This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 97 Baptism, Adeline's entanglement

"Hehe, are you willing to fix Adeline's favorite doll?"

In a daze, Adeline's aggrieved little face seemed to appear in front of Lucian.

She stood in front of Lucian and raised the doll in her hand, "Lilia said she was in pain..."

"Get out of here!" Lucian's consciousness roared, and then Adeline's figure seemed to disappear all of a sudden. And he quickly opened his eyes.

It was quiet all around, and Adeline didn't seem to plan to show up, but hid in some corner.

The statue of Tuso, the Moon Wolf, stood quietly beside him, as if the strange space he had just fallen into and the experience in the space were just his imagination.

But the pain in the spiritual sea was very real, and even when Lucian slowly stood up, he still felt that his body was shaking uncontrollably.

"Hmm." Lucian covered his head with his hands slightly. When he looked around, he found that everyone else was also lying on the ground. In fact, he was the first one to wake up.

"Oh, right... the ritual and the badge." Lucian thought of something. He hurriedly looked at his space ring, but found that all the badges inside had disappeared.

Lucian staggered forward a few steps, but he felt like he was stepping on cotton. He was weak.

He had no choice but to sit down again. After a long while, Lucian slowly came back to his senses. Although his spiritual sea still felt a little shaken, he finally didn't feel the dazed and confused feeling just now.

It was only when Lucian got out of the chaotic state just now that he noticed that the surrounding environment had changed.

Except that the ground under his feet was still the original ground, they must have left the blooming flower of judgment and came to an island above the clouds.

The ground beneath their feet seemed to act as an "elevator". When their mental power was pulled into the mysterious space by the statue of Tuso, the Moon Wolf, they were pushed up from the ground to the sky island where they were now.

"Being able to merge illusion and reality, without even noticing the slightest flaw, I'm afraid that ancient fairy's research on witchcraft and illusion has reached an incredible level. I really want to see with my own eyes the ancient fairy who designed this relic."

Lucian looked down at the Judgment Flower, which had become a tiny dot, with amazement in his eyes.

While Lucian was looking at the sky island below, other wizard apprentices and half-goblins also woke up one after another.

However, their mental power was much weaker than Lucian's, so although they were conscious at this time, their bodies were still in a state of paralysis. Their mental power and will were shaken, and they couldn't even control themselves to get up.

The only one who was in a relatively good state was Carly.

However, she relied on the two purple leaf talismans that merged into her palms. Under the protection of the purple halo released by these two talismans, Kali's spiritual sea was much less affected than others.

Not long after, she stood up a little shakily, and then saw Lucian standing on the edge of the platform and looking down.

"Teacher Lucian." Kali called softly.

Lucian turned his head and looked at Kali, but his attention was more focused on the faint purple halo wrapped around Kali.

"Let's go and accept the biggest gift inside this relic." Lucian looked at Kali, patted the latter's shoulder gently, and then pointed to the relatively intact ancient building on the sky island.

In front of this building, there is also a giant dragon statue emitting the same material as the Moon Wolf statue.

If Lucian guessed correctly, the building behind this statue should be the so-called "Mira's Blessing", representing the fairy baptism pool of baptism and rebirth.

Click, click, click...

After using the silver token as a "key" to open the building that had been sealed for who knows how many years, the furnishings inside it also appeared in front of Lucian.

However, what surprised Lucian was that the interior of this building was more like an enlarged version of a study room.

"Many books are basically about the development and research of the bloodline of the fairy clan." Lucian looked at these special books woven with special leaves or plant fibers and carefully flipped through several of them.

These books have decayed to varying degrees over a long period of time. Some books with poor materials have completely turned to powder. A slight poke will reveal a large piece of dust.

On the table in the center of the study, there is also a set of simple and exquisite experimental utensils. It seems that the original owner of the room would also conduct experiments and research here. Even some traces of drafts similar to temporary writing and seal carving can be seen on the table.

However, these were not what Lucian was looking for and expecting. What he wanted to find was the core control center of the secret realm or the fairy reincarnation pool that Bennett and his friends had been thinking about. However, these two things were not found inside this building, which made Lucian a little disappointed.

