Lucian blinked and looked at Carly, who was holding a bow and arrow, in a daze.

This is already far away from Ashbone Academy. Did Carly follow him all the way here?

This is too much nonsense. You must know that Carly is only a first-level wizard apprentice now. She barely has a fighting system of her own, and she is relatively top-notch among the new blood.

But with this level of combat power, let alone a third-level wizard apprentice, even a more powerful second-level wizard apprentice would only die of being crushed.

If on the way here, she encounters a third-level wizard apprentice who is out collecting materials or performing tasks, then Carly will have an accident if nothing else.

A series of thoughts flashed through Lucian's mind, and then he felt a little scared.

But now is not the time to think about these things. Carly is lucky this time, and her safety awareness can be educated after she goes back. But now, he needs to deal with this abomination that is fused with Norian.

Thinking of this, Lucian waved his hand and spent 15 points of reverence to appraise the abomination that fell to the ground.

[Item]: Stitch Beast·Abomination

[Positioning]: Monster·Suture type

[Status]: Extremely near death



Lucian glanced at the identification panel, but his pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

Extremely near death?

That means it still has breath!

So what is Noliaan waiting for now? Lucian's mind quickly ran through pieces of hateful information.

Lucian quickly backed away. At the same time, he looked at Carly, who was still running towards him innocently, and roared, "Back off!"

At the same time, while Lucian quickly retreated, he also threw an instant flame missile at the Abomination that was lying on the ground.

And just as Lucian retreated, the body of Abomination that was lying on the ground began to expand rapidly.

The body that had shrunk severely due to the "fat-burning" state was now filled with gas, causing its body to suddenly bulge into a big ball, and some stitches on the body were even leaking. There was a sound of cracking sutures.

Lucian's body was now covered with a layer of electric light. With the blessing of the electric light, his speed increased a bit.

At this time, Lucian came to Carly's side. He had no time to lead her out of the dangerous area, so he simply lay down. At the same time, an ice shield rose up, blocking Lucian and Carly behind them.

At this time, a trace of extremely dim soul flame jumped in the eyes of hatred that had expanded several times, as if there was a touch of regret.


At this time, the hatred that had expanded to the extreme had completely exploded, and the huge sound caused by the explosion resounded throughout the forest, startling countless birds.

The power of the explosion swept across, destroying everything within a radius of nearly ten meters. The shock wave caused by the explosion also carried a large number of debris, including gravel, broken wood, and broken flesh in the body of the abomination. The broken bone fragments were shot in all directions over a wider range and caused secondary damage.

Bang bang bang——

A series of sounds were heard, and shocking cracks appeared on the ice shield Lucian had just set up.

Bang - Finally, after resisting the last bone fragment, the ice shield had reached its limit of absorbing damage, and suddenly shattered into little ice crystals and dissipated.

Of course, it was enough at this time. After all, the intensive shooting just now only happened in a moment.

"Huh..." Lu Xian'an looked at the deep pit where Hatred fell to the ground with lingering fear, and let out a breath.

The power of Abomination's final self-destruction reached at least 1200P. Even in the space closest to him, the power may be even higher. I am afraid that when a formal wizard faces this move, he will suffer from its core power even if he wants to withstand it. Not a small pain.

"Well..." However, Lucian was not unscathed. In the aftermath of the explosion, his right arm was pierced by a bone fragment. At this time, a wound appeared, and even the surface of the wound showed an unnatural The gray color was obviously invaded by alien power, and it would take some time to peel it off after returning.

But now is not a good time to clean it. After all, the self-destruction just caused too much noise. I am afraid that other apprentices will be attracted to it before long.

Thinking of this, Lucian pulled out the bone spur in his right arm, then took out a perfect recovery potion from the space ring, and swallowed the beautiful emerald-colored potion in his mouth in a few mouthfuls.

Gudu... As the slightly bitter potion entered his stomach, Lucian could feel that some of the injuries he had suffered during the previous battle were beginning to recover quickly under the influence of the potion.

"Huh?" Lucian turned his head and looked at his right arm, only to find that a faint black energy was coming out of the wound on his arm. As the black energy was forcibly expelled from the body, Lucian The wound also changed from the original abnormal gray to a normal flesh color, and was quickly repaired under the influence of the medicine.

"I didn't expect that a perfect quality recovery potion could directly repair injuries caused by invasion by alien forces." Lucian's eyes lit up, and then he looked at Carly beside him. After confirming that Carly was not seriously injured, , Lucian quickly searched around.

"Let's go, I'll ask you again when we get back." Lucian glared at Carly, then swept his mental power around and picked up a severely deformed silver alchemical pendant.

Carly was hanging her head at this time, looking at the hunting bow in her hand with some disappointment.

The hunting bow had broken into two pieces. It was obviously damaged and could not be used.

"What's wrong?" Lucian was about to criticize Carly, but he saw Carly's slightly depressed expression at this time.

"My bow is broken..." Carly said weakly.

"Let's talk about it when we get back. I'll buy you a new one then." Lucian also saw the damaged hunting bow in Carly's hand and patted Carly on the shoulder.

Given that Carly just rushed over so rashly, it was the greatest luck that she was fine.

As for the broken bow? It's just a hunting bow, not even an alchemical item. As long as she is fine, everything else is a small problem.

"Yeah." Carly responded sullenly, but she didn't throw away the broken bow in her hand, but carefully put it away.

Lucian looked at Carly.

Carly stuck out her tongue a little embarrassedly, "This is my first bow..."

"I'll help you take a look when we get back to the academy, maybe there's really a way to help you fix it." Lucian thought about it and made a promise.

"Thank you, Mr. Lucian!" Carly's eyes lit up. In her opinion, as long as Lucian promised, then this matter would be fine.

[Your student Carly has respect for you, respect value +20]

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