having the idea of ​​retaliating against its master.

And the ability it can exert is an evil force from the Hell civilization - filth!

Rather than being an ability, it is better to say that it is a kind of pollution and assimilation that does not distinguish between enemies and friends, making the life or objects that originally did not belong to Hell tainted with the evil and distorted breath of Hell, and the original will, effect, and function will also be affected by the frenzied breath of Hell, and then inevitably mutate and distort.

At this time, the Crimson Page directly exploded with the greatest power under the influence of Lucian, and the snake shadow swimming inside the Crimson Page suddenly stopped, and a strange light flashed in the scarlet snake pupils.

Because of the interference from [Lula], Lucian had no way to accurately manipulate the wizard's notes to avoid him as the object of filth as possible, so all he could do was to actively face the tentacles that were grabbing him at the moment when the filthy power erupted, and use the body of the soul hunter as the first layer of protection against the filthy power.

The cage is a kind of confinement in most cases, but for Lucian, it is the best protection at this time!


The next moment, in Lucian's mind, a familiar evil hissing of snakes appeared, and then he felt a tingling sensation on his exposed skin.

Even in Lucian's perception, the skin seemed to have its own life at this moment. It struggled and tore, as if it wanted to break away from Lucian's mother body!

Ahhh…Lucian’s eyes bulged. He felt that under the infection of this filthy power, it would not take long for his body to split from a complete whole into countless strange and twisted creatures. They might inherit part of his consciousness and memory, but their original whole self would definitely die completely because of this!

However, compared to Lucian, the soul hunter who was facing the infection of the filthy power at this time was a more painful existence.

“Hehehe…” It opened its mouth painfully and made a series of exhalation sounds that were not human. The color of its soft blue body began to change constantly. One after another, human or human-like patterns emerged from its skin, but they were retracted into its body under the suppression of the soul hunter’s consciousness.

These were all its former food, even including those “foods” that it had completely digested, but under the influence of the filthy power, they regained self-awareness and instinctively began to reject and resist the soul hunter’s control over them.

"No... No... No!" But for the soul hunter, this is just the beginning.

As a soul hunter who has continuously transformed his life level by devouring, and even crossed a big step, reaching the level of a first-level wizard or even approaching the level of a second-level wizard, it is afraid that even it itself can't remember how many human souls it has devoured since birth. It can even be said that every part of its body now has parts transformed from other souls.

Not to mention, there are also eight main souls that it deliberately retains and relies on to perform various mental attacks. These souls originally have a certain degree of independence in the soul hunter's body. Even at critical moments, the soul hunter can split these souls out through secret techniques, and form nine clones with the original body.

This is also a life-saving talent for the soul hunter. Not only can each of these nine clones maintain 80% of the combat power in the peak state for a short period of time, but as long as one clone survives in the end, the soul hunter can slowly recover to its original state through devouring.

But when faced with "filth", the Soul Hunter's multi-soul life structure that evolved to save its life has become its death warrant. Under the filth of the Crimson Page, these sub-souls that had been "cleaned" by the Soul Hunter were now given consciousness again, and they were even more chaotic, crazy, and evil than their original state.

In this case, these sub-souls almost subconsciously began to bite each other, fighting for control of their bodies, and trying to manipulate the tentacle they directly controlled to break away from the main body and become a new, independent life form.

This is much more exciting than the scene where Lucian suffered from [Lula] fighting for his body!

In this extreme internal fighting situation, the Soul Hunter had no time to control [Lula]'s extracorporeal consciousness, and even the tentacles that it had just used to wrap around Lucian could not help but loosen. At this time, protruding human faces appeared on the surface of these tentacles, as if struggling to escape from the Soul Hunter's body.

“Hurry…” Lucian’s face was a little pale at this time. After all, he was more or less affected by the filth, but the degree of impact was not as great as the soul hunter.

