This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 46: Fight, Die! (Two in One)

At this time, Noriaan, who had merged with the abomination, was also a little anxious.

Perhaps Lucian didn't know the disadvantages of his current state, but he knew it very well.

He was now fused with the abomination. Although this fusion could be separated, the longer the fusion time, the less complete the separation would be. After a certain degree, he would completely merge into the body of the abomination and become the "spirit" of this masterpiece he had refined.

This was absolutely unacceptable to Noriaan.

After all, becoming an abomination was equivalent to cutting off his hope of promotion, and he might even be enslaved and controlled by a powerful wizard, or even lose himself.

"Lucian, aren't you going to kill me?" The abomination swallowed the corpse to fill his body, and at the same time, he spoke with a rumbling voice.

Lucian, who was lurking in the shadows, narrowed his eyes and silently observed the current situation of the abomination.

"If you don't come out, I'll go back!" The abomination roared, and at the same time, he was secretly accumulating strength.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed out from behind the Abomination. Both of its hands were covered with a strong shadow aura. With a flick of its hand, the shadow turned into two long whips and bound the Abomination.

The Abomination's huge mouth in the abdomen opened wide, as if it was laughing hideously.

Then he dodged with a clever pirouette similar to a ballet, avoiding the two long whips swung at him by Lucian, and with a wave of his hand, he directly grabbed the two long whips made of shadow power.

Then he pulled hard.

Lucian felt that his body was being pulled by a strange force, and the whole person seemed to be thrown away.

In desperation, Lucian lifted the shadow stealth state, allowing the shadow power wrapped around his body, including the two long whips grabbed by the Abomination, to dissipate in an instant.

"After all, the main function of shadow stealth is to sneak in and escape. It's a bit too much to use it just to attack." Lucian sighed in his heart.

At this time, Noriaan, who had merged with the Abomination, was delighted.

Lucian had lifted the shadow possession state, which meant that he had temporarily lost the strange ability to hide in the shadows and disappear without a trace.

"Your shadow-type witchcraft is very interesting. What is it? If you can tell me the whole story, I will consider letting your soul go after I kill you." The Abomination strode towards Lucian. Although he did not have any witchcraft blessing, with his terrifying physical strength and tonnage, if he hit him, he would definitely end up with broken bones and tendons!

Lucian was silent, dodging the Abomination's collision at the same time, and then he rolled over in a somewhat embarrassing manner to avoid the Abomination's slap after the collision.

Snap - the Abomination's palms, which were like two earth walls, closed together. If Lucian did not dodge in time, he would probably become a compressed file like a mosquito that was slapped to death by an ordinary person.

"Hmph." Lucian stood up quickly, and at the same time, he flipped his hand, and the lightning spear from Apollo appeared in his right hand.

At the same time, a thread of arcs of electricity swirled around Lucian's body, and he performed another zero-level magic - Thunderbolt Arc.

This is a rare blessing magic among lightning magic, which can slightly increase the user's speed and allow the user's next attack to be accompanied by lightning damage!

After three system upgrades, the lightning damage blessing of Thunderbolt Arc has been greatly improved, and even the speed after blessing has also leaped.

Lucian even felt that if this magic could continue to be strengthened, he could go to cosplay as the Flash.

Of course, the main purpose of Lucian teaching this magic to Carly before was to cooperate with the lightning spear in his hand, which is also Lucian's strongest attack magic tool now.

After receiving sufficient lightning power bonus, the energy damage that this magic tool can burst out is extremely considerable!

Sizzle—Lucian squatted down, then avoided the huge slap from the Abomination with a beautiful "Z" shape, and stabbed the Abomination's left calf, which was like a giant pillar, with the broken lightning spear in his hand.

The lightning power strengthened by the thunder arc and the complex witch pattern on the broken spear gathered into an extremely small white dot at the tip of the spear after the second strengthening.

As Lucian stabbed the broken spear into the Abomination's calf, the lightning power inside the white dot exploded, and instantly blew a hole in the Abomination's calf.

Suddenly, some skin, half-rotten fat and some broken bones flew around, and an indescribable stench was emitted.

