This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 35 What a great student!

"Hiss..." Lucian retreated tactically, and suddenly felt that Carly's figure was a little strange.

It was as if she was covered with a layer of golden light, becoming extremely dazzling.

After shaking his head vigorously, Lucian finally got rid of these strange thoughts in his mind, but when he looked at Carly, who seemed a little restrained at this time, his smile became more amiable unconsciously.

You know, for Lucian now, reverence is as precious as magic stones, or even more precious.

After all, Lucian got some supplements after killing Apollo, at least he was not as tight as before in terms of magic stones.

But after upgrading the system, Lucian now needs a lot of reverence to invest in the identification module of the system to accelerate his learning and progress in pharmacy.

From this point of view, Carly herself is Lucian's most valuable production resource at present, no one else.

Thinking of this, Lucian felt that he needed to do something to deduct some reverence from Carly, the "little rich woman".

And it just so happened that there was a wizard robe that he had just repaired next to him. Originally, Lucian was going to keep it for a while, and give it to Carly as a reward when she performed well, but now for the sake of reverence, Lucian flexibly moved his principles.

"Here, this is for you." Lucian smiled and handed the wizard robe to Carly.

"Thank you, Teacher Lucian." Carly subconsciously stretched out her hands to take the wizard robe handed over by Lucian, but soon, she noticed that this wizard robe was unusual.

"Teacher Lucian, this..." Carly felt that this wizard robe was really hot, and hurriedly wanted to return it.

She knew that Lucian was a little tight on money. Even the wizard robe used by Teacher Lucian himself was just ordinary clothes, but this wizard robe was obviously a precious wizard tool.

"It's not very useful to me." Lucian smiled and handed the wizard robe to Carly, with encouragement in his eyes.

"No, no! According to the principle of equivalent exchange..." Carly's voice was a little low, and her head was a little buzzing.

In her heart, Carly couldn't help but feel a little absurd: when other new bloods were still racking their brains to protect their deserved interests and fighting wits and courage with their mentors and some senior brothers and sisters. She was racking her brains to think about what she should give back to be worthy of the unilateral efforts of mentor Lucian.

She was really embarrassed!

After all, since she just entered the academy, Lucian can be said to have led her step by step on the path of wizards, and she had no way to help mentor Lucian...

Not to mention that mentor Lucian has invested in her many times, and even the alchemical armor she is wearing now is still paid by mentor Lucian.

Although mentor Lucian said that she had to pay back the magic stones for buying light armor. But until now, mentor Lucian has never urged her to pay back the magic stones.

Isn't this a disguised gift?

Carly bit her lips lightly, looked at the wizard robe in her hand, and her eyes gradually became firm.

"I... I can't take it!" Carly took a step back, mustered up her courage, raised her head, and looked at Lucian.

If she accepted it, she would feel a little uneasy.

Lucian looked at the stubborn Carly at this time, and his fingers tapped the table subconsciously.

Carly noticed the small movement of Lucian's fingers, and she couldn't help but lower her head, feeling uneasy.

After all, students disobeying their teachers is a very serious matter in itself.

[Your student Carly is in awe of you, reverence value +5]

"Okay, then let's follow the rules of equivalent exchange between wizards." Lucian looked at Carly, who was uneasy at this time, and said after thinking for a while.

"During this period, I plan to try pharmacy. You can be my lab assistant and help me with chores. Although it is a bit difficult for you to handle some materials now, you can do chores such as cleaning test tubes and cleaning the laboratory. When you have more spiritual runes solidified and your strength reaches the standard, I will gradually teach you about potion science. However, at that time, you will have to take responsibility for some things of a pharmacist apprentice."

"Yes!" Carly raised her head and her eyes curved when she heard Lucian's arrangement. She couldn't hide the joy on her face.

[Your student Carly respects you, respect value +10]

Lucian looked at Carly, who was smiling silly at this time, and couldn't help but be a little speechless.

Other wizards' students would never take the initiative unless the instructor ordered them to do so, but why did Carly take the initiative to take the work when it came to him? This made the reward he was going to talk about later seem insignificant.

Uh, she even "rewarded" himself with 10 points of respect.

Lucian knocked on the table slightly to attract Carly's attention, and then he spoke.

"It will take about four hours a day, and I will also teach you about pharmacy during this time, so the reward will not be too high... Just two magic stones a week, so it can be considered an equal exchange."

Carly blinked. These days, she has communicated with other new bloods a lot, so Carly is also very clear about the situation of other new bloods.

To learn the basics of pharmacy from other wizards, at least 20 magic stones are required as tuition. Lucian said that he was an experimental assistant, but in fact, he just wanted me to learn pharmacy with him; other wizard apprentices helped their mentors with chores, which was what they should do. But when it came to Lucian, he talked to her seriously about "equivalent exchange"?

Carly felt that the term "equivalent exchange" was going to be ruined by Lucian.

"I, I don't use magic stones." After making sure that Lucian was not angry, Carly spoke carefully and tried to protect Lucian's interests.

"Equivalent exchange!" Lucian frowned and pretended to knock Carly's head with his fingers.

"Then... one magic stone... one magic stone is enough, no, no higher!" Carly looked at Lucian and stretched out a finger weakly.

She really felt that she was not worth the price. Although she was very touched by Lucian's help to her, Carly said that she also had principles!

[Your student Carly admires you, admiration value +50]

Just when Carly was trying to bargain, Lucian received a pop-up prompt from the system.

Lucian: !!!

After being shocked, Lucian looked at Carly with a very gentle look in his eyes.

What a good student!

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