"Madam... the entrance to the ruins needs the blood of a high-level fairy as a traction, and I have tried the blood of any race of our people, but the ruins rejected them all because of the curse contained in the blood..."

Silence, quiet.

At this time in this underground hall, all the half-fairies had a look of despair on their faces.

Blood curse, a special method arranged by the fairy tribe in ancient times to punish some unfaithful relatives. And these guys who were cursed by blood were equivalent to criminals or descendants of guilty people in the eyes of the fairy tribe.

It is reasonable that their blood and identity certificates cannot open the ruins.

But such a result made them feel a strong sense of gap in their hearts.

Obviously everything is ready, and they have also found the fairy ruins they dreamed of on Kosai Island. But they are stuck at the last step and cannot achieve the dream pursued by generations of the tribe.

Now where can they find the high-level fairy blood without blood curse?

After all the fairies were silent, they looked at the leader sitting on the throne.

"Is there no other way?" After a moment of silence, the leader looked at Qi. Then his voice became a little low. "Let's make preparations for both situations. Please look over there to see if there are other alternatives. If not, then we will finally try to enter by force."

"As for the others, take the blood needle and look for them!" The leader's voice was cold, "We only need a little blood as a primer, so it is not necessary to extract it from half-fairies. Some humans actually have a thin fairy bloodline in their blood, but their bloodline is latent and has not been stimulated."

"We only need to find humans who meet the conditions and extract their blood as a key, which can also open the ruins..."

After the leader finished talking about the specific plan, his eyes swept to the half-fairies around him. "This is the closest we have ever been to success, and perhaps our last chance to be redeemed. We have no way out. So we must succeed! And we will definitely succeed!"


After two or three days of arduous journey, Lucian and his companions finally left the mountainous area covered by the Northern Mist Dynasty and came to a small human town near the port to rest for a while.

"The blood of the elves is really magical." Inside the hotel room, Lucian was holding an experimental instrument similar to a microscope, observing the blood collected from the half-elf Tao.

At this time, he did not separate and purify the blood, but directly observed it microscopically through a microscope.

And under Lucian's observation, he found that there were actually many natural runes in these special bloods. Of course, some of these runes are scattered and unsystematic, and some are combined with each other to form a natural witchcraft model.

Obviously, this is the blood power of the elves.

As long as the elves can discover and control those complete witchcraft models, they can instantly stimulate and form witchcraft when necessary.

"Interesting, interesting." Lucian took out the straw paper and began to record these fragmentary or complete witchcraft runes and models.

Then he began to separate the blood according to the steps given in the identification plan.

"There is a special blood curse in the blood, so I can only purify one of the bloods at most..." Lucian thought for a moment, and finally decided to extract the most precious moon fairy blood.

Moon fairy is a very rare and powerful high-level fairy, similar to the big fairy. As the moon fairy grows up, it can naturally enter the level of formal wizards, but in terms of bloodline level, the moon fairy is actually one level higher than the big fairy.

The blood witchcraft contained in this high-level blood will definitely be richer and more advanced than those low-level bloods, and it is considered the most precious blood carrier.

"Let's get started." Lucian first meditated for a while, and then began to carefully use his mental power as the most delicate scalpel, referring to the method in the identification results, and began to carefully separate the fairy blood.

Unlike human blood, after preliminary purification, the goblin blood presents a light purple color. It does not smell like normal blood, but rather has a fragrance similar to plants.

But this is also normal. After all, goblin blood itself is a precious raw material for medicines, which can be used to prepare a variety of different medicines, even some advanced medicines.

"Unfortunately, the curse entrenched in the goblin blood has not been separated. If used or fused, the goblin blood extracted now will also be affected by the curse." Lucian looked at the lavender blood in the test tube, shook his head slightly, and began further detailed separation.

"Unfortunately, the blood of the half-goblin is still too mixed. With so much blood, the moon goblin blood extracted in the end only has so little left." When it was almost dawn, Lucian stretched lazily and put a moon goblin blood crystal into a small test tube.

This blood crystal is only the size of an almond, but it is all the moon goblin blood that Lucian can extract.

Such a small amount of blood crystals would definitely not be enough for blood transplantation. However, if it was simply used as a research carrier, it would be a very good specimen.

Because just now, Lucian only took a preliminary look and found that it contained some very profound and complex high-level witchcraft models, which were obviously models that only formal wizards could master. Only when he was promoted to a formal wizard, he could gradually conduct research, and perhaps there would be a very good unexpected harvest.

"If possible, I can trade with Lilia again, and can I buy some more fairy blood from her..." Lucian thought, but he was not very urgent. After all, for him, this was just an ordinary research material.

And just when Lucian was a little happy because he had obtained a good collection. In the next room. Carly sat up a little depressed, and the whole person seemed a little listless.

"Woo..." Carly covered her little head and opened her eyes in confusion.

These few nights, every time she entered a meditative state, she could always feel someone saying something in her ear. It was hazy and not very real, but it was real and interfered with her meditation.

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