This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 42 Preparation, Shadow Stealth

It can be said that Noriaan's arrangement was very clever and ruthless.

"Unfortunately, the opponent he met was not an ordinary third-level wizard apprentice, but me." Lucian exhaled lightly. "I'm afraid Noriaan will not believe that my strength improvement speed will far exceed his imagination, right?"

"But I only have one chance. As long as Noriaan feels that he is at a disadvantage, or even finds that there is no possibility of killing me, then he will definitely find a way to escape, and then shrink into the academy, and will not give me a second chance. So, if you want to do it, you must make sure it is foolproof..."

Da Da Da... Lucian's left hand fingers tapped lightly on the table, and soon he sorted out his thoughts.

"We still have to work on witchcraft." Lucian paused for a moment, then he raised his head and his eyes became brighter.


"Teacher Lucian?" When Carly came to Lucian's laboratory and saw Lucian and the thick pile of bricks next to him, her little face turned pale at that moment.

"Carly, since you want to go on the mission with me, as your mentor, I need to be responsible for your safety." Lucian looked at Carly, who was a little "cowardly before the battle", and used provocation to cheer up the little girl.

"You only mastered one fire spell now. Although you have modified it into a bow and arrow sorcery that suits you very well, only knowing this one sorcery will make your combat mode very simple and easy to be targeted. When you perform the mission later, it is also easy to become the target of the enemy."

"So I need to use this time to teach you devilishly." Lucian looked at Carly. "At least you need to master a few more sorcery to deal with more complex combat situations."

"Moreover, the situation of this mission is very complicated. I also hope that you can help me a little in the battle." Lucian looked at Carly and added.

Carly listened to what Lucian said, and suddenly felt that a force seemed to surge out of her body. This was the first time that mentor Lucian directly said that he needed her strength. How could she refuse because of difficulties?

The resistance in her eyes quickly faded, and turned into a trace of determination. "Teacher Lucian, I will work hard!"

[Your student Kali admires you, admiration value +10]

Lucian looked at Kali, who was full of energy at this time, and moved his eyes away with a little guilt.

After all, the real purpose of his devilish teaching to Kali was actually to covet the upgraded skills and use the upgraded skills to deal with Noriaan.

"I will make it up to Kali when I have the chance." But now Lucian didn't have time to think too much, and quickly sorted out his mood and began to teach.

"First of all, I want to teach you the zero-level sorcery that is biased towards stealth and escape. Shadow Stealth. This sorcery is very practical. Whether it is escaping, reconnaissance, or quietly approaching the enemy, it is its forte..."

As Lucian said, he took out a small bat that kept flapping its wings from a small net bag.

This is a vampire bat named "Kudra", and it is also a magical beast that has mastered the zero-level magic, Shadow Stealth. In the wild, Kudra will rely on Shadow Stealth to quietly approach some large magical beasts or humans that are stronger than it, and then lie on them to suck blood.

However, it is somewhat different from the previous study of the Fire Art. In order to observe and study Shadow Stealth, it is necessary to perform a live dissection on "Kudra" and observe the various changes of Kudra in the live state.

"Carly, watch it. When dissecting live, first fix or anesthetize it. For example, our observation experiment this time does not need to rely on Kudra's live reaction, so it can be anesthetized first..."

As Lucian explained, he quickly injected a natural toxin that served as an anesthetic into Kudra's neck. Soon, the struggle of the Kudra in his hand began to weaken, and Lucian finally fixed it on the dissection table in a relaxed posture with relative ease.

"Carly, tell me, what preparations are needed before the autopsy?" Lucian was doing the preparations while testing Carly's basic skills in anatomy.

"We need to check three times and four times first..." Carly said quickly, and at the same time helped Lucian to organize some of the dissection tools that would be used.

"Well," Lucian nodded, then picked up a sharp No. 9 knife and carefully cut the blade along Kudla's neck.

Although this process does not require the cooperation of witchcraft, you must be very careful when using the knife. If you are not careful, you will cut Kudla's blood vessels or organs, causing the death of this precious living material.