However, compared with the terrifying size of the Abomination, the small hole Lucian blew was just a slightly more serious flesh wound for the Abomination.

Soon, a large amount of disgusting dark yellow fat was seen overflowing from the slightly charred hole on the Abomination's left calf. After being squeezed out, the semi-fluid fat quickly solidified and repaired the hole that Lucian had just made.

"Come again!" Lucian narrowed his eyes, but stepped closer again. Risking being beaten into a pulp by the Abomination, he tried to hit its left calf again.

After all, the wound just made was not ineffective, and the fat that sealed the wound could not be compared with the Abomination's original thick skin in terms of toughness. If it was hit continuously, the Abomination would sooner or later lose its balance and fall down completely.

Lucian used this trick when playing games before crossing.

It has a simple name, called pedicure.

The only pity is that Lucian does not have a pair of handy double swords, otherwise it might be more experience.

Boom boom——

Noriaan obviously also noticed Lucian's intention, so he kept controlling the abomination, attacking while trying to dodge. Even if Lucian hurt himself, he would not give Lucian a chance to attack him repeatedly.

Not long after, a few more "fat plaques" appeared on the abomination.

Huhu... Lucian panted, and gently covered his left rib with his left hand.

It was just hit by a piece of gravel, and it seemed to have injured the bone.

"Die!" The abomination roared, and Noriaan, who was controlling it, was extremely excited at this time.

Although he seemed to suffer more in the previous attack, it was a small matter for the abomination to heal these wounds with his own recovery ability. Lucian was injured at this time, and his body would definitely not be as flexible as before.

In a word, he could make mistakes, but Lucian couldn't.

The Abomination came in big strides, and while running, he casually broke off a huge stalagmite, swinging it in his hand like a thick stick. The stalagmite swept across, as if to wipe out all of Lucian's retreat routes.

"You should be the one to die!" Lucian also roared, and while dodging, he quickly constructed a witchcraft model.

Torch Spell·Modified!


The flame instantly ignited the Abomination, and those dark yellow fats were simply the best fuel, and they began to burn continuously with the help of the Torch Spell. With the help of these dark yellow fats, the power of the Torch Spell almost doubled!

However, Lucian forgot one thing, that is, Noriaan, who was possessed by the Abomination, would not feel pain, or in other words, the Abomination, a man-made "combat tool", itself had no pain!

"Die!" The Abomination roared like a fire giant, and the stalagmite in his hand was still thrown towards Lucian!

Noriaan's murderous intent rose in his heart, and he was also a little scared. Because he felt a strong threat from Lucian.

That weird shadow stealth magic, this sudden fire magic, and the lightning enhancement magic that looked a bit like a thunderbolt arc, but the effect was much stronger...

The magic displayed by Lucian revealed his deep attainments in these fields. In Noriaan's opinion, perhaps Lucian would be promoted to a formal wizard one step earlier than himself!

Eradicate, must eradicate!

Noriaan roared in his heart, and at the same time, a black flame appeared again on the surface of the abomination's body.

The black flame caused by the self-ignition of the abomination and the purple flame caused by the torch spell intertwined, making the abomination at this time seem to come from a distant hell.

Hiss, hiss, hiss... The body of the abomination began to shrink rapidly under the burning of the black flame, from a giant of more than five meters to a strong man with a height of just over two meters.

The fat burned by the black flames turned into a thick black gas that lingered around the body of the Abomination, providing it with a strong blessing.

This is exactly the fat burning state of the Abomination in a desperate state, instantly turning the huge amount of fat on the body into huge energy!

However, because there is still the purple fire caused by the torch technique burning continuously, the black gas lingering around the Abomination is slightly thin.

But in Noriaan's opinion, it is enough.

Because at this time, the stalagmite surrounded by black gas has swept towards Lucian at a faster speed, as if it can beat him into a meat paste in the next moment.


At the critical moment, a black shadow lingered on Lucian's body, and the whole person was about to turn into a shadow again and escape into the ground while retreating.

At the same time, an ice shield appeared in front of Lucian, slightly resisting the stalagmite that swept across.

Crack——The stalagmite swept past, paused slightly before breaking the ice shield, and then swept towards Lucian.

