This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 67: Troublemaker, Blood Curse

"Ahhh!" Amu hammered the ground twice, but he calmed down now. He gritted his teeth and continued to run away while holding Tao, who was already a little stiff.


"Adeline's friend ran away again... Hehehe..." The rag doll in Lilia's hand made a sound similar to that of a little girl.

However, with the performance of the rag doll named Adeline at this time, this kind of cute and lovely childish voice gave people a gloomy feeling.

"Cursed witchcraft..." Lucian was quietly observing Lilia's actions while hurrying on his way. In particular, he paid special attention to her witchcraft that was suspected to contain a powerful curse.

"Identification requires 50 points of reverence. Do you want to identify?" When Lucian used the system's identification function to scan the rag doll named Adeline, the highest identification fee Lucian had encountered in the identification module so far popped up.

Lucian couldn't help but choke slightly.

Normally, the reverence required to identify a zero-level witchcraft tool is about 10 to 30 points. However, this doll requires 50 points of reverence for identification, which means that compared with other zero-level wizard tools, it must have special or powerful features that other wizard tools do not have!

"Identification." The more this happened, the more Lucian wanted to know the ability of this wizard tool. He had a thought in his mind and wanted to identify it.

[I feel that the identification item is full of high-level mental force field. Forcible identification will arouse the other party's vigilance. Do you want to continue? ]

At this time, such a prompt popped up on the system panel, which made Lucian slightly stunned.

High-level mental force field? Formal wizard?

"Give up." Lucian looked at Lilia, who was leading the way at the front, and his heart was alert.

As far as he knew, there was no formal wizard with a close relationship behind Lilia. If there was, Lilia would not have been assigned to this task in the first place.

But now the wizard tool that Lilia took out contained a trace of mental power attached to a formal wizard, which contained a lot of information.

Surveillance? Supervision? Or is it the interference of other formal wizards?

First, he analyzed it in his mind, but on the surface, he remained calm. He even looked at Carly on the side, taking this opportunity to tell Carly some knowledge about the fairy tribe and teach her some small skills in combat.

"The forest elves are good at bows and arrows. They have a special ability, the mind's eye, which can lock opponents within a certain distance through the perception of the mind." Lucian looked at Carly.

"This is somewhat similar to your bow and arrow talent, but their mind's eye ability needs to be displayed at a relatively close distance. In this regard, Carly's talent is even stronger than the racial talent of the forest elves."

Carly was praised by Lucian, and her face became a little red.

"But when facing the forest elves, the best way is to prepare defensive witchcraft or witch tools. Because they lack other means of attack besides bows and arrows..."

As Lucian said, when he passed a bloody vine, he also cleaned the blood on the vine and put it into a test tube. "Carly, if you encounter blood again, collect some. It will be good for you to collect more strange research specimens."

Although this drop of half-elf blood has almost no value and it is impossible to extract the blood of the elves, it is a good specimen material as a carrier for studying half-elfs.


"They are chasing us again!"

"Impossible, uncle, we chose to stop them here because of your ability to see through the fog tide. They can't catch up!"

"Quick, put A Tao down. Quick!" The older half-forest spirit seemed to have thought of something and said to Amu.

Amu was stunned, but soon understood something. Although he was reluctant, he still followed his uncle's urging and put Qingmei, whose body was half-woody, down.

"Although she can't return to the tree grave to take root, she will be reborn in the forest..." The old half-forest elf reached out and stroked A Tao, who had become somewhat like the bark pattern at this time, and then pulled A Mu beside him and ran quickly forward.

"Adeline found a friend! Hehehe..." Not long after they left, a little girl cheered behind them.

"A Tao..." The half-forest elf named A Mu had his right hand nails embedded in the flesh at this time, and his eyes were even redder.

"Hurry up! If we are caught up, it will be difficult for us to run!"


"It is said that after the death of each forest elf, the body will become woody and eventually become an ordinary plant. I didn't expect this rumor to be true." Lilia looked at the forest elf body that looked like a humanoid plant at this time, with a touch of admiration in her eyes.

"This is my collection." Lilia glanced at Lucian beside her. In her opinion, she had successfully killed this half-forest spirit by using her magic tools, so she naturally had to take the lion's share of the spoils.

"Okay, but I want some blood for research." Lucian nodded slightly, but also put forward his own conditions.

"Here you go." Lilia waved her hand without saying much, and suddenly a large ball of blood floated out of thin air. Lucian quickly processed it with simple witchcraft and put it into two large test tubes.

[It costs 10 points of reverence to identify the blood of the half-forest spirit. Do you want to identify it? ]

"Identification." Lucian paid the reverence without hesitation, and after a brief pause, the system quickly gave a detailed identification report.

[Item]: Inferior Forest Spirit Blood

[Classification]: Bloodline·Mixed Blood·Fairy

[Introduction]: Ordinary blood obtained from half-forest spirits contains fairy blood. If purified using special methods, extremely rare fairy blood can be harvested.


1. Bloodline ratio [Human: Forest Spirit: Great Fairy: Moon Spirit: Other] = 32.1: 39.4: 17.9: 5.1: 5.5 (%)

2. The bloodline has a serious bloodline curse...


"So that's it." After checking the identification results, Lucian roughly understood why this group of half-fairies would make such an abnormal move.

In short, this is a group of half-fairies who have suffered a special curse.

Their people will inherit this special curse because of their bloodline from the moment they are born. This curse will grow with their growth and accompany them throughout their lives like a parasite.

And it is obvious that there may be a special place on the island of Cosai that can remove their curse - the fairy baptism pool!

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