He staggered to his feet, looking at the Soul Hunter who was now too busy to care about the external environment of his body and was only concerned with the twisting and wriggling of the Soul Hunter. He opened his hand without any hesitation, and another [Frost Blade Dance·Modified] condensed in his palm. The next moment, 36 sharp Frost Moon Blades pierced through the Soul Hunter's head, tearing its consciousness core into pieces.

Then Lucian first put away the wizard's notebook and cancelled the filthy effect that the Crimson Page continued to exert. He stood up and staggered to deal with the Soul Hunter's eight sub-souls that were affected by the filth and looked crazy and chaotic.

"Hoo hoo..." Finally, Lucian collapsed on the ground, looking at the Soul Hunter who was completely dead beside him, he couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Then, Lucian quickly took out two tubes of potion from the storage ring. After pouring them into his mouth, he soon felt a surge in his stomach. After opening his mouth, he vomited a large number of black and red meat pieces with blood and still wriggling.

"Cough, cough, cough..." After coughing out these disgusting pieces of meat, Lucian felt that the "filth" he had received had basically disappeared.

"The filth effect of the Crimson Page is still too negative." Lucian looked at the body of the Soul Hunter not far away, feeling both relieved and scared.

He was almost dead here just now. If the filth of the Crimson Page was more powerful, he might have been twisted into the mother of some evil creature under the influence of that filthy power...

Just when Lucian was secretly rejoicing in his heart, suddenly, the Soul Hunter next to him sat up, and the soft head like an octopus slowly twisted, and the skylight that Lucian had opened for it with Frost Blade Dance just now even began to slowly heal.

Lucian stood up suddenly, but his face looked a little pale.

After all, with his damaged body now, he could no longer withstand the pollution of the Crimson Page a second time.

But soon, Lucian noticed something strange in the breath emanating from the soul hunter, and soon realized that the soul hunter's body had become alive under the distortion of the "filthy" power... commonly known as a corpse.

"What a pity, the flesh and blood of the body have been severely distorted, and the body structures that originally belonged to the soul hunter have also been damaged. The natural lines related to the racial talent have also been broken or distorted. It has no value as a collection. On the contrary, because of the special pollution, it needs to be cleared in time..."

Lucian was thinking, but suddenly he felt a "hunger" and "greed" emotion from the wizard's notebook.

And the one who emitted this emotion was naturally the Crimson Page, which had just played a major role.

Even when the Crimson Page noticed that Lucian was looking at it, it even took the initiative to release a "close" emotion. In Lucian's opinion, this was a bit like the kind of impromptu coquetry of a cat before seeing the shit shoveler holding cat food to feed it.

But Lucian understood that the Crimson Page was not a kitten, but an oversized golden tabby. Perhaps it was just asking for it in a gentle way, but if it got too hungry, it would probably show its fangs to its master.

"Eat, eat..." Lucian slightly loosened the Wizard's Notes' restraint on the Scarlet Page, and for the Scarlet Page, it was like hearing the order to eat. It happily broke away from the Wizard's Notes as a whole, and then gently took in the Soul Hunter, including the blood clots full of filthy power that Lucian had vomited before.

Even the bloodstains on the wall and the small fragments that Lucian had just cut off by performing the Frost Blade Dance were all caught by the Scarlet Page.

After doing all this, the Scarlet Page slowly flew back to the Wizard's Notes with satisfaction, and fell into a shallow silence, as if it was using this method to digest the feast just now.

"Tsk, the traces are cleaned up very well, it's a must-have for murder and robbery..." Lucian looked at the messy room and sighed twice, but he hurried to restore the scene.

"Huh, it seems that the soul hunter also made some preparations before the battle, such as Mir and some characters who lived nearby, he dealt with them in advance..."

Lucian quietly walked through the servant's room on the side, looking at Mir who fell into a deep sleep due to some kind of apprentice witchcraft, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

These were originally some measures arranged by the soul hunter for himself, but now it is a bargain for Lucian, avoiding a lot of unnecessary trouble.

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