With the previous attack as a buffer, Lucian had also completed the shadow transformation and began to shrink towards the ground. He narrowly avoided the stalagmite, but was only slightly affected by the impact of the stalagmite.

"Hmph..." Noriaan looked at Lucian who had escaped into the ground again. Although he was unwilling, he still controlled the Abomination and ran towards the Gray Bone Academy.

He knew that he could not kill Lucian today. If he dragged on, he would be the one to die when the fat on the Abomination was burned out.

Boom boom boom - the Abomination ran wildly, with rumbling footsteps.

While running wildly, Noriaan also lifted the fat burning state, and the black air that had been produced was added to the legs of the Abomination, which increased its speed slightly.

At the same time, he also controlled the black air and tried to extinguish the purple flames on his body.

Lucian maintained the shadow state and followed quickly. At this time, the abomination, which was still surrounded by purple flames, was like a large torch, and he couldn't lose it at all.

He even kept manipulating the shadow power, trying to slow down the abomination's movement without affecting himself.

"Damn it, damn it! Damn it!" Noriaan was extremely anxious. This time, he had been merging with the abomination for a long time, and he also performed the fat burning forbidden technique. At this time, he could feel his body being slowly absorbed and assimilated by the abomination.

But now Lucian has been chasing him relentlessly. If he dares to leave the body of the Abomination, he will probably be beheaded by Lucian in his weak state.

But under Lucian's obstruction, although he is getting closer and closer to the academy, he also feels that life seems to be getting farther and farther away from him.

When did Lucian become so strong?

And why does his mental power seem to be much stronger than his own? Can his mental power still bear the shadow witchcraft that has been maintained for so long?

Noriaan was confused and puzzled, but more of it was anger and unwillingness.

"Lucian, let me go, I am willing to sign a contract with you..." The Abomination spoke softly, and his ferocious body seemed to be much kinder at this time.

What responded to him was the continued interception from Lucian.

"You should have practiced a special meditation method? Is this the fate of you and your mentor?" The Abomination growled, and he lowered his voice, as if he wanted to use this as a threat.

Lucian's movements paused slightly, as if he was hesitating.

"Hurry up, hurry up..." Noriaan was anxious. He could feel that the speed at which his body was absorbed by the abomination had accelerated. It would not be long before he would really merge with the abomination and could not get away.

"Die!" But what he waited for was Lucian's fatal blow. Lucian broke out of the shadow, and the tip of the lightning spear in his hand turned completely white, and the lightning accumulated to the limit was inside.

Lucian's eyes were fierce.

The lightning spear itself was incomplete, and forcibly urging its full power would accelerate its destruction, but if it was used to kill Noriaan, it would be very worthwhile!

"Lucian!" The Abomination roared, but it also tried its best to resist Lucian's attack. The black air around it even entangled Lucian and the broken spear in his hand that seemed to represent death, trying to slow them down...

Noriaan tried his best to urge it, and at this time he didn't even care that urging the Abomination with all his strength would further promote the fusion of his body and the Abomination.

After all, he smelled a strong breath of death from this attack.

The black air entangled the broken lightning spear, slowing it down.

But even the broken spear that slowed down still exuded a terrifying breath of death.

Lucian had fully activated the power of the broken spear. After this last attack, this broken and powerful magic tool would be completely destroyed.

"Lucian has..." Seeing that there was no hope of survival, the Abomination opened his mouth and roared loudly, wanting to shout out Lucian's secret.

He would shed his blood on Lucian even if he died!

But at this moment, three flaming arrows shot from a distance, accurately hitting the open bloody mouth of the Abomination.

Boom boom boom - the continuous explosions drowned out the words of the Abomination, and the next moment, the huge "bulge" behind his head was pierced by the broken spear, and with it, the "active heart" inside his body that provided the vitality of the huge flesh.

The lightning broken spear was shattered, and with it, Noriaan's last ray of life was destroyed.

The soul flame in the eyes of the Abomination began to dissipate.

But Lucian turned his head and looked in the direction where the arrow came from.

"Teacher Lucian..." At this time, Carly was holding a bow and arrow, with a hint of worry and joy in her eyes.

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