Until Lucian looked at Carly, he found that the latter was attracted by a decorative oil painting at this time, staring at the moon fairy holding a graceful long sword in the painting.

Lucian's heart moved, but he directly grabbed Carly's wrist, and then gently placed her hand emitting a purple halo on the oil painting.

The halo on Carly's wrist became brighter, and the next moment, a gentle suction pulled Carly and Lucian into another space.

This is a beautiful forest, and in the center of the forest clearing, there is a spring with a little silver light.

Below the spring, the spring water gathered into a small pond, and on the edge of the pond, there were many ancient fairy-style patterns engraved. If you look closely, you can find that these patterns are connected to each other and combined into a special witch formation, and in the center of the pond, there is an ancient crystal coffin half floating out of the water.

Around the pond, there are actually a few beauty shells living. They are gathering at the edge of the pond at this time, unfolding their shells to reveal the soft curves inside, as if they are bathing in the sunlight filtered by the forest.

Seeing Lucian and Carly, the two strangers, the beauties did not run away. Instead, they looked at them with curiosity. They did not jump into the pond until Lucian and his friends got very close.

Buzz - the purple halo emitted from Carly's palms was connected to the magic array arranged inside the pond, which gradually showed signs of revival.

"It seems... this is the fairy baptism pool." Lucian looked at the small pond, then looked at Carly beside him and rubbed her head.

"Go." Lucian's face was encouraging.

Carly felt the strong call in her body and took two steps forward, but soon stopped and trotted back. She hugged Lucian a little hard, and then turned back quickly as if she was afraid that Lucian would be angry, and jumped into the pool with a splash.

"Fool, I told you to lie in the crystal coffin, not to swim in the pool." Lucian looked at Carly, who had waited for a while and had a confused look in her eyes. He picked up a small stone and threw it into the water with a bit of amusement, and the splashing water just happened to affect Carly.

Carly then got into the crystal coffin as if she had just woken up from a dream. Then the witch formation seemed to be completely activated, and the crystal coffin gradually closed and slowly sank to the bottom of the pond.

Carly, who was lying in the crystal coffin, raised her head slightly to look at Lucian at first, but soon under the effect of witchcraft, Carly's consciousness also fell into a deep sleep.

"I guess, when I see Carly next time, she will have transformed into a real fairy, and can be promoted to a moon spirit at the level of a formal wizard naturally with the continuous transformation of her bloodline." Lucian's eyes were also slightly dazed, thinking of Carly's cautious look when he first saw her.

However, when he looked down at the crystal coffin that had sunk to the bottom of the water, he found that his reflection in the water had disappeared, and instead, there was an Adeline holding a broken rag doll. The latter was holding the Lilia doll with a broken arm, as if asking for help from Lucian, and as if silently accusing Lucian.

"Are you Adeline's friend? Can you help Adeline?" Adeline's voice was still so crisp and pleasant in the water, and even a little pitiful.

Lucian picked up a stone expressionlessly and smashed it into the water.

The stone made the water surface vibrate, and the circles of ripples directly destroyed the calmness of the water surface, causing Adeline's medium to be damaged. Soon, Adeline's figure on the water surface disappeared, and Lucian's own reflection was revealed.

"It's really troublesome. It seems that I have to find a way to get rid of this little thing after returning to the academy." Lucian frowned. It was obvious that the nightmare creature named Adeline had completely set its sights on him. With the innate paranoid character of nightmare creatures, it was afraid that it would continue to entangle with him before it could get rid of him.

Now this little guy was only entangled with him through dreams, water, mirrors and other media, but as it grows, it will inevitably do some more outrageous things, and he also needs to be prepared.

However, how to deal with the hidden danger of Adeline is a matter after returning to the academy, and now...

Lucian shifted his attention to the beauty clams that were carefully observing him through the water, and a harmless smile appeared on his face.

The time waiting for Carly to complete the baptism seemed to be very suitable for preparing potions and improving his mental strength. And now, these thoughtful raw materials seemed to remind Lucian that they were ready.

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