This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 41: Upgrade, Hunting Plan

The silver plant swayed, and in Lucian's singing, it seemed to become extremely cheerful and lively, like a young dancer, waiting for the encounter she wanted under the moonlight.

"The last step." Lucian slowly withdrew his mental power attached to the plant, and at the same time took out a beauty shell from the water tank beside him.

After forcibly opening the large shell, Lucian saw a naked miniature beauty inside the shell.

The beauty opened her mouth and emitted sound waves that were difficult for human ears to distinguish, and the sound waves were mixed with charm.

In a trance, Lucian seemed to see the sea and the figure on the reef that made his blood boil and he thought about it day and night.

"Humph." However, the illusion only lasted for a moment, and then Lucian's mental power forcibly tore it apart, and his consciousness returned, and the scene changed back to the laboratory that Lucian was familiar with.

"Although it knows some charm spells, its hard power is too low, so it's useless." Lucian looked at the pitiful beauty shell, sneered, and slowly roasted it on the alcohol lamp.

"Ah..." The beauty shell, which was provoked by the flames, showed a horrified expression, and soon, it covered its eyes and tears fell.

Lucian was quick to catch the tears of the beauty shell with fresh leaves, and then threw the slightly scalded beauty shell back into the water tank.


Lucian poured the tears of the beauty shell on the roots of the silver plant. Soon, the plant that was dancing happily just now seemed to have suffered a setback from a broken heart, and its dance posture changed from the lightness just now to a little melancholy. However, as it danced, a small blue flower slowly bloomed on its top.

And as the flower bloomed, soon, a large drop of crystal nectar slowly floated up along the stamen.

Generally speaking, water droplets will slide down along objects. But this special drop of nectar, which seemed to reflect the moonlight, kept flowing upwards, as if its destination did not belong to the earth, but to the sky, to the clouds and the silver moon in the sky.

Lucian held his breath and caught the drop of nectar in a test tube when it was about to leave the plant and float away.

However, the silver plant quickly withered after the nectar floated away, and the moonlight moss it was rooted in became useless waste.

"This is the Moonlight Tribute." There was a touch of amazement in Lucian's eyes. He looked at the magnificent moonlight floating in the test tube at this time. After staring for a long time, Lucian no longer hesitated, turned the test tube over, and swallowed this precious potion into his mouth.

Unlike the recovery potion, the Moonlight Tribute is sweet and tastes unusually good.

As the Moonlight Tribute entered his mouth, the effect of the medicine began to take effect. Lucian only felt that the whole person became a little light, and there seemed to be an inexplicable tranquility and joy.

"Meditation." He did not dare to hesitate and quickly entered the meditative state.

This time, when Lucian looked inward at the spiritual sea, he found that the spiritual power vortex in the center of the spiritual sea had been rendered into a light silver color.

Lucian looked at the silver color and heard a soothing dance music in a trance.

With this unknown music, the scene in front of him changed instantly, allowing Lucian to see a forest under the moonlight, and under the huge silver moon, an elegant woman stood on a big stone and danced slowly...

In reality, Lucian's expression gradually changed from confusion at the beginning to amazement, and then from amazement to joy... In the end, Lucian's expression became calm, but suddenly two lines of tears flowed out.

"What a heartbreaking story." After a long time, Lucian opened his eyes, but found that his face was already full of tears.

Just now, he didn't seem to be meditating, but witnessed a complete love story from the perspective of a male protagonist, from knowing each other to falling in love, from falling in love to breaking up, from breaking to calm, and then to missing each other.

And it seems that he was affected by the male protagonist of the story, and his mind was still a little dazed at this time.

"By the way, mental power." After walking out of the sad story a little, Lucian hurriedly closed his eyes again and began to check the current status of his mental sea.

At this time, the mental power vortex in the mental sea was still dyed light silver, and the rotation speed was nearly 50% faster than normal, but when it was rotating, he could no longer hear the music that could take him to the illusion just now.

"103 mental runes." Lucian opened his eyes and exhaled lightly. "That is to say, after taking Moonlight Praise, I solidified 9 spiritual runes in one night."

"Unfortunately, after taking Moonlight Praise, you have to wait at least two weeks. You need to wait until the moonlight in the spiritual sea disappears completely before you can take it again. Otherwise, you will be deeply affected by the illusion, your cognition will be changed, and you may even become another person." Lucian exhaled lightly.

Then, Lucian looked down at his hands and clenched his fists slightly. "However, the spiritual power cultivated by the improved meditation method is one level higher in purity than the original Gray Bone Meditation Method. If I only talk about my spiritual power, I will at least not be weaker than those wizard apprentices who practiced the Gray Bone Meditation Method and solidified 108 spiritual runes."

"That is to say, my spiritual power level has surpassed Noriaan now." Thinking of Noriaan, Lucian narrowed his eyes.

It would be best if I could find a chance to get rid of Noriaan before I leave the academy.

After all, Noriaan is a time bomb. If he lives one more day, Lucian will have one more day of risk. If he is promoted to a formal wizard faster than Lucian expected, then Lucian will be in even greater trouble.

"It's just that it's not easy to deal with Noriaan. Moreover, he also knows that I want to deal with him, so he must be prepared." Lucian took a deep breath and thought of the information he had learned from Hanks. "Even from Noriaan's high-profile exposure of his going to the Bone Mound, maybe he has already made preparations, that is, waiting for me to go there."

Lucian thought about it for a while and understood Noriaan's idea.

In fact, Noriaan also wanted to get rid of himself before he was promoted. This was the safest way for him. However, everyone was a third-level wizard apprentice. If one party was hiding in the academy, it would be difficult to kill due to the rules of the Gray Bone Academy.

Even if he managed to kill the enemy by chance, he would still face severe punishment from the academy.

And Noriaan's behavior was to rely on his stronger strength to force Lucian to make a decision:

Either he would rush to the Bone Mound for an away game before the mission began, or he would honestly do a mission with a very high mortality rate, and then pray that he would not be promoted to a formal wizard within the three-year mission time!

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