This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 68 The Half-Fairy's Plan

"If I have a serious blood curse like these half-elves, I'm afraid I will be like them. I won't give up as long as I see a glimmer of hope to break the curse, right?" Lucian looked at the detailed records on the system. After appraising the information, I became even more wary of those half-goblins.

Because for them, the things on Kosai Island are related to their life and death, so in the final fight, they will fight even if they pay an extremely heavy price!

"Lucian, I think we should leave the area where the fog tide is as soon as possible." Lilia walked over at this time and looked at Lucian with a serious expression.

"I'm a little worried that the two escaped forest elves will tell their companions about our whereabouts. Later, forest elves at the level of third-level wizard apprentices may come to surround us. In this foggy environment, we are very vulnerable. Suffer."

"No problem. The detection witchcraft I have can barely be used in this environment. Let me do the detection." Lucian nodded, and then used the witchcraft [Repelling Insects] to spawn a small group again. Special mosquitoes. The swarm dispersed and began to provide Lucian with a forward view.

Although this detection method is simple and crude, at least Lucian and others will not be lost in this white world.

However, small troubles still appear from time to time.

"Ah——" One of the attendants screamed. At this time, his right foot had sunk deeply into the ground, and he had obviously stepped on some sinister trap that had been laid out in advance.

There was also a long and sharp wooden thorn in the trap. At this time, the sharp wooden thorn had completely penetrated his right foot.

This terrible penetrating injury is actually not fatal. After all, there are many wizard apprentices in the team, and any zero-level healing witchcraft can heal the injury to a certain extent.

The most deadly thing was the toxin attached to the wooden thorns. This poison invaded very quickly. At this time, the face of the follower had turned a purple color, and it was obvious that there was more air coming out and less air coming in.

"Damn it." Lilia cursed, but still looked at the other followers and students who were a little trembling. "You all pay attention to me. Form a team of two or three people and use it to detect witchcraft. Don't cause unnecessary casualties because of such small traps."

"Yes..." Several students responded, and the team set off again.

On the other side, in a dark underground building.

The half-elf Amu was kneeling in front of a throne, his eyes filled with tears.

"Amu, my child." A low sigh came from the throne.

"Mother!" Amu pressed her body lower, her voice trembling and sobbing.

"Lin." The half-elf leader on the throne no longer cared about his child lying on the ground, but looked at the older half-elf standing respectfully aside.

"Ma'am." Lin saluted respectfully. Although he was Amu's biological uncle and was somewhat related by marriage to the leader, at this time he still showed the humility that a subordinate should have.

"Tell me about the strength of those wizards." The voice on the throne was calm and condescending.

"Madam, at the beginning, I led the two children to test the strength of the group of wizards according to your instructions. Their strength was similar to what we expected. The female wizard apprentice who led the team was a relatively powerful third-level wizard apprentice. ." Lin bowed respectfully.

"After we killed two weak members on the opposite side, Tao was injured due to the counterattack of the female wizard apprentice. However, the injury was not fatal. We also returned with Tao. If everything goes well, the child Xiaotao should also Not to death."

"However, that group of wizards seemed to have mastered some kind of weird curse method. They killed Xiao Tao directly from an extremely long distance, and they were also able to track Xiao Tao's location. As a last resort, I could only Xiaotao’s body…”

"Yes." The leader on the throne nodded slightly, and then she looked to the other side, where a somewhat embarrassed half-elf was also crawling. However, compared to Lin and Amu, who had outstanding elf characteristics in appearance, he He looks like an ordinary human being. Only if you look closely can you find that he has two inconspicuous secondary ears on his back ears.

"Madam." This half-elf, who exuded the aura of a third-level wizard apprentice, saluted respectfully.

"Wu Wu, what's the situation over there?"

"The situation on my side is similar to that on Lin's side. The team I encountered was also led by a powerful third-level wizard apprentice. His normal strength should be comparable to mine. It's just that after I showed a certain strength, he That is to suddenly take out a special witchcraft tool, and suddenly be able to perform an attack close to the level of a formal wizard..."

The leader listened silently, while her long, white right hand tapped the armrest rhythmically.

It was obvious that she was thinking about the two wizard teams at this time.

"Qi, how is the deciphering of the ruins going?" The leader turned his head and looked at an old half-elf.

The skin of this half-goblin has been partially rotten, as if he has some kind of skin ringworm. He cannot see the beauty of a half-goblin, but he looks rather shocking.

"Madam, the deciphering has basically been completed." The old half-elf spoke a little weakly. However, if one really counts his age, he can only be considered to be in the prime of life for a half-elf.

However, because of the curse she suffered for many years, she has now reached the twilight of her life. Moreover, she has suffered from the blood curse, and her whole body exudes a kind of death.

"Then... can we go in?" The other half-fairies all showed a glimmer of hope in their eyes, and even Amu, who was crawling on the ground, had a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

Lifting the curse is the most anticipated thing for this group of half-fairies since they touched the taboo things that they should not touch and were cursed.

"I'm afraid it won't work." Qi couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"What's going on?!!" When the leader seemed relatively calm when listening to the report, her voice did become a little cold at this time, and she also exuded a breath of pressure that could surpass most third-level wizard apprentices.

She is an absolute genius and an absolute strongman in this group. If it weren't for the blood curse, she would have been promoted to the official wizard level with her own strength.

But now because of the curse, she is not only stuck at the last step and unable to complete the promotion, but also has to suffer the torture of the blood curse day and night.

At this time, the leader's greatest hope is to be able to enter the legendary fairy baptism pool. But now she has received a message that she cannot accept.

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