"When holding the knife, your hands must not shake. If you feel unsure, you can try to use [Manipulation Command] or some mental suggestion witchcraft to assist yourself..."

Carly tiptoed slightly and looked carefully at some witchcraft structures on the internal tissues that had been cut off from Kudla.

"You need to observe this carefully, Carly, because in addition to the [Shadow Stealth], Kudla also has a zero-level spell [Wind Blade]. However, when observing its body tissue, the natural patterns of these two spell models will be mixed together..."

Lucian explained quickly. This time, because time was tight and Carly already had a certain foundation in wizardry, Lucian explained some things that Carly could understand very quickly, requiring Carly's thinking to keep up.

"Carly, let me see where your limit is!" Lucian explained, shouting in his heart, silently encouraging Carly.


"Huh." Lucian tidied up his wizard robe and let out a long breath. He looked a little tired, and there was a hint of desolation in his eyes.

It seemed that he was about to smoke.

Carly in the laboratory was lying on the table at this time. Originally, she just wanted to take a short rest, but she fell asleep as soon as she lay down, and even her sleeping posture looked a little embarrassed, with a trace of crystal falling from the corner of her mouth.

For a full fifteen days, except for two times of going out and a short practical attempt near the college, Carly and Lucian spent the rest of the time in the laboratory.

When she was tired, she would meditate to restore her spirit. Apart from meditation, she spent almost all her time teaching.

Although meditation can replace sleep to a certain extent, and Lucian used some potions to boost his spirit, the 15-day teaching almost pushed both Carly and Lucian to their limits.

"But fortunately, these efforts are worth it." Lucian quietly left the laboratory without disturbing Carly's rest, and he waved his hand to check Carly's panel.

[Student]: Carly Meyer

[Strength]: Ashbone Meditation·Revised II (15/360)

[Health]: 98.7% (moderate fatigue)

[Dependence]: 84.9%

[Teaching Progress]

{Ashbone Meditation·Revised II}: 100.00% (Bond Activated)

{Firework·Arrow}: 100.00% (Bond Activated)

{Shadow Stealth·Revised III}: 6.39%

{Thunderbolt Arc·Arrow}: 4.07%

{Insect Repellent·Revised III}: 1.13%

{Ice Shield·Revised II}: 48.27%

In fifteen days, Lucian taught Carly a total of four zero-level sorceries. Except for Ice Shield, which was only upgraded twice by the system due to time constraints, the other three sorceries were upgraded three times by the system.

Although Lucian did not teach Kali to fully master the unlocking of the bond due to time constraints, her skills after three system upgrades, like the Fire Spell, have made a qualitative leap in strength.

"Unfortunately, Kali's mental strength is still too low, otherwise I could have taught her some difficult witchcraft this time." After closing the system panel, Lucian smacked his lips greedily.

"But now the four new witchcrafts I have mastered are good at stealth, long-range attack, reconnaissance and defense, which are enough to face most situations." Lucian thought in his heart, and then suddenly constructed a witchcraft model of Shadow Stealth·Modified III.


With the complete formation of witchcraft, Lucian's body almost instantly turned into a ball of "black water", and the whole person merged into the shadow under his feet, moving quickly and silently.

After about two minutes, Lucian's body was forced to be repelled from the shadow. He couldn't help but raise his head and look at the sun in the sky, his eyes slightly narrowed.

"In the shadow stealth state, my movement speed can be increased by 100%, and the concealment and quietness are also greatly improved. However, in the shadow state, the defense is reduced by 50%, and the special shadow formed by this skill cannot be concealed during the day, and the magic power consumed during stealth will also be greatly increased."

"But if it is at night or in a place like the bone mound where there is no sunlight all day, the shortcomings of shadow stealth will be completely covered up, and even the movement speed and concealment effect will be further improved. Fighting in the bone mound, at least in terms of the environment, I have an advantage over Noriaan!"

Lucian looked to the north, where the bone mound was located, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

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