This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 36 First attempt, potion?

"Deal!" Lucian looked at Carly, thought for a moment, and nodded seriously.

Carly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's settled. One magic stone a week is the basis. If you work hard and don't make mistakes, you can add more. This can also give full play to your enthusiasm for work!" Lucian nodded, feeling that Carly's suggestion was very appropriate.

Carly: Σ

She really didn't mean that...

"Okay, then don't waste time, and start today's assistant work quickly." Lucian patted Carly, who was still a little confused at the moment, but he was in a very good mood.

After all, he just directly gained 50 points of reverence, which is much more valuable to Lucian at this stage than magic stones!

Then, Lucian pointed to the wizard robe and said, "This is 80 magic stones. Before that, I won't pay you... er, reward."

After standing there for a while, Carly slowly lowered her head. After hesitating for a while, she silently took out her notebook, turned to the last page, and began to record a special "account book".

I owe Lucian a magic stone..." Carly quickly recorded, and at the same time, she looked at the many IOUs that had not been "crossed out" on the account book, feeling a little heavy in her heart.

Before, Carly had always maintained a mentality of "getting on the bus first and then paying the ticket", but now Carly doubted whether she had the ability to pay it back.

"Don't stand there stupidly, it's still the same old rule. If you drag your feet for three hours, I will have to extend the time. "Lucian looked at Carly, who was still standing at the door stupidly, and reminded her with a smile.

Carly then came in jogging as if she had just woken up from a dream.

"I will teach you some basic pharmacy operations first. When I prepare the potion later, you will need to assist me in some of the mechanized work." Lucian looked at Carly and said after a pause.

"After you are familiar with these jobs and your mental power is up to standard, you will need to assist me in some pharmacy processing methods that require mental power to operate. I will teach you step by step at that time, but by then, some of the work of processing materials will also be handed over to you. "

Carly nodded gently. After the ideological struggle just now, she has now made clear her goal.

If possible, she must become an excellent pharmacist, and then do her best to make herself able to truly help mentor Lucian, instead of hiding behind mentor Lucian all the time.

Thinking of this, a flame called fighting spirit began to burn in Carly's eyes.

"This feeling of not having to do it yourself seems to be good. "Lucian sat on the chair, watching Carly carefully clean the equipment needed to prepare the potion, while planning the arrangements in pharmacy in his mind.

"At this stage, the most suitable potions for me to improve my mental strength are tranquilizer potion and moon praise." Lucian tapped the table lightly with his fingers, "But the preparation of these two potions is very difficult, and the price of the raw materials is also relatively high. If I fail several times in a row, I will not have enough magic stones. If I want to continue trying, I will need to sell the materials. "

"So it is better to choose a relatively easy potion as a practice, accumulate some experience, and earn some magic stones by relying on potions..." Lucian thought, and at the same time sorted out the existing materials in his hands.

"Let's prepare a recovery potion. The original owner has practiced the preparation of this potion before, so it is more or less a reference. And I can also make a few copies of the existing materials, so I don't have to go to the trading area to buy them. "

Lucian made a decision soon. With a wave of his hand, he took out the three materials needed to prepare the recovery potion from the space ring.

Blue-ringed mushrooms, healing grass and cold water grass.

"If there is no clear record on the formula, who would have thought that the highly toxic blue-ringed mushrooms are the core material of the recovery potion?" After Lucian put on his gloves, he picked up a blue-ringed mushroom about the size of an adult's thumb.

The surface of this mushroom has beautiful blue circle-shaped patterns. If you gently pinch its umbrella handle with your fingers, you can even squeeze out a translucent mucus.

Lucian took out a blunt scraper and gently scraped the translucent mucus on the blue-ringed mushroom. At the same time, he was extremely careful not to let the scraper scratch the surface of the blue-ringed mushroom.

This mucus is highly toxic. Once it contaminates the effective parts inside the blue-ringed mushroom, this blue-ringed mushroom will be directly useless!

In addition, because this natural toxin targets nerve tissue, it can even pollute the wizard's mental power. So in the detoxification step It is impossible to use mental power to assist, and you must concentrate highly to ensure that you do not make mistakes!

After carefully peeling off the toxic mucus secreted on the surface of the blue mushroom, Lucian quickly waved a silver dagger and quickly chopped the blue mushroom.

The cut surface of the blue mushroom was pure white at first, but as it was exposed to the air, the ingredients inside were also rapidly oxidized, causing the cut surface to gradually turn light blue, and as time went by, the color became darker and darker.

Lucian did not dare to hesitate, and quickly poured these preliminarily processed blue mushrooms into the crucible, then quickly grabbed the cold water grass next to it, quickly squeezed out the light blue juice inside and poured it into the crucible.

Gurgle... As the cold water grass juice was poured in, a large number of bubbles emerged from the crucible, and the two different substances began to react violently.

Lucian picked up the glass rod and began to stir. At the same time, his mental power also used the glass rod as a medium to extend into the "boiling" liquid medicine, and began to act as a buffer for the two active ingredients, so that the reaction of the blue mushroom and the cold water grass juice changed from the original mutual consumption to a slow and continuous fusion.

This process seems simple, but it is a great burden on mental power. It not only requires the pharmacist's mental power to maintain high-precision fine control for a long time, but also has a very low tolerance rate. It may be just a small mistake that will lead to the final failure.

The fusion is still proceeding slowly and steadily. The semi-finished liquid medicine in the crucible slowly bubbles, and the color of the medicine is also slowly changing.

As time goes by, there are already small beads of sweat on the side of Lucian's forehead.

Suddenly, Lucian's temple jumped slightly.


With Lucian's mental power slightly out of control, the whole potion boiled up all of a sudden. Then the potion quickly turned blue, and a puff of black smoke came out. Along with it, there was a stench similar to that of a rotting object.

"Failed." Lucian put down the glass rod helplessly, but did not immediately clean up the failed product. Instead, he spent 1 point of reverence to identify it.

[Item]: Unnamed poison

[Location]: Poison Poison

[Raw Materials]: Cold Water Grass, Blue Mushroom

[Description]: The failed product of the pharmacist apprentice's preparation of the recovery potion, smelling of decay. However, due to the reckless operation of the pharmacist apprentice, the toxic effect inside the blue ring mushroom was greatly stimulated, making it have a micro-toxin that can cause mild diarrhea.

[Details]: ...

Lucian looked at this extremely detailed appraisal report, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He felt that the insult of this appraisal report was a bit excessive.

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