The bone mound is located in the north of Ashenvale Forest, which is actually a natural grand canyon. However, due to its special geographical environment, it is difficult to see sunlight all year round, and the terrain is complex, making it a huge maze.

Some people, beasts and even some monsters who accidentally fall into the bone mound, if they don't know how to leave the bone mound, will not be able to escape once they fall, and will eventually turn into white bones in the bone mound.

After a long period of accumulation, the number of skeletons inside the canyon gradually increased. At the same time, the negative emotions such as unwillingness, pain, and despair of tens of thousands of creatures before their death accumulated inside the canyon for many years, resulting in a concentration of negative energy particles inside the bone mound. Extraordinarily rich.

For some wizards who practice necromancy, dark witchcraft, or want to conduct some experiments on necromancy and human body modification, the bone tomb is a natural material library, where you can even find some precious undead. , Wraiths and other special creatures.

"Quack..." A crow flapped its wings and slowly descended from the "line of sky" at the top of the bone mound.

And when it nimbly bypassed many stone forests, stalagmites and even piles of bones, which are the most common sights in bone mounds, after passing through a seemingly ordinary stone forest, the figure suddenly appeared. The child disappeared.

And if you follow the perspective of this crow, you can find that the "stone forest" it just seemed to have crashed into is actually a cave inside. There are even several man-made buildings, and there are even several wizard apprentices and some inside. Servants were active inside.

Obviously, the stone forest outside is just a disguised witch formation, hiding this hidden stronghold through illusion.

"Teacher, there is news from the academy..." A second-level wizard apprentice hurriedly entered an underground hall, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he couldn't help but pause in his words. He quickly lowered his head, not daring to disturb the current situation again. Noriaan in thought.

"Say." Norian was wearing a black beak-shaped "filter mask" at this time, and his hands were very steady, using huge bone needles and special sutures to sew the wounds on a giant body.

The second-level wizard apprentice looked at Norian's huge body in awe, and then hurriedly lowered his head. "Lucian Kevin has been basically in his laboratory these days, seeming to be preparing for the mission."

"By the way, he went out once during this period. He was near the college and seemed to be teaching." The second-level wizard apprentice seemed to have thought of something and added.

Norian's movements paused slightly, and then he put down the huge bone needle in his hand and turned to look at his student. The beak mask obscured his expression, which also made the second-level wizard apprentice even more nervous.

(Bird's beak mask)

Norian stretched out his hand and motioned for the second-level wizard apprentice to hand him the letter sent by the crow directly.

As if he had been granted amnesty, the second-level wizard apprentice quickly handed over the letter and walked out respectfully. And by the time he left the basement, his back was completely soaked with sweat.

Norian opened the letter directly, and then quickly scanned the contents on the letter.

"Hmph, it seems that I think highly of you." Norian then tore the letter into pieces. Then he picked up the suture needle again and raised his head to look at the giant creature in front of him.

It has a body similar to that of a human, but it is more bloated. There are many traces of stitching on the body, but the stitching method seems a bit rough. You can even see the filling inside from some of the larger stitching cracks. A large amount of dark yellow fat mixed with red and black blood.

"If No. 1 can swallow a wraith at the level of a third-level wizard apprentice, I'm afraid his strength can be improved to a higher level, right?" Norian admired his masterpiece, and his expression under the mask was extremely fanatical.

At night, a group of shadows quietly walked through the silent Gray Valley forest without making any sound.

Under the shadow of a tree, a vague human face appeared vaguely from the shadow, and it was vaguely possible to make out the appearance of Lucian.

Huh! Lucian burst out of the shadow and hid himself behind this ancient tree. The eyes under the hood looked further north.

Through the keen perception of mental power, Lucian could already feel that there was an area in front of him that was filled with strong negative energy particles. It must be the location of the bone mound.

But Lucian won't just rush in stupidly. God knows what tricks that guy Norian will arrange in advance in the bone mound.

Now he needs some "help."

Lucian took out a handful of "sand" from his pocket and held it in his hand. Then, Lucian's lips moved, silently chanting a special spell that resonated with the witchcraft model, and at the same time, he released a small handful of sand in his hand. Materials, the three of them work together to maximize the effect of this zero-level witchcraft.

Soon, as the construction of the witchcraft model was completed, a faint smoke emitted from the small handful of "sand" held in Lucian's hand.

Lucian didn't dare to hesitate and quickly wiped the enchanted material on his face.

Soon, Lucian felt his face begin to change, especially his feeling, which seemed to have a slight burning sensation.

This burning sensation made Lucian close his eyes gently to adapt to the rapid deformation of his eyes under the influence of witchcraft.

At this time, Lucian's face was changing rapidly, especially his eyes, which turned into a pair of huge insect compound eyes in almost the blink of an eye, and the other organs on his face also changed to a shape similar to insect tissue in accordance with the shape of the eyes.

If you only look at Lucian's face at this time, you might think he is some kind of insect monster.

Lucian slowly opened his eyes and slightly adapted to the changes in his vision. As his mental power continued to flow into his eyes that had been transformed by witchcraft, Lucian's vision began to change constantly.

At this time, Lucian felt that he was in a huge observation room, observing hundreds of "screens". And as long as he wanted, he could directly control the mosquito behind these screens and take them as his eyes and most loyal servants.

Of course, at this time Lucian was only sharing vision with these naturally existing mosquitoes, so there would naturally be no subtle mental fluctuations caused by casting witchcraft. However, if Lucian wanted to use witchcraft to control some mosquitoes to move and perform other operations, he would inevitably attach subtle mental power to these mosquitoes during the control process, and there would be a risk of exposure.

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